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View Full Version : Biden: Covid19 a wake up call to act on climate change

04-23-2020, 01:35 PM
You can't make stuff like this up.


(https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-coronavirus-a-wake-up-call-to-act-on-climate-change-push-climate-justice?%3Futm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-podcast&utm_campaign=andrewklavan)Biden: Coronavirus ‘A Wake-Up Call’ To Act On Climate Change, Push ‘Climate Justice’https://dw-wp-production.imgix.net/2020/04/Biden-3.jpg?auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=react-8.6.4&h=546&w=970

(https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-coronavirus-a-wake-up-call-to-act-on-climate-change-push-climate-justice?%3Futm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-podcast&utm_campaign=andrewklavan)Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at The Atlantic, reported Biden’s remarks: “COVID is shining a bright light on the structural racism that plagues our laws, our institutions and our culture. And it’s a wake up call, a wake up call to action to climate change overall and to climate justice.”

Does he not know that he will be seeing these idiotic statements in Trump ads in October?


04-23-2020, 01:50 PM
You can't make stuff like this up.


(https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-coronavirus-a-wake-up-call-to-act-on-climate-change-push-climate-justice?%3Futm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-podcast&utm_campaign=andrewklavan)Biden: Coronavirus ‘A Wake-Up Call’ To Act On Climate Change, Push ‘Climate Justice’


(https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-coronavirus-a-wake-up-call-to-act-on-climate-change-push-climate-justice?%3Futm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-podcast&utm_campaign=andrewklavan)Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at The Atlantic, reported Biden’s remarks: “COVID is shining a bright light on the structural racism that plagues our laws, our institutions and our culture. And it’s a wake up call, a wake up call to action to climate change overall and to climate justice.”

Does he not know that he will be seeing these idiotic statements in Trump ads in October?


This is what happens when Biden uses his own matterial, rather than lapsing back into his old habit of plagiarising others. Indeed, are we seeing why he DID go in for plagiarism ??

Well ... I'm in awe. Covid-19 exists to shine a light on 'structural racism plaguing your laws, institutions', etc. Amazing, to think that a virus can have such a mission.

Good thing it escaped from Wuhan, then ! How could it achieve its mission without infecting much of the world, first, ALL of it necessary just to get to the US !!

What IS this 'structural racism', anyway ?

And why has nobody yet tried to test Covid's IQ level ?

Can Trump direct that Biden receives professional help ? Urgently ?

04-23-2020, 02:20 PM
Whether intentional or not, the left is using this covid pandemic to further AOC's GREEN NEW DEAL.

Notice they've closed down cattle processing plants, the poultry plants, etc? And some are going so far as to say they're gone for good, that the damage to the industry is irreversible. Beef and chicken prices will sky rocket as they're not able to meet the demand, and people not working won't have the money to buy it, further causing the industry to implode and wha-la, there's part of AOC's GREEN NEW DEAL right there, NO MORE CATTLE FARTS. Same thing with gas. The oil industry is being decimated since so few people are driving. Well, there's AOC's GREEN NEW DEAL again. The left is showing right now that we DON'T NEED CARS, and how nice and clean the air is WITHOUT THEM. I could go on, but you get the picture. So why would the left want to see this END? Why would they want America to get BACK TO WORK when they've gained so much POWER over us, and in doing so are able to IMPOSE their leftist agenda on people without even having it look like that's what they're doing?

People need to think.

Don't try and tell me the democrats haven't already got this figured out, because they have.

04-23-2020, 03:29 PM
This is what happens when Biden uses his own matterial, rather than lapsing back into his old habit of plagiarising others. Indeed, are we seeing why he DID go in for plagiarism ??

Well ... I'm in awe. Covid-19 exists to shine a light on 'structural racism plaguing your laws, institutions', etc. Amazing, to think that a virus can have such a mission.

Good thing it escaped from Wuhan, then ! How could it achieve its mission without infecting much of the world, first, ALL of it necessary just to get to the US !!

What IS this 'structural racism', anyway ?

And why has nobody yet tried to test Covid's IQ level ?

Can Trump direct that Biden receives professional help ? Urgently ?

He's REALLY going to campaign with stuff like this floating out there. It's like he has never heard of digital media or the internet. He's going to see all those idiotic statements coming from Trump ads right and left, and nobody in his camp is controlling this. They might as well send money to the Trump campaign.

There's enough gaffes from past statements he's made to tank any campaign, but he continues to flood the airwaves with new ones all the time.

04-23-2020, 03:31 PM
Whether intentional or not, the left is using this covid pandemic to further AOC's GREEN NEW DEAL.

Notice they've closed down cattle processing plants, the poultry plants, etc? And some are going so far as to say they're gone for good, that the damage to the industry is irreversible. Beef and chicken prices will sky rocket as they're not able to meet the demand, and people not working won't have the money to buy it, further causing the industry to implode and wha-la, there's part of AOC's GREEN NEW DEAL right there, NO MORE CATTLE FARTS. Same thing with gas. The oil industry is being decimated since so few people are driving. Well, there's AOC's GREEN NEW DEAL again. The left is showing right now that we DON'T NEED CARS, and how nice and clean the air is WITHOUT THEM. I could go on, but you get the picture. So why would the left want to see this END? Why would they want America to get BACK TO WORK when they've gained so much POWER over us, and in doing so are able to IMPOSE their leftist agenda on people without even having it look like that's what they're doing?

People need to think.

Don't try and tell me the democrats haven't already got this figured out, because they have.

I remember last week; Limbaugh was saying precisely the same thing. This is a prime example of the world the Democrats want us in.

04-23-2020, 06:39 PM
Should have seen this one coming. "Climate change" caused the virus :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
04-23-2020, 06:48 PM
AOC must have a hold of his junk.

Black Diamond
04-23-2020, 06:49 PM
You can't make stuff like this up.


(https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-coronavirus-a-wake-up-call-to-act-on-climate-change-push-climate-justice?%3Futm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-podcast&utm_campaign=andrewklavan)Biden: Coronavirus ‘A Wake-Up Call’ To Act On Climate Change, Push ‘Climate Justice’https://dw-wp-production.imgix.net/2020/04/Biden-3.jpg?auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=react-8.6.4&h=546&w=970

(https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-coronavirus-a-wake-up-call-to-act-on-climate-change-push-climate-justice?%3Futm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-podcast&utm_campaign=andrewklavan)Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at The Atlantic, reported Biden’s remarks: “COVID is shining a bright light on the structural racism that plagues our laws, our institutions and our culture. And it’s a wake up call, a wake up call to action to climate change overall and to climate justice.”

Does he not know that he will be seeing these idiotic statements in Trump ads in October?


Also. Structural racism. I am sure that'll play well. :rolleyes:

04-23-2020, 06:50 PM
AOC must have a hold of his junk.Kidding aside, I DO see where the left is just waiting whatever it considers an appropriate amount of time to capitalize on a LOT of the socialist crap laid down by government due to this virus.

Black Diamond
04-23-2020, 06:53 PM
Kidding aside, I DO see where the left is just waiting whatever it considers an appropriate amount of time to capitalize on a LOT of the socialist crap laid down by government due to this virus.

They will certainly attempt it. I think trump will be reelected this year so they will have a somewhat tougher time at the national level. These governors like Whitmer of Michigan though? Power addicts.
I do fear when budget time comes around though and we need 60 votes to pass..

Black Diamond
04-23-2020, 07:05 PM
Also if Biden comes off like, among other things, a full blown leftist, he will do worse than I initially thought.

04-23-2020, 07:24 PM
Kidding aside, I DO see where the left is just waiting whatever it considers an appropriate amount of time to capitalize on a LOT of the socialist crap laid down by government due to this virus.

Unfortunately for the Left, though, the Covid emergency does great damage to another of their cherished goals ... that of seeing Globalism predominate

I've watched European nations defy EU diktat with amazing speed .. rather than keep boreders porous, as the EU demands of every Member State, countries lost no time in closing their borders tightly shut. National interests very conspicuously came to the fore.

A weak currency in the EU will want a large bailout ? Will a weakened EU oblige them, OR, will it look to more self-centred interests ?

No, this whole business will sharpen nationalistic interests at the expense of more 'globalist' ones. Guaranteed.

Hot Dogger
04-24-2020, 11:57 AM
The Pope said the same thing, which makes me think that Uncle Joe is taking his marching orders from the Vatican.

04-24-2020, 04:20 PM
The Pope said the same thing, which makes me think that Uncle Joe is taking his marching orders from the Vatican.
Even if he isn't, the pope is a leftist globalist, so they're of the same mind regardless.

04-24-2020, 04:34 PM
I agree with the Pope being all about the poor and the environment. He's certainly a socialist, if not a communist.

04-24-2020, 04:39 PM
I agree with the Pope being all about the poor and the environment. He's certainly a socialist, if not a communist.
Quit bashing the Catholics... what's wrong with you?