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View Full Version : ‘One World’ Benefit Concert for the W.H.O. Sparks Outrage: ‘Commie Propaganda'

04-19-2020, 12:55 PM
So first off - raising this level of money, to help people, is admirable. There is like $73 million dollars going to Americans who are out there helping. I don't know how they figure out who gets what, but an admirable thing to do!

But this is mainly about the WHO to them, and they are giving them $55 million because Trump thinks their "mistakes" cost lives and yanked their funding from the USA.

The WHO and it's leader are those who started the nuttiness we are still witnessing, because of the 3.4% mortality rate prediction model they released. The left and the MSM don't mind this "mistake" much. Nor other mistakes and covering for China. Hell, for that fact, they don't much mind China's lies.

So when they released the 3.4% figured, Trump doubted it and was condemned for that too. Numbers are turning out to be not even in the same universe as the 3.4, Then we find out the amount of lies from China and the level of them, and how WHO covered much for them.

So these celebs feel so sorry for the group that got so much wrong and covered for China. So let's talk smack about how things were done here and play music to raise for others? Their choice, and their choice to determine where it goes. I don't get these folks, but I guess I don't have to. I'll just look at the $73 and applaud them for that and call it a day.


Star-Studded ‘One World’ Benefit Concert for the W.H.O. Sparks Outrage: ‘Commie Propaganda'

Critics of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) expressed anger over Saturday’s star-studded “One World” benefit concert held to raise funds for the U.N. body after President Donald Trump pulled funding for the organization over its connections to the Chinese communist regime.

The “One World” concert, led by the W.H.O. and non-profit group Global Citizen, was broadcast across multiple television channels in the U.S. and around the world on Saturday, with the aim of raising money for the W.H.O.’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

The line-up of stars for the event included Taylor Swift, Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lopez, Elton John, and Lady Gaga, who even described W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom as a “superstar.”

The concert also attracted contributions from political figures such as former first ladies Michelle Obama and Laura Bush, as well as celebrity supporters of the cause including former soccer star David Beckham and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

However, many people were left unimpressed by the event, denouncing the organization’s handling of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and describing it as a form of globalist propaganda.

“If I could give No stars I would,” one Amazon reviewer wrote. “WHO lied! People died!! Let’s not forgot this!!! While we’re home given up our freedom and most of us without jobs these CELEBRITIES ask us to help raise money for the WHO?! Forget it!”

“Yes, we need useless celebrities preaching to us how this isn’t China’s fault and how we should just all live as one nation,” added another.

Skeptics also lashed out on Twitter against W.H.O. chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom, a former official in Ethiopia’s Marxist Tigray People’s Liberation Front, who has been the subject of widespread criticism for his attempts to downplay China’s role in the outbreak.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/04/19/star-studded-one-world-benefit-concert-for-the-w-h-o-sparks-outrage-commie-propaganda/

Lady Gaga Gushes over ‘Superstar’ W.H.O. Chief as Trump Pauses Agency Funds

Lady Gaga applauded Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the embattled director general for the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), calling him a “superstar” barely 48-hours after President Donald Trump announced the U.S. will pause funding of the U.N. body over its handling of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“Dr. Tedros, you’re truly a superstar,” Gaga said during the W.H.O.’s daily briefing while promoting the virtual benefit concert “One World: Together at Home” for which she partnered with the W.H.O. and Global Citizen. “Thank you so much to the media for telling the stories of all of these medical professionals and getting the word out about how underresourced their systems are.”

The Grammy-winner’s praise is just a continuation of a very public display similar to last month, when Tedros was effusive in his unrestrained regard for the 33-year-old singer and her offers of strategic assistance to the globalist organization, as Breitbart News reported.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/04/19/lady-gaga-gushes-over-superstar-w-h-o-chief-as-trump-pauses-agency-funds/

Lady Gaga, Beyoncé Lead Celebrities in Coronavirus Concert Raising $55M for the W.H.O

The World Health Organization is currently reeling from President Donald Trump’s decision to halt funding due to the group’s alleged mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic and its repeated deference to China’s Communist leaders who have covered up the extent of the outbreak.

On Saturday, the United Nations agency sought to put its troubles out of sight and out of mind as it enlisted Lady Gaga and Beyoncé to lead an all-star virtual concert that helped raise more than $128 million, according to a release from organizers. Of the money raised, $55.1 million will go toward the WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, while $72.8 million is earmarked for local and regional responders.

“One World: Together At Home” featured appearances by Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, Paul McCartney, Elton John, John Legend, and many other pop stars who performed remotely from their own studios. The concert was intended to recognize first responders, healthcare workers, and other service employees who continue to work through the pandemic. The WHO co-organized the televised event, along with the non-profit advocacy group Global Citizen.

Lady Gaga curated the virtual concert and got things started with a performance of Nat King Cole’s rendition of “Smile,” telling viewers to find a way to smile through the trauma of the pandemic. Last week, the mega pop star had nothing but praise for WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, calling him a “superstar” during a promotional appearance for the concert.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/04/19/lady-gaga-beyonce-lead-celebrities-in-coronavirus-concert-raising-55m-for-the-w-h-o/