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View Full Version : California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Executive Order Permitting Voting By Mail

05-10-2020, 10:41 AM
Take it to court, the cheating has begun already, IMO. This should in no way be a solo decision. This, if at all, should be in congress. Otherwise we'll have half the states trying to change voting laws.


California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Executive Order Permitting Voting By Mail In November

Democrats have been pushing for having vote-by-mail for the 2020 election.

This is causing alarm among critics who suggest this could lead to large scale voter fraud.

In California, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has just signed an executive order guaranteeing that anyone who wants to vote by mail will be able to do so.

Breitbart reports:

California: Gavin Newsom Orders Vote-by-Mail for November Election

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday signed an executive order permitting all registered voters in the Golden State to vote by mail in the upcoming presidential election, citing concerns stemming from the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“I signed an executive order that will allow every registered voter in California to receive a mail-in ballot,” Newsom said. “That mail-in ballot is important but it’s not an exclusive substitute to physical locations.”

“People that are otherwise not familiar with mail-in ballots, are uncomfortable with them, may have disabilities, may have other issues that may preclude that as an appropriate option, we still want to have the appropriate number of physical sites for people to vote as well,” the governor added…

“There’s a lot of concern and excitement around this November’s election in terms of making sure that you can conduct yourself in a safe way and to make sure your health is protected and to make sure we are reaching out to all registered, eligible voters,” the governor stated.

“And giving them the opportunity, giving them the choice not to feel like they have to go into a concentrated, dense environment where their health may be at risk but provide an additional asset and additional resources by way of voting by mail.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/california-governor-gavin-newsom-signs-executive-order-permitting-voting-mail-november/

05-10-2020, 11:15 AM
Take it to court, the cheating has begun already, IMO. This should in no way be a solo decision. This, if at all, should be in congress. Otherwise we'll have half the states trying to change voting laws.


California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Executive Order Permitting Voting By Mail In November

Democrats have been pushing for having vote-by-mail for the 2020 election.

This is causing alarm among critics who suggest this could lead to large scale voter fraud.

In California, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has just signed an executive order guaranteeing that anyone who wants to vote by mail will be able to do so.

Breitbart reports:

California: Gavin Newsom Orders Vote-by-Mail for November Election

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday signed an executive order permitting all registered voters in the Golden State to vote by mail in the upcoming presidential election, citing concerns stemming from the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“I signed an executive order that will allow every registered voter in California to receive a mail-in ballot,” Newsom said. “That mail-in ballot is important but it’s not an exclusive substitute to physical locations.”

“People that are otherwise not familiar with mail-in ballots, are uncomfortable with them, may have disabilities, may have other issues that may preclude that as an appropriate option, we still want to have the appropriate number of physical sites for people to vote as well,” the governor added…

“There’s a lot of concern and excitement around this November’s election in terms of making sure that you can conduct yourself in a safe way and to make sure your health is protected and to make sure we are reaching out to all registered, eligible voters,” the governor stated.

“And giving them the opportunity, giving them the choice not to feel like they have to go into a concentrated, dense environment where their health may be at risk but provide an additional asset and additional resources by way of voting by mail.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/california-governor-gavin-newsom-signs-executive-order-permitting-voting-mail-november/One of my favorite and oldest rants. THIS is where the Federal government SHOULD step in. The vote is for a position in the Federal government, not the state. If there is any one thing the US government that meddles in all kinds of crap that's none of its business SHOULD meddle in, it's voting for the President of the US.

This was coming though. The only hope the Dems have at this point in time is to steal the election.

Black Diamond
05-10-2020, 12:10 PM
This needs to be shut down. Banned in all states.

05-10-2020, 06:04 PM
As I've said before I've been voting by mail last few years. It's not new. Anyone can sign up to do it. Why did he need to sign executive order?

05-10-2020, 06:10 PM
As I've said before I've been voting by mail last few years. It's not new. Anyone can sign up to do it. Why did he need to sign executive order?

There has always been 'mail in voting,' for those too ill or for those who knew they'd be unable to vote on election day.

What's happening now is wrong, imo. Early voting can cut both ways, folks change their mind, whoops! Too late. It also is way too easy to involve fraud.

05-10-2020, 09:24 PM
As I've said before I've been voting by mail last few years. It's not new. Anyone can sign up to do it. Why did he need to sign executive order?

Like the other Democrat cheaters around the country. CHEATING with Mail in Votes is the way they allow ILLEGALS, Non-citizens, and even Children to vote for their Endless Lies, Extortion, Blackmail, and Hidden OVERSEA'S bank accounts...Compliments of "WE THE STUPID PEOPLE WHO KEEP VOTING FOR THOSE IDIOTS!"

05-11-2020, 07:55 AM
Take it to court, the cheating has begun already, IMO. This should in no way be a solo decision. This, if at all, should be in congress. Otherwise we'll have half the states trying to change voting laws.


California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Executive Order Permitting Voting By Mail In November

Democrats have been pushing for having vote-by-mail for the 2020 election.

This is causing alarm among critics who suggest this could lead to large scale voter fraud.

In California, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has just signed an executive order guaranteeing that anyone who wants to vote by mail will be able to do so.

Breitbart reports:

California: Gavin Newsom Orders Vote-by-Mail for November Election

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday signed an executive order permitting all registered voters in the Golden State to vote by mail in the upcoming presidential election, citing concerns stemming from the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“I signed an executive order that will allow every registered voter in California to receive a mail-in ballot,” Newsom said. “That mail-in ballot is important but it’s not an exclusive substitute to physical locations.”

“People that are otherwise not familiar with mail-in ballots, are uncomfortable with them, may have disabilities, may have other issues that may preclude that as an appropriate option, we still want to have the appropriate number of physical sites for people to vote as well,” the governor added…

“There’s a lot of concern and excitement around this November’s election in terms of making sure that you can conduct yourself in a safe way and to make sure your health is protected and to make sure we are reaching out to all registered, eligible voters,” the governor stated.

“And giving them the opportunity, giving them the choice not to feel like they have to go into a concentrated, dense environment where their health may be at risk but provide an additional asset and additional resources by way of voting by mail.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/california-governor-gavin-newsom-signs-executive-order-permitting-voting-mail-november/

You're wrong on the issue of it being up to Congress, we don't have federal ran elections in the US, we have state ran elections.

However, A Governor does not make laws, this is well beyond Newsome's authority, not that the CA state leg wouldn't vote for something like this, but that's another topic entirely. Funny how leftists only care about executive over reach sometimes.

05-11-2020, 08:18 AM
You're wrong on the issue of it being up to Congress, we don't have federal ran elections in the US, we have state ran elections.

However, A Governor does not make laws, this is well beyond Newsome's authority, not that the CA state leg wouldn't vote for something like this, but that's another topic entirely. Funny how leftists only care about executive over reach sometimes.

Ok, I stand corrected!

So the laws, all 50 states can have governors do the same here as Newsom, and royally screw up and make a complete mess of things? Imagine 25-25 and half go by mail and the other in person? Oy, what a mess that would be. I thought lawsuits and up to the SC would make such a decision, and that it would take an act of congress to do so in its entirety. I guess it's just states and the courts then!!

I knew it was beyond his authority the moment I read it, was just wrong about who can overturn. Batting .500, not bad for baseball!! :laugh2:

05-11-2020, 08:34 AM
Ok, I stand corrected!

So the laws, all 50 states can have governors do the same here as Newsom, and royally screw up and make a complete mess of things? Imagine 25-25 and half go by mail and the other in person? Oy, what a mess that would be. I thought lawsuits and up to the SC would make such a decision, and that it would take an act of congress to do so in its entirety. I guess it's just states and the courts then!!

I knew it was beyond his authority the moment I read it, was just wrong about who can overturn. Batting .500, not bad for baseball!! :laugh2:

Yep, cuz you gotta remember, we don't actually vote for President,we vote for an elector. And that IS a federal issue, one SCOTUS will deal with this term, must electors vote for the candidate their voters voted for, or can they be so called faithless electors and just ignore the will of the people?

05-11-2020, 08:43 AM
Yep, cuz you gotta remember, we don't actually vote for President,we vote for an elector. And that IS a federal issue, one SCOTUS will deal with this term, must electors vote for the candidate their voters voted for, or can they be so called faithless electors and just ignore the will of the people?

But IF they suddenly got wacky and we start seeing a bunch more of these orders - and someone files an injunction and it eventually makes it to the SC - they can shoot it down across the board I hope, and have them all bring it back to the way it was more or less?

Because they WILL push it until stopped.

05-11-2020, 08:45 AM
But IF they suddenly got wacky and we start seeing a bunch more of these orders - and someone files an injunction and it eventually makes it to the SC - they can shoot it down across the board I hope, and have them all bring it back to the way it was more or less?

Because they WILL push it until stopped.

I mean obviously anyone can sue for about anything in federal court, but honestly I don't see what SCOTUS could do to stop mail in voting. Now the extended voting, I myself believe that is unconstitutional since the COTUS very clearly states on which day the elections are to take place and makes no room for other dates. But ...........

05-11-2020, 02:51 PM
Despite all of the twists and turns Governors, Representatives, and Senators try to get MAIL IN voting...there still remains that PESKY (hated by Democrats) "ELECTORAL COLLEGE."

The framers of the Constitution designed the elector system to balance the need for the people to have a voice and the desire to have a refined, informed body actually choose the president in order to avoid the election of a demagogue or charlatan.

https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2016/11/18283/ See for Yourself:

05-11-2020, 02:59 PM
Despite all of the twists and turns Governors, Representatives, and Senators try to get MAIL IN voting...there still remains that PESKY (hated by Democrats) "ELECTORAL COLLEGE."

The framers of the Constitution designed the elector system to balance the need for the people to have a voice and the desire to have a refined, informed body actually choose the president in order to avoid the election of a demagogue or charlatan.

https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2016/11/18283/ See for Yourself:

That's nice, but has nothing to do with mail in voting.

05-11-2020, 03:12 PM
That's nice, but has nothing to do with mail in voting.

Do we really want a repeat of FLORIDA...2000 btw GORE & BUSH??

Voting by mail nationwide is an open door to more FRAUD than we've ever seen before. IMO.


05-11-2020, 06:14 PM
As I've said before I've been voting by mail last few years. It's not new. Anyone can sign up to do it. Why did he need to sign executive order?

There has always been 'mail in voting,' for those too ill or for those who knew they'd be unable to vote on election day.

What's happening now is wrong, imo. Early voting can cut both ways, folks change their mind, whoops! Too late. It also is way too easy to involve fraud.In that regard I voted by mail the entire time I was in the Corps. You are correct in that it is nothing new.

But there are rules to follow and I have an idea this EO is to circumvent them. I would be willing to bet it will be in the accountability department. Otherwise, Newsome is just grandstanding an easy sell to dumbasses on the left that he invented something.

Now THIS is where I could appreciate a Trump tweet using his usual rapport with the left. What could it hurt but Newsome's pride? That he has any is beyond me.

05-11-2020, 08:01 PM
We’ve always had absentee ballots, and every legitimate voter in CA could request one for this election - there’s still plenty of time.

But Newsome doesn’t give a crap about helping legitimate voters vote during a pandemic. Here’s what Newsome actually wants, in descending order:

1. Open the door for massive DNC voter fraud
2. Helping illegitimate voters vote, since he expects them to vote Dem.
3. Helping unmotivated voters to vote who wouldn’t show up a a polling place. He expects unmotivated voters to vote Dem.
4. Helping dead voters to vote. He expects all dead voters to vote Dem.
5. Sending out an army of ballot harvesters, who show up at peoples doors, “help” them fill out a ballot, and then take the ballot back with them. Any ballot that is a Republican vote will get lost somehow before it makes it to the polling place.

06-07-2020, 05:08 PM
We had mail-in ballots in various places I lived in CA, in previous elections, and I was always extremely suspicious of them.

During the 2018 election, I lived in US Congressman David Valadao's district in California. He was a Republican, almost unheard of these days in California. During that election, Valadao initially won, but the win was challenged. There were endless "recounts" that dragged on for over 3 weeks. Finally, the Democrat was named the winner, surprise surprise. It seems like the longer a recount drags on, the more inevitable it becomes that "new ballots will come to light" and these new ballots always favor the Democrat.


I'm pretty sure that the people in charge of the elections and much of the vote counting are universally Democrats, i.e., "The League of Women Voters". Mail-in ballots just make cheating too damned easy.

What i would suggest, for maximum fairness, have the National Guard supervise all ballot counting, and the entire process is broadcast over the internet and made as transparent as possible. As opposed to mail-in ballots, where you are placing 100% trust in the Democrats who tally your vote in secret, behind tinted windows with no one watching ... to be honest??? :laugh:

For more info, read up on "ballot harvesting" which is completely legal in CA, and combine that with the potential abuses for mail-in ballots. Wow.


Someone can go around and "collect" votes from people, and easily throw away the ones that aren't for their candidate.

06-07-2020, 09:58 PM
We had mail-in ballots in various places I lived in CA, in previous elections, and I was always extremely suspicious of them.

During the 2018 election, I lived in US Congressman David Valadao's district in California. He was a Republican, almost unheard of these days in California. During that election, Valadao initially won, but the win was challenged. There were endless "recounts" that dragged on for over 3 weeks. Finally, the Democrat was named the winner, surprise surprise. It seems like the longer a recount drags on, the more inevitable it becomes that "new ballots will come to light" and these new ballots always favor the Democrat.


I'm pretty sure that the people in charge of the elections and much of the vote counting are universally Democrats, i.e., "The League of Women Voters". Mail-in ballots just make cheating too damned easy.

What i would suggest, for maximum fairness, have the National Guard supervise all ballot counting, and the entire process is broadcast over the internet and made as transparent as possible. As opposed to mail-in ballots, where you are placing 100% trust in the Democrats who tally your vote in secret, behind tinted windows with no one watching ... to be honest??? :laugh:

For more info, read up on "ballot harvesting" which is completely legal in CA, and combine that with the potential abuses for mail-in ballots. Wow.


Someone can go around and "collect" votes from people, and easily throw away the ones that aren't for their candidate.A has been pointed out, we've always had mail-in (absentee) ballots. I didn't vote at home once in the 21 years I was in the Marines. There's a process and a BIG difference ...

Our voting was for a legit reason. This is a blatant attempt by Newsome to allow non-citizens to vote. The State of California would be a Federal military district was it up to me. This kind of BS is happening in too many states with Dems in control and it needs to be stopped. The longer these idiots run amok the harder it will be to restore law, order and control.

06-09-2020, 04:59 PM
A has been pointed out, we've always had mail-in (absentee) ballots. I didn't vote at home once in the 21 years I was in the Marines. There's a process and a BIG difference ...

Our voting was for a legit reason. This is a blatant attempt by Newsome to allow non-citizens to vote. The State of California would be a Federal military district was it up to me. This kind of BS is happening in too many states with Dems in control and it needs to be stopped. The longer these idiots run amok the harder it will be to restore law, order and control.

Voting by mail is just a bad idea, for a lot of reasons. I would accept it though, under one circumstance. If every mail-in ballot had a code number on it, that could be used to confirm on the internet the ballot and votes were counted accurately. I think this could be done by figuring out the total number of registered voters, and assigning each person a random number. I could see the total number of ballots issued, and the exact number of votes, and would know to a certainty that my ballot was processed, and accurately counted. I would also insist on live video feeds of election officials counting the votes.

Otherwise, just licking the envelope, dropping it in the mailbox, and hoping for the best is not enough reassurance for me. Not in deep blue California, where ballot harvesting is legal, and Democrats will 'count' your vote for you.

06-09-2020, 05:31 PM
The concern with all mail in voting is BALLOT HARVESTING...

What is ballot harvesting?


How Ballot-Harvesting Became The New Way To Steal An Election


06-09-2020, 05:40 PM
The move apparently led to results. In 2018, despite holding substantial leads on Election Day, many Republican candidates in California saw their advantages shrink, and then disappear, as late-arriving Democratic votes were counted in the weeks following the election. Many observers pointed to the Democrats' use of ballot harvesting as a key to their success in the elections.

Another equally-sinister thing CA did, was put a proposition on the ballot (which passed) changing the rules for the General Elections in November, where ONLY the top 2 candidates who got the most votes would appear on the ballot. No third party candidates, and worst of all, write-in votes were made illegal. So this meant if the top two vote-getters in the Primary Election were both Democrats, those were your only two choices on election day.

I thought this was outrageous, but probably not many non-Californians know about it.