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View Full Version : Is the advice on face masks going to change?

04-27-2020, 03:51 PM
Slowly but surely, or perhaps quickly, they came out with the full truth here and now everyone is wearing some form of mask, and most medical. To tell anyone otherwise is crazy. To lie/omit in order to save and/or build up a supply for the medical community? Hell, just do what they finally said, certain masks can no longer be sold, hospitals only. You know, the people up close and personal helping others with the disease. Those that are just fine if they wear the appropriate masks. Studies on their effectiveness have been done for many years and prove this fact out. Massive testing is done to prove what it doesn't let through - if worn correctly. Apparently that last portion being most important, as folks around the world think citizens are too stupid to wear one.

Here, they even tell you within the article:

they can be contaminated by other people's coughs and sneezes, or when putting them on or removing them
frequent hand-washing and social distancing are more effective
they might offer a false sense of security

-So someone else sneezes, and the mask catches it and now it's possibly on the exterior. This is why they are DISPOSABLE.
-Taking them on and off, read a few sentence directions and it's easy as pie. Tiny little steps.
-And washing your hands and such is more effective. Ok, yeah, we all said that! But how about if you wear a mask while out, have the IQ of a gnat to use one, same as gloves if you want, and dispose of them when you get home and wash up frequently as recommended.
-Anything can offer a false sense of security. I'm sure everyone wearing bandanas feel better too. So can a placebo for some. But how about mentioning it prevents one from touching their face? Or that using one properly in ADDITION to other methods is better? Or that washing up, wearing a mask, wearing gloves if you want.... Anything but common sense! And I have many of them, I KNOW I wear them correctly on my own, but even my doc said they were being worn correctly, and I did bring both styles with me to show him. Makes me feel a tad better, as I know I'm the butter knife of the drawer. So if I can do so properly, a dang ferret or my husky could learn how!

Bottom line, WAY too many recommendations to NOT wear them, and basically ALL of them then directly pointing out that they work, and imply that we are all too stupid.

Coronavirus: Is the advice on face masks going to change?

Advice on whether the public should wear face masks has been passed on to the UK government by its scientific advisers.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) looked at issues like protecting the supply of medical face masks, and the public covering their faces with scarves or homemade masks.

Why doesn't everyone wear a mask now?

The World Health Organization (WHO) says only two groups of people should wear protective masks, those who are:

sick and showing symptoms
caring for people suspected to have coronavirus

It says medical masks should be reserved for healthcare workers.

Masks are not recommended for the general public because:

they can be contaminated by other people's coughs and sneezes, or when putting them on or removing them
frequent hand-washing and social distancing are more effective
they might offer a false sense of security

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control agrees that medical face masks should be prioritised for healthcare workers. But it says non-surgical face masks might help stop the spread of coronavirus by people who are contagious but have no symptoms.

This might be particularly useful in busy spaces, such as grocery stores, shopping centres, and on public transport, it says.

Coronavirus is spread by droplets that can spray into the air when those infected talk, cough and sneeze. These can enter the body through the eyes, nose and mouth, either directly or after touching a contaminated object.

Rest - https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51205344

04-27-2020, 04:40 PM
Why would the advice on masks change? You mean the talking heads should shut up? They're trying to sell Zippo's at a hydrogen factory:rolleyes:

Masks don't work for the general public so we can hoard them for use by medical personnel, which, of course, they work for:rolleyes: That's a damned smart mask that knows if the wearer is medical personnel.

I'll tell you who's stupid. The people that think everyone is stupid enough to buy that load of shit.

04-28-2020, 08:26 AM
The N95, KN95 & other certified European masks are still much much better than a plain surgical mask. Anything is better than nothing. At minimum either one helps others and helps yourself from touching your face. At best, the better masks stop much of viruses and other contagions.

But they aren't perfection. Hell, the 95 alone states that. But 95% protection is a lot better than none!

Many studies have been done. The certified masks do their job and of course one needs to ensure they put it on properly. Then the surgical masks, maybe not so much, but it also protects a ton in various directions.


Study: Widespread use of masks could drive down NY death rate

Widespread use of masks could help prevent many people from getting COVID-19 during the next two months, lowering the projected New York State death toll by a range of 17% to 45% depending how carefully and frequently they are used, new research shows.

A study of data from New York by Arizona State University researchers suggests that immediate “broad adoption,” by 80% of New Yorkers, in using "moderately" effective face masks could have a significant impact on the spread of disease, along with other social distancing methods. Even “very weak masks” that are 20% effective help in blocking the virus, it concluded.

“Face mask use should be as nearly universal (i.e., nationwide) as possible and implemented without delay, even if most masks are homemade and of relatively low quality,” concluded the ASU team. “This measure could contribute greatly to controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, with the benefit greatest in conjunction with other nonpharmaceutical interventions that reduce community transmission.”

In Newsday interviews, the lead author of the study, Dr. Steffen E. Eikenberry, and another co-author, Eric Kostelich, estimated that widespread use of masks starting from the early onset of the crisis in New York could have lowered the current death toll by as much as 25%. So far, more than 16,500 New Yorkers have died from COVID-19.


New Study: Surgical Masks Stop Transmission Of COVID-19 From Symptomatic People

A recent study published by the journal Nature Medicine on April 3 said that surgical masks are effective barriers in preventing people from discharging infectious particles, at least quantity-wise.

The research was conducted by the University of Maryland, College Park, and the University of Hong Kong on previous coronaviruses and not SARS-CoV-2. Be that as it may, the findings are relevant to the current pandemic. In fact, similarly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) updated its recommendations to say that asymptomatic people need not cover their face at all with a surgical mask.

So, what did this particular study have to contribute to this current debate going back and forth on advice related to masks? Firstly, aerosol particles can be spread without sneezing or coughing. Just by the simple act of breathing, tiny droplets are emitted and cannot be stopped from spreading by surgical masks alone. It is the quantity of flu viruses shed by coughing and sneezing that is reduced when wearing a mask for protection, thereby controlling transmission to an extent.


Surgical masks as good as respirators for flu and respiratory virus protection

Researchers may finally have an answer in the long-running controversy over whether the common surgical mask is as effective as more expensive respirator-type masks in protecting health care workers from flu and other respiratory viruses.

A study published today in JAMA compared the ubiquitous surgical (or medical) mask, which costs about a dime, to a less commonly used respirator called an N95, which costs around $1. The study reported "no significant difference in the effectiveness" of medical masks vs. N95 respirators for prevention of influenza or other viral respiratory illness.

"This study showed there is no difference in incidence of viral respiratory transmission among health care workers wearing the two types of protection," said Dr. Trish Perl, Chief of UT Southwestern's Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine and the report's senior author. "This finding is important from a public policy standpoint because it informs about what should be recommended and what kind of protective apparel should be kept available for outbreaks."

Medical personnel -- in particular nurses, doctors, and others with direct patient contact -- are at risk when treating patients with contagious diseases such as influenza (flu). A large study conducted in a New York hospital system after the 2009 outbreak of H1N1, or swine flu, found almost 30 percent of health care workers in emergency departments contracted the disease themselves, Dr. Perl said.

During that pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended using the tighter-fitting N95 respirators, designed to fit closely over the nose and mouth and filter at least 95 percent of airborne particles, rather than the looser-fitting surgical masks routinely worn by health care workers, Dr. Perl said. But some facilities had trouble replenishing N95s as supplies were used.


Outpatient study finds masks, respirators equally protective

In outpatient settings, surgical masks and more expensive respirator masks appear to be equally effective for protecting health workers against flu and other respiratory viruses, according to a new study based on data over four flu seasons.

Earlier studies comparing the two forms of respiratory protection have shown mixed results. Uncertainty over which is better has been a sticking point in forming recommendations on how best to protect healthcare workers, especially during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. And the new findings come in the wake of 2018 research that showed that flu likely also spreads by small aerosol particles, not just by respiratory droplets.

Tighter-fitting N95 masks are designed to filter at least 95% of airborne particles, but some healthcare workers find them less comfortable than surgical masks, leading to problems with adherence. During the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic, some hospitals and clinics had problems restocking their N95 supplies.

The study took place at a range of outpatient settings in seven health systems, including Aurora and Denver, Colorado; Baltimore; and Veterans Affairs (VA) health systems in Denver, Houston, New York City, and Washington, DC. Investigators were from several institutions, including the University of Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Johns Hopkins University, the University of Colorado, Children's Hospital Colorado, the University of Massachusetts, the University of Florida, and several VA hospitals. The team published its findings yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).


Professional and Home-Made Face Masks Reduce Exposure to Respiratory Infections among the General Population

Governments are preparing for a potential influenza pandemic. Therefore they need data to assess the possible impact of interventions. Face-masks worn by the general population could be an accessible and affordable intervention, if effective when worn under routine circumstances.

We assessed transmission reduction potential provided by personal respirators, surgical masks and home-made masks when worn during a variety of activities by healthy volunteers and a simulated patient.

Principal Findings
All types of masks reduced aerosol exposure, relatively stable over time, unaffected by duration of wear or type of activity, but with a high degree of individual variation. Personal respirators were more efficient than surgical masks, which were more efficient than home-made masks. Regardless of mask type, children were less well protected. Outward protection (mask wearing by a mechanical head) was less effective than inward protection (mask wearing by healthy volunteers).

Any type of general mask use is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence, personal respirators providing most protection. Masks worn by patients may not offer as great a degree of protection against aerosol transmission.


Medical masks vs N95 respirators for preventing COVID-19 in healthcare workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials.

Bartoszko JJ1, Farooqi MAM2, Alhazzani W1,3, Loeb M1,4.
Author information
Respiratory protective devices are critical in protecting against infection in healthcare workers at high risk of novel 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19); however, recommendations are conflicting and epidemiological data on their relative effectiveness against COVID-19 are limited.

To compare medical masks to N95 respirators in preventing laboratory-confirmed viral infection and respiratory illness including coronavirus specifically in healthcare workers.

MEDLINE, Embase, and CENTRAL from January 1, 2014, to March 9, 2020. Update of published search conducted from January 1, 1990, to December 9, 2014.

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the protective effect of medical masks to N95 respirators in healthcare workers.

Reviewer pair independently screened, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias and the certainty of the evidence.

Four RCTs were meta-analyzed adjusting for clustering. Compared with N95 respirators; the use of medical masks did not increase laboratory-confirmed viral (including coronaviruses) respiratory infection (OR 1.06; 95% CI 0.90-1.25; I2 = 0%; low certainty in the evidence) or clinical respiratory illness (OR 1.49; 95% CI: 0.98-2.28; I2 = 78%; very low certainty in the evidence). Only one trial evaluated coronaviruses separately and found no difference between the two groups (P = .49).

Indirectness and imprecision of available evidence.

Low certainty evidence suggests that medical masks and N95 respirators offer similar protection against viral respiratory infection including coronavirus in healthcare workers during non-aerosol-generating care. Preservation of N95 respirators for high-risk, aerosol-generating procedures in this pandemic should be considered when in short supply.


Hot Dogger
04-28-2020, 06:07 PM
Jim, I say this with all due respect, but you come across as a frightened child over this COVID scam. I'd have hated having to serve with you in the military. I'd have probably gone AWOL had you been put in any position of authority over me. You remind me of this one guy in particular, he's now very ill due to military medical research, yet he refuses to do anything about his lot, as if he believes he deserves to die.

We're all going to die some day, so I'd rather die as someone who was bold and free.

04-28-2020, 06:58 PM
Jim, I say this with all due respect, but you come across as a frightened child over this COVID scam. I'd have hated having to serve with you in the military. I'd have probably gone AWOL had you been put in any position of authority over me. You remind me of this one guy in particular, he's now very ill due to military medical research, yet he refuses to do anything about his lot, as if he believes he deserves to die.

We're all going to die some day, so I'd rather die as someone who was bold and free.It's on. I needed a Sergeant Major to remind me of this: They act like a bunch of frightened civilians because they are, nimrod. WTF do you expect them to do? Act like they've been under fire and already got the whole facing death thing down? This is the first time most civilian Americans have had to face death realizing the government can't save them.

They're looking for hope, you fuckwit. They're doing it the way they know how. And along comes a dick like you. WTF have you ever done? Speaking of hating to serve with someone, screwballs like you lasted just as long as it took me to farm them out to Base to hand out towels in the gym. I wouldn't trust an addle-brained person like you with a loaded pea shooter standing behind me if it was me against the World.

I'm disgusted with our leadership and the media who have pretty much painted us as a bunch of pussies but why would you blame the very people you signed up to protect? EVEN IF your conspiracy crap is true, they are STILL victims, not perpetrators.

Lastly, if you want to claim to be a vet, then act like one. I assure the members of this board you damned sure don't speak for me nor any other vet I know.

Hot Dogger
04-28-2020, 08:01 PM
It's on. I needed a Sergeant Major to remind me of this: They act like a bunch of frightened civilians because they are, nimrod. WTF do you expect them to do? Act like they've been under fire and already got the whole facing death thing down? This is the first time most civilian Americans have had to face death realizing the government can't save them.

They're looking for hope, you fuckwit. They're doing it the way they know how. And along comes a dick like you. WTF have you ever done? Speaking of hating to serve with someone, screwballs like you lasted just as long as it took me to farm them out to Base to hand out towels in the gym. I wouldn't trust an addle-brained person like you with a loaded pea shooter standing behind me if it was me against the World.

I'm disgusted with our leadership and the media who have pretty much painted us as a bunch of pussies but why would you blame the very people you signed up to protect? EVEN IF your conspiracy crap is true, they are STILL victims, not perpetrators.

Lastly, if you want to claim to be a vet, then act like one. I assure the members of this board you damned sure don't speak for me nor any other vet I know.

I wasn't aware Jim never served in the military. So according to you that's an excuse to be scared and hopeless, check. And you say I should act like a vet? Do you mean speak freely and demand freedom? Fine. And I never claimed to speak for anyone here but myself, you've a great habit of complaining like a chick whenever I speak my mind around here. And I speak only for myself and common sense not maniacs like you. And you call me a fuckwit dick and question my service? Okay dummy, see my first honorable discharge and oath of reenlistment. And shortly after reenlisting, I was medically tortured and left to die with gastrointestinal anthrax. So now, feel free to insert any irregular shaped objects you have lying around rectally, I'm sure that's your hobby, clown boy.



04-28-2020, 08:46 PM
That's just beautiful. Feel better about yourself? That is an awesome response to ... nothing I said. Please quote where I questioned your service. I question your stories DO note the difference.

What was it you called Jim? A frightened child, I believe. Only one of us is acting like a child around here. When you get your stories past the 70s Sat Morning sci fi flick, let me know :rolleyes:

Hot Dogger
04-28-2020, 08:56 PM
Lastly, if you want to claim to be a vet, then act like one. I assure the members of this board you damned sure don't speak for me nor any other vet I know.

There's where you questioned my service. You see, I never claimed to be a veteran, I am a veteran.

04-28-2020, 09:00 PM
There's where you questioned my service. You see, I never claimed to be a veteran, I am a veteran.Sorry, not seeing it. Is that where YOU questioned it?

Okay, you're a veteran. And?

Hot Dogger
04-28-2020, 09:33 PM
Sorry, not seeing it. Is that where YOU questioned it?

Okay, you're a veteran. And?

And I'm finished in this thread. :poke:

04-29-2020, 09:27 AM
Jim, I say this with all due respect, but you come across as a frightened child over this COVID scam. I'd have hated having to serve with you in the military. I'd have probably gone AWOL had you been put in any position of authority over me. You remind me of this one guy in particular, he's now very ill due to military medical research, yet he refuses to do anything about his lot, as if he believes he deserves to die.

We're all going to die some day, so I'd rather die as someone who was bold and free.

Quite OK, you don't know me, so no biggie. Nor do I really give a shit what I remind you of. :) So I talk about the effectiveness of masks and it makes me frightened? And then others will jump on me for freely going out and not having much fear over it. To each their own.

If I had a position of authority over you, you would have been shitcanned, quite frankly, and quickly. But I'd still let you buy me a beer.

04-29-2020, 09:31 AM
It's on. I needed a Sergeant Major to remind me of this: They act like a bunch of frightened civilians because they are, nimrod. WTF do you expect them to do? Act like they've been under fire and already got the whole facing death thing down? This is the first time most civilian Americans have had to face death realizing the government can't save them.

They're looking for hope, you fuckwit. They're doing it the way they know how. And along comes a dick like you. WTF have you ever done? Speaking of hating to serve with someone, screwballs like you lasted just as long as it took me to farm them out to Base to hand out towels in the gym. I wouldn't trust an addle-brained person like you with a loaded pea shooter standing behind me if it was me against the World.

I'm disgusted with our leadership and the media who have pretty much painted us as a bunch of pussies but why would you blame the very people you signed up to protect? EVEN IF your conspiracy crap is true, they are STILL victims, not perpetrators.

Lastly, if you want to claim to be a vet, then act like one. I assure the members of this board you damned sure don't speak for me nor any other vet I know.

No frightened civilian here and all you fucks should know that. I have zero fear of pretty much anyone or anything other than spiders. I do like to get on myself about some things though at times. By no means am I some tough guy hard ass, but anyone thinking I am walking fear, well they simply don't know Jim, not in the slightest. :)

I have no care in the world what someone who hasn't a clue about me "thinks" they know about me. As for conspiracies and acting like a vet, or.... to each their own.

04-29-2020, 09:40 AM
I wasn't aware Jim never served in the military. So according to you that's an excuse to be scared and hopeless, check. And you say I should act like a vet? Do you mean speak freely and demand freedom? Fine. And I never claimed to speak for anyone here but myself, you've a great habit of complaining like a chick whenever I speak my mind around here. And I speak only for myself and common sense not maniacs like you. And you call me a fuckwit dick and question my service? Okay dummy, see my first honorable discharge and oath of reenlistment. And shortly after reenlisting, I was medically tortured and left to die with gastrointestinal anthrax. So now, feel free to insert any irregular shaped objects you have lying around rectally, I'm sure that's your hobby, clown boy.

Scared and hopeless? I don't think so. I don't want to be someone to say "let's meet up" - but I wouldn't turn down the invitation. And if I went 4500 miles to see someone on here, I assure you I would do so. I couldn't care less personally how tough or weak others are. But I'm far from one to take a guess in the wind like such, especially when it may be someone truly with zero fear whatsoever but loads of common sense, but not afraid to mix it up, with anyone, ever. But those usually talking tougher or must think they are tougher than others, are generally 100% full of shit.

Asking a question like an uninformed dolt is one thing, that's just being a rude asshole telling folks such things like that. But dared to ever think it were really true, or to take an offer, you would find out rather quickly just how wrong you are.

You come off to me as a bit of a wacky conspiracy theorist either believing BS or pushing BS. And without zilch for facts. Zilch. Post facts or I say you are a lying sack of shit. And scared and hopeless would fucking crush such a person. I LOVE military fucks that think their service somehow makes them stronger, whether physically or mentally.

Anyway you look at it, you try tossing this weak or scared bullshit at me over a post? Or over many posts about common sense, protections or other news? Well, that alone about tosses out the mental part.

How many more can you insult proactively here now? It's one thing to respond or disagree on something and after a shitload of posts things get heated a little. But your moronic ass goes from a-z - and thinks it's acceptable because you said "with all due respect"?

04-29-2020, 10:53 AM
I've posted about what the authorities representing the UK (e.g Government) say about the general public wearing masks. The advice has always been the same: mask wearing is useless, it's a waste of time bothering.

That doesn't extend to the N95 variant, thought to be highly effective. But N95's are almost impossible to get ... even for many healthcare workers. So, the advice seems to remain.

There are cracks appearing, though. Scotland has thought again. Their particular Government has changed its advice.


The Scottish Government has recommended wearing face masks in enclosed public spaces like shops and public transport to stop the spread of coronavirus.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the change in policy at her daily Covid-19 briefing.

She clarified that the Scottish Government is not recommending the use of face masks for children under the age of two.

The First Minister added: "We are recommending that you do wear a cloth face covering if you are in an enclosed space with others where social distancing is difficult, for example public transport or in a shop."

That's purely a recommendation, though. It won't be enforced in law.

A scientist has come up with what she says is a good litmus test for whether a mask is worth wearing. This is: if you're wearing one, properly fitted, and then you hold a lighted candle to your mouth, and it's possible to blow the flame out through the mask ... the mask is useless.

Germany is doing the exact opposite of the UK (as a whole).


Face masks will now be compulsory in Germany as the country continues its battle against coronavirus.

The decision comes after Bremen became the last of the 16 federal regions to support the proposed measures with confirmation expected to arrive on Friday.

The move, which could be rolled out on Monday, comes after German Chancellor Angela Merkel made the recommendation last week.

Germany has currently experienced 150,648 cases of Covid-19 and 5,315 fatalities as of Thursday morning, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The mask will be mandatory to wear on public transport nationwide, while most German states, including Berlin, will also insist on wearing one during shopping.

Germany tried a phased withdrawal of its lockdown rules .. on the basis of their infection rate falling below the 'R' value of one. They felt that infection rates had stabilised and that the low rating made counter-lockdown steps a realistic step to take.

Latest news says that their first measures at a relaxation have seen a spike in infections, climbing steadily again. This has reportedly come as a shock to them. So it is that they're cracking down again, pronto ....

04-29-2020, 11:03 AM
I've posted about what the authorities representing the UK (e.g Government) say about the general public wearing masks. The advice has always been the same: mask wearing is useless, it's a waste of time bothering.

That doesn't extend to the N95 variant, thought to be highly effective. But N95's are almost impossible to get ... even for many healthcare workers. So, the advice seems to remain.

Around the world they are primarily being saved for hospitals. Makes sense.

But also look for KN95 which is China's version - or FFP2 or just P2 in Eurpoean countries.

The N95 block 95% - the KN's are supposed to be the same rated, but you make a decision if and where you get a Chinese product from! Can you get the FFP2? The N95 and all of them are on Ebay still, but gouging galore is going on.

Alternatives are the N95 and those below it - the other's above 95% will make ya look a little funny, then you're getting closer to full hazmat crap and full face respirators

FP1 & P1 At least 80%
FFP2 & P2 At least 94%
N95 At least 95%
N99 & FFP3 At least 99%
P3 At least 99.95%
N100 At least 99.97%

04-29-2020, 11:49 AM
Around the world they are primarily being saved for hospitals. Makes sense.

But also look for KN95 which is China's version - or FFP2 or just P2 in Eurpoean countries.

The N95 block 95% - the KN's are supposed to be the same rated, but you make a decision if and where you get a Chinese product from! Can you get the FFP2? The N95 and all of them are on Ebay still, but gouging galore is going on.

Alternatives are the N95 and those below it - the other's above 95% will make ya look a little funny, then you're getting closer to full hazmat crap and full face respirators

FP1 & P1 At least 80%
FFP2 & P2 At least 94%
N95 At least 95%
N99 & FFP3 At least 99%
P3 At least 99.95%
N100 At least 99.97%

Some very useful information here, Jim. Thanks very much for it.

I've checked some of it, in terms of what might be available, and any other comments ...

This is one UK source for the KN95. They're out of the adult KN95's, but apparently promise supplies in a week.


On the FFP2 ... found this ...


These face masks are filtering masks that are recommended when protection of the respiratory system is needed (differences detailed below).

They are FFP2 grade (N95/KN95 equivalent) and meet the guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO). They are recommended for use by the WHO during outbreaks of SARS, Avian Flu and Coronavirus.

All prices stated are for one mask only (unless otherwise stated).

We are working hard to offer the best prices possible, however these are all dependent on our wholesale cost. Due to the pandemic, UK landed stock is at a premium but this means you are able to get the product the very next day.

Looks like they have a stock !

Most interesting. I'm sure the Scots will be delighted.

I'll look at the rest later. Very useful, though - appreciated.

04-29-2020, 11:56 AM
I think folks should do what they feel most comfortable with. I will say that the initial advice was from both WHO and CDC, facing severe shortage of masks for healthcare providers, mostly due to China's hording after vacuuming up the world supplies. Let's just note now that China is using them in their schools, on the street, and of course in their hospitals and other healthcare providers.

CDC eventually changed their recommendation, along with a bit of acknowledgement that the initial statements were at least partially due to lack of supplies. Then there was the unfolding story of WHOs complicity with the CCP.


at above are links back to CDC.

Choose for yourself, I choose to wear.

04-29-2020, 12:05 PM
We just had our daily update on Covid-19 statistics and policy from the Government, delivered by Dominic Raab.

As speculated .. our reported death rate has shot up. The reason for this is that the stats now include measured information from UK care homes, which for some reason had been overlooked before. I forget the exact figure quoted ... but previous to this, we'd managed a total death tally just above 20,000. Including the care home data today saw it shoot up by another 6,000 deaths, so we're now over the 26,000 mark.

So, now our media is wondering what else might be missing from our stats. Speculation is rife that we're doing far worse than we thought we were. One possible source of concern is that we still don't know the rate of importing of it that might be happening.

Our borders aren't entirely locked down ... a small percentage of flights are still landing from what was the norm. Apparently there's no record of data of infections taken from those airports still active !!

So we have that concern to contend with. People mostly aren't landing here any more, but, repatriations of Brits stuck abroad are still occurring. For all I know, this might mean that Brit people are still coming back from the US.

04-29-2020, 12:11 PM
I think folks should do what they feel most comfortable with. I will say that the initial advice was from both WHO and CDC, facing severe shortage of masks for healthcare providers, mostly due to China's hording after vacuuming up the world supplies. Let's just note now that China is using them in their schools, on the street, and of course in their hospitals and other healthcare providers.

CDC eventually changed their recommendation, along with a bit of acknowledgement that the initial statements were at least partially due to lack of supplies. Then there was the unfolding story of WHOs complicity with the CCP.


at above are links back to CDC.

Choose for yourself, I choose to wear.

I'm just beginning to consider it. General UK advice, unchanged. Scotland .. suddenly, a total about-turn. If I do start wearing any, I'll stick out here like a sore thumb. Almost nobody here is wearing one. As I posted before, I've only ever seen one person wearing one in the street, over the months all this has been an issue.

04-29-2020, 02:25 PM
Some very useful information here, Jim. Thanks very much for it.

I've checked some of it, in terms of what might be available, and any other comments ...

This is one UK source for the KN95. They're out of the adult KN95's, but apparently promise supplies in a week.


On the FFP2 ... found this ...


Looks like they have a stock !

Most interesting. I'm sure the Scots will be delighted.

I'll look at the rest later. Very useful, though - appreciated.

N95 is nearly impossible outside of Ebay, and there you will be lucky to find any that average out to like $50 or less PER MASK! And normally you could get a 20 pack for like $20!

The KN95 are a decent alternative. You have some rated such directly from China, but for here at least, there are a few Chinese manufacturers recommended by the CDC, but very few of them And then the FFP2 is harder here but I see more around the UK and Australia. I myself wouldn't bother with any other than those 3 style. Well, you have also those much higher rated even, and you'll likely be guaranteed to remain virus free, but they are quite awkward and not meant for really just wearing them or walking around.

For examples from here, Ebay:

Here is a certified by FDA made KN95 masks - https://www.ebay.com/itm/SUPPLYAID-KN95-Protective-Face-Mask-CE-ECM-Certified-GB2626-Standard-5-Pack/254570005358?hash=item3b458e036e:g:O4oAAOSwQ8VelxT 0

Those are $17 for a 5 pack.

SupplyAID’s KN95 5-ply foldable mask is suitable for adults’ daily travel protection. The KN95 mask is not to be used as a replacement for gas masks or as a medical mask. The mask cannot generate oxygen and should not be used in hypoxic environments. When used properly, the mask provides approximately 95% filter efficiency and effectively protects respiratory health. Use the KN95 mask to protect against PM2.5, dust, pollen, microorganisms, and air pollution. Use the mask within 3 years of manufacturer and should be stored in dry and ventilated location 23ºF – 122ºF (-5ºC – 50ºC, relative humidity <80%). Contains 5 face masks.

There are tons and tons of them, 5 packs, 10 packs and 20 packs, and much more reasonable. But again, China.

IF you can get them over there - I have a ton made by "San Huei", but they are Niosh certified N95 masks!! I don't see any on Ebay here. But at least for reference, here's masks from their site:


And the CDC page of a list of the certified N95 masks, which you can go through alphabetically or directly to a manufacturer:


Here's an already sold KN95 masks - but these have breathing valves in them, allowing for a tad cooler breathing and/or to get rid of carbon dioxide buildup.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/KN-NINETY5-Face-Mask-with-FILTER-Professional-SHIPS-FROM-CHICAGO-USA-/274346875820?hash=item3fe0591bac%3Ag%3Aa1wAAOSwgeJ eo2su&nma=true&si=3axNADobSSeiMcPoT00o%252FUn7BD8%253D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557

Here's some FFP2 style, I assume for reference:


Double the amount - https://www.ebay.com/itm/10-PACK-Dr-Mfyan-FFP2-Face-Mask-Protector-NEW-IN-STOCK-Disposable-Respirator/184272406568?epid=23037810945&hash=item2ae77dc828:g:UY4AAOSwFpBeqaZO

I assume for you mostly for reference, as I would imagine your preference isn't to get one from Florida or NJ!!

04-29-2020, 02:42 PM
I don't know if the general advice is changing, but starting Monday you'll need a mask of some sort if you want to go into Costco...

04-29-2020, 03:06 PM
I don't know if the general advice is changing, but starting Monday you'll need a mask of some sort if you want to go into Costco...

Yep, many many places here in NY, likely because you HAVE to now. Most places now won't let you in without. Of course anything is acceptable, bandanas and scarves and such.

Abbey Marie
04-29-2020, 03:36 PM
Delaware just yesterday made wearing masks in public mandatory. For everyone over the age of 12. No biggie to me. We are used to it, and I am happy to increase my and my family’s safety by any percentage with just a slight inconvenience.

By the way, if anyone on this board is afraid, it’s probably me. Not Jim. Who btw lives in the part of the country where most of us do not want to be right now. I know two people who have died from this, and they weren’t elderly or in nursing homes.

So have at me; don’t care.

04-29-2020, 03:41 PM
Delaware just yesterday made wearing masks in public mandatory. For everyone over the age of 12. No biggie to me. We are used to it, and I am happy to increase my and my family’s safety by any percentage with just a slight inconvenience.

By the way, if anyone on this board is afraid, it’s probably me. Not Jim. Who btw lives in the part of the country where most of us do not want to be right now. I know two people who have died from this, and they weren’t elderly or in nursing homes.

So have at me; don’t care.

Personally I get why anyone would have a 'fear' of this virus, it's a nasty bug. Has killed hundreds of thousands throughout the world.

Some will follow their governments 'edicts.'
Some will say, 'FU, no virus or government is going to change one thing...'
Some will learn what they can about the virus, what science has learned at 'this point in time' and take the precautions they think prudent.

04-29-2020, 03:54 PM
Delaware just yesterday made wearing masks in public mandatory. For everyone over the age of 12. No biggie to me. We are used to it, and I am happy to increase my and my family’s safety by any percentage with just a slight inconvenience.

By the way, if anyone on this board is afraid, it’s probably me. Not Jim. Who btw lives in the part of the country where most of us do not want to be right now. I know two people who have died from this, and they weren’t elderly or in nursing homes.

So have at me; don’t care.

You are CORRECT and spot on to protect yourself AT ALL COSTS and by ANY MEANS of your choosing!! And I know, if for example, I would be seeing you, I would completely clean and change up, disinfect myself :) and wear PPE for YOUR sake. And same if not more if visiting. But more likely so, ask in advance and avoid until you're comfy.

Myself, I'm surrounded by death on all sides., especially NYC of course. It doesn't scare me like one (unnamed) would wrongly assume of course - but I'm not stupid, I myself don't want to get sick either way, I sure as hell don't want to sicken anyone else, and I also have a family at home to look out for on top of that. So you can imagine that I do use all precautions, probably more than you do! :) :) I've mostly asked the family to stay put for now, and when/if they head out - here's your choice of mask style, glove style and a bottle of Purell for you! But I'm really the only one, as someone has to do it.

Speaking of which, do you and Russ have enough masks? Gloves are easily available, but if you need some masks, lemme know. I can spare probably like 4-5 of the N95, definitely some of Chinese versions and a ton of the blue surgical masks that most where.

Abbey Marie
04-29-2020, 04:09 PM
You are CORRECT and spot on to protect yourself AT ALL COSTS and by ANY MEANS of your choosing!! And I know, if for example, I would be seeing you, I would completely clean and change up, disinfect myself :) and wear PPE for YOUR sake. And same if not more if visiting. But more likely so, ask in advance and avoid until you're comfy.

Myself, I'm surrounded by death on all sides., especially NYC of course. It doesn't scare me like one (unnamed) would wrongly assume of course - but I'm not stupid, I myself don't want to get sick either way, I sure as hell don't want to sicken anyone else, and I also have a family at home to look out for on top of that. So you can imagine that I do use all precautions, probably more than you do! :) :) I've mostly asked the family to stay put for now, and when/if they head out - here's your choice of mask style, glove style and a bottle of Purell for you! But I'm really the only one, as someone has to do it.

Speaking of which, do you and Russ have enough masks? Gloves are easily available, but if you need some masks, lemme know. I can spare probably like 4-5 of the N95, definitely some of Chinese versions and a ton of the blue surgical masks that most where.

That so nice, Jim. But we have a few N95s (I got right on that in March), and a few masks that look like those but without the vent. We are just reusing them. I guess that’s not cool, but it seems weird to wash them every time we use them. Or maybe I’m just lazy, lol. Do you wash yours every time you use them?

We have about five of the paper filters that go inside and just keep those in there for reuse as well. As I type that, it sounds bad!

I also bought a package of bandanas if it gets to that point.

I only go out to walk in the park by the Delaware river, and to stare at the huge oil tankers floating by. I love that, and the particular smell of a river at low tide. Or take a car ride in the country in the passenger seat staring out the window like a dog. I really don’t go near anyone or touch anything.

We get groceries mostly delivered from local stores through Instacart, though Russ and daughter do go to the supermarket and the liquor store about once a week. Alcohol is essential.

I just wish there were better shows on TV.

Abbey Marie
04-29-2020, 04:11 PM
Just read that despite State’s starting to open up again, not one State has met the Federal guidelines of 14 straight days of decline in cases before opening.

04-29-2020, 04:12 PM
Just read that despite State’s starting to open up again, not one State has met the Federal guidelines of 14 straight days of decline in cases before opening.

Yep, I've been saying that since the beginning. The curve has flattened, it's not flat.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-29-2020, 04:14 PM
Delaware just yesterday made wearing masks in public mandatory. For everyone over the age of 12. No biggie to me. We are used to it, and I am happy to increase my and my family’s safety by any percentage with just a slight inconvenience.

By the way, if anyone on this board is afraid, it’s probably me. Not Jim. Who btw lives in the part of the country where most of us do not want to be right now. I know two people who have died from this, and they weren’t elderly or in nursing homes.

So have at me; don’t care.

Those that have reason to believe they are at far greater risk should certainly do as you have done my friend. Prudence and good judgment calls for taking those very necessary steps! I myself am in the high risk group, because of my age and my underlying conditions.
Wisdom calls for needed steps to be taken and as I thought wise I too took such steps... there is nothing cowardly about using the brain God gives us. And certainly Jim was no coward for taking such precautions! And who is in charge of protecting, life and family other than the parents, and immediate family? Each one must do as they think prudent and wise... Calling any out as being cowardly is without doubt a great error and an most unwise action to take.. I am no coward-never have been- and I took precautions because Life is precious and leaving loved ones is not a fate that I am eager to embrace..
My greatest complaint and greatest fault I see in this thing-- is the deliberate lies that were spread in order to produce far, far greater fear that would lead to a national panic. Those that did that deliberate lying for personal, and/or political gain- need to have a very real and true justice delivered unto them,imho. God bless.. -Tyr

04-29-2020, 04:14 PM
That so nice, Jim. But we have a few N95s (I got right on that in March), and a few masks that look like those but without the vent. We are just reusing them. I guess that’s not cool, but it seems weird to wash them every time we use them. Or maybe I’m just lazy, lol. Do you wash yours every time you use them?

We have about five of the paper filters that go inside and just keep those in there for reuse as well. As I type that, it sounds bad!

I also bought a package of bandanas if it gets to that point.

I only go out to walk in the park by the Delaware river, to stare at the huge oil tankers floating by. I love that, and the particular smell of a river at low tide. Or take a car ride in the country in the passenger seat staring out the windowlike a dog. I really don’t go near anyone or touch anything.

We get groceries mostly delivered from local stores through Instacart, though Russ and daughter do go to the supermarket and the liquor store about once a week. Alcohol is essential.

I just wish there were better shows on TV.

They are all mostly supposed to be disposable. But I reuse my good N95 masks unless I truly feel it was compromised. No reason they can't be used several times. My Dad has 3M masks, and he somehow disinfects his with some alcohol mixture spray he has. Like you I got a couple of bandanas in case, a couple of carbon styled masks and several Steelers masks!! Those kind are all good for when not really going into anywhere with people surrounding you.

04-29-2020, 04:17 PM
Delaware just yesterday made wearing masks in public mandatory. For everyone over the age of 12. No biggie to me. We are used to it, and I am happy to increase my and my family’s safety by any percentage with just a slight inconvenience.

By the way, if anyone on this board is afraid, it’s probably me. Not Jim. Who btw lives in the part of the country where most of us do not want to be right now. I know two people who have died from this, and they weren’t elderly or in nursing homes.

So have at me; don’t care.

I wonder if my part of the world will ever, no matter what the pressures might become, make mask wearing mandatory at all in any circumstances.

My guess is that it'd never happen, unless (maybe) the infection rate spiked to become multiples of what it now is.

The UK official position was solid until now .. no point in wearing them, they do no good, & besides, keeping to the 2 metre distancing rule (6 feet in 'Imperial', which I think you still use ?) makes the 'absorbing infected breath' a virtual impossibility.

Scotland broke ranks with that. Possibly the reason was partisan: the SNP has a need to ensure its greater popularity over the UK is always maintained, just to maintain power. Giving seemingly 'more caring advice' from greater caution does that for them.

My biggest worry would be if infection rates ran out of control, e.g if a second pandemic arrived, and the virus was in the environment in greatly concentrated amounts. I think that would not only make infection far more likely, but with viral loads at such a level that far more deaths came of it.:shitfan::shitfan:

I'm in two minds, now, about this mask issue. I'm thinking that maybe I don't need them now, but the future may become so bad that they will become a necessity.

Still mulling over, then. But being a mask wearer in a minority of a maximum of two people has a certain appeal.

Me, a trend setter -- the mind boggles. :laugh::laugh::cool::cool::rolleyes3:

04-29-2020, 04:24 PM
The UK official position was solid until now .. no point in wearing them, they do no good, & besides, keeping to the 2 metre distancing rule (6 feet in 'Imperial', which I think you still use ?) makes the 'absorbing infected breath' a virtual impossibility.

just hitting this as I gotta run for a bit....

Just an Fyi, and some are different - but I'm reading that a cough CAN go 13 feet approximately, and perhaps more in some cases. They say, for example, if someone were to sneezes in a grocery store, not only can it travel and remain in that aisle, and for a good length - but hell, that it can even travel to the next aisle over! Someone posted the model of it before. Without wearing masks of course.

6 feet is the recommendation though here as well, and hasn't changed that I am aware of.

04-29-2020, 04:31 PM
just hitting this as I gotta run for a bit....

Just an Fyi, and some are different - but I'm reading that a cough CAN go 13 feet approximately, and perhaps more in some cases. They say, for example, if someone were to sneezes in a grocery store, not only can it travel and remain in that aisle, and for a good length - but hell, that it can even travel to the next aisle over! Someone posted the model of it before. Without wearing masks of course.

6 feet is the recommendation though here as well, and hasn't changed that I am aware of.

I'd expect 6 feet to be your recommendation, IF the science behind it was sound. Nobody should be disagreeing with it, if it is.

... But .... you've got a point. I'd forgotten about sneezing, in particular.

Then, the question would then become .. would a super-duper, top-of-the-range mask be good enough to contain it (would the force of an energetic sneeze be a problem ?) ?

I'm guessing, probably, it could cope. Not totally sure, though.

04-29-2020, 04:31 PM
I wonder if my part of the world will ever, no matter what the pressures might become, make mask wearing mandatory at all in any circumstances.

My guess is that it'd never happen, unless (maybe) the infection rate spiked to become multiples of what it now is.

The UK official position was solid until now .. no point in wearing them, they do no good, & besides, keeping to the 2 metre distancing rule (6 feet in 'Imperial', which I think you still use ?) makes the 'absorbing infected breath' a virtual impossibility.

Scotland broke ranks with that. Possibly the reason was partisan: the SNP has a need to ensure its greater popularity over the UK is always maintained, just to maintain power. Giving seemingly 'more caring advice' from greater caution does that for them.

My biggest worry would be if infection rates ran out of control, e.g if a second pandemic arrived, and the virus was in the environment in greatly concentrated amounts. I think that would not only make infection far more likely, but with viral loads at such a level that far more deaths came of it.:shitfan::shitfan:

I'm in two minds, now, about this mask issue. I'm thinking that maybe I don't need them now, but the future may become so bad that they will become a necessity.

Still mulling over, then. But being a mask wearer in a minority of a maximum of two people has a certain appeal.

Me, a trend setter -- the mind boggles. :laugh::laugh::cool::cool::rolleyes3:

I'm not trying to be snarky, but my guess from what you've written previously is that if your government says, 'wear masks' you will wear a mask, as will everyone.

04-29-2020, 04:59 PM
I don't know if the general advice is changing, but starting Monday you'll need a mask of some sort if you want to go into Costco...

There are those who've perpetually argued that I need a mask of some sort whenever I reach the town centre ... :scared::scared::shitfan:

04-29-2020, 05:29 PM
I'm not trying to be snarky, but my guess from what you've written previously is that if your government says, 'wear masks' you will wear a mask, as will everyone.

Kath ... snark away, if you think you're justified. So long as you genuinely think you are, let me have it with both barrels. I'll respect your loyalty to your genuinely-held position.

You're right. Two reasons for it: one, my Government has always solidly been led by the science involved. Our scientists make their case, they can make it stick, and our Government follows through in the best way it can.

Since that's so, my belief in their judgment is absolute enough to take it whatever that judgment is. They were initially in favour of the herd immunity approach. So, then, was I, because it made perfect sense. The principle IS sound.

But, two: they then had to think again, both on soundly scientific grounds, AND humanitarian ones. No imaginable healthcare system could ever cope with the casualties herd immunity would initially cause. It'd create a hell on earth for many. Suffering and death on a grand scale, sometimes in extremely squalid conditions, for those robbed of any care (as many would be).

Yes, it'd level out. But consider the psychological scarring from knowing that such a hell had been deliberately designed, supported, by so many. A 'survivors guilt' feeling would be widespread.

... So. We changed course and went the more humanitarian route instead, caring instead about the individual and his/her human rights. This is where we now are, and overall, the human race on earth has societies clear across the globe that have done the same.

It seems to be the only really decent path there is, you see.

--- BUT !! None of this trounces the central fact, though: herd immunity, undeniably, IS SOUND as a solution, in the absence of a vaccine.

You can see why our Government vacillated, and why I did right along with them. In their way, both solutions can be justified.

But human decency, dignity, the worth of the individual, these matter too. We need to emerge as decent human beings out of all this. It matters !!

So, here we are, and here I am.

You see, I'll follow my Government's advice even if it does a complete about-face. I trust their judgment, since I think it's founded both on commonsense and sheer human decency, coming from (as should be true for a Conservative regime, anywhere) an unshakeable regard for the individual.

In fact, I'd cite what my Government has done as proof of its moral soundness. They do what they think is right. If they see reason to think again, they do it out of an integrity that says, 'If we make a mistake, we'll rectify it and be transparent about it'.

Boris is a stellar Conservative. But he's also a human being. I think he was genuinely moved by his hospital experience. He's wedded to serving the individual good, both out of conviction, but, also because his humanity insists upon it.

I will always trust such leadership. It can do cartwheels and I'll still follow it. Its motivations will be the best that can exist.

Your point was about mask advice. It doesn't matter whether we're talking about masks or far weightier issues, because the principle is identical. You adapt to the best answer to reality you can reach. This means adaptation which involves recognising error, correcting it, and following whatever path results.

Bottom line: Boris and his people always do their best. That deserves my utmost appreciation and constant loyalty.

04-29-2020, 05:35 PM
Kath ... snark away, if you think you're justified. So long as you genuinely think you are, let me have it with both barrels. I'll respect your loyalty to your genuinely-held position.

You're right. Two reasons for it: one, my Government has always solidly been led by the science involved. Our scientists make their case, they can make it stick, and our Government follows through in the best way it can.

Since that's so, my belief in their judgment is absolute enough to take it whatever that judgment is. They were initially in favour of the herd immunity approach. So, then, was I, because it made perfect sense. The principle IS sound.

But, two: they then had to think again, both on soundly scientific grounds, AND humanitarian ones. No imaginable healthcare system could ever cope with the casualties herd immunity would initially cause. It'd create a hell on earth for many. Suffering and death on a grand scale, sometimes in extremely squalid conditions, for those robbed of any care (as many would be).

Yes, it'd level out. But consider the psychological scarring from knowing that such a hell had been deliberately designed, supported, by so many. A 'survivors guilt' feeling would be widespread.

... So. We changed course and went the more humanitarian route instead, caring instead about the individual and his/her human rights. This is where we now are, and overall, the human race on earth has societies clear across the globe that have done the same.

It seems to be the only really decent path there is, you see.

--- BUT !! None of this trounces the central fact, though: herd immunity, undeniably, IS SOUND as a solution, in the absence of a vaccine.

You can see why our Government vacillated, and why I did right along with them. In their way, both solutions can be justified.

But human decency, dignity, the worth of the individual, these matter too. We need to emerge as decent human beings out of all this. It matters !!

So, here we are, and here I am.

You see, I'll follow my Government's advice even if it does a complete about-face. I trust their judgment, since I think it's founded both on commonsense and sheer human decency, coming from (as should be true for a Conservative regime, anywhere) an unshakeable regard for the individual.

In fact, I'd cite what my Government has done as proof of its moral soundness. They do what they think is right. If they see reason to think again, they do it out of an integrity that says, 'If we make a mistake, we'll rectify it and be transparent about it'.

Boris is a stellar Conservative. But he's also a human being. I think he was genuinely moved by his hospital experience. He's wedded to serving the individual good, both out of conviction, but, also because his humanity insists upon it.

I will always trust such leadership. It can do cartwheels and I'll still follow it. Its motivations will be the best that can exist.
You should know by now that I have no problem being snarky. I don’t preface it.

Thanks for the honest nest and consistent answer.

04-29-2020, 05:54 PM
You should know by now that I have no problem being snarky. I don’t preface it.

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::clap::clap::clap::c ool:

Thanks for the honest nest and consistent answer.

You're welcome. Forgive my modesty, but an honest nest is a gift always gladly yet proudly offered ... :cool:

04-29-2020, 08:10 PM
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::clap::clap::clap::c ool:

You're welcome. Forgive my modesty, but an honest nest is a gift always gladly yet proudly offered ... :cool:
Your modesty is right there with my snark less ness. 😂🤣😇

Abbey Marie
04-30-2020, 09:25 AM
There are those who've perpetually argued that I need a mask of some sort whenever I reach the town centre ... :scared::scared::shitfan:

There’s that adorable self-deprecating humor that Brits do best.


04-30-2020, 09:43 AM
Here's a few I have in front of me, the good ones are downstairs for all and some in my truck. Call me nuts. Or call me 'scared'. :)


04-30-2020, 10:45 AM
Seen repeatedly on FB:

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/95265016_10158193618431280_2549956383244025856_o.j pg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=QNKSRIGDra4AX8tyz3C&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=7aff826fc2a1b8d88f3ce3f1d13cad28&oe=5ED0FB03

Abbey Marie
04-30-2020, 10:48 AM
Brought to mind a Judge Judy quote: “Don’t pee on my head, and tell me it’s raining”.

04-30-2020, 11:08 AM
Also how my doc explained and then further later down the road.

First he said "It's got to block something and something is better than nothing"

But later we discussed more. He explained that there are so many masks out there and a range of effectiveness. But all of them will at minimum prevent someone from touching their own face and mouth area, which is absolutely huge, as we do it all day long and don't realize it. Then secondly it will prevent a very large amount, if not all, when someone has one on and they cough or sneeze. He explained that the "simple protection" of it all was extremely important and will prevent much more than people realize. From touching the face, to ejecting droplets, to help with anyone who may be asymptomatic (which may be the largest problem of all)... It also does the simple of reminding others as he pointed out. He said studies have shown that the more that wear them, the more surrounding folks start to do so as well. And the more covering their mouths and noses the better. And that is all without even mentioning decent medical masks certified by Niosh, CDC, WHO, FDA or others. The added benefit with those is to lessen the chances that the wearer may get others sick, by a large degree. And of course to lessen the chances of breathing in this virus. - again, I explain like a dummy, sounded so much more professional when explained to me by a doctor with 48 years of experience. Imagine that? :)

So in a nutshell, they work to a small degree at minimum, to blocking it out entirely in best case scenarios. All depends on the quality of the mask, and also common sense.