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View Full Version : Congress not meeting until Wednesday

04-20-2020, 10:37 AM
I know a real easy fix for this. When congress is needed and not there - they don't get paid, plain and simple. And make it a law somehow and I couldn't care less if it applies to both sides of course and carries through to the future. Crap like this is why they have cushy jobs and no reason to come back when it's an emergency.

IMO - once the funding ran out, and they knew businesses must remain closed still, they should have convened once again and did what was necessary to help Americans.


Pelosi Continues to Take a Paycheck As She Denies Funding to US Small Businesses During Crisis — WILL NOT MEET UNTIL WEDNESDAY!

What a horrible, rotten person.

Nancy Pelosi continues do deny more assistance to small business owners.

On Thursday the PPP Loan program ran out of money. Already $349 billion was handed out to struggling businesses.

80% of restaurants say they may never reopen and are struggling to pay their bills.

Four out of five restaurants fear they may never reopen!

At least 20,000 business applications went unprocessed on Thursday and Friday.


But so far Nancy Pelosi refuses to act.
All she needs to do is approve more funding for the program.
Nancy Pelosi is still getting a government check during the lockdown as are many government employees.

11 million Americans in the restaurant business are waiting for Pelosi to act as she sits at home with her basket of chocolates!

UPDATE– Democrats will not meet until WEDNESDAY!
