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05-22-2020, 07:07 PM
So Joe, in the midst of forgetting things left and right, has now went and offended black folks. The media calls Trump racist left and right, will they hold Joe accountable? Of course not. And he said it in "jest" and will ignore any questions now.


Biden Tries Out His Blaccent in Tired Effort to Be 'Down'

Former Vice President Joe Biden made his Breakfast Club debut Friday morning in an interview that centered around issues disproportionately impacting black Americans. But the conversation became heated when Breakfast Club Host Charlamagne the God challenged the presumptive Democratic nominee on his dedication to the black community. Biden’s frustration was palpable; so much of his political persona has been built on his geniality and sincerity, particularly to black voters during the Obama years and beyond. But his attempt to prove his commitment to black Americans—as well-meaning as it may have been—led to him reciting tired stereotypes and altering his voice to sound more “down” for black audiences, a distracting move that threatened to render any salient point he was making moot.

Biden dominated the conversation, starting with the carnage that the covid-19 pandemic has inflicted on black Americans... while speaking with an unmistakable blaccent.

“We have to address the institutional racism,” Biden said. “In a black majority county, they’re six times more likely to die in the pandemic than a white county. They’re disproportionately uninsured in the African-American community, disproportionately make up essential jobs that they can’t do at home, risking their lives every day. Enough is enough.”

Biden said that his recovery plan will “build a better future,” while pointing out his popularity among black voters, touting his history as a public defender and his time working in “the projects.”

But when Charlemagne mentioned the 1994 Crime Bill that Biden championed and its negative impact on black Americans, Biden went into defense mode. “The Crime Bill didn’t increase mass incarceration, other things increased mass incarceration,” Biden said. “If you go back and look... the vast majority of the [Congressional Black Caucus] supported the crime bill, almost every major city black mayor supported the Crime Bill, because blacks were getting killed overwhelmingly as well.”

Support of a discriminatory bill from black mayors does not justify its passage, and black support for the bill was often coupled with calls for other strong social reforms that didn’t materialize. As noted in a 2016 New York Times op-ed looking back at black support for the Crime Bill, the situation was a little more nuanced than black-people-supported-the-Crime Bill-too:

Policy makers pointed to black support for greater punishment and surveillance, without recognizing accompanying demands to redirect power and economic resources to low-income minority communities. When blacks ask for better policing, legislators tend to hear more instead.

Biden exemplified this very problem when he continued to defend the bill, lauding its inclusion of the Violence Against Women Act and the assault weapons ban and distancing himself from its three-strikes policy and mandatory sentences. Biden said that, “on balance,” the bill reduced violence in black communities, which he suggests is good enough.

Rest - https://theslot.jezebel.com/biden-tries-out-his-blaccent-in-tired-effort-to-be-down-1843605803

BET Founder Robert Johnson: Joe Biden ‘Should Spend the Rest of His Campaign Apologizing to Every Black Person He Meets’

BET co-founder Robert Johnson has condemned Joe Biden for claiming that black people aren’t really black if they don’t vote for him.

“VP Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not Black unless they vote for him,” Johnson said in a statement obtained by Fox News’s Bret Baier.

“This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that Black people owe him their vote without question; even though, we as Black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every Black person he meets.”


Robert Johnson is the co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, which was acquired by Viacom in 2001. The cable channel is the biggest TV network dedicated to black audiences. Johnson currently heads the asset management firm RLJ Companies.

Joe Biden made the inflammatory remark Friday during an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show.

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden told host Charlamagne. Biden’s remark wasn’t in response to any question, but to the host’s statement: “It’s a long way until November, we’ve got more questions.”

The presidential candidate’s comment has drawn swift rebuke from black conservatives, including Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC). Prominent black cultural figures including Sean “Diddy” Combs have also questioned Biden’s comment.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/05/22/bet-founder-robert-johnson-joe-biden-should-spend-the-rest-of-his-campaign-apologizing-to-every-black-person-he-meets/

05-22-2020, 07:32 PM
Watch the videos, he's pulling a Hillary and trying to be as black as possible, and sounds idiotic instead, IMO.

I think Pence agrees.


‘I Was Taken Aback’: Mike Pence Excoriates Biden’s ‘Offensive and Racist’ Comments as Sign of ‘Desperation’

NORCROSS, Georgia — Vice President Mike Pence told Breitbart News exclusively that former Vice President Joe Biden’s comments on Friday morning were “offensive and racist” and that they are a sign of “desperation” on the part of Democrats fearful of losing black voters in November.

“It was offensive and racist and he should apologize to the more than 1.3 million Americans that supported President Trump in 2016 just for starters,” Pence told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview at Waffle House corporate headquarters. “I can’t say any more about it. I just was—I was taken aback.”

Earlier on Friday, during an appearance on The Breakfast Club with Charlamagne Tha God, Biden said that if any black Americans are unsure of whom to support between himself and Trump in November, “then you ain’t black.”

The controversial comments have drawn swift blowback against Biden from across the political spectrum, and his campaign spokeswoman originally tried to brush off the comments as having been “in jest.” But later, Biden himself said he did not mean to be “so cavalier” in his comments.

“I should not have been so cavalier,” Biden said later on Friday. “I’ve never, never, ever taken the African American community for granted.”

The last time a major Democrat presidential candidate insulted huge swaths of America was when 2016 Democrat nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton attacked supporters of President Trump as a basket of “deplorables.” Asked about that comparison here, Pence told Breitbart News that he again considers what Biden said to be “racist and offensive” and added it “demeans” all black Americans nationwide, no matter their politics.

“It’s—I just can’t say more clearly. It was a racist and offensive comment,” Pence said in the interview backstage after an appearance at a roundtable on reopening America alongside Waffle House’s CEO, other business leaders, and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. “But it also, really, it literally demeans African Americans all across the country, whatever their politics.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/22/exclusive-i-was-taken-aback-mike-pence-excoriates-bidens-offensive-and-racist-comments-as-sign-of-desperation/

05-22-2020, 07:44 PM
Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones to Biden: ‘You’re Not Entitled to Black Support’

Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones, an African American Democrat, t0ld Joe Biden that he was not “entitled” to black support after the former vice president said black voters who were not sure who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election “ain’t black.”

“I’ve been black all my life. But I’ve never been anyone’s property, especially not @JoeBiden,” Jones tweeted. “You’re not entitled to black support, Joe. You haven’t even earned it.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/22/georgia-democrat-vernon-jones-to-biden-youre-not-entitled-to-black-support/

Hudson: A Deplorable Moment for Every Black American in This Country

Joe Biden saying, “You ain’t black” if you’re on the fence about voting for him over President Donald Trump is beyond insulting. Am I insulted? Hell yes. Am I surprised? Hell no.

I’ve been called a coon “with bad African blood” because my skin is black, and I’ve never, nor would I ever, vote for a Democrat. And why the hell would I? The Democratic Party was founded in the 1820s in part to preserve chattel slavery in America. After the Civil War, pro-slavery zealots in the Democratic Party became pro-segregation barbarians who brutalized, terrorized, and lynched those of my parents and grandparents’ generation if they even thought about voting for a Republican.

Today, there’s no shortage of Democrats who oppose school choice, despite the fact that school choice measures have been beneficial to and, thus, widely supported by black and Hispanic parents in states such as Alabama, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Tennessee. Today, the line of pro-abortion Democrats could stretch from the earth to the moon and back, despite the fact that in some cases, more black babies are aborted in one year than are born alive. Those same pro-abortion Democrats shriek, endlessly, about how black lives matter, but are silent when hundreds of thousands of black lives are ended in the womb. Today, there are Democratic governors such as Gavin Newsom in California and Andrew Cuomo in New York who work tirelessly to disarm black gun owners in their respective states while simultaneously letting criminals free from prison in response to the Chinese coronavirus.

As far as the Democratic Party has historically been concerned, black people are property or political props. Meanwhile, President Trump celebrated record low black unemployment in January on Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Trump has also allocated more money to historically black colleges and universities than any other president in U.S. history.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/05/22/deplorable-moment-every-black-american-this-country/

Biden’s Comments ‘More Than Just a Little Offensive’ – I’ve Fought This Notion ‘My Whole Life’

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered,” co-host Harris Faulkner criticized 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden for his remarks about black voters by stating that the remarks are “more than just a little offensive.” And “I’ve been fighting against this notion that you’re not black enough unless you think a certain way, you vote a certain way, you speak a certain way, you do certain things, my whole life.”

Faulkner said, “I’ve been fighting against this notion that you’re not black enough unless you think a certain way, you vote a certain way, you speak a certain way, you do certain things, my whole life. I grew up military. Pretty much neutral along the zone of, can we all just get along no matter what we look like? I have biracial daughters, Melissa, you know them. This is more than just a little offensive. It is shortsighted. It is a blind spot for this former vice president.”

She continued that Biden “should have gotten up immediately” and restated his comments.


Hot Dogger
05-23-2020, 10:33 AM
Yo, cut the brutha some slack.
