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View Full Version : ‘There Will Be No Democracy’ Without ‘Universal Mail-In Voting’

05-10-2020, 09:46 AM
Some unbelievable folks out there. They're gonna press and press and press and press on this until they find a way to get what they want, and then utilize it for cheating, and "disappearing" ballots.


Stacey Abrams: ‘There Will Be No Democracy’ Without ‘Universal Mail-In Voting’

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams this week argued that “there will be no democracy” in the United States without universal mail-in voting in the 2020 presidential election.

When MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked her how important “universal mail-in voting” is, Abrams simply responded: “It is essential. There will be no democracy without it.”

“We cannot move tens of millions of people through lines… without having the ability to relieve the stress through vote-by-mail,” Abrams said before adding that Congress must include billions in the next relief bill to help states ensure that citizens have the ability to vote by mail.

Pointing out that President Donald Trump himself voted by mail, Abrams has argued that mail-in voting is the “safest and most secure” way of voting, adding that “voter fraud is nearly mythological.”

“You are more likely to be struck by lightning than for there to be an incident of voting fraud,” Abrams has said. “That’s because most people aren’t trying to vote twice or three times. They’re trying to vote once.”

Strong majorities in every poll (Harvard-Harris, NBC News/Wall Street Journal, Associated Press/Monmouth) released during the coronavirus crises have supported voting by mail. And another national poll released this week (USA Today/Suffolk) found that nearly two-thirds of Americans (65 percent) “support voting by mail as an alternative to voting in person on Election Day during the coronavirus pandemic.”


05-10-2020, 10:09 AM
Some may not like this answer (especially leftwingnuts) but IMO the "right answer" is postpone the election until everyone can get out and vote. Sure was okay with the Dems when FDR did it.

I haven't seen any other option offered to this point that would be "fair" in any way.