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04-18-2020, 01:23 PM
So this was solely setup as a right wing conservative event again. Soon it will be labeled just like Charlotte, you watch!

They did so because of a FEMALE governor, in other words a sexist protest. Note the mention of the confederate flags! How many did YOU see? I saw like 3 out of 10,000+ vehicles.

They were all Fox news watchers poisoned by propaganda.

It was bigger than other protests due to, there you go, sexism!

Somehow the Trump Propaganda Machine setup this protest event, because things were his fault, and this way he can blame the governor?

And of course it all boils down to the "orange menace" in the White House.

You can always count on the left wing nuttery on the internet to cheer you up!! Thanks, Salon idiots!


Michigan manbaby protest: Wait, we thought conservatives were "rugged individuals"

Who'd a thunk it? Right-wingers are a bunch of spoiled brats who start whining over the slightest inconvenience

On Wednesday, a crowd of right-wing nuts — complete with their oversized but underworked utility vehicles, Confederate flags, guns and other such overcompensation accoutrements — descended on the State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, to whine about the temporary pause to dinners at Applebee's and accidental brushfires at gender-reveal parties. The deep fear of emasculation driving the protest was not particularly subtle at this protest, as the crowd chanted "Lock her up" at Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat who is accused of no other crime other than making deeply insecure men fuss about a woman in power.

The ostensible purpose of the protests was to pressure Whitmer to relax some of the restrictions on businesses and movement under the coronavirus lockdown. In reality, of course, this is happening because a bunch of Fox News-loving Trump supporters have been poisoned by propaganda that has convinced them the coronavirus is overblown or a hoax, all being spread by the libs to destroy Trump's chances at re-election.

Well, that, and the fact that they're a bunch of sexists who hate having a female governor, which goes a long way toward explaining why the Michigan protest was bigger than others in Ohio or North Carolina, whose governors are male.

The immense Trump propaganda infrastructure is marshaling these folks for one simple reason: This crisis is Trump's fault, and he desperately needs someone to blame for his failures, which have led to the spread of the virus and the collapse of the economy. So these numbskulls are being organized to protest the governors who are trying to clean up Trump's mess, which is a little like protesting the doctors who are treating patients who got sick because Trump refused to do anything serious to limit the spread of the virus.

Oh wait — they did that, too, by blocking ambulances trying to take patients to the hospital.

The protest is incoherent. Everyone wants to reopen the economy, but the main reason we can't is because Trump, in his incompetence and malice, has persistently refused to take steps to institute the widespread testing that's necessary before lockdowns can be eased. If these conservatives want the economy to restart, they should stay home, stop watching Fox News and give money to any Democrats running for anything, because the only way this country can survive this is with competent leadership that's willing to do what needs doing.

That incoherence goes even deeper than the immediate idiocy of blaming the people who are trying to fix the problem instead of the orange menace in the White House who caused it. These protests also lay bare the larger incoherence of the right-wing mythology that conservatives are rugged individualists who are tougher and better prepared than those supposedly soft, effete liberals in the big cities.

Right-wingers love to talk a big game about how tough they are, compared to the avocado-toast-eating class, but what Wednesday's protest revealed was a bunch of spoiled brats ready to fall apart in the face of even the slightest inconvenience.

Rosanne Ponkowski, one of the protest's organizers, complained to the Daily Beast, "We can't take our boats on the water if they have an engine" and added, "We can't buy paint and go paint our house."

Other massive infringements on liberty: The inability to buy patio furniture, Legos or bug spray. It's not easy to hire somebody to mow the lawn. You literally can't make this stuff up.

What is immediately clear is that these "rugged individuals" fall apart completely at the first sign of even the slightest hardship. For all the History Channel documentaries about World War II they might consume, they aren't exactly the hard-bitten warriors they dream themselves to be. Instead, they're a bunch of whiny babies who have spent their entire lives in the consumer bubble, and react to the prospect of giving up fishing for a few months as if their legs were being forcibly amputated.

Turns out that these individuals are, in fact, highly dependent on the communities they live in, so much so that a few weeks of needing to curtail shopping and socializing has led to a total meltdown.

The obvious truth here is that times are hard on everyone. That's especially true for the 22 million Americans who've filed for unemployment, the more than 600,000 who are sick, and the families of the nearly 30,000 people who have died from this virus. But there's plenty of room to feel compassion for the rest of us who are going stir-crazy, who are fighting with family members or who are suffering from social isolation.

Hell, there's nothing wrong with being grumpy that you can't get your garden planted in time this year or that you can't go fishing. People deserve pleasure, especially during a crisis when the small things are often what keep us going. State governments should certainly strive to write quarantine regulations that strike a balance between public heath needs and ordinary people's desire to find joy in their daily lives.

But it's really rich for the self-proclaimed "rugged individuals" of America to be such big, whiny babies in the face of this.

We're forever hearing from right wingers how the rest of us need to toughen up a little. People on food stamps just need to "get a job," even though most food assistance recipients already have one. If millennials can't afford to buy houses, it's because they're over-indulged hipsters who eat too much avocado toast. (Reality: They're trapped by soaring housing costs and saddled with too much student debt.) A woman who doesn't want to be forced into childbirth should have just kept her legs shut.

Rest - https://www.salon.com/2020/04/16/michigan-manbaby-protest-wait-we-thought-conservatives-were-rugged-individuals/

04-18-2020, 01:51 PM
Actions speak louder than words. SO why again is this a "right wing, conservative" protest? Because someone either claims to be right wing or someone else has labeled them such? I quit arguing this long ago because it is an inconvenient truth mostly ignored or twisted, but when you act like a leftwingnut, look like a leftwingnut and smell like a leftwingnut, you are NOT a "right wingnut" just because you claim to be.

The American-English dictionary has become the playground for dishonesty so much so that it's hard to know what is what anymore. NAZIs are rightwingers even though they are socialists. The Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians and Baptists. The loony left are all "liberals" when they are anything but liberal.

Basically, if you are an idiot with power of voice that reaches millions, what you say is true for those that want to believe the tripe no matter how ridiculous. Such as this article.

04-18-2020, 02:25 PM
Actions speak louder than words. SO why again is this a "right wing, conservative" protest? Because someone either claims to be right wing or someone else has labeled them such? I quit arguing this long ago because it is an inconvenient truth mostly ignored or twisted, but when you act like a leftwingnut, look like a leftwingnut and smell like a leftwingnut, you are NOT a "right wingnut" just because you claim to be.

The American-English dictionary has become the playground for dishonesty so much so that it's hard to know what is what anymore. NAZIs are rightwingers even though they are socialists. The Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians and Baptists. The loony left are all "liberals" when they are anything but liberal.

Basically, if you are an idiot with power of voice that reaches millions, what you say is true for those that want to believe the tripe no matter how ridiculous. Such as this article.

I think the earlier thread I started on how NBC titled the protest 'like the tea parties' said it all.

04-19-2020, 12:40 AM
Actions speak louder than words. SO why again is this a "right wing, conservative" protest?

Because no one in their right mind could ever imagine "left-wing, liberals" protesting out in the snow for the right to go back to work. Simple.