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View Full Version : No more need for $$$ money, the world will run on "FREE"

04-20-2020, 12:17 PM
That's how it should be if it were up to the cheater, Omar. And of course on the same team, and much worse, is Cortez. People are in need out there. Long before this pandemic they needed this, and they of course have been calling for this long before. Rashida Tlaib of and Ayanna Pressley are on board of course, as well, it needs to be that way.

But student loans? The money given to schools for the student to receive an education.. Then the school, it's facilities, electric, water... books, the best of teachers and all the endless costs that come with maintaining a large sized college campus. That needs to be free. C'mon, we're Americans, a simple education from the best professors out there should be free. And anything prior to this, any standing student loans, all need to be canceled.

Someone spends a decent chunk of dough on buying a piece of land. They work with a developer and a builder and have a home built. A lot of workers and a lot of extras go into building a home, with permits and utilities and all that is needed for a quality home. It's not cheap, and fluctuates depending on where this property is, and the cost of labor and parts for that area. When all is said and done, a price tag must be paid. And usually when done, it's done so for sale, and now a new home buyer will get a mortgage to enjoy this beautiful new home. -- But the poor bankers and folks holding the mortgages. They will now be screwed as, well others have bad times too, and Omar thinks all should be free in the mortgage world. Oh, and did I mention people simply renting as well? No point renting when it can be free! And all this certainly not based on who makes how much of money, everyone gets it!!

But don't worry, don't fret, as there will be a "fund" for the landlords to cover losses. And don't worry, according to AOC they can just open new banks, print more money!

This is just the latest in their desire to just print out more money as they cancel debt and make things free.


Rep. Omar Proposes Bill to Cancel Mortgage, Rent Payments

Some lawmakers want to cancel rent and mortgage payments for all Americans during the coronavirus pandemic.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., introduced legislation Friday that would cancel rent and mortgage payments for all residents regardless of income or employment status. It also would create a fund for landlords and mortgage holders to cover losses from the canceled payments, Fox News reports.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act received support from Democrat Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

“The coronavirus crisis is more than just a public health crisis — it’s an economic crisis. Minnesotans are losing jobs, getting their hours reduced and struggling just to put food on the table,” Omar said in a statement. “We must take major action to protect the health and economic security of the most vulnerable, including the millions of Americans currently at risk of housing instability and homelessness.”

The bill would be a full payment forgiveness plan, with no accumulation of debt for renters or homeowners and no negative impact on their credit ratings or rental histories, Omar said.

It also would create an optional fund to finance the purchase of private rental properties by non-profits, public housing authorities, cooperatives, community land trusts and states or local governments in order to make affordable housing available.

“Congress has a responsibility to step in to stabilize both local communities and the housing market during this time of uncertainty and crisis,” she said. “In 2008, we bailed out Wall Street. This time, it’s time to bail out the American people who are suffering.”


04-20-2020, 12:59 PM
Cancel my mortgage payment? Ummm... NO. I don't want to get two or three months behind and then have to play catch up paying a shit load of money.

Even if this nonsense were to pass, I don't see the president signing it, and I wouldn't go for it anyway. I'm paying my mortgage regardless.