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View Full Version : Is the Coronavirus Vaccine the Kill Shot?

Hot Dogger
05-01-2020, 06:47 PM
It seems there's a coronavirus vaccine being developed which combines coronavirus with rabies. Now, rabies is said to be formative in the "doomsday germ" that USAMRIID began work on around the time of the Vietnam War, perhaps you've heard of such a germ.

Consider now that about 1984, USAMRIID conducted a 2-stage Sandfly Fever vaccine protocol. Stage one, Medical Research Volunteers (MRVs) received a Sandfly Fever vaccine that deliberately caused Sandfly Fever. MRVs were told, "You will get sick with Sandfly Fever." However, did we know what that meant exactly? No, we weren't told that the illness resultant to Sandfly Fever is leukemia. So after MRVs got the shot and contracted leukemia, stage two was a course of injected ribavirin. The ribavirin failed to address the leukemia, every MRV (not in the control group) became severely ill and were soon boarded out, discarded like trash. And I believe they're all long dead. I think that research protocol constitutes a war crime against humanity. And I've long said, the human status of USAMRIID MRVs and Whitecoats is equivalent to that of Holocaust victims.

So when I say that the USA is Nazi Germany and vaccines are weapons of biological warfare, that Sandfly Fever shot is only one instance. I believe that the Deep State intends to inject as many of us as possible with this coronavirus-rabies vaccine, which is actually USAMRIID's "doomsday bug" in disguise. Then viral shedding and so called "herd immunity" does the rest, killing those who don't take the vaccine. Hell, they might as well just use that Sandfly fever shot, call it whatever and then the Deep State can sit back and watch us die.

People, we're looking at the end of freedom and history here.


Hot Dogger
05-03-2020, 01:26 PM
Recall when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of Obamacare, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what's in it." So the Federal Highways have a speed limit of 75. Federal Healthcare (Obamacare and the VA) also has a limit of 75 - that's the age limit. Then Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel's brother, Ezekiel Emanuel, wrote an 'Atlantic Magazine' article about this age limit a few years back (link below), which mimics the narrative seen in Obama's Science Czar, John Holdren's (with Paul & Anne Erlich) eugenics masterpiece, 'Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment'. It's the globalist blueprint for genocide. That rag was also popular at USAMRIID particularly with their Office of Human Use Ethics. The same office of human use ethics that allowed me to go untreated for gastrointestinal anthrax and vaccine injury; allowed a leukemia shot masquerading as a Sandfly Fever vaccine so that Maj. Gilcin Meadors III could cure leukemia with ribavirin, get an Army Soldier's Medal, a Nobel Prize, fat stock options from the makers of ribavirin, and a pat on the head from his father, Gilcin Meadors II, who was an expert on the epidemiology of leukemia, but instead all of the humans involved got leukemia and were boarded out and are now dead; along with other war crimes against humanity too numerous to mention here.

And now those same ethics are at work on the entire planet and it gets even more ethical. So here's how the upcoming COVID "Warp Speed" (USAMRIID's Doomsday Rabies Germ) vaccine works, how it'll keep us all safe and within the speed limit... age limit. First, take your age and subtract it from 75, that's how long you have left after taking the vaccine. If they don't already have your blood profile, they'll take your blood to determine its racial and genetic characteristics. To this along with your age will be matched to a customized kill shot, where the poison is encapsulated in proteins that break down over time, a very long time if need be. They've researched that kind of thing a long time and it seems they can time it accurately, accurate enough for government work anyway. Added, I'm fairly certain that Barack Obama (perhaps as Barry Sotero) visited USAMRIID with a contingent from the WHO in the 80s. I saw this tall thin black man as the contingency was leaving, didn't get a good look at him, but people were saying things like, "Did you see that striking black man? He was so well spoken and articulate." Remember what Biden said of Obama back around 2006-7? It was like that.

We are being culled.

'Why I Hope to Die at 75' by Ezekiel Emmanuel:


Hot Dogger
05-03-2020, 01:29 PM
"Oh, I believe that rabies is our future. Inject it well and let it foam away...."
