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View Full Version : Dan Crenshaw rips apart Bill Maher

04-19-2020, 01:45 PM
The left has this desire to condemn Trump at all costs. Truth doesn't matter, nor does context as Crenshaw shows. It's what I have been pointing out here. Evolving information and responding as things evolve, and they want to look back at things and condemn, and conveniently leave out context and facts.

Maher wants to condemn, looks back and does so. But here is someone in congress putting things into context as he goes along and fails. He points out why things were done. What was done when folks claimed otherwise. Points out the hypocrisy along the way. And ends with how leaders and how they were taught to lead in the navy seals, by leading with confidence.

Good video, 6+ minutes.


Leftie Bill Maher Gets DESTROYED by Dan Crenshaw — Poor Maher Needed Studio Audience to Bail Him Out — Instead, Only Silence


Bill Maher may want to suspend his show for a couple months and blame the coronavirus.
If he’s lucky maybe Pelosi will get back to Washington and pass more funding for suffering business owners.

On Friday Bill Maher invited Dan Crenshaw on his show. The two discussed the coronavirus pandemic.
And Bill Maher got WRECKED!

It wasn’t even a contest.
It was like watching WWE. The far left darling got body-slammed every time he tried to get up off the mat.

Maher tried to lay the blame of the coronavirus outbreak in the US at the feet of President Donald Trump.
Crenshaw wouldn’t have it and continued to hurl fact after fact at Maher.
It wasn’t even a close brawl. Maher got destroyed.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/brutal-leftie-bill-maher-gets-destroyed-dan-crenshaw-poor-maher-needed-studio-audience-bail-instead-silence-video/

04-20-2020, 02:04 AM
I really like Crenshaw.

Calm breeds calm. And, in avery calm manner he doesn't let Maher get away with his bullshit.