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04-30-2020, 08:40 AM
Really? Chris Dodd? During Reade brouhaha? D'oh!


YGBKM: Biden Taps Chris “Waitress Sandwich” Dodd To Vet Women Running-Mate Candidates
ED MORRISSEYPosted at 8:41 am on April 30, 2020

Unbelievable. I bet all those women’s groups that held off criticizing Joe Biden over Tara Reade’s allegations are happy they held off going public now, eh? Biden has spent the past year pandering to women by promising to pick a female running mate. Today, his campaign announced that those candidates will have to pass through the vetting of former senator Chris Dodd, co-author of one of the most notorious stories of sexual harassment and assault from Capitol Hill.

Can’t anybody on Team Biden do a Google search, for Pete’s sake?

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign formally announced the committee that will vet potential running mates on Thursday, beginning a search that will culminate in one of the campaign’s key moments ahead of the Democrat’s general election battle with President Donald Trump.

Former U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd; Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Cynthia C. Hogan, former White House and Senate counsel to Biden, will serve as the four co-chairs of the candidate’s vice presidential selection committee, the campaign announced Thursday morning.

“Selecting a vice presidential candidate is one of the most important decisions in a presidential campaign and no one knows this more than Joe Biden,” Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign manager, said in a statement announcing the committee.

Why pick Dodd at all? He’s been out of Congress for nearly a decade, and presently works as a Hollywood lobbyist. Dodd is a Beltway barnacle, having inherited the Senate seat from Connecticut from his father, the kind of establishment insider that populists loathe. Even without the #MeToo hangover, Biden’s pick of Dodd puts his campaign into nostalgia mode, perhaps even for a pre-Barack Obama Democratic Party — where the Clintons and the Kennedys rode herd.

That pales in comparison to Dodd’s history with Ted Kennedy, however. Thirty years ago, the late Michael Kelly wrote a lengthy profile of Kennedy at GQ that included this shocking 1985 incident with Dodd at a restaurant. Allahpundit noted it nine years ago, in connection to another Dodd-Kennedy sexual harassment anecdote involving Carrie Fisher, also from 1985. Penthouse reported the “waitress sandwich” incident a year before Kelly, and Kelly got confirmation of it from the waitress involved:
