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View Full Version : EO To Force Meat Packing Plants To Be Open

04-28-2020, 04:13 PM
Good idea? Terrible?

Tyson brought this on, but the order will pertain to all:


One plant in South Dakota, Smithfield has over 800 workers out with Covid. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/04/27/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-wants-to-reopen-smithfield-foods-plant-in-a-matter-of-days/#4712206c4384

They have 4 other plants that are closed or near to closing.

04-28-2020, 04:58 PM
Might as well process the workers that will die too.

04-28-2020, 05:08 PM
Good idea? Terrible?

Tyson brought this on, but the order will pertain to all:


One plant in South Dakota, Smithfield has over 800 workers out with Covid. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/04/27/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-wants-to-reopen-smithfield-foods-plant-in-a-matter-of-days/#4712206c4384

They have 4 other plants that are closed or near to closing.

Ya know, not a conspiracy for me, just pointing out what I learned from one! It came via a forwarded chain mail and I thought and still do that it's pretty much bullshit. BUT!

But - Smithfield...

Premium Hams

That's all that's on the list, but Smithfield owns quite a few more brands.

Smithfield was founded back in the 1930's in Virginia. BUT in 2013 much was acquired by some Hong Kong company! I don't know if it's all financial only, or if more involved. Looks to be all on the up and up, although just odd, but I guess happens more than we know about (foreign interests and such). That's it, nothing else in it seemed believable to me, quite frankly. Just thought I would add that when I saw Smithfield pop up in your post!

I just hope and pray that this thing doesn't travel well. As in last long term on the side of a shipping box, or perhaps an item that is on a shelf from a manufacturer, and damn skippy hopefully not on any food!! I think things will be ok in that department, but with that many out in one location. It's one thing to sanitize/disinfect and clean everything, maybe even toss everything out and start fresh. But a no go if you don't have enough people to do the job. Any idea how many employed at that location? And can they get more in? I read they employ well over a 100,000, but they also own an awful lot.

04-28-2020, 05:17 PM
Might as well process the workers that will die too.

Process that you are an asshole and pretty much just a joke. Your opinions mean jack shit. No one pays attention to you but to laugh at you mainly. I don't blame you for giving up. I watched for quite some time and it's just gotta be difficult.

So what do you do? "Oh joy, let me go to this political board, say stupid shit and try to annoy people". "Let me get back at them for making me look like a dipshit so many times, now I will act like a 7 year old and see how they like that".

Yes, annoying, like a gnat that amazingly smells like a cow pasture. Otherwise, yeah about useless.

Representative of what the lefties in America are about and like. :clap:

04-28-2020, 05:23 PM
Ya know, not a conspiracy for me, just pointing out what I learned from one! It came via a forwarded chain mail and I thought and still do that it's pretty much bullshit. BUT!

But - Smithfield...

Premium Hams

That's all that's on the list, but Smithfield owns quite a few more brands.

Smithfield was founded back in the 1930's in Virginia. BUT in 2013 much was acquired by some Hong Kong company! I don't know if it's all financial only, or if more involved. Looks to be all on the up and up, although just odd, but I guess happens more than we know about (foreign interests and such). That's it, nothing else in it seemed believable to me, quite frankly. Just thought I would add that when I saw Smithfield pop up in your post!

I just hope and pray that this thing doesn't travel well. As in last long term on the side of a shipping box, or perhaps an item that is on a shelf from a manufacturer, and damn skippy hopefully not on any food!! I think things will be ok in that department, but with that many out in one location. It's one thing to sanitize/disinfect and clean everything, maybe even toss everything out and start fresh. But a no go if you don't have enough people to do the job. Any idea how many employed at that location? And can they get more in? I read they employ well over a 100,000, but they also own an awful lot.
I’ve heard of the China connection with Smithfield too.

Pretty sure though that Tyson is US. It was their CEO that wrote the letter. They have over 200 out sick.

To the best of my knowledge if not on short term disability, not getting paid.

They are being told if sick, don’t come in, but just like Smithfield, more and more getting virus symptoms.

Remember Sinclair’s, The Jungle?

04-28-2020, 05:55 PM
Might as well process the workers that will die too.Still delivering for Meals on Wheels, Pete? I certainly hope you have your mask and gloves handy because I wouldn't want even you to die. I'd watch you suffer a lot, true. You deserve it because you're a piece of shit.

Before you go though, enlighten us as to why the socialist policies YOU support are failing? Idiot :slap:

04-28-2020, 06:35 PM
Still delivering for Meals on Wheels, Pete? I certainly hope you have your mask and gloves handy because I wouldn't want even you to die. I'd watch you suffer a lot, true. You deserve it because you're a piece of shit.

Before you go though, enlighten us as to why the socialist policies YOU support are failing? Idiot :slap:

No I had to quit that in Jan because I took a second job.

Hot Dogger
04-28-2020, 07:10 PM


04-28-2020, 07:42 PM
No I had to quit that in Jan because I took a second job.

Such a lying sack of shit you are. As if you were to be believed about ANYTHING. You're a loser, no more and no less. Go away please.

Hot Dogger
04-28-2020, 08:07 PM
The best ham is Jones Farms, really excellent ham. Their best big hams are sold only to restaurants, but many stores sell their sausage and ham slices, really excellent. I don't think the Chicoms own them (yet).

04-28-2020, 09:43 PM
The best ham is Jones Farms, really excellent ham. Their best big hams are sold only to restaurants, but many stores sell their sausage and ham slices, really excellent. I don't think the Chicoms own them (yet).
Good turkey sausage too

04-29-2020, 01:30 AM
Good idea? Terrible?

Tyson brought this on, but the order will pertain to all:


One plant in South Dakota, Smithfield has over 800 workers out with Covid. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/04/27/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-wants-to-reopen-smithfield-foods-plant-in-a-matter-of-days/#4712206c4384

They have 4 other plants that are closed or near to closing.

A Chinese billionaire owns Smithfield Foods


He took a state food processing plant and built it into a global empire which means he and his company are ultimately a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party. They led the way in shutting down capacity in a vital industry, food processing, meant to have an immediate effect of the society. Much like the NBA, another wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP, did in the sports/entertainment industry. Be the first ones to shut down and the panicked population will demand the entire industry shut down and the lawyers will make sure they do. And China continues to tighten the screws with the assistance of the media and the Democrat Party in their unified quest to destroy President Trump.

04-29-2020, 01:37 AM
Might as well process the workers that will die too.

That's OK Pete, it's already taken care of. Most of the workers are below market wage illegal aliens, in packed Covid ridden worker dorms. Part of their employment contracts gives Smithfield Foods exclusive rights to process and ship their bodies back to wet markets all over China. I hear they taste like chicken.

04-29-2020, 01:49 AM
A Chinese billionaire owns Smithfield Foods


He took a state food processing plant and built it into a global empire which means he and his company are ultimately a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party. They led the way in shutting down capacity in a vital industry, food processing, meant to have an immediate effect of the society. Much like the NBA, another wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP, did in the sports/entertainment industry. Be the first ones to shut down and the panicked population will demand the entire industry shut down and the lawyers will make sure they do. And China continues to tighten the screws with the assistance of the media and the Democrat Party in their unified quest to destroy President Trump.
Yes, Jim and I both discussed that earlier.

04-29-2020, 07:38 AM
No I had to quit that in Jan because I took a second job.

Anything to accrue as much capital as possible, eh, Pete ?

Well, we all know how Leftie a trait this is. Lefties / dogmatic Socialists as stellar and determined Capitalists, yet. No surprise at all, not in terms of the reality of human nature.

The Comrades must be proud !!

Why not just admit that your brand (or any brand) of Socialism is morally bankrupt, & be done with it ?

04-29-2020, 07:56 AM
Good idea? Terrible?

Tyson brought this on, but the order will pertain to all:


One plant in South Dakota, Smithfield has over 800 workers out with Covid. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/04/27/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-wants-to-reopen-smithfield-foods-plant-in-a-matter-of-days/#4712206c4384

They have 4 other plants that are closed or near to closing.

On this issue ... for whatever value my view can possibly hold (?) ... I'd say it should reopen.

Where Covid-19 is concerned, the yardstick, for me, would be .. if you're going to do something, can you do it safely, with the minimal possible harm coming of it ?

So for me, the answer to opening up would be one of if it can be done safely. And really ... what stops that from happening ?

Do these people have all the staff they need to operate properly ? Presumably, yes. Check.

Can clothing be provided creating an equivalent of a 'Hazmat' level of protection allowing for contamination-free handling ? If yes, then that's OK. Check again.

Distancing rules. Possible or not ? Hopefully so. Even if not, reduced production from fewer staff working is better than no production at all.

So why not just go ahead ?

I'd say that if the hazard level was undefeatable, that skewed the conclusion to its opposite of what I've said. But I don't believe it is.

By the way ... SMITHFIELD ?? Seriously ??? That caught my eye ! I started thinking that they must be an American offshoot from something British, at least initially. London has its Smithfield Market, and it's one specialising in meat distribution, and it's one steeped in history and reputation.

Is there really no link between them ? Judging by what I've read here, it seems not. Quite a coincidence, then ... maybe the name was borrowed.


Smithfield or, to give it its official name, London Central Markets, is the largest wholesale meat market in the UK and one of the largest of its kind in Europe.

Located within the Square Mile of the City of London it is housed in three listed buildings.

It is a place packed with history there has been a livestock market on the site for over 800 years and yet is as modern as tomorrow with its state of the art facilities for the receiving, storing and despatching of meat and poultry.

04-29-2020, 08:23 AM
Maybe the EO will mandate OSHA, FEMA to keep a watch?
Thus far while both companies said they'd 'deep clean' and disinfect, it didn't happen, they never slowed down. Between just those 2 plants, a total of more than 8 are closed; those two plants have more than 11k sick, with tens of deaths. Reports of no PPE, no frequent washing breaks, etc.

So actually, they may have a bit of worker problem. That so far, at least Tyson has basically been very Dickens' like London, "Don't come in, we've got lines of workers wanting work."

04-29-2020, 08:39 AM
Anything to accrue as much capital as possible, eh, Pete ?

Well, we all know how Leftie a trait this is. Lefties / dogmatic Socialists as stellar and determined Capitalists, yet. No surprise at all, not in terms of the reality of human nature.

The Comrades must be proud !!

Why not just admit that your brand (or any brand) of Socialism is morally bankrupt, & be done with it ?

uh what? I have two jobs and somehow that makes me both a greedy capitalist and a socialist? Keep trying.

04-29-2020, 09:22 AM
Maybe the EO will mandate OSHA, FEMA to keep a watch?
Thus far while both companies said they'd 'deep clean' and disinfect, it didn't happen, they never slowed down. Between just those 2 plants, a total of more than 8 are closed; those two plants have more than 11k sick, with tens of deaths. Reports of no PPE, no frequent washing breaks, etc.

So actually, they may have a bit of worker problem. That so far, at least Tyson has basically been very Dickens' like London, "Don't come in, we've got lines of workers wanting work."

Cripes. That's the reality involved ?

This is the old 'With freedom comes responsibility' coming to life once more. If those companies can't act responsibly, they surely can't have a right to reopen.

Throws all my above pontificating right out of the window, doesn't it ?

04-29-2020, 09:36 AM
uh what? I have two jobs and somehow that makes me both a greedy capitalist and a socialist? Keep trying.

No need. Reality is what it is. As much as Lefties would like to say and believe otherwise, reality always has the last word.

Your choice to take actions which result, completely with that result firmly in mind as the outcome you're striving for, is a choice at odds with any anti-Capitalist creed you might claim to want to represent.

Ah, but .. trouble is, so many Socialists act in a manner completely inconsistent with what they say they believe in. Socialism is the polar opposite of Capitalism. Socialists say that they oppose Capitalism and want to see it done away with as a system anybody employs. Yet here you are, avowedly one of those Socialists, having gone for acquiring not one but two jobs, and enjoying the fruits of your highly Capitalist labours !!

Arguably, you should be either a Capitalist or a Socialist, one or the other. You work to be both. Your 'beliefs' are countered by your actions.

But then, you have a human nature (subject to verification ?). Human nature is incompatible with Socialism. This, you prove by your actions, every working day.

So, you claim to be a Socialist. But you act as a Capitalist would. The way you square this circle is to maintain a fiction. The fiction is that Socialism is realistically workable.

If it's not, then it's bogus, a sham, a fraud. And has no place in decent human society.

So what does this say for Pete, the Socialist ?

You work it out.

04-29-2020, 09:42 AM
uh what? I have two jobs and somehow that makes me both a greedy capitalist and a socialist? Keep trying.

Another day another lie.

04-29-2020, 10:04 AM
Cripes. That's the reality involved ?

This is the old 'With freedom comes responsibility' coming to life once more. If those companies can't act responsibly, they surely can't have a right to reopen.

Throws all my above pontificating right out of the window, doesn't it ?
and thus the proof that men aren't angels and there is a need for some order, thus government. It's the matter of balance.

04-30-2020, 10:29 AM
The Jungle is showing up, whether or not the product itself is safe, it seems the conditions of workers is, shall we say, unacceptable. Ummm, if you've just eaten or have a weak stomach, you should probably skip this. Like I said, it reminds me of reading the book back in high school:


Meat Processing Plant Increased Production Despite COVID-19 Outbreak
KAREN TOWNSENDPosted at 11:01 am on April 30, 2020

It’s not a pork processing plant this time. It’s not even a beef or chicken processing plant (https://hotair.com/archives/karen-townsend/2020/04/27/time-worry-broken-food-supply-chain/). This time it is a sausage processing plant in West Dallas that finds itself under investigation after a community activist brought attention to the fact that after an outbreak of the coronavirus sickened employees, production was increased instead of shutting down. Two workers, both in their 30s have died. A community activist has gotten involved on behalf of the workers.

Quality Sausage Company’s West Dallas plant closed last Friday. On Monday the company said the plant would remain closed pending a review of procedures (https://www.dallasnews.com/business/local-companies/2020/04/28/dallas-meat-plant-workers-say-company-refused-to-close-despite-covid-19-outbreak/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Coronavirus+claims+against+meat+plant% 2C+Abbott+appeals+FEMA+ruling%3A+Your+Tuesday+even ing+roundup&utm_campaign=EveningRoundup_04282020) to protect the health and safety of employees.” Safety measures being adopted include “employee testing and temperature monitoring, daily cleanings, the addition of hand sanitizing stations, and employee face coverings.”

“During this pause in production, all employees will continue to be paid. We also expect no disruption in supplying products to our customers at this time, based on current inventory,” the company’s statement said. “As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s knowledge about the virus has increased, we have adapted our procedures to reflect updated health and safety guidance.”

Tuesday a community activist stepped in and did a press conference after he said workers reached out to him. Carlos Quintanilla claims the company should have shut down to handle the virus outbreak. Also, the plant should have been transparent and disclosed the problem to the public. Quintanilla was joined by family members of the two workers who have died. The partner of one worker who died on April 25 said the company knew he was sick but insisted he return to work. Another worker died on April 24. Dozens of employees are now under quarantine while they await test results. “They went to work sick. And this company allowed them to work instead of saying, ‘We’re going to close down,’” he said.

Now Dallas County is investigating the positive COVID-19 cases at the plant. The company is also in a federal whistleblower lawsuit. A former plant manager lodged some disturbing complaints. He accuses the company of unsanitary work conditions, using vinegar to mask moldy meat, violations of federal food safety practices, and of employing a workforce built on three-quarters of the workers being undocumented immigrants provided by a staffing agency. The plant has 270 workers. Other than that, everything is fine.
Lam Van “Tommy” Nguyen filed his whistleblower lawsuit in February 2019. Nguyen worked as a plant superintendent from November 2016 to March 2018. One reason for his complaint is the practice he saw of workers “cross-contaminating meats in grinding vats.” The lawsuit clarifies that claim by saying, “In other words, chicken was ground in a vat, and then pork was ground in the same vat (or vice versa) but without proper sanitizing between grindings.” Nguyen was fired on March 5, 2018. He says it was in retaliation for speaking out against hiring practices and food safety problems.

County health officials are looking into the claims against the plant. Quintanilla says working at the plant is hazardous to the workers (https://www.keranews.org/post/after-2-workers-died-dallas-meat-processing-plant-under-scrutiny-not-closing-earlier). Workers were being told to continuing working even after signs of the virus became apparent in some employees. “They put production and profits before the safety of their workers,” Quintanilla said. “They had to deliver the product. They had to finish.”

Quality Sausage Co. doesn’t expect a disruption (https://www.fox4news.com/news/possible-cluster-of-covid-19-cases-being-investigated-at-west-dallas-meat-processing-plant) in supplying its products to customers. Among other products, the company provides meats for pizza toppings.

“We have taken this action as a way to help protect the health and safety of our team members and expect to conclude our review during the week of April 27,” the company said in a statement. “During this pause in production, all employees will continue to be paid. We also expect no disruption in supplying products to our customers at this time, based on current inventory.”

Another prepared foods plant closed last week for 14 days. A Mexican prepared foods maker, Don Miguel Foods, has an unspecified number of employees who tested positive for COVID-19. The plant has 700 workers who will all be paid during the shutdown, including benefits. The company makes tacos, burritos, chimichangas and other Mexican prepared foods for retail and food service outlets. It expects to resume production May 4. It is a subsidiary of MegaMex Foods Corp., which is a joint venture between Hormel Foods Corp. and Mexico City-based Herdez Del Fuerte.

On Tuesday, Trump used the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing plants as critical infrastructure (https://hotair.com/archives/allahpundit/2020/04/28/trump-order-meatpacking-plants-reopen-defense-production-act/) in order to halt the potential of meat shortages. Many meat processing workers say they will not return to work (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8270375/Meat-plant-workers-voice-outrage-Trumps-executive-order-facilities-open.html) despite the order.

However, many employees claim the order puts their lives at stake due to unsafe conditions, a lack of protective equipment and outbreaks that led the nation’s three largest facilities shut down.

‘All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can’t see all these people going back into work,’ Donald who works at Tyson’s Waterloo, Iowa facility said to CNN. ‘I don’t think people are going to go back in there.’

The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union estimated on Tuesday that 20 meatpacking and food processing workers have died from the virus and some 6,500 are sick or have been exposed through the workplace.

The union, which represents 1.3million food and retail workers, says at least 13 processing plants have been closed over the past two months.

That’s a problem for plant operators. If workers refuse to come back to work then new workers will have to be hired and trained. As one worker said, ‘I’m still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?’ Others who were more agreeable to the president’s signing of the order also expressed concerns (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8270375/Meat-plant-workers-voice-outrage-Trumps-executive-order-facilities-open.html). The union bosses aren’t in favor of ordering workers back to work.

‘All in all, it can be a good thing if done right. But my faith in this administration has never been strong and is nonexistent currently. I wanna know what these added ‘liability protections’ are going to be,’ the person said.

An employee at Tyson’s Independence, Iowa plant said, ‘I just don’t know how they’re going to do it when there are people dying and getting really sick. Who’s to say people are even gonna show up to work?’

In Illinois a Smithfield pork plant in Monmouth closed after a ‘small portion’ of its 1,700 employees caught the virus, but officials say they can’t follow the president’s order if workers are still ill.

Monmouth Mayor Rod Davies said to the Chicago Tribune: ‘I certainly appreciate what the president is trying to do, but it will be a difficult challenge to make that happen when we have a certain number of people who are sick and people around those individuals who are sick.’

The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union has condemned the president’s order saying it puts worker’s at risk.

Like everything else, a switch won’t be flipped and everything goes back to normal. Employers and employees are going to have to work together to keep everyone healthy and provide safe working environments while this pandemic is with us. Is this one of the industries that illegal immigrants are hired and the law-breaking by the employers is justified by saying the workers are doing jobs that legal American residents won’t do? If so, maybe it’s time for that to be corrected, too.