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View Full Version : Another one with the "voter fraud is a myth" BS

04-21-2020, 04:26 PM
And whouda thunk it, coming from the woman everyone speaking about being the frontrunner for being VP pick right now. :rolleyes:

As millions of voter fraud issues have been pointed out by the right over the past decade or so, lefties like this loony toony still state that it's a myth.


Abrams Pushes Mail-in Ballots — ‘Voter Fraud Is, By and Large, a Myth’

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) said President Donald Trump’s concern about possible fraud in voting by mail amid the coronavirus pandemic was unfounded.

She claimed voter fraud was “by and large, a myth.”

Abrams said, “The reality is, if we go ahead and get mail-in ballots to as many voters as possible, you shorten the lines which means you can move as many people out of needing to be in person which lets you focus on those who must show up to vote in person – the disabled, those who have language barriers, the homeless and those who have been displaced by COVID-19 and do not have mailing addresses that are stable, or those whose absentee ballots don’t reach them. But we have to follow a gold standard, which means that we do what is necessary to protect those ballots. But here’s the thing. Voter fraud is, by and large, a myth. The President of the United States, number one, voted by mail just recently, and so it worked for him. The concern he has is that it will actually work for every American. Our elections are not partisan. The choices we make are, but the elections themselves should be available to every eligible American citizen. And that is why we are all working so hard to ensure that we can not only flatten the curve but ensure our democracy. What we saw happen in Wisconsin was a travesty and a tragedy, and it does not have to happen.”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-21-2020, 05:18 PM
Another example of the type of politician most dems are. Abrams spews her trash and hopes to be Biden's running mate.
Does any of these scum ever stop to actually see/consider reality or is their fantasy world so entrenched in lies that they actually believe the millions of outright lies that they spew each and every day?-- Tyr

04-21-2020, 06:57 PM
We know damn well by now, that whatever the dems are saying, the opposite is true.