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04-24-2020, 03:02 PM
Ok, starting with MI, a good place to start.


Oh My: Michigan Legislature Calls Special Session– To Strip Whitmer Of Emergency Powers
ED MORRISSEYPosted at 2:01 pm on April 24, 2020

Couldn’t happen to a nicer petty martinet, nor at a better time. Winston Churchill once wrote that bad kings make for good law, and Michigan’s legislature might put that into action in a special session starting today. After Whitmer’s arbitrary and capricious COVID-19 shutdown order put the state’s unemployment at the highest in the nation, the legislature wants immediate oversight over Whitmer’s handling of the crisis. And they want to start reviewing bills to restrict the powers that she may have abused:


04-24-2020, 03:54 PM
What's to say... she's a democrat and see's an opening to pull some crap she'd otherwise not be able to pull.

She's drunk with power and thinks she can get away with it. But... she tried to award a non bid contract for something to a known democrat operation, well, she didn't try, she DID, and got caught, and then walked it back, but, too late, what she did is illegal, and now she's under investigation.

She's a typical, garden variety, authoritarian, do what I say not what I do, I make the rules not you, jr Hitler democrat... and a nice little stay in JAIL would do her good.

04-25-2020, 08:46 AM
What are these Democrats thinking? Do they believe there is no such thing as digital media and the Internet? Are they just having diarrhea of the mouth and assuming people will forget?

Michigan Democrats have censured one of their Democrat legislators, NOT for any crime, or illegal behavior, but for thanking the President for the suggesting of Hydroxycholoroquine which saved her life from the Kung Flu. Do they NOT think that's going to come around and bite them in the ass this fall? Do they think the RNC (which raised a butt load of money thanks to Pelosi's illegal impeachment of this president) will NOT use that in ad after ad?

Pelosi went to efforts to record that video of her in front of that $24,000 refrigerator and that expensive ice cream, while most of America is on lockdown and 22 million are out of work. Is she stupid? Doesn't she realize that footage will be used against her by her opponent this fall?

AOC actually said on camera that the poor should refuse to go back to work. Is she stupid? Doesn't she realize that will be used by her opponent in ad after ad?

Trump could have been a mediocre president, but all the crap the Democrats have pulled is going to reelect him and usher in a large Republican freshman class in Congress.

And he has been a great president.

Hot Dogger
04-25-2020, 10:15 AM
Here in Illinois, Blago is trying to make a comeback. And he'll be governor again, either that or the Mayor of Peoria.

04-25-2020, 10:47 AM
What are these Democrats thinking? Do they believe there is no such thing as digital media and the Internet? Are they just having diarrhea of the mouth and assuming people will forget?

Michigan Democrats have censured one of their Democrat legislators, NOT for any crime, or illegal behavior, but for thanking the President for the suggesting of Hydroxycholoroquine which saved her life from the Kung Flu. Do they NOT think that's going to come around and bite them in the ass this fall? Do they think the RNC (which raised a butt load of money thanks to Pelosi's illegal impeachment of this president) will NOT use that in ad after ad?

Pelosi went to efforts to record that video of her in front of that $24,000 refrigerator and that expensive ice cream, while most of America is on lockdown and 22 million are out of work. Is she stupid? Doesn't she realize that footage will be used against her by her opponent this fall?

AOC actually said on camera that the poor should refuse to go back to work. Is she stupid? Doesn't she realize that will be used by her opponent in ad after ad?

Trump could have been a mediocre president, but all the crap the Democrats have pulled is going to reelect him and usher in a large Republican freshman class in Congress.

And he has been a great president.I am S-O-O-O plagiarizing THAT :laugh2: