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View Full Version : New deal potentially reached?

04-21-2020, 12:59 PM
I guess this is one and the same and they're about to come to a new package?


Lawmakers Agree on $470B 'Phase 3.5' Coronavirus Deal

White House and Senate officials are closing in on a new coronavirus stimulus bill known as "phase 3.5" worth $470 billion, according to Fox News.

The bill will have a $310 billion set aside for Paycheck Protection Program, which gives grants to small businesses that can't pay their workforces.

“We won’t know if we are able to clear it by unanimous consent until we have a product," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News during an interview. "The talks are continuing. ... And we're getting closer, and hopefully we'll have an agreement of some kind later today.”

Last Thursday, the $350 billion set aside for small businesses from the last stimulus bill ran out.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/coronavirus-stimulus-congress/2020/04/20/id/963799/

Schumer: Deal Reached on $500B Virus Aid Plan

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday a deal has been reached on a nearly $500 billion deal that will expand coronavirus testing and continue helping small businesses,. He expected the Senate would pass it later in the day.

Schumer told CNN that he, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, acting Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were negotiating the bill until well past midnight, and "we came to an agreement on just about every issue."

"There are still a few more I's to dot and T's to cross, but we have a deal, and I believe we'll pass it today," said the New York Democrat. "I know Mnuchin and Meadows were in good touch with (Senate Majority Leader (Mitch) McConnell and with the president as we went through this. So, yes, I believe we have a deal, and I believe that we will pass it this afternoon at 4 p.m."

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/us/virus-outbreak-congress/2020/04/21/id/963869/