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View Full Version : Gowdy nails it on these politicians issuing unconstitutional edicts.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-24-2020, 10:09 PM

Nobody gets to tell me I can not go to my brother's'sister's house because -they-- think it is risky,etc.
This is not Russia or China-- but some of these ffing leftist governors and mayors must think that it is.
Gowdy tells it like it is... --Tyr

04-24-2020, 11:18 PM

Nobody gets to tell me I can not go to my brother's'sister's house because -they-- think it is risky,etc.
This is not Russia or China-- but some of these ffing leftist governors and mayors must think that it is.
Gowdy tells it like it is... --Tyr
Ya know, I'd really like to go over and visit my little sister and Ma, but I haven't because I've "CHOSEN" not to. I'm complying with the lockdown far as I see fit, but NOT because our little ferret faced jr Hitler prick democrat gov has TOLD me I can't. I'll damn well go IF I CHOSE TO. I've got just enough money to sue the FUCK otta anyone that thinks they have the power to take my constitutional rights away by WHIM. I don't think I'd have a problem though because there's already enough dissension in Wisconsin over twit Ever's lock down "orders."

Still... I don't want upset my sister or mother thinking I'm an OUTLAW either.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2020, 05:56 AM
Ya know, I'd really like to go over and visit my little sister and Ma, but I haven't because I've "CHOSEN" not to. I'm complying with the lockdown far as I see fit, but NOT because our little ferret faced jr Hitler prick democrat gov has TOLD me I can't. I'll damn well go IF I CHOSE TO. I've got just enough money to sue the FUCK otta anyone that thinks they have the power to take my constitutional rights away by WHIM. I don't think I'd have a problem though because there's already enough dissension in Wisconsin over twit Ever's lock down "orders."

Still... I don't want upset my sister or mother thinking I'm an OUTLAW either.

Exactly and that is called choice. You choose not to go visit. Which is in itself a free choice made. When dictators decide they get to choose for you- and go against our Constitution-- they are more than just wrong-they are trampling on you and our Constitution too.
And should pay some kind of price for such deeds , eh?
Lets see if voters agree.. -Tyr

04-25-2020, 07:27 AM
Nobody gets to tell me I can not go to my brother's'sister's house because -they-- think it is risky,etc.
This is not Russia or China-- but some of these ffing leftist governors and mayors must think that it is.
Gowdy tells it like it is... --Tyr

Agreed 100%. WAY to many sill rules being made and peoples rights being stepped on. Some feel we should stay home til all is over, for FEAR that something may happen while out. This was the FIRST thing I mentioned I liked when this all started... and it's happened.

We don't NEED the government to rule us and lead us. We don't NEED them to stomp on our rights to make things better.

Rides, sunsets, seeds, out on water, walking your dog - WHERE does it end? All because we want them to rule us instead of working to help our country? I don't think so.

People are listening for the most part, masks, distancing, following rules at stores and all recommendations out there, things that are common sense and keeping things protected. We don't need a Saddam in here to have everyone stay home or meet Baghdad Bob at the gallows at sunset!

04-25-2020, 08:23 AM
jesus christ you guys are some fucking snowflakes. get a hold of yourselves. there's a pandemic and you guys start acting like some little bitches because you can't seem to social distance on your own. that is only reason politicians have to make these orders, because you dip shits can't figure it out on your own. instead you're out there protesting in large groups. real smart, real smart. it's all fun and games until it's you or someone you know. the news sites are littered with deniers and many ended up dead. hooray for them.

04-25-2020, 09:35 AM
jesus christ you guys are some fucking snowflakes. get a hold of yourselves. there's a pandemic and you guys start acting like some little bitches because you can't seem to social distance on your own. that is only reason politicians have to make these orders, because you dip shits can't figure it out on your own. instead you're out there protesting in large groups. real smart, real smart. it's all fun and games until it's you or someone you know. the news sites are littered with deniers and many ended up dead. hooray for them.

Eat shit, Greg. Be happy to give you that $4,000 I ripped ya for if we ever share a beer. Hopefully I'll still have my mask for the overwhelming stench. :thumb:

04-25-2020, 10:33 AM
Trey Goudy and Gov Huckabee are right!
Nice to see Republicans/Conservatives back on the side of civil liberties, freedom and the constitution for a change.
I mean WOW, they are even supporting people who are doing civil Disobedience! ... BLOCKING THE STREETS even to protest for civil rights. :eek: OHMY! (maybe taking a knee is next?!)
While now it's those on the left that that promoting the power of the state to tell people what to do.
And use the police and BS laws/edits/rules/orders to control people's actions in the name of "safety".
the same old BS excuse for taking people rights "keeping people safe".

Both the left and right like to quote Franklin
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
But each seems to think there are times when that warning should be ignored or even claim it's "suicide".

04-25-2020, 10:36 AM
Trey Goudy and Gov Huckabee are right!
Nice to see Republicans/Conservatives back on the side of civil liberties, freedom and the constitution for a change.
I mean WOW, they are even supporting people who are doing civil Disobedience! ... BLOCKING THE STREETS even to protest for civil rights. :eek: OHMY! (maybe taking a knee is next?!)
While now it's those on the left that that promoting the power of the state to tell people what to do.
And use the police and BS laws/edits/rules/orders to control people's actions in the name of "safety".
the same old BS excuse for taking people rights "keeping people safe".

Both the left and right like to quote Franklin
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
But each seems to think there are times when that warning should be ignored or even claim it's "suicide".

Yup, Rev, a lot has changed in the past few months. In that respect, I apologize for all the time you said the same. A long long long discussion there.... but I no doubt believe some would take your rights away in an instant for BS reasons. And then you are under house arrest for no crime, and no due process. And then get fines of $200 - $1500 for going out and daring to breath!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2020, 10:47 AM
jesus christ you guys are some fucking snowflakes. get a hold of yourselves. there's a pandemic and you guys start acting like some little bitches because you can't seem to social distance on your own. that is only reason politicians have to make these orders, because you dip shits can't figure it out on your own. instead you're out there protesting in large groups. real smart, real smart. it's all fun and games until it's you or someone you know. the news sites are littered with deniers and many ended up dead. hooray for them.

Your comment surely comes from the same kind of person( "snowflake, little bitches") you describe when insulting we that see far better than a leftist/liberal loon like you ever could if you lived to be 200 hundred.
Do you not read the new stats on the virus, how massively overblown the mortality rate it is?
Or do you read it and yet still decide to lie, ridicule and foolishly try to insult those that are far more informed than you are?
You consistently prove what a flake and fool and expert asshat you are, imho....
But hey- at least you are consistent right?--Tyr

04-25-2020, 01:39 PM
jesus christ you guys are some fucking snowflakes. get a hold of yourselves. there's a pandemic and you guys start acting like some little bitches because you can't seem to social distance on your own. that is only reason politicians have to make these orders, because you dip shits can't figure it out on your own. instead you're out there protesting in large groups. real smart, real smart. it's all fun and games until it's you or someone you know. the news sites are littered with deniers and many ended up dead. hooray for them.

Pete ... we are social distancing. However, when someone gets arrested for playing ball with their child in a virtually deserted park ... that's tyranny and will not be tolerated.

The issue lies in interpretation of the rules. Stay home ... from work, from sports events? .. or locked inside my house? Big difference in social distancing and the tyrannical ones want to enforce basically making us prisoners in our home. Not needed to stem the virus. Being outside but maintaining distance is way healthier and doesn't infringe on freedom of movement within community.

I can see where it would infuriate you to see people not bowing to governmental control .... being the dutiful leftie you are. Hell, if we all stay home until economy is totally busted then it'll be ok to let government take care of us without any guilt because not our fault. Just following government orders.

Sorry, can't do that. I will participate in getting economy on road to recovery but will do it following guidelines that make sense ... not ones that further erode rights and freedoms.