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View Full Version : CDC: Second, More Dangerous Coronavirus Wave May Hit This Winter

04-22-2020, 11:42 AM
So we all just go through this. Say it ends up with approximately 60-70k dead. Slowly regions start opening back up again. Throughout the summer one by one things start picking up. A couple handfuls dying here and there. The economy just barely starts scraping upwards on the rebound.

And then suddenly, a pocket opens again in say California or NYC. Then a little more. Then it actually explodes and rebounds and say 2x as many sick then and 2x as many dead? I sure hope that in case - we as a country start not only prepping for a vaccine, but also PPE equipment out the wazoo!


CDC: Second, More Dangerous Coronavirus Wave May Hit This Winter

A second, deadlier coronavirus pandemic could hit the United States this winter at the same time the flu season hits, bringing with it worse results than the current outbreak, the Washington Post reports.

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," CDC Director Robert Redfield said in a story published Tuesday. "And when I've said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they don't understand what I mean."

No vaccine currently exists to treat coronavirus, making the condition potentially deadly for anyone it infects.

Redfield worries that having both the flu and coronavirus pervading the country at the same time could swamp health care facilities and create a scarcity of medical supplies.

"We're going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time," Redfield said.

This could bring sobering news to some governors who are eager to revive their states' economies by lifting stay-at-home orders that have kept millions of people from spending money at local businesses. That loss of tax revenue has caused states to feel the economic pinch.

But those governors are facing pressure from residents in their respective states to reopen. Cabin fever-ridden residents in states such as Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Utah, North Carolina and Pennsylvania have all gathered publicly in open defiance of current laws to have their states' stay-at-home orders removed.

Meanwhile, Redfield last week asked state officials to use the next few months planning for the next wave of coronavirus. He promoted the continued use of social distancing, ramped up testing and contact tracing to keep the combat the spread of coronavirus.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/cdc-coronavirus-winter/2020/04/21/id/964022/

04-22-2020, 11:46 AM
So we all just go through this. Say it ends up with approximately 60-70k dead. Slowly regions start opening back up again. Throughout the summer one by one things start picking up. A couple handfuls dying here and there. The economy just barely starts scraping upwards on the rebound.

And then suddenly, a pocket opens again in say California or NYC. Then a little more. Then it actually explodes and rebounds and say 2x as many sick then and 2x as many dead? I sure hope that in case - we as a country start not only prepping for a vaccine, but also PPE equipment out the wazoo!


CDC: Second, More Dangerous Coronavirus Wave May Hit This Winter

A second, deadlier coronavirus pandemic could hit the United States this winter at the same time the flu season hits, bringing with it worse results than the current outbreak, the Washington Post reports.

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," CDC Director Robert Redfield said in a story published Tuesday. "And when I've said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they don't understand what I mean."

No vaccine currently exists to treat coronavirus, making the condition potentially deadly for anyone it infects.

Redfield worries that having both the flu and coronavirus pervading the country at the same time could swamp health care facilities and create a scarcity of medical supplies.

"We're going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time," Redfield said.

This could bring sobering news to some governors who are eager to revive their states' economies by lifting stay-at-home orders that have kept millions of people from spending money at local businesses. That loss of tax revenue has caused states to feel the economic pinch.

But those governors are facing pressure from residents in their respective states to reopen. Cabin fever-ridden residents in states such as Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Utah, North Carolina and Pennsylvania have all gathered publicly in open defiance of current laws to have their states' stay-at-home orders removed.

Meanwhile, Redfield last week asked state officials to use the next few months planning for the next wave of coronavirus. He promoted the continued use of social distancing, ramped up testing and contact tracing to keep the combat the spread of coronavirus.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/cdc-coronavirus-winter/2020/04/21/id/964022/

I'm expecting government: federal, state, county, city to get in place all the necessary things into stockpile until then. I'll keep my 2 weeks of food safe. Then I'm just not going to worry about next winter. They don't seem to 'KNOW' anymore about next winter than they did in January about where the virus would be coming up to May.

04-22-2020, 12:05 PM
Oh No!!!! I'm hearing the third wave next spring will be the deadliest on record! I sure hope the Democrats sweep the House, Senate and the White House in November. I'm sure if that happens, that will be the last we ever hear of corona virus again.

04-22-2020, 12:23 PM
Oh No!!!! I'm hearing the third wave next spring will be the deadliest on record! I sure hope the Democrats sweep the House, Senate and the White House in November. I'm sure if that happens, that will be the last we ever hear of corona virus again.
2nd Civil War.

04-22-2020, 12:51 PM
So we all just go through this. Say it ends up with approximately 60-70k dead. Slowly regions start opening back up again. Throughout the summer one by one things start picking up. A couple handfuls dying here and there. The economy just barely starts scraping upwards on the rebound.

And then suddenly, a pocket opens again in say California or NYC. Then a little more. Then it actually explodes and rebounds and say 2x as many sick then and 2x as many dead? I sure hope that in case - we as a country start not only prepping for a vaccine, but also PPE equipment out the wazoo!


CDC: Second, More Dangerous Coronavirus Wave May Hit This Winter

A second, deadlier coronavirus pandemic could hit the United States this winter at the same time the flu season hits, bringing with it worse results than the current outbreak, the Washington Post reports.

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," CDC Director Robert Redfield said in a story published Tuesday. "And when I've said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they don't understand what I mean."

No vaccine currently exists to treat coronavirus, making the condition potentially deadly for anyone it infects.

Redfield worries that having both the flu and coronavirus pervading the country at the same time could swamp health care facilities and create a scarcity of medical supplies.

"We're going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time," Redfield said.

This could bring sobering news to some governors who are eager to revive their states' economies by lifting stay-at-home orders that have kept millions of people from spending money at local businesses. That loss of tax revenue has caused states to feel the economic pinch.

But those governors are facing pressure from residents in their respective states to reopen. Cabin fever-ridden residents in states such as Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Utah, North Carolina and Pennsylvania have all gathered publicly in open defiance of current laws to have their states' stay-at-home orders removed.

Meanwhile, Redfield last week asked state officials to use the next few months planning for the next wave of coronavirus. He promoted the continued use of social distancing, ramped up testing and contact tracing to keep the combat the spread of coronavirus.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/cdc-coronavirus-winter/2020/04/21/id/964022/

I can't know I'm right. But, I believe I am.

My belief is that Covid-19 will share the characteristic with flu strains that it is a seasonal disease. Without a vaccine or cure, I feel sure it'll return this coming winter, and indeed, in future winters.

Is it a coincidence that death and infection rates aren't, generally, continuing to grow as they were, weeks ago (not where I am, anyway) ? The approach of summer and warmer conditions is probably contributing to that effect.

I think the UK is playing a 'wait & see' game. Other societies are considering moving out of lockdown mode. We'll wait to see what happens.

Abbey Marie
04-23-2020, 07:45 AM
With announcements like this, I’ll never get another can of Lysol in my lifetime.

04-23-2020, 08:56 AM
I can't know I'm right. But, I believe I am.

My belief is that Covid-19 will share the characteristic with flu strains that it is a seasonal disease. Without a vaccine or cure, I feel sure it'll return this coming winter, and indeed, in future winters.

Is it a coincidence that death and infection rates aren't, generally, continuing to grow as they were, weeks ago (not where I am, anyway) ? The approach of summer and warmer conditions is probably contributing to that effect.

I think the UK is playing a 'wait & see' game. Other societies are considering moving out of lockdown mode. We'll wait to see what happens.
I think it's here to stay also, just like the Flu, which is a virus, and we don't have a "cure" for that either, let alone a vaccine. Viruses mutate, and then your vaccine isn't worth squat. Just like these annual Flu shots they offer. The shot will only prevent you from getting ONE strain of the Flu, while there's many different ones out there that you could still catch. That's why I never get that shot, and I did catch the Flu last year. I felt like shit, but I survived it. It might even kill me if I get it when I'm 80, but, ya gotta die from something. Nobody lives forever.

04-23-2020, 09:32 AM
I am confident that we will see wave after wave of this virus, if the number of attempts by lefties to overturn the 2016 election are any indication. Trump is the opposite of communism, so I anticipate a fight to the death.

04-23-2020, 09:40 AM
I am confident that we will see wave after wave of this virus, if the number of attempts by lefties to overturn the 2016 election are any indication. Trump is the opposite of communism, so I anticipate a fight to the death.
I'm convinced the left are milking this virus for everything they possibly can. They've tested out their tyranny and found that it was pretty easy to just piss on people's constitutional rights. They gave them up without so much as a whimper. All they had to do was scare the crap otta people, and they have continued to do so even though there's now mounting evidence that this virus isn't near as dangerous as once thought.

I'm sure the democrats also figure that if they can keep the states closed long enough, that they can cause another recession the likes of the great depression, then blame Trump for it all and claim they're the only ones that can fix it, that they're the compassionate ones and promise people the moon and stars.

Yep, I see more than just a virus going on here, much more. People better wise up.