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View Full Version : Coronavirus Antibodies Present In Nearly 25% Of All NYC Residents, Cuomo Says

04-27-2020, 03:01 PM
IF that did in fact hold true throughout, that would be a few million with antibodies. I don't believe it would be that much, but could be. And the more the better, and of course other numbers evolve with it.

Gonna add a few more articles in this one to save threads. All related to the virus but not connected to one another.


Coronavirus Antibodies Present In Nearly 25% Of All NYC Residents, Cuomo Says; Un-PAUSE In Certain Regions Of NY Might Begin In May

ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) – Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday that the number of statewide random antibody tests has expanded to 7,500, which reveals a better picture of the extent of coronavirus spread in New York.

Cuomo said 14.9% of those tested statewide tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, which is up from the initial 13.9% statewide when a previous sample of 3,000 people was done on April 22. Cuomo said the 1% increase is statistically in the margin of error.

Regionally, the results suggest:

24.7% positive in New York City
15.1% positive in Westchester/Rockland
14.4% positive on Long Island
3.2% positive in the rest of the state
The governor said he’s going to conduct antibody surveys of 1,000 NYPD and FDNY personnel to determine the infection rate in those organizations. A similar survey will be done with 3,000 health care workers and 1,000 transit workers.

“We want to un-PAUSE. May 15 is when the PAUSE regulations expire statewide. I will extend them in many parts of the state. But in some parts of the state, some regions, you can make the case that we should un-PAUSE on May 15. But you have to be smart about it,” Cuomo said. “Start thinking through what it means to reopen.”

Rest - https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/04/27/coronavirus-antibodies-present-in-nearly-25-of-all-nyc-residents/

Test, test, test & test some more. And at least in many instances it's carrying good news. Well, bad and good. AS mentioned since the beginning, I talked about the asymptomatic folks. That kinda went without saying, IMO. But as we test more, we learn more and then learn even more. But not nearly as bad as originally thought, and SURE as hell not anywhere like 3.4% mortality rate.

I ask, and know the answer already - while NOT a good illness and still to be worried about of course, just like I don't want any elderly being near the flu other years either. But if they somehow did know much better from the get go, and "knew" the mortality rate is between .03 - .13 I think I saw as a high? And knowing without the fear being pushed - and knowing that between like 90-95% of deaths are elderly people and those with compromised immune systems. And YES, others too in that 5% mix. But with the knowledge of it being close to flu like numbers, and in addition to the flu, no replacing it, would the entire world be shut down? Would the entire nation of the USA be bolted down and back to 1930's again? And millions and millions of lost jobs? Would we have made such a decision with the numbers and knowledge is what we now know? HELLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOO. But hindsight and all of that jazz, so easier to say now.

EVERY SINGLE LIFE is valuable, so don't think I'm stating otherwise. But the approach WOULD have been different. This is unprecedented and we have faced worse.

There IS bad in here with GOOD. But sitting at home will NOT defeat this virus and time has already shown that, especially in the face of comparing places that never shut down, with places like New York that did in fact, as everyone else mostly.

Most Americans Who Carry the Coronavirus Don’t Know It

Almost the only people who are being tested for the coronavirus are those who have symptoms of Covid-19, an approach endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which provides guidance for states.

That has probably revealed just a fraction of the people infected, putting thousands of American in danger, because most of those who carry the virus do not know it.

What’s needed is widespread testing of people with no known symptoms.

A small set of blood tests for antibodies indicated that as many as 2.7 million New Yorkers may have been infected without realizing it, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday. That’s in line with other findings. A recent study showed that up to one-third of residents in Chelsea, a hot spot in Massachusetts, may have been infected, and only half of them could recall having a single symptom over the past four weeks. Another small study, of pregnant women in New York City, found that 15 percent tested positive for the virus, and 80 percent of them had no symptoms. Of the 840 cases on the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, 60 percent were asymptomatic.

So Covid-19 seems much more prevalent than our meager amount of testing has indicated, and millions of infected people may be innocently spreading the disease.

We need to aggressively search for asymptomatic carriers, particularly among people who have frequent contact with the public and among vulnerable populations. This includes those who are infectious but will never develop symptoms and those who will develop them days after the test.

Those in high-risk asymptomatic groups who must be urgently targeted include health workers, especially those in long-term care facilities; the homeless and those working in shelters; grocery store employees and delivery drivers, taxi drivers, emergency workers, employees in high density workplaces like delivery warehouses and meat processing plants; and anyone who has had close contact with a known Covid-19 patient. These high-risk groups need to be tested as often as every five days, given what we know about the time it takes to develop symptoms after becoming infected, and those found to be infected should self-isolate immediately while their contacts should be quarantined for 14 days.

Testing will need to be expanded at least fivefold and made as accessible and convenient as possible, without the need for a doctor’s referral, and free of charge. Right now about 200,000 people a day are being tested for the virus across the country. We need this to grow to around a million tests or more daily. Testing will be sufficient when fewer than 5 percent of the tests come up positive. In New York, 38 percent of those tested were found to be infected as of Wednesday. The number of new tests is also far too low. Louisiana, another hot spot, reported only 481 new Covid-19 tests last Thursday.

Rest - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/26/opinion/coronavirus-test-asymptomatic.html

Probably not the most 'common sense' way to approach things, nor using appropriate PPE supplies. Was a pretty dumb claim and only endangered himself. :rolleyes: Yes, rights, but with common sense and precautions. Jeez, not rocket science. Go to Mcdonalds and the just out of HS kids can help them out. :laugh:

A Virginia preacher believed ‘God can heal anything.’ Then he caught coronavirus

Every day Landon Spradlin was growing weaker, and now, on the morning when he would leave New Orleans for the last time, the 66-year-old preacher and blues guitarist was unable to load his bags into the white Ford F-250 that was supposed to carry him home.

Ric Lyons, a fellow musician who for weeks had played and prayed with Spradlin amid the Mardi Gras crowds thronging Jackson Square, packed the truck. Spradlin’s wife, Jean, settled in the driver’s seat. Spradlin eased into the cab beside her. Racked by fits of coughing, the ordinarily talkative street minister said little as the Ford rolled east on the Twin Span Bridge across the wide, bright expanse of Lake Pontchartrain.

The world had changed since the Spradlins crossed the same bridge weeks earlier to begin their annual New Orleans street ministry. The couple from rural Gretna, Va., had arrived Feb. 18, several days before President Trump declared on Twitter that the novel coronavirus was “very much under control in the USA.” They left on March 16, the same day the president would recommend that Americans stop gathering in groups of more than 10.

Rest - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-virginia-preacher-believed-god-can-heal-anything-then-he-caught-coronavirus/ar-BB13gpl2

This is the same story all over. People barely have money. They need to scrape up just to buy essentials. But the landlords and owners still want or need their rent money. If the govt. ain't bailing them out, and you have a landlord with say 14 units, don't ya think he has bills of his own to pay? Both at home and related to the very building these folks live in. So they are angry about not being able to work, and not getting free rent now, so they will strike or flip the bird to their landlords. Guess what? Many can and will be evicted when time goes by and all the courts re-open. There has to be understanding all the way around for these unprecedented times, but everyone is suffering, not just those paying rent. It all goes uphill in that manner. Now, if affordable housing like these or government paid/owned buildings, then

Rent Strike Planned for May 1 as Pain of Coronavirus Deepens

Most residents at 17 buildings near Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens, N.Y., have committed to stop paying rent, organizers say

Ysvelia Silva planned to spend this spring training for the New York City Marathon. Instead, she is calling neighbors in her apartment complex and urging them not to pay rent next month.

She and other tenant organizers say the majority of residents at a group of 17 buildings in Queens, N.Y., have committed to a rent strike effective May 1. The neighborhood’s five-story brick buildings of mostly affordable housing belong to a larger complex called the Cosmopolitan Houses.

“Life has changed completely here,” said Ms. Silva, 66 years old, who closed her small leather-importing business due to coronavirus. Most of her neighbors, she said, are out of work or running out of money. Some are also infected with the virus. “No one goes through the trouble to do this because they want to. We’re not paying rent out of necessity.”

Where most rent strikes arise from disputes between tenants and building owners, organizers say this one is meant to prod lawmakers into offering more rental assistance during the crisis.

Ms. Silva’s part of Queens has been hit hard by coronavirus. The nearest hospital, Elmhurst Hospital Center, is among the most overburdened in the city and has been called “the epicenter of the epicenter” of the pandemic by the local city councilman.

Many of the residents can’t afford rent next month, organizers say. Others are able to pay but say they won’t, to help bring more attention to the cause.

Rest - https://www.wsj.com/articles/rent-strike-planned-for-may-1-as-pain-of-coronavirus-deepens-11587988800

Black Diamond
04-27-2020, 03:14 PM
Given a population of 8.3 million, 25 percent infected and a 98 percent survival rate, I get 415000 new york fatalities.

:sadface :

04-27-2020, 03:20 PM
Given a population of 8.3 million, 25 percent infected and a 98 percent survival rate, I get 415000 new york fatalities.

:sadface :

I believe that 25% is how many they think have antibodies in their system. Which is I guess like 2 million projected. But that would also mean that this many folks possibly DID get the illness and either barely felt it or didn't have a clue.

Black Diamond
04-27-2020, 03:47 PM
I believe that 25% is how many they think have antibodies in their system. Which is I guess like 2 million projected. But that would also mean that this many folks possibly DID get the illness and either barely felt it or didn't have a clue.

Yeah there are some who have carried it with no symptoms.

04-27-2020, 03:52 PM
Yeah there are some who have carried it with no symptoms.

Yup, a lot, more so than sick. And they will in fact be out there, hence me reiterating common sense and precautions every other post.

04-27-2020, 04:07 PM
Yeah there are some who have carried it with no symptoms.

How dare they! They must be punished! Take away their livelihood! Oh wait, Dr. Fauchi has already taken care of that.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-27-2020, 04:18 PM
Clearly points to the manipulation that I've referenced from the start..
Even a non-medical person knows to get an accurate mortality rate one must first know the --true number of infected persons- in order to compare the number of deaths against to get that percentage number.
They never did attempt test huge groups of people that showed no signs of the virus-- and they-- the med experts knew that was a must for a far, far more accurate assessment to be had...
By not doing that they deliberately left the very high, lying false mortality rate number at 3.4% and higher..
Why? Answer to instill greater fear that birthed panic. And in that panic shut down almost everything, weaken this nation and gain far greater control over our population. Truth oft is brutal and those in on this great deception are brutal , uncaring and goal driven scum, imho..-Tyr