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View Full Version : Joe Biden Forgets Word for ‘Coronavirus’, Loses Train of Thought

05-03-2020, 07:34 AM
Not earth shattering news - but add up the amount of times this has been happening in a short span. His 'ol thinker up stairs just isn't the same anymore. Happens to many as they age, and only a few lucky stay sharp into their 90's. Joe is forgetting things left and right and clueless at times. How will that play out when dealing with world leaders? :rolleyes:

And he will help us with this illness when he can't even remember it's name at times?

And in my opinion, if he's slowly dimming with age, we do not need him leading the country. Of course then add in his endless corruption.


Joe Biden Forgets Word for ‘Coronavirus’, Loses Train of Thought

Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden again stumbled through a television interview that aired Saturday.

At one moment, Biden struggled to remember the name of coronavirus during the recorded Politics Nation appearance.

“Everyone who, in fact, gets— is found to have the, uh, the, uh, the COVID, uh, 19 virus,” he told host Al Sharpton.

Another time, Biden awkwardly lost his train of thought.

“Look, uh, I, I, I just, if, if— if we hadn’t had the circumstances that occurred last election, we’d have a woman president now,” he said.

“I’d be out campaigning for the reelection of Hillary Clinton.”

In another instance, Biden attacked Trump, but couldn’t remember where he allegedly got his information.

His cognitive missteps seemed to come and go, and it could have been because he was, the Trump campaign claimed, reading some answers.

“The economic recovery has to be just and equitable,” he said, “and we know the black communities are likelier to bear a heavier economic burden in the crisis.”

He continued at an unusually fluid, rapid pace:

Black workers disproportionately work in low wage jobs, face-to-face services, hospitality, leisure industry, which are taken an especially big hit.

We need federal leadership to make sure that this recovery benefits everybody, especially those who have been left behind in the past.

Any jurisdiction that receives stimulus funding should be required to track and release the data on potential racial disparities, and the Treasury and Small Business Administration should track lending to make sure minority business owners who are faced with too many barriers to credit to begin with, and capital, for far too long get treated justly.

Earlier in the day, Biden committed other blunders during an appearance on Morning Joe, including claiming 600,000 Americans have died from coronavirus.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/02/joe-biden-forgets-word-for-coronavirus-loses-train-of-thought/