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View Full Version : Read this article on C-19 and definitely read comments made about it..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-26-2020, 09:16 AM

NBC News
WHO warns there's no evidence of coronavirus immunity as global death toll reaches 200,000
Yuliya Talmazan and Reuters
NBC NewsApril 26, 2020, 6:16 AM CDT
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There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 are protected from a second infection, the World Health Organization warned Saturday as the worldwide death toll topped 200,000.

The health body tweeted that it was continuing to review the evidence on antibody responses to COVID-19, adding that most studies suggest that people who have recovered from the infection have antibodies to fight the virus.

"However, some of these people have very low levels of antibodies in their blood," it said.

It also advised against the use of so-called “immunity passports,” which have been mooted in some countries as a way to enable people to travel or return to work on the assumption that they are immune to the virus.

At this point in the pandemic, the WHO said, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of such passports or "risk-free" immunity certificates.

Most people who are infected with COVID-19 will develop an antibody response that will provide “some level of protection," it later clarified, but it does not yet know what that level is or how long the immunity will last.

“It’s surprising, but it’s not surprising,” said Joseph Fair, a virologist and NBC News science contributor. “With most viruses, you do get some kind of immunity, so it’d be surprising if there is no immunity from it, but only time will tell us what type of immunity you have from COVID-19 if you have recovered and how long that will last."

The WHO warning comes as the worldwide death toll for the coronavirus surpassed 200,000 on Saturday, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University, with the total number of confirmed cases worldwide now standing at nearly 2.9 million.

In the U.S., more than 53,000 people have died from the virus, with the number of confirmed cases nearing one million.

As the country continues to battle the epidemic, the White House is considering scaling back President Donald Trump's daily briefings on the coronavirus situation as Trump’s aides and allies are increasingly worried that his lengthy appearances are backfiring politically.

Those concerns reached an inflection point when the president suggested Thursday that people might be able to inject household cleaning items or disinfectants to deter the coronavirus, prompting backlash from the medical community. Trump later said his remarks were sarcasm.

After the U.S. saw nationwide protests over stay-in-place orders, anti-lockdown protesters in Germany’s capital, Berlin, demonstrated Saturday against the coronavirus restrictions.

They shouted “I want my life back” and held up signs with slogans calling for greater freedom and protection of constitutional rights.

Police said on Twitter they had arrested more than 100 people, Reuters reported.

In the U.K., the number of death has passed 20,000 on Saturday, according to the country's health officials, making it one of only five countries to reach the grim milestone. Prime Minister Boris Johnson will return to his duties on Monday after a bad bout of COVID-19 that saw him treated in intensive care earlier this month.

Spain, the second hardest-hit country in Europe, will allow people out to exercise starting May 2 if the number of new coronavirus cases continues to fall. That comes as the nation recorded the lowest number of new deaths in more than a month on Sunday.

Meanwhile, China, where the epidemic began, said Sunday it had confirmed 11 new cases of the coronavirus, bringing the nationwide case tally to 82,827. There were no reported deaths for the eleventh day in a row.


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SIB41 minutes ago
WHO haunted by old tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus
New York Post
March 20, 2020 | 11:10am

- [ ] "The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.
The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

The Chinese government reportedly knew the disease was spreading before the tweet was sent, according to the South China Morning Post.

The New York Times’ China correspondent, Amy Quin, said Tuesday on Twitter that the country had begun expelling American journalists."

ReplyReplies (8)5911
Its Time
Its Time1 hour ago
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," WHO tweeted in January.

ReplyReplies (44)31546
Pi1 hour ago
Reports tell us that in excess of 98% of those who have died of Covid-19 are aged and/or have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or lung disorder. The number of those exposed with mild or no symptoms has been grossly underestimated. We should focus the quarantine/protection effort on the high risk segment of the population and allow Covid-19 to run it's course in the healthy population, which gives beneficial antibodies to those exposed.

ReplyReplies (71)19649
Steven53 minutes ago
Less than 83,000 cases in China with no death for eleven days? In a country of 1.3 billion? Please. Don’t believe China or WHO. Economic depression will kill way more than the virus. And if what they say is true, we can’t stay in our homes the rest of our lives. We all take risks everyday, this is just another.

ReplyReplies (14)18916
The Credible Hulk
The Credible Hulk2 hours ago
No immunity means no vaccine. Who do you believe, the WHO or the thousands of scientists racing to complete one of the 115+ vaccines in development?

ReplyReplies (140)30353
Scott A
Scott A1 hour ago
Be suspicious of the people who seem to really want to keep you in your house and keep the economy shut down. There are people who are enjoying the new power they have and are planning to use it to implement their agenda. Just be very wary of what people in power are doing. Now more than ever, we need to question them and hold them accountable for every action they take. They need to have evidence to justify the restrictions they are imposing on people and there needs to be clear cut rules about how and when restrictions are lifted. Tyranny often comes in small incremental steps.

ReplyReplies (48)20748
Ron1 hour ago
You notice that the WHO is still pushing the idea that the mortality rate is over 5% in spite of a number of studies that indicate it is less than one tenth of that number? They have lied and covered for China from the start and have no credibility at all.

SolidRock1 hour ago
Because of what's apparently happening in China, I just simply refuse to believe anything said by the WHO. We can't continue to surrender our freedoms for safety or security or money. Once you surrender one freedom, it will be easier to surrender the next and the next and the next.

ReplyReplies (21)19223
Eddie57 minutes ago
It's all Grim and Doom from the MSM. More people have the COVID-19 than they can track so the death rate is much lower than they have said. The world is not ending like the MSM would have you to believe.

ReplyReplies (12)10917
Warren1 hour ago
The problem is stay at home creates lock down creates anxiety and fear. It also leads to poor quality of life which ends with poor diet and exercise. All these factors can transform a fit healthy person into a prime candidate for coronavirus. So the cure makes you a more likely victim.

ReplyReplies (36)21244
Carl1 hour ago
Is this the same WHO that said the spread of the Virus was not a danger to the world after Trump initiated the China Travel Ban?

ReplyReplies (34)36146
Paul1 hour ago
Then why are we hiding under our beds? This is starting to look like the 'experts' gave this no thought whatsoever?

ReplyReplies (1)473
photog43 minutes ago
“Since pneumonia deaths are up, yet all deaths are down, it must mean people are being recorded as dying from other things at smaller rates than usual. Deaths from other causes are simply being ascribed to the coronavirus."
Source: George Gilder.

No2 hours ago
This was a pretty good first test for them.....they contaminated the world with no repercussions from any other country.....Their next virus they "accidentally lose" will be way more lethal

ReplyReplies (18)20522
ACP1 hour ago
More reason to just move on. We can adjust our social behavior a bit but life needs to move on.

ReplyReplies (1)643
EWG2 hours ago
We will now have an annual Wuhan Flu season every year! Thank you China and WHO!

ReplyReplies (10)19324
Hilltopmike59 minutes ago
At the moment, I have no faith in the World Health Organization.

Daniel1 hour ago
If antibodies don't ensure immunity, then vaccines will be worthless to the people, and only profits for Big Pharma. This virus is a true pandemic.

ReplyReplies (7)5314
Squib_Kick1 hour ago
I don't take the WHO's words at face value. 90% discount is applied.

CD3 hours ago
we simply can not hide forever.

ReplyReplies (18)21514


Too many lies being told to create greater fear, greater panic, ask yourself why...
And then look at actions being taken to strip us of our freedoms, our wealth, our security and much, much more...-Tyr

04-26-2020, 10:40 AM
NBC News
WHO warns there's no evidence of coronavirus immunity as global death toll reaches 200,000
Yuliya Talmazan and Reuters
NBC NewsApril 26, 2020, 6:16 AM CDT
Scroll back up to restore default view.
There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 are protected from a second infection, the World Health Organization warned Saturday as the worldwide death toll topped 200,000.

The health body tweeted that it was continuing to review the evidence on antibody responses to COVID-19, adding that most studies suggest that people who have recovered from the infection have antibodies to fight the virus.

"However, some of these people have very low levels of antibodies in their blood," it said.

It also advised against the use of so-called “immunity passports,” which have been mooted in some countries as a way to enable people to travel or return to work on the assumption that they are immune to the virus.

At this point in the pandemic, the WHO said, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of such passports or "risk-free" immunity certificates.

Most people who are infected with COVID-19 will develop an antibody response that will provide “some level of protection," it later clarified, but it does not yet know what that level is or how long the immunity will last.

“It’s surprising, but it’s not surprising,” said Joseph Fair, a virologist and NBC News science contributor. “With most viruses, you do get some kind of immunity, so it’d be surprising if there is no immunity from it, but only time will tell us what type of immunity you have from COVID-19 if you have recovered and how long that will last."

The WHO warning comes as the worldwide death toll for the coronavirus surpassed 200,000 on Saturday, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University, with the total number of confirmed cases worldwide now standing at nearly 2.9 million.

In the U.S., more than 53,000 people have died from the virus, with the number of confirmed cases nearing one million.

As the country continues to battle the epidemic, the White House is considering scaling back President Donald Trump's daily briefings on the coronavirus situation as TrumpÂ’s aides and allies are increasingly worried that his lengthy appearances are backfiring politically.

Those concerns reached an inflection point when the president suggested Thursday that people might be able to inject household cleaning items or disinfectants to deter the coronavirus, prompting backlash from the medical community. Trump later said his remarks were sarcasm.

After the U.S. saw nationwide protests over stay-in-place orders, anti-lockdown protesters in GermanyÂ’s capital, Berlin, demonstrated Saturday against the coronavirus restrictions.

They shouted “I want my life back” and held up signs with slogans calling for greater freedom and protection of constitutional rights.

Police said on Twitter they had arrested more than 100 people, Reuters reported.

In the U.K., the number of death has passed 20,000 on Saturday, according to the country's health officials, making it one of only five countries to reach the grim milestone. Prime Minister Boris Johnson will return to his duties on Monday after a bad bout of COVID-19 that saw him treated in intensive care earlier this month.

Spain, the second hardest-hit country in Europe, will allow people out to exercise starting May 2 if the number of new coronavirus cases continues to fall. That comes as the nation recorded the lowest number of new deaths in more than a month on Sunday.

Meanwhile, China, where the epidemic began, said Sunday it had confirmed 11 new cases of the coronavirus, bringing the nationwide case tally to 82,827. There were no reported deaths for the eleventh day in a row.


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31 people reacting
SIB41 minutes ago
WHO haunted by old tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus
New York Post
March 20, 2020 | 11:10am

- [ ] "The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.
The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

The Chinese government reportedly knew the disease was spreading before the tweet was sent, according to the South China Morning Post.

The New York TimesÂ’ China correspondent, Amy Quin, said Tuesday on Twitter that the country had begun expelling American journalists."

ReplyReplies (8)5911
Its Time
Its Time1 hour ago
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," WHO tweeted in January.

ReplyReplies (44)31546
Pi1 hour ago
Reports tell us that in excess of 98% of those who have died of Covid-19 are aged and/or have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or lung disorder. The number of those exposed with mild or no symptoms has been grossly underestimated. We should focus the quarantine/protection effort on the high risk segment of the population and allow Covid-19 to run it's course in the healthy population, which gives beneficial antibodies to those exposed.

ReplyReplies (71)19649
Steven53 minutes ago
Less than 83,000 cases in China with no death for eleven days? In a country of 1.3 billion? Please. DonÂ’t believe China or WHO. Economic depression will kill way more than the virus. And if what they say is true, we canÂ’t stay in our homes the rest of our lives. We all take risks everyday, this is just another.

ReplyReplies (14)18916
The Credible Hulk
The Credible Hulk2 hours ago
No immunity means no vaccine. Who do you believe, the WHO or the thousands of scientists racing to complete one of the 115+ vaccines in development?

ReplyReplies (140)30353
Scott A
Scott A1 hour ago
Be suspicious of the people who seem to really want to keep you in your house and keep the economy shut down. There are people who are enjoying the new power they have and are planning to use it to implement their agenda. Just be very wary of what people in power are doing. Now more than ever, we need to question them and hold them accountable for every action they take. They need to have evidence to justify the restrictions they are imposing on people and there needs to be clear cut rules about how and when restrictions are lifted. Tyranny often comes in small incremental steps.

ReplyReplies (48)20748
Ron1 hour ago
You notice that the WHO is still pushing the idea that the mortality rate is over 5% in spite of a number of studies that indicate it is less than one tenth of that number? They have lied and covered for China from the start and have no credibility at all.

SolidRock1 hour ago
Because of what's apparently happening in China, I just simply refuse to believe anything said by the WHO. We can't continue to surrender our freedoms for safety or security or money. Once you surrender one freedom, it will be easier to surrender the next and the next and the next.

ReplyReplies (21)19223
Eddie57 minutes ago
It's all Grim and Doom from the MSM. More people have the COVID-19 than they can track so the death rate is much lower than they have said. The world is not ending like the MSM would have you to believe.

ReplyReplies (12)10917
Warren1 hour ago
The problem is stay at home creates lock down creates anxiety and fear. It also leads to poor quality of life which ends with poor diet and exercise. All these factors can transform a fit healthy person into a prime candidate for coronavirus. So the cure makes you a more likely victim.

ReplyReplies (36)21244
Carl1 hour ago
Is this the same WHO that said the spread of the Virus was not a danger to the world after Trump initiated the China Travel Ban?

ReplyReplies (34)36146
Paul1 hour ago
Then why are we hiding under our beds? This is starting to look like the 'experts' gave this no thought whatsoever?

ReplyReplies (1)473
photog43 minutes ago
“Since pneumonia deaths are up, yet all deaths are down, it must mean people are being recorded as dying from other things at smaller rates than usual. Deaths from other causes are simply being ascribed to the coronavirus."
Source: George Gilder.

No2 hours ago
This was a pretty good first test for them.....they contaminated the world with no repercussions from any other country.....Their next virus they "accidentally lose" will be way more lethal

ReplyReplies (18)20522
ACP1 hour ago
More reason to just move on. We can adjust our social behavior a bit but life needs to move on.

ReplyReplies (1)643
EWG2 hours ago
We will now have an annual Wuhan Flu season every year! Thank you China and WHO!

ReplyReplies (10)19324
Hilltopmike59 minutes ago
At the moment, I have no faith in the World Health Organization.

Daniel1 hour ago
If antibodies don't ensure immunity, then vaccines will be worthless to the people, and only profits for Big Pharma. This virus is a true pandemic.

ReplyReplies (7)5314
Squib_Kick1 hour ago
I don't take the WHO's words at face value. 90% discount is applied.

CD3 hours ago
we simply can not hide forever.

ReplyReplies (18)21514


Too many lies being told to create greater fear, greater panic, ask yourself why...
And then look at actions being taken to strip us of our freedoms, our wealth, our security and much, much more...-Tyr

I'm not sure I can do such a post proper justice with my reply. I'll have a crack at it, though.

First thought .. China released this virus on to the wider world. Even if purely accidental, and involuntarily ... that's the truth of it. They DID.

They should, sooner or later, pay a hefty price for it.

The WHO, if complicit to any degree in any cover-up about the earlier facts ... likewise, they need to pay. But perhaps Trump's cessation of funding for them is enough to do the trick.

If it isn't, then make them more radically accountable.

However .. the pandemic is real. Death tolls are real (and if not, are the world's Governments, all of them, lying ?). The nature of the infection I'm assuming has been accurately reported.

Covid-19 has given the world a new and very grim reality. That reality has base rules to it ... how to combat the infection. How to best serve any society's needs. How to balance the very real need for commerce, versus allowing death tolls to spiral out of control.

There's also this: what value do you place on a human life ? Do you consider the individual to be important, valuable, worth saving, AS an individual ? Do you instead think that individual life is cheap, easily dispensed with, as a means of applying with the greatest efficiency, the considerations of commerce ?

How big is an acceptable death toll, before human decency applies its own limits ?

Do you say, 'Commerce, the engine of a vibrant economy, is all, and any death toll is worth it, to keep business going ?'

The individual who's dead knows no freedoms, no liberty. But, did s/he die, in the name of it ?

My take on all this is that the world isn't as it was, but, we need to return the world to its old order when it best serves human interests to do it. That means, simply, adaptation to the reality out there, in order to make the necessary progress.

There is no vaccine. Many think it'll take a year or more to get one that works. This means employing other steps in the place of one.

It does not mean dispensing with them, before there's a good sign of the reality you hope to re-establish can be achieved.

Or ... does it ??

Given the premise that the individual is nearly worthless, then, you can adopt methods that ignore that individual, as one. High death tolls may be acceptable and fully tolerable, if the individual is seem to be dispensable. This can be done in the name of 'Freedom and Liberty', even though the dead individual will not be alive to experience it.

So, is that premise acceptable ? Does individual freedom and liberty become worth fighting for, if there's a good chance you may be dead prematurely from it ?

For whatever they're worth, I offer my thoughts.

1. With freedom, comes responsibility. This has to be so. Unrestrained freedom is the path to anarchy. Or, today, higher death tolls than are strictly necessary.

2. Reality has to be dealt with in its own terms (very few Lefties would, or ever could, agree). It needs to be faced, addressed, planned for, and intelligently countered, all in its own terms.

3. Compromise is therefore the order of the day, not recklessness. I say that individual lives are worth valuing and saving. You do what you can to not throw those lives away (result: those you save, DO know freedom and liberty, in future times).

I ask: how many State governors are caring about their citizens, as the valuable individual human beings they are ? Do they instead think that the engine of commerce outvalues them ?

If so, I suggest that each Governor wanting to end lockdowns quickly publish an account of the inflated death tolls they're happy with ... their acceptable 'kill rates'.

This, they can do in the name of 'Freedom and Liberty'.

The dead may not agree. But then, they'd be dead, so they can't disagree (and they cease to be voters, into the bargain).

So that's all OK, then.

In time, we should see (those of us who survive) a Brave New World.

What will be its values ? What will they deserve to be, considering the cost paid to get to that future ?