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View Full Version : Reade Says Complaint Would Prove Biden Aides Lied About Not Knowing Her

05-01-2020, 09:26 AM
Well, now you know why Joe doesn't want records released!


Reade Says Complaint Would Prove Biden Aides Dennis Toner And Ted Kaufman Lied About Not Knowing Her

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade says she filed a complaint with a Senate personnel office in 1993.
She said she also informed former Biden aides Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman of her stories, both of whom have said in recent weeks they don’t know who Reade is.
If her complaint is recovered, she says, it would prove that Biden’s “staff lied on the record.”

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade says a complaint she filed with the Senate personnel office would prove that former Biden aides Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman have lied in their denials of her story.

Reade worked as a Senate staffer for Biden in 1993 and has accused the then-senator of kissing her, touching her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent.

After the alleged assault, Reade told the Daily Caller News Foundation, she complained about sexual harassment to three Biden staffers: Marianne Baker, Biden’s executive assistant, and Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman, who were both top Biden aides at the time.

Kaufman served as Biden’s chief of staff from 1976 until 1994 and as a Delaware senator from 2009 to 2010. He worked on former President Barack Obama’s transition team in 2008 and has begun work with Biden preparing for Biden’s potential transition to the White House in the case he wins the presidential election, according to the New York Times.

He has also praised Biden for his treatment of women, writing in an April 2019 op-ed: “Here is the truth: In the past 45 years, I have been with Joe Biden during tens of thousands of interactions with women — in small groups, large groups, and one on one. I have never seen a woman visibly disturbed by anything he did.”

But Kaufman, Baker and Toner would not take action when Reade complained to them about sexual harassment, Reade said, so she filed a written complaint with an office she called the “Senate Personnel Office.”

Complaints of this kind were handled by the Senate Office of Fair Employment Practices in 1993, which was replaced by the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR) following the passage of the Congressional Accountability Act in 1995.

The Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices received 28 formal complaints between June 1992 and September 1994, according to a Senate report on the office published in the 1990s. However, OCWR would not say whether it maintains records relating to the complaints received by its progenitor.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/30/tara-reade-complaint-dennis-toner-ted-kaufman/