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View Full Version : 80% of Swine Flu Victims were Under 65 – No Lockdown

04-24-2020, 11:18 AM
More food for thought. This virus is being handled MUCH much differently than so many others before. Like I said from the beginning, this is not to diminish the virus itself, how contagious it may be and the changing mortality rate. And how the orders are so much different than before.


80% of Swine Flu Victims were Under 65 – No Lockdown… 84% of Coronavirus Victims Are Over 60 – Lockdown Required

We are currently living through possibly the worst medical treatment plan in modern history.

In 2009 the Swine Flu or H1N1 influenza swept across the United States.

There were at least 12,469 deaths across the US and up to 575,000 deaths worldwide.

80% of H1N1 victims were age 65 or UNDER. These are the prime years and most productive years in one’s lifetime.


No lockdown was required.

In 2020 the Wuhan Virus or novel coronavirus swept across the United States.

So far 50,000 Americans have died and 890,000 have tested positive for the disease.

In study after study the vast majority of the deaths are those people 60 and over.

In New York 84% of the victims are over 60. 65% are over 70.


99% of the deaths in Italy were those over 60.

If you are young and healthy your chances in dying from coronavirus are much lower than 1%.

And yet the so-called “experts” shut down and destroyed the economy.

This makes no sense!

In fact it may end up that the lockdown was the absolute wrong decision and prevented herd immunity that will SAVE the seniors.


04-24-2020, 11:25 AM
I'm not going to go hunting for the scientific studies that have been put together on this virus and likely 'infected and didn't know,' (asymptomatic); those studies on antibodies that the infected have in blood plasma-some problems with how robust the antibodies are, weaker than would be expected.

Truth is, right now we don't know much more than jack, including the experts and their models at this moment. By fall hopefully more will be known.

I think thus far we've done the best we can with this. I think a reckoning with China needs to be taken up. Perhaps withdrawing from UN too.

04-24-2020, 11:35 AM
They're beginning to compile the facts right now, and it is bearing out that far more people either are or have been infected than ever thought, in the millions, and probably the tens of millions, and these people were either asymptomatic or maybe had a runny nose is all.

I could be wrong, but my instincts are telling me that when it's all said and done, there's going to be a lot of finger pointing at who it was that caused such fear and panic, and recommended the entire nation be locked down and closed up when it wasn't warranted. The consequences are going to last for decades to come, and if the damage could have been avoided, people are going to be pissed, which is EXACTLY what I think the democrats are counting on, because I truly believe they think that with the help of their propaganda wing, they can BLAME TRUMP, and they'll finally be rid of him.

Covid-19 much more widespread than thought, and NO MORE DEADLY THAN FLU, new Stanford study suggests


04-24-2020, 11:45 AM
Just think of how many people you know that have health problems. Think of their age, their weight, their blood pressure, do they exercise, etc, etc. I know plenty, and they're all on some sort of daily medication(s). So they're dying not because of Covid alone, but because of complications of their current health problems brought on by Covid, but their deaths are being listed as caused SOLELY from Covid.

Is that right to report it that way? I don't think so. The Flu could have killed them as well, or a bad Cold, or a multitude of other things.

I really do think there's been one helluva lot of fear mongering and undue panic from false reporting.

04-24-2020, 11:56 AM
Actually the numbers blamed on the virus and other means are being both over and under reported world wide and within our own country.

In the past few days, they are finding more and more covid deaths that weren't counted, BECAUSE it was here much earlier than first reported. Meaning my initial take based on Hong Kong masks in November or even October, were more likely right. It started earlier, making China even more culpable.

Some are not counting 'deaths at home' as covid, even if obvious. (Italy likely has more than double the numbers of Covid deaths in some hard hit areas, simply because they would accept no patients over a certain age-many in 50's, when things were out of control. None of those deaths were counted as Covid. Same in some areas of New York.

Eventually they will get better numbers and be able to extrapolate from those, but not yet.

04-24-2020, 12:00 PM
Eventually they will get better numbers and be able to extrapolate from those, but not yet.
OK... Confucius.

04-24-2020, 12:02 PM
OK... Confucius.

Thank you, you're finally catching on that what is 'fact' this moment, is your opinion in hindsight. Bravo!

04-24-2020, 12:06 PM
Gotta love discussions with people that simply don't understand anything beyond their emotions at the moment. That is where the lack of consistency often comes to the fore, showing their hypocrisy.

04-24-2020, 01:04 PM
Leave this shit to actual professionals and not propaganda sites and forum members.

Black Diamond
04-24-2020, 01:14 PM
Leave this shit to actual professionals and not propaganda sites and forum members.

Does that mean nothing from CNN or MSDNC?

04-24-2020, 01:19 PM
Leave this shit to actual professionals and not propaganda sites and forum members.

Leave what, leave the FACTS to them? And which professionals, the people you get off to at CNN?

Oh, little pile of shit, the facts included are statistics. Stats you can't argue, so you let off some afternoon stench instead!!

Black Diamond
04-24-2020, 01:43 PM
Leave what, leave the FACTS to them? And which professionals, the people you get off to at CNN?

Oh, little pile of shit, the facts included are statistics. Stats you can't argue, so you let off some afternoon stench instead!!
He's graduated from piece of shit to pile of shit. I'm loving it like McDonald's

04-24-2020, 04:15 PM
Thank you, you're finally catching on that what is 'fact' this moment, is your opinion in hindsight. Bravo!
No... sorry... but what I have caught onto long ago is that you're as capable of dispensing venom in one form or another as anyone on this board, and you regularly do so without hesitation, as others here are learning.

It's actually up to you though how we get along. If you want to be nasty, we'll be nasty. If you want to be pleasant, we'll be pleasant. It's up to you.

04-24-2020, 04:16 PM
Leave this shit to actual professionals and not propaganda sites and forum members.
.............. :laugh:

04-24-2020, 04:29 PM
No... sorry... but what I have caught onto long ago is that you're as capable of dispensing venom in one form or another as anyone on this board, and you regularly do so without hesitation, as others here are learning.

It's actually up to you though how we get along. If you want to be nasty, we'll be nasty. If you want to be pleasant, we'll be pleasant. It's up to you.
LOL! Thank you for proving my point to made to others. You have a posse going, how cute.

I'm not the one that alluded to your faith being driven by Satan and his cohorts, even though it may well be. Not once, not twice, many more times. You get what you give.

You want nice, then be nice. Others have already noticed.

04-24-2020, 04:40 PM
LOL! Thank you for proving my point to made to others. You have a posse going, how cute.

I'm not the one that alluded to your faith being driven by Satan and his cohorts, even though it may well be. Not once, not twice, many more times. You get what you give.

You want nice, then be nice. Others have already noticed.
My faith being driven by SATAN... :lol: Just dive right into doubling down on being nasty Kath... it becomes you anyway... and don't expect me just go away and let you run your mouth.

You want to be nasty... well... let's rock.

You started it.

04-24-2020, 08:28 PM
More food for thought. This virus is being handled MUCH much differently than so many others before. Like I said from the beginning, this is not to diminish the virus itself, how contagious it may be and the changing mortality rate. And how the orders are so much different than before.


80% of Swine Flu Victims were Under 65 – No Lockdown… 84% of Coronavirus Victims Are Over 60 – Lockdown Required

We are currently living through possibly the worst medical treatment plan in modern history.

In 2009 the Swine Flu or H1N1 influenza swept across the United States.

There were at least 12,469 deaths across the US and up to 575,000 deaths worldwide.

80% of H1N1 victims were age 65 or UNDER. These are the prime years and most productive years in one’s lifetime.


No lockdown was required.

In 2020 the Wuhan Virus or novel coronavirus swept across the United States.

So far 50,000 Americans have died and 890,000 have tested positive for the disease.

In study after study the vast majority of the deaths are those people 60 and over.

In New York 84% of the victims are over 60. 65% are over 70.


99% of the deaths in Italy were those over 60.

If you are young and healthy your chances in dying from coronavirus are much lower than 1%.

And yet the so-called “experts” shut down and destroyed the economy.

This makes no sense!

In fact it may end up that the lockdown was the absolute wrong decision and prevented herd immunity that will SAVE the seniors.

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/huge-80-swine-flu-victims-65-no-lockdown-84-coronavirus-victims-60-lockdown-required/Ain't Monday morning Quarterbacking grand?:rolleyes:

Either of the 2 major European plagues killed more people than the Chinese flu and they had no lockdown :)