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View Full Version : What happens if you wear a mask for toooooooo long

05-23-2020, 11:02 AM
As in this idiot wore one for 45 minutes and determined they are the end of the world. She states this is her first time wearing one. And she's wearing a breathable surgical mask no less. She's full of shit. And yet nurses and others wear the n95 style which you actually breathe less, and do so for 12 hour shifts.

She claims she had a lack of oxygen and didn't feel well. She got disoriented. She is 'mad', which is likely the reason for her issue here, and not any health reason.

She is simply not getting enough oxygen. :rolleyes:

And then stupidity about holding other peoples babies??

Of course now going viral as another "Karen"


Hot Dogger
05-23-2020, 11:14 AM
Jim, you're a very compassionate person, like Bill Clinton, you feel her pain.

I get winded wearing a face mask, so I prefer to not wear them, not unless it's a bank robbery.

05-23-2020, 11:24 AM
Obviously a joke, but nonetheless, stupid. And I don't care HOW long they had them on, it's still disgusting. I know if I put my underwear on over my, ummm, junk... no way, even if for 10 seconds, do they then end up near my mouth and nose!!


05-23-2020, 03:14 PM
As in this idiot wore one for 45 minutes and determined they are the end of the world. She states this is her first time wearing one. And she's wearing a breathable surgical mask no less. She's full of shit. And yet nurses and others wear the n95 style which you actually breathe less, and do so for 12 hour shifts.

She claims she had a lack of oxygen and didn't feel well. She got disoriented. She is 'mad', which is likely the reason for her issue here, and not any health reason.

She is simply not getting enough oxygen. :rolleyes:

And then stupidity about holding other peoples babies??

Of course now going viral as another "Karen"


45 minutes is too long to wear a mask when there is nothing that needs to be filtered out of the air.

I have no problem wearing n95 or p100 for hours at a time at work were I need a mask to filter out bad things. After wearing a mask at work for hours at a time, I certainly won't wear one outside of work were there is nothing that needs to be filtered out of the air. Any time wearing a mask when there is no need for it is too long.

05-23-2020, 03:49 PM
45 minutes is too long to wear a mask when there is nothing that needs to be filtered out of the air.

I have no problem wearing n95 or p100 for hours at a time at work were I need a mask to filter out bad things. After wearing a mask at work for hours at a time, I certainly won't wear one outside of work were there is nothing that needs to be filtered out of the air. Any time wearing a mask when there is no need for it is too long.

She's probably the same kind of person who wonders what the 710 cap is under the hood of her car too! (turn the 710 around and see how it spells something important).


05-24-2020, 12:04 AM
If you feel compelled to wear a mask when you don't actually need one, get one that filters out large insects and gravel.



05-24-2020, 01:04 PM
Masks work and should be worn in certain situations of the "unknown". Perhaps it may have been useless for a few minutes in the grocery store, and it also may have prevented me from breathing in the virus. I'll go with ensuring I don't breath it in for that few minutes.

I see places opening around the nation. That's a GREAT thing. But far too many not respecting the social distancing. If in your yard, have at it. But if in a public place, restaurant, beach, gathering... then it should be adhered to or respected for others.

Some places WILL see some sicknesses out there due to reopening, and then refusing to use common sense precautions.

Disagreeing with wearing one is cool, just do so at your own risk. And folks should respect others trying to stay away from others to an extent. And outside very few conditions, wearing a mask for a short amount of time, whether a virus present or not, is not harmful.

05-24-2020, 01:41 PM
Masks work and should be worn in certain situations of the "unknown". Perhaps it may have been useless for a few minutes in the grocery store, and it also may have prevented me from breathing in the virus. I'll go with ensuring I don't breath it in for that few minutes.

Masks only work if there is something for them to work on. For the lefties who have put a saddle and reins on the Covid political beast, righties wearing masks out of fear is a jackpot.

I see places opening around the nation. That's a GREAT thing. But far too many not respecting the social distancing. If in your yard, have at it. But if in a public place, restaurant, beach, gathering... then it should be adhered to or respected for others.

What does social distancing do, and is there any scientific research to back whatever this is up?

Some places WILL see some sicknesses out there due to reopening, and then refusing to use common sense precautions.

I am anxious to see the world go back to using common sense precautions again.

Disagreeing with wearing one is cool, just do so at your own risk. And folks should respect others trying to stay away from others to an extent. And outside very few conditions, wearing a mask for a short amount of time, whether a virus present or not, is not harmful.

What is important to remember here is that masks only work when there is something to filter out. Something of a bigger micron size than the opening in the mask fabric too, but that is a different topic. Wearing masks out of fear for short periods may not be all that harmful for the mask wearer, but this behavior IS INDEED harmful to those who need these mask for a legitimate reason. When victims of fear mongering go around wearing masks that actually work, it makes it hard for those who need them for a legitimate reason to get them.

The other harm that comes from wearing a mask around town where it is not needed is that it gives lefties the inch they need to convert it to a mile. "Surrendering or submitting" to the fear mongering of those who have placed the saddle on the covid political beast is a direct threat to our freedom and rights. My age puts me in a higher risk group, but I have lived a long and happy life. I know though, that if we don't defeat this covid political beast, we are going to be counted as covid deaths anyway when our time comes. Might as well live free or die, right?

05-24-2020, 02:41 PM
Masks only work if there is something for them to work on. For the lefties who have put a saddle and reins on the Covid political beast, righties wearing masks out of fear is a jackpot.

Tis true, can't work if the virus isn't there. But one cannot be sure that it's not there, or someone else not showing symptoms yet is sharing it. I don't wear one like a psycho 24x7, but for a few minutes in the grocery store, CVS or other internal areas where folks can easier share it. Most days no mask at all, and some days 15 minutes to an hour, depending on where I go.

What does social distancing do, and is there any scientific research to back whatever this is up?

If someone has the virus, and I don't interact with them, then they can't give it to me. I'm not locked at home but I can still minimize chances. There is always that outside shot that I am the one to get it and not know it for a week, and I don't want to get others sick. So just a few precautions is all.

I am anxious to see the world go back to using common sense precautions again.

What is important to remember here is that masks only work when there is something to filter out. Something of a bigger micron size than the opening in the mask fabric too, but that is a different topic. Wearing masks out of fear for short periods may not be all that harmful for the mask wearer, but this behavior IS INDEED harmful to those who need these mask for a legitimate reason. When victims of fear mongering go around wearing masks that actually work, it makes it hard for those who need them for a legitimate reason to get them.

The other harm that comes from wearing a mask around town where it is not needed is that it gives lefties the inch they need to convert it to a mile. "Surrendering or submitting" to the fear mongering of those who have placed the saddle on the covid political beast is a direct threat to our freedom and rights. My age puts me in a higher risk group, but I have lived a long and happy life. I know though, that if we don't defeat this covid political beast, we are going to be counted as covid deaths anyway when our time comes. Might as well live free or die, right?

The virus range is usually between .06 and .12 micron. The masks that one should use, are blocking from .03 microns, and smaller for a few. And yep, useless if it's not blocking something, but unfortunately there's really no way to know for sure.

I won't forego lifesaving protection so that another can have it, not unless that's a loved one or friend. That's not to say that I am heartless about medical workers, but there has to be a more reasonable answer than the public simply can't have them. Since the government is who failed here in many ways, I think they should buy them in mass amounts and do whatever necessary to provide for the medical community.

And trust me, at the same time, I fully recognize the left and MSM running on fear tactics. But their is a virus that can be lethal out there. They just stick to the negative and deaths and make it harsher, and avoid any positive news like the plague. I know their objective. Put together, no doubt they want negativity, death and chaos until November and Trump out of office blamed for everything. But I think I can battle those idiots while protecting myself for now. Part of me DOES want to walk into places or lefties and tell them to stick their masks and attempts at all the little pieces of freedom they want to take or make us more needy on the government for anything. But at the same time, at least for a little while longer, I don't want to take any chances on dying from this thing either. Lots of folks dropping around my area.

05-24-2020, 02:48 PM
As in this idiot wore one for 45 minutes and determined they are the end of the world. She states this is her first time wearing one. And she's wearing a breathable surgical mask no less. She's full of shit. And yet nurses and others wear the n95 style which you actually breathe less, and do so for 12 hour shifts.

She claims she had a lack of oxygen and didn't feel well. She got disoriented. She is 'mad', which is likely the reason for her issue here, and not any health reason.

She is simply not getting enough oxygen. :rolleyes:

And then stupidity about holding other peoples babies??

Of course now going viral as another "Karen"


real mask? Like an M17A1 Field Protective mask? (I know it's been replaced). You can get a pretty bad rash. Lenses can fog up and your peripheral vision sucks.

These little wannabe masks are just annoying. I ditched mine and went back to the bandana.

This bonehead is just a drama queen looking for a cause and place to happen :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
05-24-2020, 02:54 PM

real mask? Like an M17A1 Field Protective mask? (I know it's been replaced). You can get a pretty bad rash. Lenses can fog up and your peripheral vision sucks.

These little wannabe masks are just annoying. I ditched mine and went back to the bandana.

This bonehead is just a drama queen looking for a cause and place to happen :rolleyes:

She's starring in a movie next year: attack of the karens

05-24-2020, 03:10 PM
Tis true, can't work if the virus isn't there. But one cannot be sure that it's not there, or someone else not showing symptoms yet is sharing it. I don't wear one like a psycho 24x7, but for a few minutes in the grocery store, CVS or other internal areas where folks can easier share it. Most days no mask at all, and some days 15 minutes to an hour, depending on where I go.

If someone has the virus, and I don't interact with them, then they can't give it to me. I'm not locked at home but I can still minimize chances. There is always that outside shot that I am the one to get it and not know it for a week, and I don't want to get others sick. So just a few precautions is all.

The virus range is usually between .06 and .12 micron. The masks that one should use, are blocking from .03 microns, and smaller for a few. And yep, useless if it's not blocking something, but unfortunately there's really no way to know for sure.

I won't forego lifesaving protection so that another can have it, not unless that's a loved one or friend. That's not to say that I am heartless about medical workers, but there has to be a more reasonable answer than the public simply can't have them. Since the government is who failed here in many ways, I think they should buy them in mass amounts and do whatever necessary to provide for the medical community.

And trust me, at the same time, I fully recognize the left and MSM running on fear tactics. But their is a virus that can be lethal out there. They just stick to the negative and deaths and make it harsher, and avoid any positive news like the plague. I know their objective. Put together, no doubt they want negativity, death and chaos until November and Trump out of office blamed for everything. But I think I can battle those idiots while protecting myself for now. Part of me DOES want to walk into places or lefties and tell them to stick their masks and attempts at all the little pieces of freedom they want to take or make us more needy on the government for anything. But at the same time, at least for a little while longer, I don't want to take any chances on dying from this thing either. Lots of folks dropping around my area.

My heart goes out to you. I see incredible numbers of conservatives being taken POW by the covid political monster. I have seen many prisoners of this political war wandering around supermarkets wearing masks, and I know they aren't all commies. We are on the same side, so I wish I could give you a helping hand. All I can do is boldly charge this political monster head on, no mask, no respect for anything related to covid. I've lived a long happy life, and I will continue to "live free or die."

Black Diamond
05-24-2020, 03:16 PM
My heart goes out to you. I see incredible numbers of conservatives being taken POW by the covid political monster. I have seen many prisoners of this political war wandering around supermarkets wearing masks, and I know they aren't all commies. We are on the same side, so I wish I could give you a helping hand. All I can do is boldly charge this political monster head on, no mask, no respect for anything related to covid. I've lived a long happy life, and I will continue to "live free or die."

you should hang out with Drummond.

Black Diamond
05-24-2020, 03:18 PM
jimnyc please continue to be vigilant. Better to be safe.

05-24-2020, 05:01 PM
She's starring in a movie next year: attack of the karensI just looked at the pic of her with her mask on. I wonder if she considered that knitted by grandma, wool yarn mask might be the problem? That shit makes ME itch, and It's got enough holes in it to allow mosquitoes in so what's the point to it?

05-24-2020, 06:07 PM
you should hang out with Drummond.

From what I have read of Drummond's posts, he would rather see American patriots and conservatives afraid to go out in public without masks that mark them as prisoners of the political war. I certainly do not feel any loyalty to the UK government, let alone ours.

I'm curious about you now. Do you think people should wear masks when there isn't anything to filter out of the air?

05-24-2020, 07:31 PM
you should hang out with Drummond.
They wouldn't be in agreement, but could amuse each other in who repeated themselves more. Both think they're just to be listened to and define 'conservative' 'right' etc.

05-24-2020, 07:56 PM
They wouldn't be in agreement, but could amuse each other in who repeated themselves more. Both think they're just to be listened to and define 'conservative' 'right' etc.
Liberal smugness sucks. If you believe in wearing masks when there is nothing to filter out, why not just come out with it? We already know that there are several patriots and conservatives wandering around supermarkets with commie masks on, so why not present sound logic to defend this behavior? Maybe browse through the arguments that I have made that you resent so much and assemble some superior logic to undo mine? I have a lot of respect for how Jimmy and Gunny debated me, even though I disagree with them.

Black Diamond
05-24-2020, 08:11 PM
From what I have read of Drummond's posts, he would rather see American patriots and conservatives afraid to go out in public without masks that mark them as prisoners of the political war. I certainly do not feel any loyalty to the UK government, let alone ours.

Which is why you should have a discussion. The debate would go on for 500 pages.

Black Diamond
05-24-2020, 08:27 PM
Liberal smugness sucks. If you believe in wearing masks when there is nothing to filter out, why not just come out with it? We already know that there are several patriots and conservatives wandering around supermarkets with commie masks on, so why not present sound logic to defend this behavior? Maybe browse through the arguments that I have made that you resent so much and assemble some superior logic to undo mine? I have a lot of respect for how Jimmy and Gunny debated me, even though I disagree with them.

Next time you have surgery, tell the surgeon to quit being such a commie and take his mask off when he opens you up and performs the procedure.

05-24-2020, 10:27 PM
Next time you have surgery, tell the surgeon to quit being such a commie and take his mask off when he opens you up and performs the procedure.

Conflating the use of the correct masks by professionals who use them for the legitimate purpose they were designed for with people who wear masks where there is nothing to be filtered is really low commie behavior. Disgusting. Is this REALLY the narrative you want to push? Your post is hall of fame material.

Black Diamond
05-24-2020, 11:03 PM
Conflating the use of the correct masks by professionals who use them for the legitimate purpose they were designed for with people who wear masks where there is nothing to be filtered is really low commie behavior. Disgusting. Is this REALLY the narrative you want to push? Your post is hall of fame material.


05-25-2020, 01:21 AM
Posts 20 and 22 are probably the lamest, weakest, and lowest stuff I have encountered in all my years of posting on political boards. Anybody can see your deceptive conflation stunt, it is on par with what I've come to expect from Pelosi, pencil neck, and Schumer. You should call me a racist and put me on ignore like lefties do when they lose if you can't break down my posts and trump my logic with something better. That slimey conflation stunt was so low that I'd be surprised to see the other weak player here defend you.

05-25-2020, 04:31 AM

real mask? Like an M17A1 Field Protective mask? (I know it's been replaced). You can get a pretty bad rash. Lenses can fog up and your peripheral vision sucks.

These little wannabe masks are just annoying. I ditched mine and went back to the bandana.

This bonehead is just a drama queen looking for a cause and place to happen :rolleyes:

MOPP4.... for hours and hours.....

05-25-2020, 09:07 AM
MOPP4.... for hours and hours.....Days at the beginning of Desert Storm, Sergeant Major. Kind of a deja vu moment. Nobody knew what the Hell Saddam had except what WE sold him (which was enough) so we laid around in the desert in MOPP 3 for about a week.

I didn't count the number of times the skipper and the 1stSgt got on me for "losing" that POS kevlar helmet and wearing camo bandanas on my head and face. I ended up having to pay for it because at some point it got lost for real :laugh:

05-25-2020, 11:38 PM
Days at the beginning of Desert Storm, Sergeant Major. Kind of a deja vu moment. Nobody knew what the Hell Saddam had except what WE sold him (which was enough) so we laid around in the desert in MOPP 3 for about a week.

I didn't count the number of times the skipper and the 1stSgt got on me for "losing" that POS kevlar helmet and wearing camo bandanas on my head and face. I ended up having to pay for it because at some point it got lost for real :laugh:

About once a week on the Nassau, during Operation Desert Shield/Storm...we had GQ and had to get fully covered with that MOP GEAR. Felt really bad for all of the troops out in the Sand, putting them on and feeling like they were in AN OVEN. Couldn't get enough hydration no matter how long you had them on.

And people today are whining about wearing a simple protective piece of cloth??? Boo Hoo!

05-26-2020, 08:28 AM
About once a week on the Nassau, during Operation Desert Shield/Storm...we had GQ and had to get fully covered with that MOP GEAR. Felt really bad for all of the troops out in the Sand, putting them on and feeling like they were in AN OVEN. Couldn't get enough hydration no matter how long you had them on.

And people today are whining about wearing a simple protective piece of cloth??? Boo Hoo!

This euphemism is dangerous, if not an oxymoron. There is a big difference between military wearing functional protective gear while protecting our freedom and people surrendering or submitting to wearing what our enemy wants us to wear as we transition to socialism and dhimmitude. Those who wear that symbolic piece of cloth are helping to promote the notion that we need Fauci, socialism and an authoritarian big government. We need to make damn sure we really need to be wearing this symbolic piece of cloth before wearing it. For the sake of the freedom that you and I fought for in the sand, we should see it as something that is even less comfortable than what real military protective gear feels like.

05-26-2020, 08:35 AM
This euphemism is dangerous, if not an oxymoron. There is a big difference between military wearing functional protective gear while protecting our freedom and people surrendering or submitting to wearing what our enemy wants us to wear as we transition to socialism and dhimmitude. Those who wear that symbolic piece of cloth are helping to promote the notion that we need Fauci, socialism and an authoritarian big government. We need to make damn sure we really need to be wearing this symbolic piece of cloth before wearing it. For the sake of the freedom that you and I fought for in the sand, we should see it as something that is even less comfortable than what real military protective gear feels like.


To wear? According to poster it must be scientifically PROVEN. Without such proof, one is commie or Nazi, he pronounces.

Civilian lives are of less worth than those who've served.

Regardless of data that clearly demonstrates that employing the simple act of masks, hand washing and social distancing, since not PROVEN, do not use.

05-26-2020, 08:48 AM
This euphemism is dangerous, if not an oxymoron. There is a big difference between military wearing functional protective gear while protecting our freedom and people surrendering or submitting to wearing what our enemy wants us to wear as we transition to socialism and dhimmitude. Those who wear that symbolic piece of cloth are helping to promote the notion that we need Fauci, socialism and an authoritarian big government. We need to make damn sure we really need to be wearing this symbolic piece of cloth before wearing it. For the sake of the freedom that you and I fought for in the sand, we should see it as something that is even less comfortable than what real military protective gear feels like.Incorrect. Same damned thing in context with the topic; which, I believe is based on some drama queen getting all claustrophobic in a simple face covering.

By comparison, icansayit is absolutely correct. A couple of Marines went nuts while we were in MOPP 4 in the desert sun.

There is no difference in the government telling me to wear a mask in Saudi Arabia Kuwait and the government telling me to wear a mask in San Antonio, TX. Just the same as there is no difference in YOU trying to shame and browbeat others who choose to wear them into not wearing them.

NONE OF THE ABOVE allows me freedom of choice in the matter. Somebody else is telling me what's best for me on their authority. Only difference is you're on the "other side" but doing the same damned thing. Here's an idea: How about all of you go pound sand and leave the thinking about what's best for me to ME? THAT sounds rather Constitutional, doesn't it?

Or is there a difference between the Government/left/MSM telling me I have to wear one or I'll die; or, you telling us we're pussies, lackeys to the left, ignorant and/or scared? Yet you say it is the left politicizing the virus and the masks. The only one here who would argue against that on this board is Pete.

What exactly is it you are doing? You appear incapable of separating the actual virus, the masks and your politics.

You can post all the crap you want about masks and none of it negates the fact that in filter vs non-filter vs airborne contaminants filter wins regardless the label you choose to put on it.

05-26-2020, 09:01 AM
I have been remiss in my response, leaving out one factor that renders this entire issue moot. Show of hands. WHO, in this conversation/on this board is wearing face coverings by choice? Sassylady and kathianne maybe? I'm not. It's a civil offense to go out in public/to the store without one with a $5k fine here. And I KNOW I would be the MFer they'd decide to set an example with :laugh:

I learned to pick my fights more wisely than a $5k fine for the 3 whole minutes it takes to wear a bandana into the store for smokes n Cokes.

05-26-2020, 09:08 AM
I have been remiss in my response, leaving out one factor that renders this entire issue moot. Show of hands. WHO, in this conversation/on this board is wearing face coverings by choice? Sassylady and kathianne maybe? I'm not. It's a civil offense to go out in public/to the store without one with a $5k fine here. And I KNOW I would be the MFer they'd decide to set an example with :laugh:

I learned to pick my fights more wisely than a $5k fine for the 3 whole minutes it takes to wear a bandana into the store for smokes n Cokes.

I'm not sure what I'd do if it were 'mandated' by the government. Seriously unsure. I'm applying my knowledge of science via virus spread. It doesn't take a genius. AZ is sort of in the middle regarding per capita death rate. Lower where I live than the avg here, but then again it appears the older people are utilizing the masks, and senior hours. I'd guess that many are using pick up or delivery with groceries and such.

Reopened restaurants seem to differ in crowds in parking lots, chains doing better than locally owned. My hypothesis on that would be less educated frequent chains, those that think a bit try to buy local, even for a few dollars more. The locals seem to be doing good pick up business, though that doesn't help those furloughed.

05-26-2020, 11:58 AM
As in this idiot wore one for 45 minutes and determined they are the end of the world. She states this is her first time wearing one. And she's wearing a breathable surgical mask no less. She's full of shit. And yet nurses and others wear the n95 style which you actually breathe less, and do so for 12 hour shifts.

She claims she had a lack of oxygen and didn't feel well. She got disoriented. She is 'mad', which is likely the reason for her issue here, and not any health reason.

She is simply not getting enough oxygen. :rolleyes:

And then stupidity about holding other peoples babies??

Of course now going viral as another "Karen"


Bitch , wear a MOPP suit for 12 hours straight because some lunatic might rain Sarin down on you while you're just trying to man a post at some meaningless military outpost in the middle of the desert.

We never did get attacked with Sarin, so I guess by a couple posters here reckoning that means we were fools for wearing the protective gear.

05-26-2020, 02:33 PM
Bitch , wear a MOPP suit for 12 hours straight because some lunatic might rain Sarin down on you while you're just trying to man a post at some meaningless military outpost in the middle of the desert.

We never did get attacked with Sarin, so I guess by a couple posters here reckoning that means we were fools for wearing the protective gear.

I know Gunny and every other Desert Storm era vet read that and shuddered at the memory of those damn suits.

Air Farce veterans need not apply.

05-26-2020, 02:42 PM
I'm not sure what I'd do if it were 'mandated' by the government. Seriously unsure. I'm applying my knowledge of science via virus spread. It doesn't take a genius. AZ is sort of in the middle regarding per capita death rate. Lower where I live than the avg here, but then again it appears the older people are utilizing the masks, and senior hours. I'd guess that many are using pick up or delivery with groceries and such.

Reopened restaurants seem to differ in crowds in parking lots, chains doing better than locally owned. My hypothesis on that would be less educated frequent chains, those that think a bit try to buy local, even for a few dollars more. The locals seem to be doing good pick up business, though that doesn't help those furloughed.It's mandated by our Mayor. And that's okay. Not like he was the first or invented the idea.

If it gets down the chain of government to Mayor level, IMO it got to the right level of government and it's hard to bitch. I will caveat that with our mayor is a Dem, but he's actually not a bad guy nor stupid. We're no longer locked down after the AG ruled it unconstitutional last week, but here in SA at least people are still wearing masks.

I honestly can't recall saying anything to anyone nor them me about wearing or not wearing a mask. The vibe I get is it's your decision. I know the official line last I looked is they are mandatory to go out in public like a store.

05-26-2020, 02:47 PM
It's mandated by our Mayor. And that's okay. Not like he was the first or invented the idea.

If it gets down the chain of government to Mayor level, IMO it got to the right level of government and it's hard to bitch. I will caveat that with our mayor is a Dem, but he's actually not a bad guy nor stupid. We're no longer locked down after the AG ruled it unconstitutional last week, but here in SA at least people are still wearing masks.

I honestly can't recall saying anything to anyone nor them me about wearing or not wearing a mask. The vibe I get is it's your decision. I know the official line last I looked is they are mandatory to go out in public like a store.

My county has NINE cases total, so I don't really feel the need to wear a mask around town, but plenty of folks do , and meh it's their face. Why would I care? I get what the poster is saying, but carry it overboard much? It's entirely possible to be a conservative AND still feel like wearing a face mask is a good idea. Hell , I could REALLY blow his mind and tell him about some die hard liberals I know who have not and will not wear face masks.

This idiotic notion that masks are related to political ideology is well idiotic.

05-26-2020, 03:09 PM
It's mandated by our Mayor. And that's okay. Not like he was the first or invented the idea.

If it gets down the chain of government to Mayor level, IMO it got to the right level of government and it's hard to bitch. I will caveat that with our mayor is a Dem, but he's actually not a bad guy nor stupid. We're no longer locked down after the AG ruled it unconstitutional last week, but here in SA at least people are still wearing masks.

I honestly can't recall saying anything to anyone nor them me about wearing or not wearing a mask. The vibe I get is it's your decision. I know the official line last I looked is they are mandatory to go out in public like a store.

I have the issue of the government telling me what I can or cannot wear. I get a business or my boss saying, "You will comply with the rules or find somewhere else to shop/work." I understand that school boards can restrict first amendment rights of students. I just have an issue with adults.

Then again, I'm pretty much a believer in Darwinian choices and responsibilities, so I'd likely go along if I agreed. LOL!

05-26-2020, 03:16 PM
I have the issue of the government telling me what I can or cannot wear. I get a business or my boss saying, "You will comply with the rules or find somewhere else to shop/work." I understand that school boards can restrict first amendment rights of students. I just have an issue with adults.

Then again, I'm pretty much a believer in Darwinian choices and responsibilities, so I'd likely go along if I agreed. LOL!

Just to play devil's advocate, many of the alleged adults in this country are actually just giant children. They act like children, and in fact when it suits them they want to be treated like children, so...............

05-26-2020, 03:21 PM
Just to play devil's advocate, many of the alleged adults in this country are actually just giant children. They act like children, and in fact when it suits them they want to be treated like children, so...............
So, I say let them make their choices, more for me! Sad, but true.

05-26-2020, 05:29 PM
My county has NINE cases total, so I don't really feel the need to wear a mask around town, but plenty of folks do , and meh it's their face. Why would I care? I get what the poster is saying, but carry it overboard much? It's entirely possible to be a conservative AND still feel like wearing a face mask is a good idea. Hell , I could REALLY blow his mind and tell him about some die hard liberals I know who have not and will not wear face masks.

This idiotic notion that masks are related to political ideology is well idiotic.Well, it's not just me at least. I don't have much problem with a lot of what he is saying until he gets to the part where he's taking passive-aggressive personal shots at people for choosing other than he has. I still am a firm believer in no one knows what to do, government or otherwise, and people should be allowed to choose based on their individual situations and needs.

Off the top of my head, we have 4 people in New England, 3 of them in NY/NJ. All of one member's kids and grandkids are in Chicago. One member lives in Vegas which I understand has been hit kinda hard? I'm not going to tell them what to do. Up to date here in San Antonio (reported) we have 2,449 cases and 69 deaths in Bexar County. I do not presume to tell people who have more deaths than we have total cases what-all they ought to be doing.

I feel some are doing a public service covering their faces anyway :happy0203:

05-26-2020, 05:52 PM
I have the issue of the government telling me what I can or cannot wear. I get a business or my boss saying, "You will comply with the rules or find somewhere else to shop/work." I understand that school boards can restrict first amendment rights of students. I just have an issue with adults.

Then again, I'm pretty much a believer in Darwinian choices and responsibilities, so I'd likely go along if I agreed. LOL!I have a STRONG dislike for authority. I REALLY hate being the authority with my grandkids. I don't get to be "Grandpa". Telling ME what to do is like as not to get you just the opposite what you want.

If, "whoever" wants to wear a mask, or put a Cross on their lawn (those have cropped up in the 'hood here) of drive little cars that will fit in the back of my truck, I could care less.

Insofar as the topic goes, I agree somewhat with evmetro's concerns. I just don't agree with focusing on the mask to point them out.

The elephant in the room is the coronavirus. It's still out there.

05-27-2020, 02:49 AM
As I have mentioned in other threads I wear my mask when it is mandated by establishment or where social distancing isn't possible. Have been out to eat a few times and have not been concerned because tables and waiting area are socially distanced.

Walking around grocery store I wear mask due to narrow aisles. In Home Depot, Lowes or at nursery I don't wear mask.

For me it is situational awareness and my comfort level and others' comfort level.

I do, however, have plenty of wipes and I wipe down pretty much everything.

BTW ... I was really sick in January so had anti body test last week. Tested negative so I've not had virus yet. Was hoping I had it already so I could give plasma to help.

As for wearing mask too long ... had to wear at doctors appointment. Wore for 2 hours and it was uncomfortable and I'm glad I'm not working anymore. It would be hard to wear all day.

05-27-2020, 09:06 AM
I have a STRONG dislike for authority. I REALLY hate being the authority with my grandkids. I don't get to be "Grandpa". Telling ME what to do is like as not to get you just the opposite what you want.

If, "whoever" wants to wear a mask, or put a Cross on their lawn (those have cropped up in the 'hood here) of drive little cars that will fit in the back of my truck, I could care less.

Insofar as the topic goes, I agree somewhat with evmetro's concerns. I just don't agree with focusing on the mask to point them out.

The elephant in the room is the coronavirus. It's still out there.

Perhaps it is not nice for me to focus the spotlight upon mask wearers, but my attitude comes from watching righties sit back and do nothing as the msm and dems fire relentless attacks on us. I cannot find where mask wearers are wearing masks for any reason that is not rooted in political propaganda, so I will probably keep hammering away at those who wear the flag of my enemy. My focusing of the spotlight on those I perceive as supporting the enemy side of this political war is provoking some very interesting attacks. My commie radar is usually pretty sensitive and accurate, and it is detecting commie pings from a few of the "righties" on this site. Have you noticed this too?

Abbey Marie
05-27-2020, 11:08 AM
As in this idiot wore one for 45 minutes and determined they are the end of the world. She states this is her first time wearing one. And she's wearing a breathable surgical mask no less. She's full of shit. And yet nurses and others wear the n95 style which you actually breathe less, and do so for 12 hour shifts.

She claims she had a lack of oxygen and didn't feel well. She got disoriented. She is 'mad', which is likely the reason for her issue here, and not any health reason.

She is simply not getting enough oxygen. :rolleyes:

And then stupidity about holding other peoples babies??

Of course now going viral as another "Karen"


Some women make me embarrassed for my gender.

05-27-2020, 12:18 PM
Perhaps it is not nice for me to focus the spotlight upon mask wearers, but my attitude comes from watching righties sit back and do nothing as the msm and dems fire relentless attacks on us. I cannot find where mask wearers are wearing masks for any reason that is not rooted in political propaganda, so I will probably keep hammering away at those who wear the flag of my enemy. My focusing of the spotlight on those I perceive as supporting the enemy side of this political war is provoking some very interesting attacks. My commie radar is usually pretty sensitive and accurate, and it is detecting commie pings from a few of the "righties" on this site. Have you noticed this too?

My "double agent" radar is pinging a lot recently. Feels like we've been invaded by a leftie posing as a rightie to sow dissent. And that agent is really good at inference, name calling and virtue signaling which is pretty much leftist tactics.

Have you noticed that as well?

05-27-2020, 12:31 PM
My "double agent" radar is pinging a lot recently. Feels like we've been invaded by a leftie posing as a rightie to sow dissent. And that agent is really good at inference, name calling and virtue signaling which is pretty much leftist tactics.

Have you noticed that as well?

The thing about righties is that we were all born as little commies who screamed for a tit or bottle for survival. We were socialized and civilized to western civilization and eventually became righties, but we all can remember how commies think. Lefties on the other hand, have never been righties. This means that righties can think like righties, AND we can think like lefties. Lefties are limited to thinking lefty thoughts, righties are not. I really can be a double agent if I want, but only loyal to the right.

05-27-2020, 12:40 PM
The thing about righties is that we were all born as little commies who screamed for a tit or bottle for survival. We were socialized and civilized to western civilization and eventually became righties, but we all can remember how commies think. Lefties on the other hand, have never been righties. This means that righties can think like righties, AND we can think like lefties. Lefties are limited to thinking lefty thoughts, righties are not. I really can be a double agent if I want, but only loyal to the right.

If you are truly a rightie your presentation needs some fine tuning. Calling everyone a commie until they measure up to your idea of a rightie doesn't show much emotional intelligence.

05-27-2020, 12:45 PM
My "double agent" radar is pinging a lot recently. Feels like we've been invaded by a leftie posing as a rightie to sow dissent. And that agent is really good at inference, name calling and virtue signaling which is pretty much leftist tactics.

Have you noticed that as well?

I haven't noticed who exactly he has called names, or what he has called them. Has he actually done this, or do you only suspect that he could do that if he wanted to?

05-27-2020, 12:52 PM
If you are truly a rightie your presentation needs some fine tuning. Calling everyone a commie until they measure up to your idea of a rightie doesn't show much emotional intelligence.

I am sorry if I appear to be a bull in a China shop. I like to keep my commie light turned up on high, since commies are the only ones who are offended by it. Non commies don't usually notice much. Commies operate in the dark like cockroaches do, and they scurry off to dark hiding places when you flip the lights on. My commie light is only meant to make commies feel uneasy.

05-27-2020, 12:52 PM
I haven't noticed who exactly he has called names, or what he has called them. Has he actually done this, or do you only suspect that he could do that if he wanted to? Don't forget plays literalist semantics like a good leftwingnut. Never takes a definite stand; rather, accuses and insults by inference allowing himself plausible deniability of having said even a word.

05-27-2020, 12:57 PM
I am sorry if I appear to be a bull in a China shop. I like to keep my commie light turned up on high, since commies are the only ones who are offended by it. Non commies don't usually notice much. Commies operate in the dark like cockroaches do, and they scurry off to dark hiding places when you flip the lights on. My commie light is only meant to make commies feel uneasy.

Again, you are lacking emotional intelligence by thinking you have the market cornered on what determines a commie. Prove your highlighted statement.

05-27-2020, 01:02 PM
Don't forget plays literalist semantics like a good leftwingnut. Never takes a definite stand; rather, accuses and insults by inference allowing himself plausible deniability of having said even a word.The falsely accused would be more offended by it than any real commie. They're proud of what they are.

05-27-2020, 01:35 PM
Again, you are lacking emotional intelligence by thinking you have the market cornered on what determines a commie. Prove your highlighted statement.

Why on earth would a conservative patriot be offended by seeing discussions about commies? Unless the finger is pointed and allegations are being made that he or she is a commie, conservative patriots regularly discuss commies without being offended.

05-27-2020, 01:44 PM
Again, you are lacking emotional intelligence by thinking you have the market cornered on what determines a commie. Prove your highlighted statement.

What is a commie? First you must understand that commies do not go around bragging that they are commies. They HATE being identified or exposed, so they show up as democrats, libertarians, progressives, Republicans, or anything they can hide behind. They argue against people who might expose them as commies, and they are often unelected government officials. They resent people like me and like Trump, and they almost always work against Christianity or judeo Christian values.

05-27-2020, 01:48 PM
The falsely accused would be more offended by it than any real commie. They're proud of what they are.

The falsely accused may not be as falsely accused as they let on. Sometimes they are not accused at all, but they are uncomfortable with the glare coming from the commie spotlight for some reason.

05-27-2020, 01:58 PM
The falsely accused may not be as falsely accused as they let on. Sometimes they are not accused at all, but they are uncomfortable with the glare coming from the commie spotlight for some reason.The self-sanctimonious might not be anywhere near as sanctimonious as they they think they are but they keep on running their sucks, burning bridges as they go. So self-assured of their righteousness that the logical question "Maybe it's me and not EVERYONE ELSE?" never comes to mind. THE biggest weakness of the arrogant is that they are so assured of their own righteousness and being smarter than the average bear they don't realize how obvious they are and everyone else is reading them like a 1st grade primer.

Here's a suggestion, boot, but you are free to do as you please: Why don't you lighten up and see how you fit in with us instead of trying to force all of us to fit in with you? We've all been here for years. Haven't yet seen the entire board change for one member.

05-27-2020, 02:04 PM
Why on earth would a conservative patriot be offended by seeing discussions about commies? Unless the finger is pointed and allegations are being made that he or she is a commie, conservative patriots regularly discuss commies without being offended.

You throw everyone who does not agree with you into the commie basket.

My commie radar is usually pretty sensitive and accurate, and it is detecting commie pings from a few of the "righties" on this site.

You are implying some of the conservative (righties) posters on this board are commies because your "radar" is pinging. Ev, face it, you have a defective radar system.

Furthermore, I don't believe anyone else has ever done that prior to you coming here. You started right off the bat implying anyone who didn't see things from your perspective is probably a commie, leftie or a snowflake. Have you come right out and said ... "Hey, Bob is a commie"? I don't know because I haven't read all your posts, but I have enough emotional intelligence to figure out that you are good at throwing barbs at others just close enough to sting but not stick.

You imply that you are a conservative rightie and can expose commies. Imagine that! A newbie to this conservative board declaring you are pinging commies here. We have a lot of opinionated people here but I wouldn't refer to anyone as a commie. Especially when most are retired military.

You are way off base and as I've said before ... you don't have enough emotional intelligence to even know when you've missed the mark.

05-27-2020, 02:11 PM
What is a commie? First you must understand that commies do not go around bragging that they are commies. They HATE being identified or exposed, so they show up as democrats, libertarians, progressives, Republicans, or anything they can hide behind. They argue against people who might expose them as commies, and they are often unelected government officials. They resent people like me and like Trump, and they almost always work against Christianity or judeo Christian values.

You are correct. Commies do not go around bragging they are commies. But Commies DO USUALLY FIND SHADE, OR PROTECTION by claiming OTHERS are commies. So tell us Evmetro..."WHICH DO YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE YOU ARE?"

I was literally fighting real commies before you took your first pee all over your daddy or mommy. You are really PISSING some of us off for being such a big mouth spouting so much BS to protect your own selfish image as someone important. If you don't have anything nice to say. Just shut up and pay attention to the Grownups here who were doing fine...long before you arrived.

05-27-2020, 02:12 PM
The falsely accused may not be as falsely accused as they let on. Sometimes they are not accused at all, but they are uncomfortable with the glare coming from the commie spotlight for some reason.

No, I believe they are uncomfortable being labeled commie because of having a differing opinion. As if your opinion can be the only opinion to be held by a rightie. That's what is offensive.

Just agree to disagree and you'll be fine. But stop inferring those that disagree with you are commies. They aren't and no matter how many times you use that phraseology it won't make it true.

05-27-2020, 02:13 PM
You throw everyone who does not agree with you into the commie basket.

You are implying some of the conservative (righties) posters on this board are commies because your "radar" is pinging. Ev, and it, you have a defective radar system.

Furthermore, I don't believe anyone else has ever done that prior to you coming here. You started right off the bat implying anyone who didn't see things from your perspective is probably a commie, leftie or a snowflake. Have you come right out and said ... "Hey, Bob is a commie"? I don't know because I haven't read all your posts, but I have enough emotional intelligence to figure out that you are good at throwing barbs at others just close enough to sting but not stick.

You imply that you are a conservative rightie and can expose commies. Imagine that! A newbie to this conservative board declaring you are pinging commies here. We have a lot of opinionated people here but I wouldn't refer to anyone as a commie. Especially when most are retired military.

You are way off base and as I've said before ... you don't have enough emotional intelligence to even know when you've missed the mark.So sayeth the Sergeant Major's ex-wife :)

I honestly laugh at his "commie" crap. Me, a commie :laugh: Can get some swampland in West Texas for anyone that believes THAT :)

05-27-2020, 02:59 PM
Lots of good feedback from many great people. The dog piling does not clarify or change my position, and I would much prefer to be schooled via stronger arguments, stronger logic and better posts.

If somebody can post something solid about how the current mask culture is not based on political propaganda, it would be far more powerful than a bunch of people dog piling me with emotionally based resentment for my commie rhetoric. I assure this community that I will put every effort into being truly objective if somebody can post how the mask culture is not based on the political agenda of my political enemies. I'll even post my logic chain as I put any posts up to objective questions.

My position is that all covid roads, including the current mask culture, lead back to the political agenda of political enemies ranging from the msm all the way to communist China. Post something that helps me understand how I am wrong, and I will keep my commie spotlight turned off for awhile.

05-27-2020, 03:13 PM
The commie stuff is just lame.

But all the sudden word games and commie names and twisting of this and prove where I said that stuff - I'm seeing as more someone playing a game of sorts. Someone with little desire to discuss facts but will claim otherwise.

Someone is playing games, or is a child. Either way, like I give a crap when the commie and nazi stuff gets broken out.

And I doubt much of the mask complaining, and if I'm wrong, I'm glad that someone who holds himself up as such now has to pay more thanks to folks like me. :thumb:

05-27-2020, 03:15 PM
I don't see a political agenda behind this info.


To understand why face masks might work, it is important to look at how the virus that causes Covid-19 spreads in the first place.
Once it has infected someone, the Sars-CoV-2 virus responsible for the disease hijacks their cells to replicate itself. As it multiplies, these new virus particles then burst out of the cells and become suspended in the bodily fluids in our lungs, mouth and nose. When an infected person coughs, they can send showers of tiny droplets – known as aerosols – filled with the virus into the air.
A single cough can produce up to 3,000 droplets (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK143281/). There are fears the virus can also be spread simply through speaking (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02786826.2020.1749229). One recent study showed that we spray thousands of droplets (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.02.20051177v1) invisible to the naked eye into the air just by uttering the words “stay healthy”.
Once out of our mouths, many of the larger droplets will quickly settle onto nearby surfaces while smaller ones remain suspended in the air (https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/aerosols/pdfs/Aerosol_101.pdf) for hours, where they can be breathed in. While the behaviour of the virus-filled droplets in rooms with air conditioning and outside environments are less well understood, they are thought to settle on surfaces more quickly in disturbed air (https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/aerosols/pdfs/Aerosol_101.pdf). There are also some reports that the coronavirus can spread through ventilation systems (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762692) in buildings.

However, the only way I can agree it's political is if a law was enacted to wear them. Before that I would say it's a choice and just because someone chooses to wear it they are not making a political statement.

I'm pretty sure people are not asking themselves .... "uh, which political party wants us to wear mask today" before they wear it. And, more importantly, it's OK to be scared regardless of your political persuasion.

05-27-2020, 03:21 PM
So sayeth the Sergeant Major's ex-wife :)

I honestly laugh at his "commie" crap. Me, a commie :laugh: Can get some swampland in West Texas for anyone that believes THAT :)

I refer you to post 60 for where I stand from here forward. I am shocked that you would feel labeled by my commie rhetoric, but I will stick to post 60 for now. If this community has remained small and unchanged for a long time, it may be interesting to shake things up a bit with some new stuff. Maybe not though, it may be that the same handful of people are destined for the status quo that it was before the newbie came crashing in.

05-27-2020, 03:33 PM
Lots of good feedback from many great people. The dog piling does not clarify or change my position, and I would much prefer to be schooled via stronger arguments, stronger logic and better posts.

If somebody can post something solid about how the current mask culture is not based on political propaganda, it would be far more powerful than a bunch of people dog piling me with emotionally based resentment for my commie rhetoric. I assure this community that I will put every effort into being truly objective if somebody can post how the mask culture is not based on the political agenda of my political enemies. I'll even post my logic chain as I put any posts up to objective questions.

My position is that all covid roads, including the current mask culture, lead back to the political agenda of political enemies ranging from the msm all the way to communist China. Post something that helps me understand how I am wrong, and I will keep my commie spotlight turned off for awhile.

Yeah, we should all do your bidding, fill your commands, or we're commies, etc. Meanwhile you have nothing objective to prove your position, of which there really isn't anything but, 'It's commies against the true long time, legitimate mask wearers, aka ME'. No thanks, not playing.

So much like Drummond. . .

05-27-2020, 03:44 PM
[COLOR=#444444][FONT=ReithSerif]I don't see a political agenda behind this info.

However, the only way I can agree it's political is if a law was enacted to wear them. Before that I would say it's a choice and just because someone chooses to wear it they are not making a political statement.

I'm pretty sure people are not asking themselves .... "uh, which political party wants us to wear mask today" before they wear it. And, more importantly, it's OK to be scared regardless of your political persuasion.

I am interested in pursuing this objectively, so I need to be asking questions that support both agendas. I see that the article title is why we should all be wearing face masks, and it is being presented by a source of political propaganda, so i immediately suspect that the intent of the article is to convince me that I should be wearing a mask. Let me read on though...

Looks like lots of good information about how viruses are spread, and how to protect myself.

I think I need some help being objective on this one. Can you give me some questions I should be asking that would help me see that this political propaganda source is not presenting me with a case of why I should be wearing a mask? I think this info was available when other flu things were happening, so why are they pushing the mask now?

I'm not going to draw any conclusions on this yet, I want to try and see this from another perspective. I'll study it some more...

05-27-2020, 03:56 PM
I am interested in pursuing this objectively, so I need to be asking questions that support both agendas. I see that the article title is why we should all be wearing face masks, and it is being presented by a source of political propaganda, so i immediately suspect that the intent of the article is to convince me that I should be wearing a mask. Let me read on though...

Looks like lots of good information about how viruses are spread, and how to protect myself.

I think I need some help being objective on this one. Can you give me some questions I should be asking that would help me see that this political propaganda source is not presenting me with a case of why I should be wearing a mask? I think this info was available when other flu things were happening, so why are they pushing the mask now?

I'm not going to draw any conclusions on this yet, I want to try and see this from another perspective. I'll study it some more...

Is there any news source that isn't tainted with political propaganda?

See this as your source and not the BBC.

Chris Kenyon, head of the sexually transmitted diseases unit at The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp,

Or this person as a source

Ben Cowling, head of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Hong Kong.

Both are quoted in article.

05-27-2020, 03:59 PM
Is there any news source that isn't tainted with political propaganda?

See this as your source and not the BBC.

Ok, I almost went to track this down, is it for real? LOL!

05-27-2020, 04:04 PM
Ok, I almost went to track this down, is it for real? LOL!

It's a new one to me. BBC Future

We believe in truth, facts, and science. We take the time to think. And we don't accept — we ask why.
In a complex, fast-paced world of soundbites, knee-jerk opinions and information overload, BBC Future provides something different: a home for slowing down, delving deep and shifting perspectives.
You’ll find stories here on almost every topic that matters. Psychology. Food. Climate change. Health. Social trends. Technology.
What links them all is our approach. Through evidence-based analysis, original thinking, and powerful storytelling, we shine a light on the hidden ways that the world is changing – and provide solutions for how to navigate it. Energised by the everyday, we think no topic is too small to be fascinating. Inspired by obstacles, we believe no subject is too overwhelming to tackle.


Black Diamond
05-27-2020, 04:20 PM
Yeah, we should all do your bidding, fill your commands, or we're commies, etc. Meanwhile you have nothing objective to prove your position, of which there really isn't anything but, 'It's commies against the true long time, legitimate mask wearers, aka ME'. No thanks, not playing.

So much like Drummond. . .

Yes. I would love to have seen the back and forth. Pages and pages.

05-27-2020, 04:41 PM
Is there any news source that isn't tainted with political propaganda?

See this as your source and not the BBC.

Or this person as a source

Both are quoted in article.

No matter how many credible experts are quoted, the source of this political propaganda appears to be wanting to convince me why everyone should be wearing masks as the title suggests, even though they did not try to convince everybody to wear masks for previous bad flu years.

I feel like my responses to the article still look too subjective, so if you have any way to point me toward some more information that supports the notion that the source is not really political agenda, I am interested.

In the interest of being objective, you may have a point that ALL news sources are tainted by politics which would mean that I have a strawman position. If this is true though, it would also mean that I am correct about how everyone who participates in the mask culture is doing so because of political propaganda. I stated right in my introduction thread that I do not trust ANY media, regardless of its bias.

05-27-2020, 04:48 PM
Yeah, we should all do your bidding, fill your commands, or we're commies, etc. Meanwhile you have nothing objective to prove your position, of which there really isn't anything but, 'It's commies against the true long time, legitimate mask wearers, aka ME'. No thanks, not playing.

So much like Drummond. . .

You and I have a special relationship, now that you launched a personal attack on my character that you cannot substantiate, post 21of this thread:


05-27-2020, 04:53 PM
All I know is that I steered away from foreign today and bought some good 'ol fashioned made in America n95 masks. Hoping to take a few from the contractors out there using them before hospitals.

Maybe raise the price a few pennies too! :coffee:

Actually, was yet another day taking care of numero uno and uno's family, and respecting the rights of others to make their own best decisions. Whouda thunk of such crazy stuff?

05-27-2020, 04:54 PM
Interpret as you will, as should be obvious now, you brought your own character into question with your demands, name calling, and 'truth by Ev'...

05-27-2020, 05:08 PM
All I know is that I steered away from foreign today and bought some good 'ol fashioned made in America n95 masks. Hoping to take a few from the contractors out there using them before hospitals.

Maybe raise the price a few pennies too! :coffee:

Actually, was yet another day taking care of numero uno and uno's family, and respecting the rights of others to make their own best decisions. Whouda thunk of such crazy stuff?

Lol, this board needs you.

05-27-2020, 05:17 PM
Interpret as you will, as should be obvious now, you brought your own character into question with your demands, name calling, and 'truth by Ev'...

You will NEVER be able to substantiate your attack. NEVER. There will always be "some" reason why you won't substantiate your personal attack on my character.

05-27-2020, 05:20 PM
You will NEVER be able to substantiate your attack. NEVER. There will always be "some" reason why you won't substantiate your personal attack on my character.
You've not substantiated anything since your arrival. The only things you've done is play games by differing names.

For some reason you seemed to think that coming into community, calling members names and disagreeing with everything said would make you credible.

I'm not seeing a lot of people line up for your style, but might happen if you keep it up?

05-27-2020, 05:29 PM
You've not substantiated anything since your arrival. The only things you've done is play games by differing names.

For some reason you seemed to think that coming into community, calling members names and disagreeing with everything said would make you credible.

I'm not seeing a lot of people line up for your style, but might happen if you keep it up?

See? You didn't substantiate. You only made a fresh claim that I have called people on this site names. Naturally, you won't say who I called a name, and you won't post what name I called him or her. Notice how I substantiated what I am calling you on? You CANNOT substantiate your personal attack on my character.

Your next post WILL NOT be to substantiate your attack.

05-27-2020, 06:12 PM
Lots of good feedback from many great people. The dog piling does not clarify or change my position, and I would much prefer to be schooled via stronger arguments, stronger logic and better posts.

If somebody can post something solid about how the current mask culture is not based on political propaganda, it would be far more powerful than a bunch of people dog piling me with emotionally based resentment for my commie rhetoric. I assure this community that I will put every effort into being truly objective if somebody can post how the mask culture is not based on the political agenda of my political enemies. I'll even post my logic chain as I put any posts up to objective questions.

My position is that all covid roads, including the current mask culture, lead back to the political agenda of political enemies ranging from the msm all the way to communist China. Post something that helps me understand how I am wrong, and I will keep my commie spotlight turned off for awhile.

No one's dogpiling you. Appearances can be deceiving, wouldn't you agree?

I will also point out the one on one debate subforum down the main page a bit. You are free to get yourself hooked up and you get anyone you want that will agree all by your and their lonesome.

I've already responded directly to your "mask culture" crap. Guess you can't get schooled if you're pretending it didn't happen. Yet another lefty trait: pretend it didn't happen and go re-ask the question as if it wasn't answered.

For a self-proclaimed rightwinger, you sure got a lot of bad lefty habits.

Black Diamond
05-27-2020, 06:18 PM
No one's dogpiling you. Appearances can be deceiving, wouldn't you agree?

I will also point out the one on one debate subforum down the main page a bit. You are free to get yourself hooked up and you get anyone you want that will agree all by your and their lonesome.

I've already responded directly to your "mask culture" crap. Guess you can't get schooled if you're pretending it didn't happen. Yet another lefty trait: pretend it didn't happen and go re-ask the question as if it wasn't answered.

For a self-proclaimed rightwinger, you sure got a lot of bad lefty habits.

Maybe he's a switch-hitter. :cool:

05-27-2020, 06:37 PM
I refer you to post 60 for where I stand from here forward. I am shocked that you would feel labeled by my commie rhetoric, but I will stick to post 60 for now. If this community has remained small and unchanged for a long time, it may be interesting to shake things up a bit with some new stuff. Maybe not though, it may be that the same handful of people are destined for the status quo that it was before the newbie came crashing in.Did you label me a commie? I must have missed that. You can call me whatever trips your trigger. I guess you missed the point that I was just laughing at and poking fun at your weak tactics?

I bet you really believe you are making an impact here too? You're just giving us something new to fuck with before we break it and discard it with the rest who have tried.

05-27-2020, 06:55 PM
See? You didn't substantiate. You only made a fresh claim that I have called people on this site names. Naturally, you won't say who I called a name, and you won't post what name I called him or her. Notice how I substantiated what I am calling you on? You CANNOT substantiate your personal attack on my character.

Your next post WILL NOT be to substantiate your attack.Semantics. Hope you got a day job. Not only do YOU know what you are doing, but so does most everyone else on the board. You aren't as good at it as you have deluded yourself into believing.

You could be an asset to this community. So far you're just being the "ass" part. I'll ask you again to try and get along. I'm NOT the patient one here, just pretending to be. You CAN run out of time.

05-27-2020, 07:48 PM
Did you label me a commie? I must have missed that. You can call me whatever trips your trigger. I guess you missed the point that I was just laughing at and poking fun at your weak tactics?

I bet you really believe you are making an impact here too? You're just giving us something new to fuck with before we break it and discard it with the rest who have tried.

I backed off the commie rhetoric back there in post 60, although it felt strange to self censor my true political thoughts for the benefit of a group of righties who are offended by commie rhetoric. I see that you are now asking me if I labeled you a commie, and I'd love to give you an answer. If you quote what exactly I said that made you wonder if I labeled you as a commie, I am confident that I can clear it up.

05-27-2020, 08:35 PM
Semantics. Hope you got a day job. Not only do YOU know what you are doing, but so does most everyone else on the board. You aren't as good at it as you have deluded yourself into believing.

You could be an asset to this community. So far you're just being the "ass" part. I'll ask you again to try and get along. I'm NOT the patient one here, just pretending to be. You CAN run out of time.

I am sorry that you and I have come to this point. I am doing what I can to reestablish that I respect the majority of this community, including self censoring my commie rhetoric for awhile, but I certainly cannot be forced to do much more self censoring of my genuine political thoughts out of fear of being black balled by the community. You and I as righties simply do not function like that. I would hope that you would not be interested in discouraging a fellow righty from expressing his genuine political opinion.

If you are going to take kathianne's side of our spat without actually vetting it, then you and I may have less in common than I thought. I get that you and many others are intolerant of my genuine political opinion that the current mask culture is supporting commie culture, and that many of you interpret this as meaning that I am calling mask culture members commies, but the fact here is that I have NEVER called anybody on this site a lefty or a commie. In fact, I have repetitively complimented most members as a group and individually. Right here on this thread too.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2020, 10:24 PM
Why not everyone take a breather, before it’s too late?

Plus, there’s lots more going on in the world to talk about besides COVID-19 and “to mask or not to mask“.

05-28-2020, 12:17 AM
No matter how many credible experts are quoted, the source of this political propaganda appears to be wanting to convince me why everyone should be wearing masks as the title suggests, even though they did not try to convince everybody to wear masks for previous bad flu years.

I feel like my responses to the article still look too subjective, so if you have any way to point me toward some more information that supports the notion that the source is not really political agenda, I am interested.

In the interest of being objective, you may have a point that ALL news sources are tainted by politics which would mean that I have a strawman position. If this is true though, it would also mean that I am correct about how everyone who participates in the mask culture is doing so because of political propaganda. I stated right in my introduction thread that I do not trust ANY media, regardless of its bias.

So, Ev, tell me what the commie mask culture will accomplish by convincing us to wear masks.

On another note ... why do we wear seat belts now? Which commie culture caused that to happen? Statistics? Scientific studies? Common sense?

05-28-2020, 03:29 AM
So, Ev, tell me what the commie mask culture will accomplish by convincing us to wear masks.

On another note ... why do we wear seat belts now? Which commie culture caused that to happen? Statistics? Scientific studies? Common sense?

If you are genuinely interested in understanding what the mask culture accomplishes, I will take you through it. I detect a little friction that kathianne gave you a like for, but I am only interested in having civilized discussion.

First, we should agree that if a person wears a mask, he is wearing it because of a position that he has that is based upon political media, news, or propaganda. If maskers hold a position that is based upon what they learned from political propaganda, then they obviously bought what the political news and propaganda source was selling. Do we agree so far? There are several more parts to this, and I dont want to get too far ahead, so I'll go one more. Political news, media, and propaganda did not have us social distancing, mask wearing, destroying businesses, destroying the economy, lockdowns, or suspending constitutional rights for other similar flu years in the last hundred years. Are we in agreement on the first two items?

05-28-2020, 04:27 AM
If you are genuinely interested in understanding what the mask culture accomplishes, I will take you through it. I detect a little friction that kathianne gave you a like for, but I am only interested in having civilized discussion.

First, we should agree that if a person wears a mask, he is wearing it because of a position that he has that is based upon political media, news, or propaganda. If maskers hold a position that is based upon what they learned from political propaganda, then they obviously bought what the political news and propaganda source was selling. Do we agree so far? There are several more parts to this, and I dont want to get too far ahead, so I'll go one more. Political news, media, and propaganda did not have us social distancing, mask wearing, destroying businesses, destroying the economy, lockdowns, or suspending constitutional rights for other similar flu years in the last hundred years. Are we in agreement on the first two items?

Why should we agree? I've repeatedly said I disagree with this premise citing my own personal reasons. Wearing because medical and scientific authorities recommended.
No, we are not in agreement yet.

05-28-2020, 07:54 AM
Why should we agree? I've repeatedly said I disagree with this premise citing my own personal reasons. Wearing because medical and scientific authorities recommended.
No, we are not in agreement yet.

Fair enough, this is what political debate and discussion is about. Most maskers really do wear them because of what medical and scientific authorities recommend, but can we agree that the political media that delivers what these authorities have to say can and will cherry pick which of them is quoted, and that the media can and will cherry pick what exactly they quote from them? Can we agree that the MSM can and will assemble whatever narrative they want using real quotes scientific and medical professionals?

05-28-2020, 10:55 AM
First, we should agree that if a person wears a mask, he is wearing it because of a position that he has that is based upon political media, news, or propaganda.

Bzzzzzz, wrong again.

I couldn't care less what the leftist MSM has to say about wearing or not wearing masks. I don't believe shit from them. I certainly don't get my medical advice from politicians either. Nor any propaganda is involved in such a decision.

Why is it difficult to understand that folks all have their own rights on what to do? And that some know that certain masks will reduce the chances of breathing in the virus immensely? I think it's common sense that since we know masks will block the virus for the most part, and that chances of getting the virus are reduced by wearing one, that folks will wear it as common sense protection.

To make a mask some form of political decision is dumb, IMO.

And then imagine some elderly folks or some folks with compromised immune systems, being told that wearing a mask won't help them and they shouldn't listen to the propaganda. The mask cannot work for them when there is nothing there for it to block, correct? I don't think it's wise to discourage others from wearing one if they so choose.

05-28-2020, 11:33 AM
Fair enough, this is what political debate and discussion is about. Most maskers really do wear them because of what medical and scientific authorities recommend, but can we agree that the political media that delivers what these authorities have to say can and will cherry pick which of them is quoted, and that the media can and will cherry pick what exactly they quote from them? Can we agree that the MSM can and will assemble whatever narrative they want using real quotes scientific and medical professionals?

and some wear them because they've noticed that many countries that have lower infections have long worn masks during viral outbreaks: South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand...

05-28-2020, 11:48 AM
I backed off the commie rhetoric back there in post 60, although it felt strange to self censor my true political thoughts for the benefit of a group of righties who are offended by commie rhetoric. I see that you are now asking me if I labeled you a commie, and I'd love to give you an answer. If you quote what exactly I said that made you wonder if I labeled you as a commie, I am confident that I can clear it up.

For a guy that likes to dabble in semantics you sure let THAT rhetorical question zoom right over. I can clear it right up for you -- you did not call me directly a commie. Not your style. The inference is there. So's the humor in it for me.

I am sorry that you and I have come to this point. I am doing what I can to reestablish that I respect the majority of this community, including self censoring my commie rhetoric for awhile, but I certainly cannot be forced to do much more self censoring of my genuine political thoughts out of fear of being black balled by the community. You and I as righties simply do not function like that. I would hope that you would not be interested in discouraging a fellow righty from expressing his genuine political opinion.

If you are going to take kathianne's side of our spat without actually vetting it, then you and I may have less in common than I thought. I get that you and many others are intolerant of my genuine political opinion that the current mask culture is supporting commie culture, and that many of you interpret this as meaning that I am calling mask culture members commies, but the fact here is that I have NEVER called anybody on this site a lefty or a commie. In fact, I have repetitively complimented most members as a group and individually. Right here on this thread too.Shall we play YOUR game? Where is it that I have directed you to self-censor or told you what you can and cannot say for that matter? I believe I have told you at least once, if not more you are free to do as you please. followed by suggestions? Sound about right?

Everyone sees your inferences for what they are, so don't with that one. Just as everyone sees your condescension with a smile and a pat on the back for what it is. Did you think you walked into a bowl of cherries? You're not the first at this game, nor the best. Just another.

I've already solved your mask issue for you. You've spent how many threads and pages on you"mask culture" when, IIFC, I pointed out that to my knowledge no one here that wears a mask has the option of choice. That would render your arguments moot.

And yes, if you thought you were going to come on here and make my decisions for me then you got me all wrong. I don't need ANYONE telling me what to do, including YOU. I think for myself and if we disagree you'll just have to get over it because I don't give a shit one way or the other.

05-28-2020, 01:14 PM
most maskers really do wear them because of what medical and scientific authorities recommend,

but can we agree that the political media that delivers what these authorities have to say can and will cherry pick which of them is quoted, and that the media can and will cherry pick what exactly they quote from them?

can we agree that the msm can and will assemble whatever narrative they want using real quotes scientific and medical professionals?

05-28-2020, 01:19 PM
I've already solved your mask issue for you. You've spent how many threads and pages on you"mask culture" when, IIFC, I pointed out that to my knowledge no one here that wears a mask has the option of choice. That would render your arguments moot.

We have zero choice here in NY or you get a ticket or arrested. I didn't make the rules, laws or mandates. But I started with the mask long before that. And I recall when the mandate announcements started happening, I was fully prepared and locked and loaded already - because of my OWN due diligence.

And if it's OK for contractors and so many other workers in fields that need them, to protect them from all kinds of hazardous materials - then my life is just as important to protect.

I've heard from far too many about how various folks NEED them because they magically work for them - but we puny citizens with rights, well we're just too stupid to do so. No thank you, I know quite well how to shave and wear one and check the seal properly, and ensure the seal throughout and to be aware for forms of wear and tear or other reasons to discard one.

05-28-2020, 01:45 PM
We have zero choice here in NY or you get a ticket or arrested. I didn't make the rules, laws or mandates. But I started with the mask long before that. And I recall when the mandate announcements started happening, I was fully prepared and locked and loaded already - because of my OWN due diligence.

And if it's OK for contractors and so many other workers in fields that need them, to protect them from all kinds of hazardous materials - then my life is just as important to protect.

I've heard from far too many about how various folks NEED them because they magically work for them - but we puny citizens with rights, well we're just too stupid to do so. No thank you, I know quite well how to shave and wear one and check the seal properly, and ensure the seal throughout and to be aware for forms of wear and tear or other reasons to discard one.HOnestly, I think I covered all this before our newest contributor decided to make a major issue of it.

I DON'T like the government telling me what to do. I've often wondered how I made it 21 years in the Corps. However, if what the government is telling me to do makes sense or I was going to do it on my own anyway, that would NOT be the point where I decide to make my stand against the US Government and its do-nothing, kindergarten politics.

And when someone else's life could be on the line and I have no play in that someone's game? I sure as Hell don't want the responsibility for telling them what to do and killing them. Been down THAT road and it ain't nice.

Besides jimnyc, if I was going to get all mask gung ho then I'd have to find out what kind you have so I could get a better one and wave it at you :happy0203:

Abbey Marie
05-28-2020, 02:04 PM
I have a new mask. It’s turquoise with sea turtles on it. It’s cute and non-threatening. I like it.

And @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) , the turtles are all swimming in the same direction, so I’m happy with that. :cool:

05-28-2020, 02:14 PM
Besides jimnyc, if I was going to get all mask gung ho then I'd have to find out what kind you have so I could get a better one and wave it at you :happy0203:

I have a few of the better N95, but I'm thrilled with these N998 masks! Not only better filtration, but 10x more comfortable wearing than others I have used. I love 'em. But still wouldn't want to wear for longer than I need to.



05-28-2020, 02:21 PM
I have a new mask. It’s turquoise with sea turtles on it. It’s cute and non-threatening. I like it.

And @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) , the turtles are all swimming in the same direction, so I’m happy with that. :cool:

Turtles are ok, sloths are better! LOL! Anything, as long as it's not fish! :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
05-28-2020, 03:04 PM
Turtles are ok, sloths are better! LOL! Anything, as long as it's not fish! :laugh2:


Abbey Marie
05-28-2020, 03:05 PM
I have a few of the better N95, but I'm thrilled with these N998 masks! Not only better filtration, but 10x more comfortable wearing than others I have used. I love 'em. But still wouldn't want to wear for longer than I need to.



Where can I find those? The mask I wore yesterday (plain with a filter I put inside) was making me claustrophobic.

05-28-2020, 06:04 PM
I have a new mask. It’s turquoise with sea turtles on it. It’s cute and non-threatening. I like it.

And @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) , the turtles are all swimming in the same direction, so I’m happy with that. :cool:As they should be. Adrift Turtles just wouldn't do :}

05-28-2020, 06:19 PM
A bra for a mask? How bout a Jock Strap?



Abbey Marie
05-28-2020, 07:24 PM
As they should be. Adrift Turtles just wouldn't do :}


05-28-2020, 09:37 PM
Bzzzzzz, wrong again.

I couldn't care less what the leftist MSM has to say about wearing or not wearing masks. I don't believe shit from them. I certainly don't get my medical advice from politicians either. Nor any propaganda is involved in such a decision.

Thank you for your response Jimnyc. You responded to a discussion I began with Sassy in post 86 that is meant to be civilized discussion. I sense a subjective resentment of me in your reply, which I do not mind at all, but if you are interested in civilized and objective discussion, I welcome your input. On that note, I'd like to ask where exactly your masker position comes from, if it is not based upon political news and propaganda?

Why is it difficult to understand that folks all have their own rights on what to do?

I actually do understand that people have a right to wear masks, underwear, or whatever they want on their faces when walking about in society. I served my country to defend this freedom. I dont like to see people desecrate the flag or kneel for the national anthem, but I realize that people have the right to do things that I disagree with. I do not know why on earth you thought that I do not understand that people have the right to do things I dont like, and I do not even know why rights even got brought into the discussion, but I assure you that I understand our rights.

And that some know that certain masks will reduce the chances of breathing in the virus immensely? I think it's common sense that since we know masks will block the virus for the most part, and that chances of getting the virus are reduced by wearing one, that folks will wear it as common sense protection.

What we do know for sure is that masks absolutely do not filter out what is not there, and we do know that masks that are approved and designed to filter specific stuff out of the air that we breathe CAN work if they are used correctly AND the specific stuff is present. This information is factual and correct. Where it gets political is when the term "masks work", is used without the appropriate context to go with it. The perception that one is in an environment that really is contaminated with dangerous hazmat that needs to be filtered is based upon what news, information, or propaganda one consumes, which is why I assert that our choice to wear a mask or not is based upon political news and propaganda.

To make a mask some form of political decision is dumb, IMO.

This is where we agree. Unfortunately though, I believe we are right on this. It becomes a political decision when we base it upon what we have learned from political news and propaganda. What else do we have?

And then imagine some elderly folks or some folks with compromised immune systems, being told that wearing a mask won't help them and they shouldn't listen to the propaganda.

Being elderly or having a compromised immune system is not relevant to the facts about how masks work. Nobody should be arbitrarily telling them, with no regard or understanding of the missing context, that masks do or don't help them. As far as the propaganda goes, I would assert that everybody should read or watch as much of it as possible, but do not trust or believe any of it. It is the primary source of information, so it should be used as a tool to search for the truth. Again, it is not the actual truth, it is a tool that can and should be used to search for the truth.

The mask cannot work for them when there is nothing there for it to block, correct?

Correct. Close enough.

I don't think it's wise to discourage others from wearing one if they so choose.

It may or may not be wise to this, I do not know. I discourage people from wearing masks, but I do this for political reasons. I oppose the agenda of the Dems, the MSM, communist China, and lefties, and I know that they are all exploiting covid 19 to further their agenda that I oppose so strongly. I know they are pushing social distancing, mask wearing, lockdowns, while they attack my rights, so I resist and fight. That is my political agenda with masks and all things covid. My research shows that the crazy shit they are pushing because of covid 19 is not consistent with other comparable flu years in at least a hundred years.

05-28-2020, 10:00 PM
and some wear them because they've noticed that many countries that have lower infections have long worn masks during viral outbreaks: South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand...

Kathianne, this is a very small community, and we will never be able to avoid seeing each other on various threads. I do not ever use the ignore function on any forum, let alone a small one like this site. I have clearly defined and quoted for you exactly what I perceive as a blatant character attack from you, and I am disgusted with you because of this. I am not very good at holding grudges, and I can see that it isn't realistic to avoid you like I avoid certain people on bigger forums, so I am flushing the entire thing and moving on.

On that note, I'd like to ask about the these people who "wear them because they've noticed that many countries that have lower infections have long worn masks during viral outbreaks: South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand". How do you suppose they came to notice this? It sure sounds like typical political media propaganda to me, which would mean that they only noticed this after the media put it in front of them. I suppose an older traveler who has been around for all these viral outbreaks could have witnessed all of them in each country, but there probably aren't many of those people around. What are your thoughts?

Abbey Marie
05-28-2020, 11:50 PM
Saw another one:


05-29-2020, 12:43 AM
and cities that fared better and worse.

Hey Ev, before you write MSM, check the sources of the article, prove untrue.


05-29-2020, 07:50 AM
and cities that fared better and worse.

Hey Ev, before you write MSM, check the sources of the article, prove untrue.


Kathianne, what you have posted here is what sassy and I already agree on, and what I just posted about to jimnyc. I am trying to establish that all of us have a perception of mask culture that is based upon political media propaganda, so what you just posted is really making my point. Let me show you what I just asked you about in post 104:

On that note, I'd like to ask about the these people who "wear them because they've noticed that many countries that have lower infections have long worn masks during viral outbreaks: South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand". How do you suppose they came to notice this? It sure sounds like typical political media propaganda to me, which would mean that they only noticed this after the media put it in front of them. I suppose an older traveler who has been around for all these viral outbreaks could have witnessed all of them in each country, but there probably aren't many of those people around. What are your thoughts?

With all due respect, your post completely evaded what I asked, but it still demonstrates one of the points that i am trying to establish. What you posted about 1918 was a piece of political propaganda that promotes social distancing and was fed to society in may 2020. I'm not really sure why your response to post 104 does not reflect that you did read and understand it, but at least what you posted can be used as an example of politically motivated propaganda.

The random piece of political propaganda does something very interesting when it is used as a response to the what I asked you in post 104. Since it was posted instead of a reply that demonstrates that you even read and understood what I asked, it takes the discussion in a whole new direction, while you complely evade having to answer a question that many members here want to resist. I realize that what I asked is inconvenient and uncomfortable for many members here who oppose me, but I am not attacking anybody here. Just civilized discussion. Can you respond to that post 104?

Btw, I carefully read what you posted, and I did see that you asked me about the sources used for that piece of political propaganda. Please check out the posts that lead up to post 92, and take a close look at the third item in post 92.

05-29-2020, 08:22 AM


Sassy, I know I left you hanging here on post 92, but I'll be back.

05-29-2020, 09:29 AM
We have zero choice here in NY or you get a ticket or arrested. ...

I don't want to get too far from the political propaganda point that I am trying to establish, but I realize I have not addressed the point that you made here about no choice. On that note, I'd like to ask you to imagine the eerie sound of an air raid siren going off for a moment. Mayors and governors who are drunk on power right now are telling you that you must comply with their totalitarian orders? Zero choice? Forget our unique perceptions of the pandemic dangers for a moment and think about what exactly "no choice" really means. My fellow righty, please keep your eyes open for ANY chance to completely destroy anything that stands in the way of our freedom. If they can take away your choice to NOT wear a mask, they can certainly take away your choice to wear one too. It is an emergency that we put a spectacular end to whatever is standing in the way of choice.

05-29-2020, 11:50 AM
Thank you for your response Jimnyc. You responded to a discussion I began with Sassy in post 86 that is meant to be civilized discussion. I sense a subjective resentment of me in your reply, which I do not mind at all, but if you are interested in civilized and objective discussion, I welcome your input. On that note, I'd like to ask where exactly your masker position comes from, if it is not based upon political news and propaganda?

Resentment? Nah, don't even know you. IF YOUR READ what I have written several times, I stated that I wear a mask due to my own due diligence. I listen to doctors, not politicians or political doctors & certainly not the MSM. Not sure why the repetitive questions.

I actually do understand that people have a right to wear masks, underwear, or whatever they want on their faces when walking about in society. I served my country to defend this freedom. I dont like to see people desecrate the flag or kneel for the national anthem, but I realize that people have the right to do things that I disagree with. I do not know why on earth you thought that I do not understand that people have the right to do things I dont like, and I do not even know why rights even got brought into the discussion, but I assure you that I understand our rights.

Folks wear masks and likely for a variety of reasons. Folks ARE getting sick out there. Can you point me to stores and hospitals and doctors offices that are 100% guaranteed to be virus free? We both know that's not possible. And in some areas that risk may be lower with smaller populations and less infections. But in places like NYC, and so many enclosed areas, and the numbers of infections skyrocketing, the chances of getting this virus are much higher. Me and/or my family wearing masks for a few minutes per day, lowers are chances of getting this virus dramatically. That's simply a fact. If I have an n95 mask on, it IS a fact, that whether a virus is believed to be somewhere or not, the chances of me getting infected are a shitload lower. Common sense tells me that a few minutes of wearing one is worth doing as opposed to what may happen if I did breathe it in.

What we do know for sure is that masks absolutely do not filter out what is not there, and we do know that masks that are approved and designed to filter specific stuff out of the air that we breathe CAN work if they are used correctly AND the specific stuff is present. This information is factual and correct. Where it gets political is when the term "masks work", is used without the appropriate context to go with it. The perception that one is in an environment that really is contaminated with dangerous hazmat that needs to be filtered is based upon what news, information, or propaganda one consumes, which is why I assert that our choice to wear a mask or not is based upon political news and propaganda.

It doesn't filter what is not there or is there is ONLY helpful if one knows the answer. And since none of us do, wearing one reduces chances. And if no virus where the mask is worn, nothing is lost in the slightest bit.

This is where we agree. Unfortunately though, I believe we are right on this. It becomes a political decision when we base it upon what we have learned from political news and propaganda. What else do we have?

Again, not sure how many times I need to say I don't wear a mask based on propaganda. Not unless you call years and years of studies on n95,n99, n100, p100.... they work. I don't ever ever ever even watch news on the television, not one station, not even Fox. I do the internet and read everything and find the truth for myself. So I don't do the propaganda thing. Sorry if that disappoints that I made a decision based on facts.

Being elderly or having a compromised immune system is not relevant to the facts about how masks work. Nobody should be arbitrarily telling them, with no regard or understanding of the missing context, that masks do or don't help them. As far as the propaganda goes, I would assert that everybody should read or watch as much of it as possible, but do not trust or believe any of it. It is the primary source of information, so it should be used as a tool to search for the truth. Again, it is not the actual truth, it is a tool that can and should be used to search for the truth.

The certified medical masks approved by NIOSH and the CDC work. There's no debate about this. You can scream propaganda and everything else, but it's a fact that they work. Now I can't prove there is a virus in places I go, and you can't prove it's virus free. But a mask lessens that chance in a massive manner whether it is or not. You can fight the facts all you want, and twist words and omit words and try every angle imaginable - the result is the same.

Correct. Close enough.

It may or may not be wise to this, I do not know. I discourage people from wearing masks, but I do this for political reasons. I oppose the agenda of the Dems, the MSM, communist China, and lefties, and I know that they are all exploiting covid 19 to further their agenda that I oppose so strongly. I know they are pushing social distancing, mask wearing, lockdowns, while they attack my rights, so I resist and fight. That is my political agenda with masks and all things covid. My research shows that the crazy shit they are pushing because of covid 19 is not consistent with other comparable flu years in at least a hundred years.

Well there you have it. You do so for political reasons, as if it's a left right thing and one is a lefty or commie if they wear one. Check my posting history - I want facts and demand them. Even right leaning sources that I love - I wouldn't use them if their stories didn't contain factual information.

You said you are a contractor and you use masks for your job. WHO told you this? Your company? From experience? From your training? Why don't YOU go without them? Likely because of the effects and/or damage that may happen if you don't wear one.

And what if I should go to a medical facility because I broke my arm. We know that hundreds have died of this virus at this sole hospital within the past week. We know that is where folks infected are being directed to go. But no one knows for sure, it's invisible. But TO ME, it sounds like the odds just increased, so I would definitely wear an n95 there. But according to you - since I can't see it, and knowing that they are 100% useless if nothing is there - then I should do without and never mind the odds of lowering my chances by wearing one. Nah, I'll wear one. You're more than free not to.

05-29-2020, 11:59 AM
I don't want to get too far from the political propaganda point that I am trying to establish, but I realize I have not addressed the point that you made here about no choice. On that note, I'd like to ask you to imagine the eerie sound of an air raid siren going off for a moment. Mayors and governors who are drunk on power right now are telling you that you must comply with their totalitarian orders? Zero choice? Forget our unique perceptions of the pandemic dangers for a moment and think about what exactly "no choice" really means. My fellow righty, please keep your eyes open for ANY chance to completely destroy anything that stands in the way of our freedom. If they can take away your choice to NOT wear a mask, they can certainly take away your choice to wear one too. It is an emergency that we put a spectacular end to whatever is standing in the way of choice.

You may do better if jumping on incorrectness coming from the medical politicians. Or other factors that can be disproved. For example, too many out there think a plain surgical mask or bandana will stop one from breathing in the virus. There are political agendas at play here and I agree with that much. But you're jumping on a known safety item as 100% useless is most cases. Whereas in most cases they give assurance and guarantee that they block out a certain amount.

And if there was an air raid, and I see smoke or gas, I would likely put on a full face respirator! And I would still make ALL my medical decisions based on science and facts.

IF I were to see advice from a politician or media twitnit, the 1st thing I do is my due diligence. If medical related, the 1st thing I do is find all the studies from around the world, and make my decisions based on my own findings. I wouldn't be going to huffington post or breitbart for confirmation. I would find proven and true studies that were peer reviewed.

The very fact that you think for a moment that I am some commie is delusional. Thinking I am some form of lefty is nuts. Thinking I fall for their propaganda BS only means you don't know me well yet, and that's cool. IF you did, you would likely agree on those points and that it's crazy to think that about a far right wing chicken hawk who prefers nukes to the middle east instead of diplomacy.

05-29-2020, 12:00 PM
I don't want to get too far from the political propaganda point that I am trying to establish, but I realize I have not addressed the point that you made here about no choice. On that note, I'd like to ask you to imagine the eerie sound of an air raid siren going off for a moment. Mayors and governors who are drunk on power right now are telling you that you must comply with their totalitarian orders? Zero choice? Forget our unique perceptions of the pandemic dangers for a moment and think about what exactly "no choice" really means. My fellow righty, please keep your eyes open for ANY chance to completely destroy anything that stands in the way of our freedom. If they can take away your choice to NOT wear a mask, they can certainly take away your choice to wear one too. It is an emergency that we put a spectacular end to whatever is standing in the way of choice.You surely don't want to get too far from your propaganda and beating a dead horse. We all have a "choice" to violate the law most days at multiple times and choose not to. Why? The possible gain isn't worth the possible punishment/fine.

When I decide to defy the law it's going to be worth it. Not over your political agenda.

05-29-2020, 12:13 PM
You surely don't want to get too far from your propaganda and beating a dead horse. We all have a "choice" to violate the law most days at multiple times and choose not to. Why? The possible gain isn't worth the possible punishment/fine.

When I decide to defy the law it's going to be worth it. Not over your political agenda.

There's a chance that it may not work, but not because of them being ineffective or defective - but rather because no virus present. But that doesn't mean they don't work or they are useless. It means exactly what was written. So at a bare minimum someone gets peace of mind while in an enclosed space knowing that IF the virus is present that their mask is most likely not allowing it into your body. And IF it IS present, I may have just saved my life, or the life of a loved one if I bring it back home.

No one can guarantee lowering the chances or that the virus isn't present. Gimme a vaccine and I'll go without a mask. Gimme local hospitals and clinics reporting severely diminished numbers for 2-3 weeks straight and then I'll think about not wearing the mask.

For a few minutes of wearing it, I get that peace of mind and guarantee of minimization, and potentially save $500-1000 dollars or a few months with Bubba.

05-29-2020, 12:18 PM
There's a chance that it may not work, but not because of them being ineffective or defective - but rather because no virus present. But that doesn't mean they don't work or they are useless. It means exactly what was written. So at a bare minimum someone gets peace of mind while in an enclosed space knowing that IF the virus is present that their mask is most likely not allowing it into your body. And IF it IS present, I may have just saved my life, or the life of a loved one if I bring it back home.

No one can guarantee lowering the chances or that the virus isn't present. Gimme a vaccine and I'll go without a mask. Gimme local hospitals and clinics reporting severely diminished numbers for 2-3 weeks straight and then I'll think about not wearing the mask.

For a few minutes of wearing it, I get that peace of mind and guarantee of minimization, and potentially save $500-1000 dollars or a few months with Bubba.

I don't care if the virus is at my space in time, no way to know if it is or isn't. That's the nature of viruses. Looking back probably never should have shut down the country, just have hammered home basic hygiene, hand washing, and masks. Then again, there weren't enough masks. :rolleyes: so they lied and said they'd only work for folks employed by hospitals, cities.

I'm done with arguing about them with someone that is just playing games. I guess it's what he passes off as political discussion, I'm just finding it annoying.

05-29-2020, 12:35 PM
It appears the invisible enemy has been spotted, or was spotted, at a graduation party in Atlanta:



The Buckhead neighborhood in Atlanta has seen an increase of 100 new cases in just five days, an increase of 20% in three of the five zip codes associated with the area. The cluster of new cases is being traced back to one student’s graduation party, allegedly the son of a doctor. Head of School Meredyth Cole and Head Nurse Shana Horan sent out an email (https://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/northside_sandy_springs/news/several-lovett-seniors-have-tested-positive-for-covid-19/article_0d599c1c-9f64-11ea-beb5-bbea08c31c11.html)to let parents know that 30 students have tested positive, though it is unclear how many attended the party. The school officials advised students get tested if any symptoms surface and where to get a free test.

“Because we are committed to helping the Lovett community stay healthy, we want to let you know that the school has been notified by several class of 2020 families that their students have tested positive for COVID-19,” they said. “Unfortunately the infectious nature of the COVID-19 virus means that most communities will be touched at some point, and we recognize how hard separation and missed milestones have been on the emotional lives of our students. Families of the students diagnosed with COVID-19 are working with the appropriate healthcare professionals and Departments of Health.”

The school isn’t naming names or disclosing the number of seniors who are now infected. It doesn’t take much imagination to understand how many people can be affected by one person’s exposure. That is one of the most troubling aspects of the coronavirus – how rapidly it spreads. Each high school graduate who attended the party went home and exposed his or her family to the virus, along with any other friends he or she hung out with before being tested. Remember the funeral (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/30/us/coronavirus-funeral-albany-georgia.html) of a Georgia man at the end of February that is now labeled as a “super spreading event” due to the impact it had on the community from the virus?

A school spokesperson says that though the school did everything right as far as social distancing goes with the car parade for seniors, they have since been notified that there were off-campus celebrations (https://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/northside_sandy_springs/news/several-lovett-seniors-have-tested-positive-for-covid-19/article_0d599c1c-9f64-11ea-beb5-bbea08c31c11.html) that likely spread the virus.

“The notifications were made several days after a socially distanced drive-by senior parade occurred; an in-person graduation has been postponed to late July,” Fowler said. “The school has been made aware of several off-campus social gatherings but has no information on any private events. Families of the graduates diagnosed with COVID-19 are working with the appropriate healthcare professionals and Departments of Health.

Parents are alarmed, to state the obvious, and there are concerns (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8366843/Affluent-Atlanta-neighborhood-sees-COVID-spike-prep-school-grad-party.html) about schools reopening, as well as their graduating students starting college in the fall.

‘They clearly disregarded social distancing. Not only did they get it, they gave it to their parents and their neighborhoods,’ he said.
‘It’s not going to be isolated. The kids were together for 48 hours. Kids cross populate. It’s a very interconnected neighborhood.’
The parent, who didn’t want to be named, isn’t blaming the school for the outbreak but, instead, says other parents are acting ‘irresponsibly’.
‘The school technically did everything right,’ the parent said.
‘As you can see in this case, children believe they’re not going to get and their parents aren’t holding them accountable.
‘These are healthy children. If they can get it, anyone can get.
‘As these kids get it they will take it to college campuses. There’s no way the math won’t perpetuate this worse. I think we’ve set ourselves up for real failure.’

The parent went on to point a finger of blame at the state for reopening, claiming Georgia began reopening too early. Malarkey. That’s not been proven the case at all. That is a parent wanting to protect his child, which is understandable but blaming the wrong people. The school followed the guidelines, it was the parent (s) who helped put on a party for the graduates that are at fault, it seems – in this case, a doctor’s son, no less. You know his parents footed the bill for whatever was going on with that party.

05-29-2020, 12:40 PM
I don't care if the virus is at my space in time, no way to know if it is or isn't. That's the nature of viruses. Looking back probably never should have shut down the country, just have hammered home basic hygiene, hand washing, and masks. Then again, there weren't enough masks. :rolleyes: so they lied and said they'd only work for folks employed by hospitals, cities.

I'm done with arguing about them with someone that is just playing games. I guess it's what he passes off as political discussion, I'm just finding it annoying.So I was thinking (no leaving the room :) )...

When I was in th ehospital I had a trunk line plus more IVs in my right forearm and a trunk line in my left forearm. A trunk line is 5 IVs in one needle. Skin on both forearms has been jacked since. Paper thin. Bruises that ugly, dark purple if you just look at it. Scars. So last Spring I was out in the sun and got toasted and ended up with a spot of carcinoma on my outside right wrist. Of all the damned places. What a PIA in S Texas of all places.

Anyway, I was not told to not go out in the sun nor anything else. Cut it off, stitch it up and .... next ....

So, I generally wear long sleeve t-shirts, SPF-50 if I leave the porch. Otherwise I am ducking and dodging sunlight with my right hand, basically.

I think from now on, because I say so and have deemed SPF-50, LS t-shirts worthy, EVERYONE should wear them. OR ... you're a lackey to the sun worship culture in the US. Which of course is politically motivated so you will get carcinoma and justify Obamacare so those who need medical treatment and can't pay for it can still get it. Summer resort owners own you.


05-29-2020, 12:44 PM
It appears the invisible enemy has been spotted, or was spotted, at a graduation party in Atlanta:


Shame is, I think so much can reopen without such types of infections and breakouts. All these places I'm seeing - folks are ignoring social distancing and no masks around. Folks get sick.

But if they listened to the "propaganda" I speak of, I would bet anything that less folks get the virus. In fact, anyone wearing a good mask would likely be infection free. Or better yet, if folks avoided such places where folks are congregating without any common sense.

05-29-2020, 12:50 PM
So someone decides so make some serious money by playing in a game of Russian Roulette.

There is no guarantee that when you pull that trigger that a bullet is in the chamber. And if there is one, you're likely gonna die pretty quickly. But you're allowed to wear a helmet of the best quality that is known to deflect over 95% of bullets out there.

Since there may not be a bullet even there, and yet the media makes it sound like it's a suicide mission, I'll forego the helmet against that invisible enemy in that chamber.

Seems like a harsh comparison, but it's the same, and ya ain't gonna convince me otherwise. And I don't care if the last 500 guns had no bullets in their chambers, my ass is foregoing ANY potential winnings in favor of wearing that helmet.

05-29-2020, 12:54 PM
So someone decides so make some serious money by playing in a game of Russian Roulette.

There is no guarantee that when you pull that trigger that a bullet is in the chamber. And if there is one, you're likely gonna die pretty quickly. But you're allowed to wear a helmet of the best quality that is known to deflect over 95% of bullets out there.

Since there may not be a bullet even there, and yet the media makes it sound like it's a suicide mission, I'll forego the helmet against that invisible enemy in that chamber.

Seems like a harsh comparison, but it's the same, and ya ain't gonna convince me otherwise. And I don't care if the last 500 guns had no bullets in their chambers, my ass is foregoing ANY potential winnings in favor of wearing that helmet.

Considering these were high school kids, odds are they'll be alright. Their parents are in their 40's, so likely ok too. Healthy grandma or grandpa? Might have symptoms, mom or dad possible too, but likely ok. It's the vulnerable that may be shopping where one of these folks X 30+ show up, without social distancing or not wearing a masks, because the virus is invisible, that may have a problem.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2020, 01:09 PM
Here are some propaganda-free points for you, Evmetro:

- truth is not determined by the source of the information. You should neither dismiss nor believe anything out of hand based on who says it. The one exception should be faith. If you choose to have faith in something, that’s a different ballgame.

- let’s assume for the moment that what you say about masks and the government is true. There is a worldwide political conspiracy to lead us like mask-wearing sheep to total domination. That does not even come close to proving there is no virus, nor that a mask won’t protect you from it. In short, two different things can be true at the same time.

I will conclude by saying that living as you appear to, with a boogey man in every shadow, can’t be a fulfilling, peaceful existence. You may want to take a breather from your negative thoughts and consider that life is too short to spend it this way. Even if you are somehow right, your only definite accomplishment is to waste your life fighting a spectre. I know you will reject this, and that’s ok. I’ve done my best for a stranger who thinks I’m a fool.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2020, 01:22 PM
And on a side note, if you know any loud talkers.


Black Diamond
05-29-2020, 01:24 PM
Here are some propaganda-free points for you, Evmetro:

- truth is not determined by the source of the information. You should neither dismiss nor believe anything out of hand based on who says it. The one exception should be faith. If you choose to have faith in something, that’s a different ballgame.

- let’s assume for the moment that what you say about masks and the government is true. There is a worldwide political conspiracy to lead us like mask-wearing sheep to total domination. That does not even come close to proving there is no virus, nor that a mask won’t protect you from it. In short, two different things can be true at the same time.

I will conclude by saying that living as you appear to, with a boogey man in every shadow, can’t be a fulfilling, peaceful existence. You may want to take a breather from your negative thoughts and consider that life is too short to spend it this way. Even if you are somehow right, your only definite accomplishment is to waste your life fighting a spectre. I know you will reject this, and that’s ok. I’ve done my best for a stranger who thinks I’m a fool.

There is a lot of this stuff out there. The masks don't work, they will make you sick, if you get on a ventilator, you will never get off it, if you have had a flu shot you will automatically test positive for covid, etc.

Some friends of ours believe this and other crazy theories but this one makes it difficult for Amanda as a medical professional when she has to listen to their venom and paranoia

05-30-2020, 06:39 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by evmetro http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=960600#post960600)
most maskers really do wear them because of what medical and scientific authorities recommend,


but can we agree that the political media that delivers what these authorities have to say can and will cherry pick which of them is quoted, and that the media can and will cherry pick what exactly they quote from them?

SassyLady: agree

can we agree that the msm can and will assemble whatever narrative they want using real quotes scientific and medical professionals?

SassyLady: agree


Sorry I took awhile getting back to this. I wanted to nail the notion down that each of our perspectives on mask culture is based on political propaganda, but other members on the thread seemed to be taking the thread in more subjective directions. In the meantime, I have realized that one does not need to actually agree with what I am saying in order for me to lay out my logic if they are just attempting to make an objective evaluation of it. It helps, but is not really all that important. Your posts leading up to this seem quite objective, thanks.

Anyway, my anti masker logic is based upon the notion that each or our unique perspectives of mask culture are based upon political propaganda. Only science itself is untainted with bias, and it gets converted to bias the moment a human gets involved. Scientists and medical professionals have political agenda, and they get hired by people who have political agenda. What scientists and medical professionals have to say is subjectively sorted by media to create political narratives to sell to media consumers like us. You were objective enough to be able to recognize all this apperently, since you indicated that you agreed.

So, in regard to our perception of the current political landscape that includes the use of masks, each of us has made a choice to either wear or not wear a mask, based upon what political propaganda we have consumed. This leads to the next item to consider, which is why the msm, governors, lefties, and democrats are pushing lockdowns, social distancing, masks, or anything that justifies exective orders that limit our freedom and rights. We know that this pandemic hysteria has never been pushed like it is being pushed now, never in the history of our country. Some folks who are sold on the notion that they need to take all the precautions that are being pushed by the MSM may post propaganda that is meant to support the notion they bought from the MSM, but it is just that.

There is more to come as I get some more time, but for now, I am leaving this update at the notion that the MSM has a narrative to sell, that they are selling it hard, and that they want more than anything else to infringe upon our rights and freedom, and to turn America into a third world socialist shithole. They want power, and they want to oust Trump in November. The notion that masks are more important now than in comparable pandemics, and the notion that one has independently and objectively decided to do this based upon all the political propaganda that was placed in front of them by big tech, the msm, and the government, is a notion that is being sold to the public in an effort to oust Trump in November and take power.

No need for any members to get upset and allege that I am calling them bad names, the above is just part of a political position on mask culture that I am presenting. No need for anybody to agree with it, I'm simply presenting it. I'll add more soon.

05-30-2020, 06:53 PM
For a guy that likes to dabble in semantics you sure let THAT rhetorical question zoom right over. I can clear it right up for you -- you did not call me directly a commie. Not your style. The inference is there. So's the humor in it for me.

Shall we play YOUR game? Where is it that I have directed you to self-censor or told you what you can and cannot say for that matter? I believe I have told you at least once, if not more you are free to do as you please. followed by suggestions? Sound about right?

Everyone sees your inferences for what they are, so don't with that one. Just as everyone sees your condescension with a smile and a pat on the back for what it is. Did you think you walked into a bowl of cherries? You're not the first at this game, nor the best. Just another.

I've already solved your mask issue for you. You've spent how many threads and pages on you"mask culture" when, IIFC, I pointed out that to my knowledge no one here that wears a mask has the option of choice. That would render your arguments moot.

And yes, if you thought you were going to come on here and make my decisions for me then you got me all wrong. I don't need ANYONE telling me what to do, including YOU. I think for myself and if we disagree you'll just have to get over it because I don't give a shit one way or the other.

Gunny, I suspect that you and I may have some similar political positions, and I suspect we could have interesting discussions. Our channel for communication is clogged up pretty bad with this notion that I think you are a commie, that I have called you a commie, or that I have implied that you are a commie. I recognize that your claim to my guilt apparently relies upon the notion that I did not directly say that you are a commie, but if we are to clear the air, I think it would be reasonable for me to request a quote of what exactly gave you the impression that I implied that you specifically are a commie. I would like to either apologize or clear the air, depending on what it is that you are holding against me. If you would like to start a separate thread on this I am open, but I would like it to be done out in the open since I apparently have wronged you right here in the open.

05-30-2020, 07:11 PM


The very fact that you think for a moment that I am some commie is delusional. Thinking I am some form of lefty is nuts. Thinking I fall for their propaganda BS only means you don't know me well yet, and that's cool. IF you did, you would likely agree on those points and that it's crazy to think that about a far right wing chicken hawk who prefers nukes to the middle east instead of diplomacy.

I was not aware until now that we had this problem. I've known for a couple days that Gunny has been holding a similar position, but I did not realize that we did. Below is what I posted to Gunny, and I extend the same invitation to you. Perhaps we could have a separate thread with you, me and Gunny that is intended to put this to rest. It doesn't seem right that I can't have access to the charges against me in this community, and it doesn't sound right for me to be asserting or implying that members who I do not suspect as being commies are in fact commies.

Here is what I posted to Gunny:

I suspect that you and I may have some similar political positions, and I suspect we could have interesting discussions. Our channel for communication is clogged up pretty bad with this notion that I think you are a commie, that I have called you a commie, or that I have implied that you are a commie. I recognize that your claim to my guilt apparently relies upon the notion that I did not directly say that you are a commie, but if we are to clear the air, I think it would be reasonable for me to request a quote of what exactly gave you the impression that I implied that you specifically are a commie. I would like to either apologize or clear the air, depending on what it is that you are holding against me. If you would like to start a separate thread on this I am open, but I would like it to be done out in the open since I apparently have wronged you right here in the open.

05-30-2020, 07:25 PM
And on a side note, if you know any loud talkers.


That is why I WHISPER when typing. My screen will be contaminated, and somebody online might start complaining WE ARE SPREADING the virus here too!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::lau gh:

05-31-2020, 07:23 PM
I have a little time, so I'll add an update to the anti mask political position that I have been presenting. So far, I have asserted that all of us hold a position on the use of masks that is based upon political propaganda. Even if one were to attempt to bypass the media who present the bulk of what we use to form our perception of the political landscape from by going right to the doctor's or scientists that the media cherry pick from, the scientists and medical professionals themselves are still political propaganda machines. Only science itself, before a human processes it, is untainted by bias.

Next, I explained that the msm, the left, and the government who all operate as one, have an agenda to sell. There is a reason why they are pushing lockdowns, masks, suspension of our freedom and rights. They desperately want to turn America into a 3rd world socialist shithole where they have all the power, and they need Trump gone in order for this to happen. I explained the notions that masks are more important now than in comparable pandemics, and the notion that one has independently and objectively decided to do this based upon all the political propaganda that was placed in front of them by big tech, the msm, and the government, are notions that are being sold to the public in an effort to oust Trump in November and take power.

For my update, I'd like to present the most controversial part of what I am presenting, which is the notion that wearing masks equates to flying the colors of the side who want to oust Trump and make America into a socialist shithole where we do not have freedom and rights. I allege that our political opponents who want to do this are exploiting a virus that is comparable to other bad flu years where masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and suspension of our freedom and rights were not the answer. I allege that they are exploiting our concern for our own health, as well as the health of our loved ones by overwhelming us with so much politically motivated propaganda that we actually believe that it has merit. So much that we actually believe we have independently researched and concluded that wearing masks in a supermarket makes sense. So much that we can't even recognize that we are actually helping our enemy by legitimizing their weaponized political propaganda by wearing the masks. When we are seen wearing these masks, we are perpetuating the notion that the virus this year is so much bigger than other years that we must surrender our rights, freedom, businesses, and economy in order to get past this and restore business as usual.

I realize that this latest update to my anti mask presentation is extremely controversial in this community, and I suspect that subjective pride and emotion may stand in the way of objectively evaluating my presentation so far. It is kinda weird that I am on a primarily self proclaimed righty site and that I have some doubts that anybody is interested in "objectively" evaluating and commenting on this, but I'll keep going with it. Comments or criticism welcome.

05-31-2020, 07:30 PM
I have a little time, so I'll add an update to the anti mask political position that I have been presenting. So far, I have asserted that all of us hold a position on the use of masks that is based upon political propaganda. Even if one were to attempt to bypass the media who present the bulk of what we use to form our perception of the political landscape from by going right to the doctor's or scientists that the media cherry pick from, the scientists and medical professionals themselves are still political propaganda machines. Only science itself, before a human processes it, is untainted by bias.

Next, I explained that the msm, the left, and the government who all operate as one, have an agenda to sell. There is a reason why they are pushing lockdowns, masks, suspension of our freedom and rights. They desperately want to turn America into a 3rd world socialist shithole where they have all the power, and they need Trump gone in order for this to happen. I explained the notions that masks are more important now than in comparable pandemics, and the notion that one has independently and objectively decided to do this based upon all the political propaganda that was placed in front of them by big tech, the msm, and the government, are notions that are being sold to the public in an effort to oust Trump in November and take power.

For my update, I'd like to present the most controversial part of what I am presenting, which is the notion that wearing masks equates to flying the colors of the side who want to oust Trump and make America into a socialist shithole where we do not have freedom and rights. I allege that our political opponents who want to do this are exploiting a virus that is comparable to other bad flu years where masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and suspension of our freedom and rights were not the answer. I allege that they are exploiting our concern for our own health, as well as the health of our loved ones by overwhelming us with so much politically motivated propaganda that we actually believe that it has merit. So much that we actually believe we have independently researched and concluded that wearing masks in a supermarket makes sense. So much that we can't even recognize that we are actually helping our enemy by legitimizing their weaponized political propaganda by wearing the masks. When we are seen wearing these masks, we are perpetuating the notion that the virus this year is so much bigger than other years that we must surrender our rights, freedom, businesses, and economy in order to get past this and restore business as usual.

I realize that this latest update to my anti mask presentation is extremely controversial in this community, and I suspect that subjective pride and emotion may stand in the way of objectively evaluating my presentation so far. It is kinda weird that I am on a primarily self proclaimed righty site and that I have some doubts that anybody is interested in "objectively" evaluating and commenting on this, but I'll keep going with it. Comments or criticism welcome.

Several days ago. I honestly suggested to you that you just 'LET IT GO'. You don't have to keep defending yourself here. This is a public forum. We don't all agree, or disagree about everything. Strange thing is. That's how life works. You have no need to PROCLAIM anything here. But you really need to just take a breath, slow down, and let that CHIP on your shoulder just melt away. OBJECTIVELY...Just let it go. SUBJECTIVELY...Nobody really gives a rats ass what, or why you have to keep HARPING over such things when all of us are doing just fine.

05-31-2020, 11:01 PM
Several days ago. I honestly suggested to you that you just 'LET IT GO'. You don't have to keep defending yourself here. This is a public forum. We don't all agree, or disagree about everything. Strange thing is. That's how life works. You have no need to PROCLAIM anything here. But you really need to just take a breath, slow down, and let that CHIP on your shoulder just melt away. OBJECTIVELY...Just let it go. SUBJECTIVELY...Nobody really gives a rats ass what, or why you have to keep HARPING over such things when all of us are doing just fine.

I am not surprised that you were unable to make any objective comments on the post that you quoted. This is a very weird community with lots of really weird politics of its it's own. I dont understand what it is that you want me to let go, but from my experience it would be impossible to find out without further recommendations to let it go. Whatever it is that you would like for me to let go, please drop it in the threads and start a new one that is specifically about whatever you are talking about, or just let it go.

Do you have any objective comments on the post you posted? I suppose even some subjective criticism would be fine as well, if you can demonstrate that you read and understood what you quoted.

05-31-2020, 11:30 PM
I am not surprised that you were unable to make any objective comments on the post that you quoted. This is a very weird community with lots of really weird politics of its it's own. I dont understand what it is that you want me to let go, but from my experience it would be impossible to find out without further recommendations to let it go. Whatever it is that you would like for me to let go, please drop it in the threads and start a new one that is specifically about whatever you are talking about, or just let it go.

Do you have any objective comments on the post you posted? I suppose even some subjective criticism would be fine as well, if you can demonstrate that you read and understood what you quoted.

Objectively. I am tired of talking to a wall. Let that go. We are two people on a forum. This is not a college where the Professor stands before us and tells us how we are to think, and behave.
When I said let it go. You didn't understand that because YOU CAN'T just let something go without having the LAST WORD. So..here ya go "WORD!"

05-31-2020, 11:39 PM
Objectively. I am tired of talking to a wall. Let that go. We are two people on a forum. This is not a college where the Professor stands before us and tells us how we are to think, and behave.
When I said let it go. You didn't understand that because YOU CAN'T just let something go without having the LAST WORD. So..here ya go "WORD!"

Ok, then let whatever it is go and post an objective comment on what you quoted.

05-31-2020, 11:58 PM
I have a little time, so I'll add an update to the anti mask political position that I have been presenting. So far, I have asserted that all of us hold a position on the use of masks that is based upon political propaganda. Even if one were to attempt to bypass the media who present the bulk of what we use to form our perception of the political landscape from by going right to the doctor's or scientists that the media cherry pick from, the scientists and medical professionals themselves are still political propaganda machines. Only science itself, before a human processes it, is untainted by bias.

Next, I explained that the msm, the left, and the government who all operate as one, have an agenda to sell. There is a reason why they are pushing lockdowns, masks, suspension of our freedom and rights. They desperately want to turn America into a 3rd world socialist shithole where they have all the power, and they need Trump gone in order for this to happen. I explained the notions that masks are more important now than in comparable pandemics, and the notion that one has independently and objectively decided to do this based upon all the political propaganda that was placed in front of them by big tech, the msm, and the government, are notions that are being sold to the public in an effort to oust Trump in November and take power.

For my update, I'd like to present the most controversial part of what I am presenting, which is the notion that wearing masks equates to flying the colors of the side who want to oust Trump and make America into a socialist shithole where we do not have freedom and rights. I allege that our political opponents who want to do this are exploiting a virus that is comparable to other bad flu years where masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and suspension of our freedom and rights were not the answer. I allege that they are exploiting our concern for our own health, as well as the health of our loved ones by overwhelming us with so much politically motivated propaganda that we actually believe that it has merit. So much that we actually believe we have independently researched and concluded that wearing masks in a supermarket makes sense. So much that we can't even recognize that we are actually helping our enemy by legitimizing their weaponized political propaganda by wearing the masks. When we are seen wearing these masks, we are perpetuating the notion that the virus this year is so much bigger than other years that we must surrender our rights, freedom, businesses, and economy in order to get past this and restore business as usual.

I realize that this latest update to my anti mask presentation is extremely controversial in this community, and I suspect that subjective pride and emotion may stand in the way of objectively evaluating my presentation so far. It is kinda weird that I am on a primarily self proclaimed righty site and that I have some doubts that anybody is interested in "objectively" evaluating and commenting on this, but I'll keep going with it. Comments or criticism welcome.

I wear a mask.

It says "Make America Great Again" and I don't want to oust Trump so your premise is flawed.

06-01-2020, 12:38 AM
I wear a mask.

It says "Make America Great Again" and I don't want to oust Trump so your premise is flawed.

That is a fantastic point! I have to wear a mask in order to enter certain businesses, in spite of how I am against them. I have learned that businesses that require masks for entry don't require people to wear the correct ppe for virus protection, so I wear a spandex type of stretchy tube mask that is really easy to breathe through. Across the front of mine is the same message that you have on yours, and a MAGA message is certainly something that does not promote the ousting Trump in favor of a socialist shithole country. Even if you wear your mask because you have come to believe it makes sense, you are still cancelling the political benefits that our political opponents get from having you be seen in a mask. Your exception has merit!

I saw some masks that a friend who makes crafts made the other day, and I ended up buying a couple. I probably won't ever wear them, but I am a sucker for homemade crafts.

06-01-2020, 12:43 AM
Ok, then let whatever it is go and post an objective comment on what you quoted.

Go back and try to read what I just told you. WORD!

06-01-2020, 08:04 AM
Go back and try to read what I just told you. WORD!

I'm sorry we have whatever problem has polarized your ability to post an objective comment about the subject that you quoted me discussing. It appears that our channel of communication has become clogged. If my presentation about mask culture is what has your panties in a wad, I'm not quite done yet. I still want to put another update on it, so brace your self. I was hoping to get some good ideas from people like you, but I can still do it on my own. Sassy made a great point about an exception to my logic, and I appreciate it.

06-01-2020, 12:15 PM
Damn, talk about beating the hell out of the future meat... :deadhorse:

I cared enough to get my own masks to protect me and my family. I cared enough to explain myself. I cared enough to explain myself, and why I wear them, and how it was contrary to another's belief. I cared enough to do so quite a few times in different manners to make myself clear-er. I cared enough to explain how I would support anyone else's position as their own rights of course.

But honestly, I don't care enough to argue over it 'somehow me wearing masks equates to flying the colors of the side who want to oust Trump and make America into a socialist shithole where we do not have freedom and rights.'

I honestly don't care enough to ask if the doctors and nurses who need them, if they too are falling for this propaganda and wanting Trump out, and why they are clamoring for them and having them set aside for them. And if this magically started in the past somehow and they planned this with many fake studies showing masks being effective. And whether or not it is propaganda to say that - no one can guarantee buildings I enter are 100% virus free. And the propaganda continues telling folks that wearing them in such places will lower your chances. That's insanity to think it would do that!

So I don't care enough. And I know, I know - I'm not subjective, objective or this or that. But I do cover the FACTS.

And FWIW, even though you are wrong on all of this, and I know for a fact on certain things, and I think you will beat this horse until it's disintegrated - at the end of the day I'll still buy you a http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/drink/beer.gif

Abbey Marie
06-01-2020, 12:22 PM
I'm sorry we have whatever problem has polarized your ability to post an objective comment about the subject that you quoted me discussing. It appears that our channel of communication has become clogged. If my presentation about mask culture is what has your panties in a wad, I'm not quite done yet. I still want to put another update on it, so brace your self. I was hoping to get some good ideas from people like you, but I can still do it on my own. Sassy made a great point about an exception to my logic, and I appreciate it.

Wait- so Sassy is wearing a mask, but because it has pro-Trump words on it, she isn’t falling for the propaganda about masks? Do explain.

06-01-2020, 12:57 PM
I'm sorry we have whatever problem has polarized your ability to post an objective comment about the subject that you quoted me discussing. It appears that our channel of communication has become clogged. If my presentation about mask culture is what has your panties in a wad, I'm not quite done yet. I still want to put another update on it, so brace your self. I was hoping to get some good ideas from people like you, but I can still do it on my own. Sassy made a great point about an exception to my logic, and I appreciate it.

It appears. The only CLOG you speak of happens to be located somewhere between your ears.

Did you ever see the movie or hear the theme to the movie "FROZEN"?:laugh:


06-01-2020, 01:25 PM
It appears. The only CLOG you speak of happens to be located somewhere between your ears.

Did you ever see the movie or hear the theme to the movie "FROZEN"?:laugh:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImKzSpGXqOEMy youngest granddaughter LOVES that movie :)

Black Diamond
06-01-2020, 01:30 PM
It appears. The only CLOG you speak of happens to be located somewhere between your ears.

Did you ever see the movie or hear the theme to the movie "FROZEN"?:laugh:


Clog between your ears. :laugh:

06-01-2020, 01:35 PM
Wait- so Sassy Is wearing a mask, but because it has pro-Trump words On it, she isn’t falling for the propaganda about masks? Do explain.

The answer to this is presented mostly in post 127, but also in the posts leading up to it. One would have to "objectively" process what i presented to see the answer to your question. Several members are "subjectively" making arguments against what I have presented so far, because they feel hostile toward me, but sassy is probably the only one who has been able to peek past the subjective hostility toward me enough to process it. See if you can process post 127 and the posts that lead up to it before I have to start all over and explain the whole thing again, but I will assist if you have questions after that. There are a few members having meltdowns over this because they cannot step back and actually look for a way to dismantle my logic and replace it with something that makes more sense, so I don't want to have to repeat it all. I can though, if you aren't concerned about upsetting the apple cart...

06-01-2020, 01:42 PM
Clog between your ears. :laugh:

I am honored that you are not disputing the anti mask position that I have been assembling on this thread. I was hoping to get some objective feedback, even if it is negative, but your silence has been a compliment. It also looks a lot wiser than the off topic feedback that I am getting from those who are fighting discussion of the topic like a cat fights being shoved into a toilet.

Abbey Marie
06-01-2020, 01:44 PM
The answer to this is presented mostly in post 127, but also in the posts leading up to it. One would have to "objectively" process what i presented to see the answer to your question. Several members are "subjectively" making arguments against what I have presented so far, because they feel hostile toward me, but sassy is probably the only one who has been able to peek past the subjective hostility toward me enough to process it. See if you can process post 127 and the posts that lead up to it before I have to start all over and explain the whole thing again, but I will assist if you have questions after that. There are a few members having meltdowns over this because they cannot step back and actually look for a way to dismantle my logic and replace it with something that makes more sense, so I don't want to have to repeat it all. I can though, if you aren't concerned about upsetting the apple cart...

No. It’s a simple question- why are you evading answering?

Tell us how Sassy, though wearing a mask to avoid the virus, is not falling prey to the overwhelming propaganda you are pushing here as though it were the answer to every question in the Universe. You should be able to do this in a few sentences; certainly a paragraph would do. If you can’t, then you don’t know the answer.

And spare me the oversimplified generalizations about the board, our inability to comprehend your masterful logic, and our commie ways, as you see them.

Abbey Marie
06-01-2020, 01:49 PM
Hey Ev, what’s your favorite film? ;)


Black Diamond
06-01-2020, 01:52 PM
Hey Ev, what’s your favorite film? ;)


What no love for cher?


06-01-2020, 02:13 PM
Obviously. Evmetro wants us all to know HE IS MUCH SMARTER than all of us here. So it satisfies his Ego to feel such power to exercise his Monumental Talent of challenging total strangers with his Personified Opinions of Himself...only glorified by the image he see's in the mirror as he pats himself on the back for being such an amazing student of Arrogance.

By the way. Would someone please attempt to explain to Evmetro what the words "LET IT GO" mean????

06-01-2020, 02:16 PM
No. It’s a simple question- why are you evading answering?

Tell us how Sassy, though wearing a mask to avoid the virus, is not falling prey to the overwhelming propaganda you are pushing here as though it were the answer to every question in the Universe. You should be able to do this in a few sentences; certainly a paragraph would do. If you can’t, then you don’t know the answer.

And spare me the oversimplified generalizations about the board, our inability to comprehend your masterful logic, and our commie ways, as you see them.

She may still be " falling prey", but she is depriving those who are exploiting her of their political gain when she has the opposite message on her mask.

06-01-2020, 02:21 PM
Hey Ev, what’s your favorite film? ;)


I see your light hearted humor as an asset to the community.

06-01-2020, 02:21 PM
Obviously. Evmetro wants us all to know HE IS MUCH SMARTER than all of us here. So it satisfies his Ego to feel such power to exercise his Monumental Talent of challenging total strangers with his Personified Opinions of Himself...only glorified by the image he see's in the mirror as he pats himself on the back for being such an amazing student of Arrogance.

By the way. Would someone please attempt to explain to Evmetro what the words "LET IT GO" mean????
Dude, let it go.

06-01-2020, 02:24 PM
Dude, let it go.Good idea. Everybody knows where everybody stands on the issue and no one is budging. You have the right to not wear a mask.

Move on.

06-01-2020, 03:24 PM
Good idea. Everybody knows where everybody stands on the issue and no one is budging. You have the right to not wear a mask.

Move on.
I'm glad that you have entered the mask topic, welcome. The mask culture position that I have been presenting here is not about anybody's "right" to wear or not wear a mask. I do not agree that everyone knows where everyone stands on the position that I have been presenting, since I have not seen anybody give it an objective evaluation of it. I would agree however, that many who have been active on this thread have a common subjective agenda that is not related to what I have been posting about. Apples and oranges. The answer to the subjective agenda is not relevant to the position that I have been presenting.

06-01-2020, 03:43 PM
I'm glad that you have entered the mask topic, welcome. The mask culture position that I have been presenting here is not about anybody's "right" to wear or not wear a mask. I do not agree that everyone knows where everyone stands on the position that I have been presenting, since I have not seen anybody give it an objective evaluation of it. I would agree however, that many who have been active on this thread have a common subjective agenda that is not related to what I have been posting about. Apples and oranges. The answer to the subjective agenda is not relevant to the position that I have been presenting.Incorrect. My stance is well documented on previous pages of this and other threads. I left this one days ago. I only looked because I just had to see what possibly could still be keeping this one alive.

You're just repeating yourself until no one is listening anymore. You haven't listened to anyone else since the kickoff.

Time to kic the dust off my heels from this thread and move along. As should you.

06-01-2020, 04:27 PM
No. It’s a simple question- why are you evading answering?

Evading some things from others, well a lot actually, and prefers to run in circles with words playing games with posts. Some folks like seeing others put to work answering things for them and not much of that in return when queried directly. :dunno:

Knows us better than we know ourselves!!

06-01-2020, 04:28 PM
Good idea. Everybody knows where everybody stands on the issue and no one is budging. You have the right to not wear a mask.

Move on.

Matters not, as you see. :laugh::rolleyes:

06-01-2020, 04:29 PM
Incorrect. My stance is well documented on previous pages of this and other threads. I left this one days ago. I only looked because I just had to see what possibly could still be keeping this one alive.

You're just repeating yourself until no one is listening anymore. You haven't listened to anyone else since the kickoff.

Time to kic the dust off my heels from this thread and move along. As should you.

Ding Ding Ditto

06-01-2020, 05:02 PM
Damn, talk about beating the hell out of the future meat... :deadhorse:

I cared enough to get my own masks to protect me and my family. I cared enough to explain myself. I cared enough to explain myself, and why I wear them, and how it was contrary to another's belief. I cared enough to do so quite a few times in different manners to make myself clear-er. I cared enough to explain how I would support anyone else's position as their own rights of course.

God bless you you Jim, you are exactly what the MSM is trying to accomplish. You care about all the things they want you to care about, and you don't look too deep into the notion that your position is a product of their propaganda. Better yet, you help them fight people like me, and you envision me as your opponent.

But honestly, I don't care enough to argue over it 'somehow me wearing masks equates to flying the colors of the side who want to oust Trump and make America into a socialist shithole where we do not have freedom and rights.'

Exactly. Not there should be any arguing between fellow righties. Arguing is subjective angry agenda that is nothing like objective discussion. Have you seen any posts from me on this site that suggest I am angry or want to argue? I invite you to "objectively" have a look at how many times I have referred to objective discussion during my time on this site and on this thread. Arguing and anger clog the channel of communication.

I honestly don't care enough to ask if the doctors and nurses who need them, if they too are falling for this propaganda and wanting Trump out, and why they are clamoring for them and having them set aside for them. And if this magically started in the past somehow and they planned this with many fake studies showing masks being effective. And whether or not it is propaganda to say that - no one can guarantee buildings I enter are 100% virus free. And the propaganda continues telling folks that wearing them in such places will lower your chances. That's insanity to think it would do that!

So I don't care enough. And I know, I know - I'm not subjective, objective or this or that. But I do cover the FACTS.

And FWIW, even though you are wrong on all of this, and I know for a fact on certain things, and I think you will beat this horse until it's disintegrated - at the end of the day I'll still buy you a http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/drink/beer.gif

I do not mean to insult you when I tell you that I see you as what the msm wants in regard to mask culture. I know good and well that you are not all the things that make up the perfect lefty footsoldier, and am not implying that you are any such thing. On the subject of mask culture however, I see your attitude as what they want to accomplish. Simply my opinion.

06-01-2020, 05:06 PM
Dude, let it go.

Got rid of you, and out of my system. No more Constipation! Hoo Ray!

06-01-2020, 05:14 PM
Evading some things from others, well a lot actually, and prefers to run in circles with words playing games with posts. Some folks like seeing others put to work answering things for them and not much of that in return when queried directly. :dunno:

Knows us better than we know ourselves!!

An interesting statistic to check out... how many "hate evmetro" posts are there to every post from me about the mask culture position that I have calmly been presenting?

06-01-2020, 05:37 PM
An interesting statistic to check out... how many "hate evmetro" posts are there to every post from me about the mask culture position that I have calmly been presenting?


Advance to time: 1:51 third Verse...seems to apply very well here. The word "Paranoia".

Black Diamond
06-01-2020, 05:38 PM
An interesting statistic to check out... how many "hate evmetro" posts are there to every post from me about the mask culture position that I have calmly been presenting?

You should figure it out and then whine like a bitch afterwards.

06-01-2020, 06:04 PM
I'll point one more thing out to you, that I am sure I already have. Given the situation where no one is budging, the wise conservative would just move on instead of creating bad blood between himself and other conservatives on a conservative board.

There are other, bigger and more important fish to fry in the big scheme of things. You're cutting off your own nuts at the gate.

BUT ... you do what you want.

06-01-2020, 06:04 PM
You should figure it out and then whine like a bitch afterwards.

Hey! I'm a bitch and I don't whine.

B = Babe
I = in
T = total
C = control of
H = herself

06-01-2020, 06:09 PM

Advance to time: 1:51 third Verse...seems to apply very well here. The word "Paranoia".

I remember being in elementary school as a kid and seeing a bigger kid who caught a cat. He was trying to force the poor animal into one of the toilets but that cat put up an incredible fight. You simply can't shove a cat into a toilet. On this thread, I am witnessing several people who are fighting objective discussion about a topic in a way that reminds me of trying to shove a cat into a toilet. The evasion of the topic is a fascinating phenomenon that i have never seen from self proclaimed righties before I came to this site. I've seen this level of evading a topic before on bigger forums, but never from people who identify as my righties. I suppose the cat in a toilet fight from those who are so opposed to processing what I am saying is a compliment, since it means that nobody has superior logic to slap mine down with. The mob effect is powerful, but it certainly doesn't defeat the logic of my presentation. Thank you for the default endorsement of my presentation.

06-01-2020, 06:11 PM
I'll point one more thing out to you, that I am sure I already have. Given the situation where no one is budging, the wise conservative would just move on instead of creating bad blood between himself and other conservatives on a conservative board.

There are other, bigger and more important fish to fry in the big scheme of things. You're cutting off your own nuts at the gate.

BUT ... you do what you want.

If there are forbidden topics on this board, there will be bad blood.

06-01-2020, 06:23 PM
Hey! I'm a bitch and I don't whine.

B = Babe
I = in
T = total
C = control of
H = herself

Yep, one of the good ones! ;)

06-01-2020, 06:30 PM
You should figure it out and then whine like a bitch afterwards.

I am confident that everybody on this thread knows by now that I will remain calm and that I won't be whining or projecting any hate. I have always maintained a calm objective stance.

I have a good idea of the ratio of "hate evmetro" posts to objective on topic posts. Care to make an estimate? Or maybe an objective on topic post on the forbidden topic?

06-01-2020, 06:31 PM
Yep, one of the good ones! ;)

Gifts from people who love me!

06-01-2020, 06:38 PM
I am confident that everybody on this thread knows by now that I will remain calm and that I won't be whining or projecting any hate. I have always maintained a calm objective stance.

I have a good idea of the ratio of "hate evmetro" posts to objective on topic posts. Care to make an estimate? Or maybe an objective on topic post on the forbidden topic?

Ev ... you've frequently challenged members to post where exactly you called them a commie. I'm asking you to find the posts where anyone said they hated you. Disagreeing with you is not hate. Telling you when you are beating a dead horse is not hate. So, please show me where anyone is showing you hate.

I think you've offended, perhaps unintentionally, and pissed people off however, I'm sure no one here hates you.

06-01-2020, 06:38 PM
Gifts from people who love me!

Oh I like it! I'm bad, just give infused olive oil! ;) Still remember how much fun that overnight was. We need to plan something soon.

06-01-2020, 08:11 PM
If there are forbidden topics on this board, there will be bad blood.Don't try twisting my shit. There are no forbidden topics. This one has however run its course and been beaten beyond death.

And I'll just be blunt. You not recognizing that fact and still trying to antagonize and or browbeat others into following you in lockstep like good little lefty lemmings is pissing people off. You're insulting peoples' intelligence, and your own.

This is at least twice I've tried to appeal to some shred of common sense in you. Do as you will.

06-01-2020, 10:26 PM
Ev ... you've frequently challenged members to post where exactly you called them a commie.

Indeed. Nobody has ever quoted me calling them a commie. I've asked people to present why they make these allegations, but nobody will substantiate their claims.

I'm asking you to find the posts where anyone said they hated you.

I dont recall ever seeing any posts where anybody has claimed to hate me, nor do I recall alleging that anybody hates me.

Disagreeing with you is not hate.

No, it certainly is not.

Telling you when you are beating a dead horse is not hate. So, please show me where anyone is showing you hate.

Noun meaning of hate:

intense or passionate dislike.
"feelings of hate and revenge"

See the following post numbers:

Post 157:

Got rid of you, and out of my system. No more Constipation! Hoo Ray!

Post 159:

Advance to time: 1:51 third Verse...seems to apply very well here. The word "Paranoia".

Post 160:

You should figure it out and then whine like a bitch afterwards.

Post 146:

Obviously. Evmetro wants us all to know HE IS MUCH SMARTER than all of us here. So it satisfies his Ego to feel such power to exercise his Monumental Talent of challenging total strangers with his Personified Opinions of Himself...only glorified by the image he see's in the mirror as he pats himself on the back for being such an amazing student of Arrogance.

By the way. Would someone please attempt to explain to ...post 111

The very fact that you think for a moment that I am some commie is delusional. Thinking I am some form of lefty is nuts. Thinking I fall for their propaganda BS only means you don't know me well yet, and that's cool. IF you did, you would likely agree on those points and that it's crazy to think that about a far right wing chicken hawk who prefers nukes to the middle east instead of diplomacy.

I think you've offended, perhaps unintentionally, and pissed people off however, I'm sure no one here hates you.
I dont know if anybody hates (verb) me or not, but there are more "hate evmetro" (noun) posts than there are objective replies to my anti mask presentation. Your posts on the topic are the only ones in the ballpark of objective so far.

06-01-2020, 11:52 PM
Indeed. Nobody has ever quoted me calling them a commie. I've asked people to present why they make these allegations, but nobody will substantiate their claims.

I dont recall ever seeing any posts where anybody has claimed to hate me, nor do I recall alleging that anybody hates me.

No, it certainly is not.

Noun meaning of hate:

intense or passionate dislike.
"feelings of hate and revenge"

See the following post numbers:

Post 157:

Post 159:

Post 160:

Post 146:
post 111

I dont know if anybody hates (verb) me or not, but there are more "hate evmetro" (noun) posts than there are objective replies to my anti mask presentation. Your posts on the topic are the only ones in the ballpark of objective so far.

Again, Ev, no one hates you. That takes too much energy. As I said, you pissed some people off (I think I was the first one) but if you think anyone has replied to you with "intense" dislike you haven't been to the cage. There is some serious and intense dislike down there.

So far, people are replying with intensity to your posts and trying to give you room and advice for how things are here. It feels like you aren't hearing us because you want to stick to debate rules. I know this is a debate board but so many of us have been here for over a decade debating and since Trump was elected we've debated pretty intensely and I think a lot of us are just weary of the critical thinking rules you use so well.

We have our opinions and mostly not in the mood to debate them objectively. We've been alive long enough (age group) that subjectively debating works for us. It's hard to always show objectively where our subjective perspective developed because it comes from years of experience and knowledge.

I think we could really like you if you want to have a conversation without trying to ding people for not responding the way you want them to.

Black Diamond
06-02-2020, 01:36 AM
Indeed. Nobody has ever quoted me calling them a commie. I've asked people to present why they make these allegations, but nobody will substantiate their claims.

I dont recall ever seeing any posts where anybody has claimed to hate me, nor do I recall alleging that anybody hates me.

No, it certainly is not.

Noun meaning of hate:

intense or passionate dislike.
"feelings of hate and revenge"

See the following post numbers:

Post 157:

Post 159:

Post 160:

Post 146:
post 111

I dont know if anybody hates (verb) me or not, but there are more "hate evmetro" (noun) posts than there are objective replies to my anti mask presentation. Your posts on the topic are the only ones in the ballpark of objective so far.


06-02-2020, 07:14 AM
Again, Ev, no one hates you. That takes too much energy.

I don't know if any of the people who are posting the "hate evmetro" posts actually hate me or not. This has never been an issue for me. Since I am used to bigger boards with lots of lefties, I am used to seeing lots of hate evmetro posts and lots of actual hate. This is just the nature of debating politics so it comes with the territory.

As I said, you pissed some people off (I think I was the first one) but if you think anyone has replied to you with "intense" dislike you haven't been to the cage. There is some serious and intense dislike down there.

We are discussing politics here, so intense dislike is par for the course. I am not surprised to find it here, since it is often used as a weapon in heated debates. In this thread, I have been presenting a topic that members here are violently opposed to discussing, so hate posts are thrown down as a way to evade the objective discussion of the forbidden topic that I keep asking for. The hate posts are being used like the classic gish gallop.

So far, people are replying with intensity to your posts and trying to give you room and advice for how things are here. It feels like you aren't hearing us because you want to stick to debate rules. I know this is a debate board but so many of us have been here for over a decade debating and since Trump was elected we've debated pretty intensely and I think a lot of us are just weary of the critical thinking rules you use so well.

As a very experienced debater, I have experienced an incredible number of passionate heated debates. I don't really care about debate rules, I just care about exchanging the truth. I prefer to do it objectively, since this leads to the most progress, but I can also have the subjective bickering and hate posts that we see members doing on this thread in their efforts to evade the forbidden topic.

We have our opinions and mostly not in the mood to debate them objectively. We've been alive long enough (age group) that subjectively debating works for us. It's hard to always show objectively where our subjective perspective developed because it comes from years of experience and knowledge.

I am still in the rat race part of life, but am certainly old enough to appreciate the laziness that we earn over a career and/or lifetime. I respect this honesty far more than I respect having people claim that the forbidden topic in this thread, which is one of the hottest topics in the current political landscape, is a dead horse that has been beat to death.

I think we could really like you if you want to have a conversation without trying to ding people for not responding the way you want them to.

Although it may only be one way appreciation, I really do appreciate the members of this community. I am disappointed that some members are so passionate about making objective discussion of mask wearing a forbidden activity on this site, but I still appreciate their posts elsewhere. I am disappointed to have allegations made about me that I have called people commies and lefties, and I am disappointed to have been framed as dishonest, but my years of political debate have taught me that this is par for the course. I admit that I am not used to seeing righties do this kind of stuff, but it is exciting new experience for me.

06-02-2020, 07:20 AM

Wow, how mature and objective of you. Way to tow the line on evading the forbidden topic.

06-02-2020, 07:29 AM
Don't try twisting my shit. There are no forbidden topics. This one has however run its course and been beaten beyond death.

And I'll just be blunt. You not recognizing that fact and still trying to antagonize and or browbeat others into following you in lockstep like good little lefty lemmings is pissing people off. You're insulting peoples' intelligence, and your own.

This is at least twice I've tried to appeal to some shred of common sense in you. Do as you will.

The forbidden topic is the one that you can only respond to with your rhetoric about how the topic is beaten to death. You are guarding the forbidden topic well with this strategy.

06-02-2020, 08:32 AM
The forbidden topic is the one that you can only respond to with your rhetoric about how the topic is beaten to death. You are guarding the forbidden topic well with this strategy.
Which hadn’t happened. Everyone explained their positions and why. You then treated them as fools. They treated you after that likewise.

Then you played the victim of ‘self-identified’ conservatives or really tools of the msm by your decree.

06-02-2020, 08:56 AM
Which hadn’t happened. Everyone explained their positions and why. You then treated them as fools. They treated you after that likewise.

Then you played the victim of ‘self-identified’ conservatives or really tools of the msm by your decree.

Kathianne, I appreciate the effort you made in post 106 to post on the topic. You immediately jumped ship when I responded in the very next post. After that, I have only seen you clicking "like" on hate evmetro posts that attempt to derail the forbidden topic.

06-02-2020, 09:51 AM
This thread has devolved and long past the original subject matter, or even masks in general at this point. Repetitive beyond repetitive and then it's repeated. Games of words aren't my cup of tea, nor are pick a part post attempts, sentence by sentence garbage, taking things out of context, and ignoring what other folks state.

No matter what it posted - and I mean no matter what, it will be met with word games of some sort.

No matter what is posted, FACTS tend to be ignored.


Oddly, we had professionals tell us that masks don't work and not to buy them, only to point out how they work for medical workers though. And then some who use them for other related 'medical' reasons, like preventing harm when they are at work, further state that masks are propaganda - but work for them.

Just more word game bullshit lies with the truth right there. "I use them and they work, but it's propaganda for you to wear them."

Anyone who runs around daily telling the world about how masks don't work and they are propaganda, only to go to work and wear on themselves - is nothing more than a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is a solid trait of the left.

06-02-2020, 02:42 PM
This thread has devolved and long past the original subject matter, or even masks in general at this point. Repetitive beyond repetitive and then it's repeated. Games of words aren't my cup of tea, nor are pick a part post attempts, sentence by sentence garbage, taking things out of context, and ignoring what other folks state.

No matter what it posted - and I mean no matter what, it will be met with word games of some sort.

No matter what is posted, FACTS tend to be ignored.


Oddly, we had professionals tell us that masks don't work and not to buy them, only to point out how they work for medical workers though. And then some who use them for other related 'medical' reasons, like preventing harm when they are at work, further state that masks are propaganda - but work for them.

Just more word game bullshit lies with the truth right there. "I use them and they work, but it's propaganda for you to wear them."

Anyone who runs around daily telling the world about how masks don't work and they are propaganda, only to go to work and wear on themselves - is nothing more than a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is a solid trait of the left.

I am so very impressed with your subjective agenda. If only it could be objectively linked to the logic of the forbidden topic...

06-02-2020, 03:00 PM
Wear a mask while SELF-QUARANTEENING myself from Evmetro.

I do this since discovering Common Sense, Courtesy, and the Lack of undestanding the English language just doesn't seem to work for everyone. SINCERELY!

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTqO5YgmlBHwezM6V4I1W0ZG2VrHE4 ZbigJZQLvrLn3hrhbmWcI&usqp=CAU

06-02-2020, 05:31 PM
I am so very impressed with your subjective agenda. If only it could be objectively linked to the logic of the forbidden topic...


The only thing forbidden is yourself including and/or addressing facts. You thrive on made up BS. To each their own. And you seem to be stuck on "masks, gotta talk about masks, all there is is masks, gotta stop the masks" - and like 90+ % of your posts are about masks. We miss your input on so many other subjects. :rolleyes:

06-02-2020, 05:35 PM
I am so very impressed with your subjective agenda. If only it could be objectively linked to the logic of the forbidden topic...

That seemingly GROWING space between your ears that echo's nothing's into your brain!

And, if that is abusive, offensive, or insulting to you. "FINALLY...You get the picture!"

06-02-2020, 09:53 PM
The forbidden topic is the one that you can only respond to with your rhetoric about how the topic is beaten to death. You are guarding the forbidden topic well with this strategy.Fact and truth trip you up that easy? Haven't seen the ball since the kickoff, have you?

Strategy: Help build a message board with contributing members.

Tactic: Try to talk noob out of pissing off all the wrong people and either running off or being run off. Nothing in it for the board nor possible contributions to more than one topic.

Truth: If reading this thread was a double-blind test, you couldn't convince me you aren't a card-carrying, goose-stepping, Nazi-ass Leftwingtard. You want the whole board to just forget everything each of us has learned for all our lives and follow the noob without a single question. The latter of which will elicit only thinly-veiled admonishment.

Observation: Has forsaken all topics beyond lip service but for a t-shirt thread and a mask thread. While chiding others about what "real" conservatives do, takes no real stance of his own. Besides basic, grade school level comments, has expressed no real political philosophy.

Is STILL beating this thread to death while people are rioting and looting all over the country; which, is a FAR bigger threat to the President, the Republican Party and conservatives than who the fuck is or isn't wearing a damned mask.

Social mannerisms are that of a leftwingnut elitist snob, talking down to people as you do.

Regardless labels, your behavior does not define you as a conservative. It defines you as just another leftwingnut thinking he's getting over on us "un-edumicated", redneck conservatives.

So, I have come to the conclusion that I really don't care anymore whether or not you sink or swim. At this point you are more of a distraction than an asset.

So. See ya around. Got better things to do.

06-02-2020, 10:53 PM
Hey Ev .... do you drive a electric car and live in and around Rancho Cordova? And, are you a member at USMB?

06-02-2020, 11:00 PM
Wear a mask while SELF-QUARANTEENING myself from Evmetro.

I do this since discovering Common Sense, Courtesy, and the Lack of undestanding the English language just doesn't seem to work for everyone. SINCERELY!

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTqO5YgmlBHwezM6V4I1W0ZG2VrHE4 ZbigJZQLvrLn3hrhbmWcI&usqp=CAU

My challenge to you is one you will NEVER accept. Defeat the anti mask logic that I presented in response to the objective on topic question that sassy asked me earlier in the thread. Defeat my logic with a post that demonstrates that you actually read and understood my presentation. Dismantle my logic and trump it with superior logic.

The reason why you will not be accepting my honorable challenge, and probably the reason why you won't even acknowledge the challenge other than some excuse masked as a hate post, is because you CAN'T. If you could, you would have slapped my logic down with better logic a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see you claim that you already have, but you certainly will never quote it. Go ahead now, post your best evasion instead, since it is all you have.

06-02-2020, 11:16 PM

The only thing forbidden is yourself including and/or addressing facts. You thrive on made up BS. To each their own. And you seem to be stuck on "masks, gotta talk about masks, all there is is masks, gotta stop the masks" - and like 90+ % of your posts are about masks. We miss your input on so many other subjects. :rolleyes:

Jim, I am impressed that I have not been silenced with administrative authority. Most of my years of political debate have been on bigger boards where mods and admins censor posts for partisan reasons. Because of my experience with censorship on so many boards, I have been expecting admins or mods to use censorship to win this, but the thread still exists for anybody to see the history of. I am impressed. On that note, you are welcome to take the challenge that I left for icansayit in post 186, but I won't hold my breathe.

06-02-2020, 11:28 PM
Hey Ev .... do you drive a electric car and live in and around Rancho Cordova? And, are you a member at USMB?

I'm an electric car guy in the Sacramento area. I am on most political boards, plus a couple automotive boards. I stir up trouble everywhere.

06-02-2020, 11:30 PM
My challenge to you is one you will NEVER accept. Defeat the anti mask logic that I presented in response to the objective on topic question that sassy asked me earlier in the thread. Defeat my logic with a post that demonstrates that you actually read and understood my presentation. Dismantle my logic and trump it with superior logic.

The reason why you will not be accepting my honorable challenge, and probably the reason why you won't even acknowledge the challenge other than some excuse masked as a hate post, is because you CAN'T. If you could, you would have slapped my logic down with better logic a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see you claim that you already have, but you certainly will never quote it. Go ahead now, post your best evasion instead, since it is all you have.

Long ago. My father told me to follow the words of Abe Lincoln. So I will.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

So, you can keep talking, and challenge anyone you like. There is no logic to NOT listening to the suggestion...."LET IT GO!"

06-02-2020, 11:32 PM
I'm an electric car guy in the Sacramento area. I am on most political boards, plus a couple automotive boards. I stir up trouble everywhere.

Thought you sounded familiar.

06-02-2020, 11:34 PM
Long ago. My father told me to follow the words of Abe Lincoln. So I will.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

So, you can keep talking, and challenge anyone you like. There is no logic to NOT listening to the suggestion...."LET IT GO!"

Lol, just like clockwork. You even quoted me predicting what you were going to post.

06-02-2020, 11:35 PM
Thought you sounded familiar.

Are you on other boards too, or do I know you from AZ or CA?

I am also on a few political boards as a radical progressive liberal, but never under this screen name. I only use evmetro on boards where I am a righty, and I am never a lefty on the same board where I am a righty.

06-02-2020, 11:38 PM
Lol, just like clockwork. You even quoted me predicting what you were going to post.

Wanna know something? I really don't give a FLYIN' F... what you predicted. But you really must be so Impressed with yourself. Gotta widen some doors now...Huh?

06-03-2020, 08:17 AM
Sassylady, in post 85, you asked me what commie mask culture would accomplish by convincing us to wear masks. I think it is worth recognizing that as I posted my responses to this, you stayed civilized and did not poison the discussion with subjective anti evmetro posts intended to derail the discussion. I am impressed, since the members who fought my response to your question so hard are people who you have known and respected for a long time in this small community. It would have been easy to join the mob effect attack, especially if you respect or agree with the members of it. Compliments to you on how you have posted on this thread, and I can't help but to respect whatever position you have on using masks, even if I disagree with it. You've shown a level headed ability to process propaganda, including mine, even with all the ugly conflict on this thread.

Abbey Marie
06-03-2020, 09:56 AM
are you on other boards too, or do i know you from az or ca?

I am also on a few political boards as a radical progressive liberal, but never under this screen name. I only use evmetro on boards where i am a righty, and i am never a lefty on the same board where i am a righty.


Black Diamond
06-03-2020, 10:37 AM

Yeah. Smh.

06-03-2020, 11:42 AM
Jim, I am impressed that I have not been silenced with administrative authority. Most of my years of political debate have been on bigger boards where mods and admins censor posts for partisan reasons. Because of my experience with censorship on so many boards, I have been expecting admins or mods to use censorship to win this, but the thread still exists for anybody to see the history of. I am impressed. On that note, you are welcome to take the challenge that I left for icansayit in post 186, but I won't hold my breathe.

Why would I censor this thread? Because you disagree with folks wearing masks, and that you turn around and wear one yourself at work? No need, you're welcome to share that hypocrisy with us at any time!! :)

We don't censor here. If you read the rules you would know this already, and know what little is censored, which is one word. So save the admin stuff or forbidden topics. I don't care with what you dealt with elsewhere.

As for your challenge, I have already destroyed it with common sense and facts. You just refuse to acknowledge this as you like to keep going and going like the energizer bunny with different or unrelated comments just to continue with the same stuff.

And I KNOW you have no need to hold your breath out there, as you already told us you wear a mask yourself. :) Hopefully my little collection of masks, which isn't so little, could have cost YOUR prices directly. :)

06-03-2020, 11:45 AM

Oh yeah, a quick Google search of his profile on politics boards brings back results of him posting at many boards, although banned at a few. :laugh:

06-03-2020, 02:39 PM
Oh yeah, a quick Google search of his profile on politics boards brings back results of him posting at many boards, although banned at a few. :laugh:

I have a couple lefty profiles as well, but those are pretty obscure. A couple of those profiles have been banned as well. Only a handful of people know it's me on boards where I am a lefty.

06-03-2020, 03:19 PM
Why would I censor this thread? Because you disagree with folks wearing masks, and that you turn around and wear one yourself at work? No need, you're welcome to share that hypocrisy with us at any time!! :)

We don't censor here. If you read the rules you would know this already, and know what little is censored, which is one word. So save the admin stuff or forbidden topics. I don't care with what you dealt with elsewhere.

As for your challenge, I have already destroyed it with common sense and facts. You just refuse to acknowledge this as you like to keep going and going like the energizer bunny with different or unrelated comments just to continue with the same stuff.

And I KNOW you have no need to hold your breath out there, as you already told us you wear a mask yourself. :) Hopefully my little collection of masks, which isn't so little, could have cost YOUR prices directly. :)

Censorship is a problem on a lot of boards, so I wouldn't have been surprised to see it here. There are many long threads like this on out there on other boards where I debate lefties over controversial subjects where they can't win and lefties dog pile me with hate posts to steer the subject elsewhere. Mods often force lefty victory by deleting or closing the threads. This particular thread is my first time having righties dog pile me with ugliness instead of dismantling my logic, so it is pretty interesting for me. I've even debated righties from some of my lefty profiles, but have never encountered this phenomenon. As a debate enthusiast, I'm glad I signed up here.

06-03-2020, 03:23 PM

Which part? Something about me being ambidextrous? CA or AZ? Other boards?

Black Diamond
06-03-2020, 03:25 PM
Which part? Something about me being ambidextrous? CA or AZ? Other boards?

You're a waste of space and bandwidth. But that won't get you banned.

06-03-2020, 03:30 PM
You're a waste of space and bandwidth. But that won't get you banned.

Volatile debate and freedom of speech! Let's party!
Freedom of speech on political boards really is more rare than most might think.

BTW, you are invited to the challenge that icansayit chickened out on in post 186.

06-03-2020, 04:41 PM
Volatile debate and freedom of speech! Let's party!
Freedom of speech on political boards really is more rare than most might think.

BTW, you are invited to the challenge that icansayit chickened out on in post 186.


This is my reply to the stupid challenge of post 1-186 and everyone thereafter. Only cowards and bully's still call people chicken when they DON'T GET THEIR WAY.

06-03-2020, 04:54 PM

This is my reply to the stupid challenge of post 1-186 and everyone thereafter. Only cowards and bully's still call people chicken when they DON'T GET THEIR WAY.

Thank you for validating post 186 where I predicted you would evade. You are like clockwork. Go on now, post you next evasion.

06-03-2020, 05:11 PM
Thank you for validating post 186 where I predicted you would evade. You are like clockwork. Go on now, post you next evasion.


Chickens can't hear. You must be talkin' to somebody else who will play your childish, silly games.

Black Diamond
06-03-2020, 05:13 PM

One of the best scenes of all time.

06-03-2020, 05:16 PM
One of the best scenes of all time.

I may be old, but I really enjoy seeing how desperate some folks can get using name calling, and trying to trick someone into being as Stupid as they are.

De Niro...would just laugh this Chicken-crap stuff off too?

Edmetro.....Do you VALIDATE Parking too!

06-03-2020, 05:40 PM
I may be old, but I really enjoy seeing how desperate some folks can get using name calling, and trying to trick someone into being as Stupid as they are.

De Niro...would just laugh this Chicken-crap stuff off too?

Edmetro.....Do you VALIDATE Parking too!

My challenge to you is one you will NEVER accept. Defeat the anti mask logic that I presented in response to the objective on topic question that sassy asked me earlier in the thread. Defeat my logic with a post that demonstrates that you actually read and understood my presentation. Dismantle my logic and trump it with superior logic.

The reason why you will not be accepting my honorable challenge, and probably the reason why you won't even acknowledge the challenge other than some excuse masked as a hate post, is because you CAN'T. If you could, you would have slapped my logic down with better logic a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see you claim that you already have, but you certainly will never quote it. Go ahead now, post your best evasion instead, since it is all you have.

Black Diamond
06-03-2020, 05:52 PM
My challenge to you is one you will NEVER accept. Defeat the anti mask logic that I presented in response to the objective on topic question that sassy asked me earlier in the thread. Defeat my logic with a post that demonstrates that you actually read and understood my presentation. Dismantle my logic and trump it with superior logic.

The reason why you will not be accepting my honorable challenge, and probably the reason why you won't even acknowledge the challenge other than some excuse masked as a hate post, is because you CAN'T. If you could, you would have slapped my logic down with better logic a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see you claim that you already have, but you certainly will never quote it. Go ahead now, post your best evasion instead, since it is all you have.

No one is accepting your challenge, shitstain. Eventually everyone will evade you... Not just your stupid fucking bullshit challenge.

06-03-2020, 05:57 PM
No one is accepting your challenge, shitstain. Eventually everyone will evade you... Not just your stupid fucking bullshit challenge.

My challenge to you is one you will NEVER accept. Defeat the anti mask logic that I presented in response to the objective on topic question that sassy asked me earlier in the thread. Defeat my logic with a post that demonstrates that you actually read and understood my presentation. Dismantle my logic and trump it with superior logic.

The reason why you will not be accepting my honorable challenge, and probably the reason why you won't even acknowledge the challenge other than some excuse masked as a hate post, is because you CAN'T. If you could, you would have slapped my logic down with better logic a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see you claim that you already have, but you certainly will never quote it. Go ahead now, post your best evasion instead, since it is all you have.

06-03-2020, 07:09 PM
No one is accepting your challenge, shitstain. Eventually everyone will evade you... Not just your stupid fucking bullshit challenge.

Never considered using that one..."Shitstain". Chicken Shit Really Stinks though, and that's all I can leave behind as the CHICKEN Evmetro so proudly called me. Either way. Edmetro is probably using his Thesaurus...trying to find other words he can use to sound so smart, and challenging...BECAUSE we won't take his Childish (Never let it go) Dare.

Thanks Evmetro...this is for you from the Rooster himself....


Sing along if you like!

06-03-2020, 07:33 PM
Thank you for validating post 186 where I predicted you would evade. You are like clockwork. Go on now, post you next evasion.Likewise, thank YOU for the validation. You're pretty much everything I said you are. BEFORE you ever turned this thread into a clusterfuck. You have performed magnificently. Like clockwork.

The most arrogant people are the easiest to read. Enjoy being all that you are. It must work for you:rolleyes:

06-03-2020, 07:38 PM
Why would I censor this thread? Because you disagree with folks wearing masks, and that you turn around and wear one yourself at work? No need, you're welcome to share that hypocrisy with us at any time!! :)

We don't censor here. If you read the rules you would know this already, and know what little is censored, which is one word. So save the admin stuff or forbidden topics. I don't care with what you dealt with elsewhere.

As for your challenge, I have already destroyed it with common sense and facts. You just refuse to acknowledge this as you like to keep going and going like the energizer bunny with different or unrelated comments just to continue with the same stuff.

And I KNOW you have no need to hold your breath out there, as you already told us you wear a mask yourself. :) Hopefully my little collection of masks, which isn't so little, could have cost YOUR prices directly. :)

I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but the "already posted it" thing is well covered in that challenge. I've seen how this all goes down many times before, which is why I anticipated the "already been posted" way of sidestepping. There is a reason why nobody is ever going to be accepting that challenge, and if anybody actually could, they would have done it many posts ago. This may be the first time I've done this with self proclaimed righties, but I know there will ALWAYS be a reason why nobody will be taking that challenge.

Black Diamond
06-03-2020, 07:46 PM
Likewise, thank YOU for the validation. You're pretty much everything I said you are. BEFORE you ever turned this thread into a clusterfuck. You have performed magnificently. Like clockwork.

The most arrogant people are the easiest to read. Enjoy being all that you are. It must work for you:rolleyes:

He's what you thought he was. Lol


06-03-2020, 07:55 PM
Likewise, thank YOU for the validation. You're pretty much everything I said you are. BEFORE you ever turned this thread into a clusterfuck. You have performed magnificently. Like clockwork.

The most arrogant people are the easiest to read. Enjoy being all that you are. It must work for you:rolleyes:

I'm sorry, I forgot to invite you to take that challenge, so here is your formal invite. Note that I do predict right there in that challenge, how you will respond.

06-03-2020, 07:58 PM
I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but the "already posted it" thing is well covered in that challenge. I've seen how this all goes down many times before, which is why I anticipated the "already been posted" way of sidestepping. There is a reason why nobody is ever going to be accepting that challenge, and if anybody actually could, they would have done it many posts ago. This may be the first time I've done this with self proclaimed righties, but I know there will ALWAYS be a reason why nobody will be taking that challenge.We've all seen how the likes of you go down before as well.

Wasn't it Brer Rabbit that wrestled with the tar baby? Seems to me you need to go find a rabbit. Or a tar baby. You can choose. Isn't choice nice?

06-03-2020, 07:59 PM
Let's have an evasion contest to see who can post the best excuse for declining the challenge. Maybe a little points system...All right contestants, post your best evasion!

06-03-2020, 08:00 PM
We've all seen how the likes of you go down before as well.

Wasn't it Brer Rabbit that wrestled with the tar baby? Seems to me you need to go find a rabbit. Or a tar baby. You can choose. Isn't choice nice?

Contestant #1, great evasion! 2 points.

06-03-2020, 08:24 PM
Evmetro is writing checks with his immense ego that nobody will ever cash. But it's funny to watch.

I do have one CHICKEN question for you, and it might just be a CHALLENGE to you.

Whose Navy were you in? An old 30 year Chicken wants to know.

06-03-2020, 08:39 PM
Contestant #1, great evasion! 2 points.A yellow monkey that used to be brown but he ate too many bananas so he turned yellow. The picture to accompany that one-breath sentence from my 7 years old granddaughter is indeed of an identifiable-as-a-monkey yellow monkey.

you want how much of my time? I needn't bother telling you what you can go do to yourself. Smart guy like you can figure it out

06-03-2020, 08:45 PM
Evmetro is writing checks with his immense ego that nobody will ever cash. But it's funny to watch.

I do have one CHICKEN question for you, and it might just be a CHALLENGE to you.

Whose Navy were you in? An old 30 year Chicken wants to know.

Contestant #2, nice evasion! 3 points.

06-03-2020, 08:46 PM
A yellow monkey that used to be brown but he ate too many bananas so he turned yellow. The picture to accompany that one-breath sentence from my 7 years old granddaughter is indeed of an identifiable-as-a-monkey yellow monkey.

you want how much of my time? I needn't bother telling you what you can go do to yourself. Smart guy like you can figure it out

2 more points to contestant #1 for this fine evasion, you are in the lead!

06-03-2020, 08:52 PM
Contestant #2, nice evasion! 3 points.

You are now the Evader. Did your Shrink give up on you, or did you lose your license to pretend to be someone you will never be? By the way. Before I let you get back to your Love Fest looking in the mirror. "KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN" just called and asked for you!

06-03-2020, 09:28 PM
You are now the Evader. Did your Shrink give up on you, or did you lose your license to pretend to be someone you will never be? By the way. Before I let you get back to your Love Fest looking in the mirror. "KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN" just called and asked for you!

This evasion is not as fancy as your 3 pointer, but still a solid 2. 5 points puts you in the lead! C'mon, show me your best evasion!

06-03-2020, 09:53 PM
This evasion is not as fancy as your 3 pointer, but still a solid 2. 5 points puts you in the lead! C'mon, show me your best evasion!

Bu bye!

06-03-2020, 09:58 PM
Bu bye!

2 more points, you are way out front with this evasion. 7 points total.

It always ends this way, but the lefties usually close out by asserting that I am a racist as well.

06-03-2020, 11:48 PM
Ev ... you keep asking to have your premise of mask culture dismantled objectively. Probably not going to happen. Some of us have chosen to use subjective arguments and subjective facts. Your continued berating and repetitive "challenges" doesn't seem to be something people are interested in. And, just because no one chooses to put in the time and effort does not mean you are a winner. An objective claim may be true or false; just because something is objective does not mean it is true.

However, I'll give it one more try. Here are some facts about wearing face masks. It doesn't matter what the media is telling you. This is scientific fact. The quality of the mask will make a difference with level of containment.

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, talks, sneezes they release germs into the air that may infect others nearby. Face masks are part of an infection control strategy to eliminate cross-contamination.

Anyone who has a brain knows a mask is better than nothing if there is a highly contagious disease in the air. If there was a gas leak in your neighborhood, and you knew a mask would help, would you scream media propaganda if it was recommended? I don't think so. Common sense tells you that.

I personally feel that you have not objectively argued your case. You have injected your personal feelings about mask wearers and mask culture into your argument making your argument just as subjective as ours.

I think you would be a great addition to the community if you are truly a rightie. However, continually alluding to the fact that members here don't fit your idea of a rightie just means you might want to reassess your subjective feelings about righties.

I hope you've learned that people here don't quite fit into an airtight box and we are our own little breed of political animal. So, quit judging us by what you find on other boards. Especially since you are so committed to not have confirmation bias in your world view.

06-04-2020, 07:31 AM
Ev ... you keep asking to have your premise of mask culture dismantled objectively. Probably not going to happen. Some of us have chosen to use subjective arguments and subjective facts. Your continued berating and repetitive "challenges" doesn't seem to be something people are interested in. And, just because no one chooses to put in the time and effort does not mean you are a winner. An objective claim may be true or false; just because something is objective does not mean it is true.

However, I'll give it one more try. Here are some facts about wearing face masks. It doesn't matter what the media is telling you. This is scientific fact. The quality of the mask will make a difference with level of containment.

Anyone who has a brain knows a mask is better than nothing if there is a highly contagious disease in the air. If there was a gas leak in your neighborhood, and you knew a mask would help, would you scream media propaganda if it was recommended? I don't think so. Common sense tells you that.

I personally feel that you have not objectively argued your case. You have injected your personal feelings about mask wearers and mask culture into your argument making your argument just as subjective as ours.

I think you would be a great addition to the community if you are truly a rightie. However, continually alluding to the fact that members here don't fit your idea of a rightie just means you might want to reassess your subjective feelings about righties.

I hope you've learned that people here don't quite fit into an airtight box and we are our own little breed of political animal. So, quit judging us by what you find on other boards. Especially since you are so committed to not have confirmation bias in your world view.

Just as an Fyi - he has NO DESIRE to discuss facts or specifics. The goal is to run you in circles and keep you going and going on the same subject. He just talks in circles and keeps going on swearing that 2+2 = purple or something like that.

This is a game he plays wherever he goes. And has already stated he goes places and acts as a righty and places as a leftie. In other words, trolling.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2020, 11:00 AM
Pearls before swine, Sassy.

I was interested in understanding Ev and his ideas until he admitted he poses as a lefty or a righty depending on the site he is posting on. I have zero tolerance for someone involved in that level of deception.

06-04-2020, 01:27 PM
Pearls before swine, Sassy.

I was interested in understanding Ev and his ideas until he admitted he poses as a lefty or a righty depending on the site he is posting on. I have zero tolerance for someone involved in that level of deception.An excellent point, Abbey, AND topic. In proper perspective, of course.

I have no problem with a person that can argue both sides of an argument. In most cases, that means that person has looked objectively at both sides prior to reaching a conclusion. I've always done that. I was trained to. That, in and of itself, is not an issue with me, and generally is a breath of fresh air from the usual one-sided, partisan rhetoric.

However, I am not cool at all with misrepresenting one's self for no more reason than to screw with people. The only reason I can come up with that someone with such a superiority complex would do such a thing is because that complex is standing on a foundation of sand and must be continually reaffirmed or it will melt away with the tide.

And, as I previously posted, it doesn't matter what he labels himself. His behavior defines who and what he is.

06-04-2020, 02:01 PM
An excellent point, Abbey, AND topic. In proper perspective, of course.

I have no problem with a person that can argue both sides of an argument. In most cases, that means that person has looked objectively at both sides prior to reaching a conclusion. I've always done that. I was trained to. That, in and of itself, is not an issue with me, and generally is a breath of fresh air from the usual one-sided, partisan rhetoric.

However, I am not cool at all with misrepresenting one's self for no more reason than to screw with people. The only reason I can come up with that someone with such a superiority complex would do such a thing is because that complex is standing on a foundation of sand and must be continually reaffirmed or it will melt away with the tide.

And, as I previously posted, it doesn't matter what he labels himself. His behavior defines who and what he is.

Playing devils advocate is cool sometimes and can add to a conversation. Playing games doesn't add much but circular talking. Prove this, prove that, take my challenge.... and like others before him, anyone that has the ability to read, would see that proof and facts have already been provided & proven.

Kinda reminds me of Chris Cuomo emerging from his basement for the 1st time after quarantine, even though the whole world saw video of him miles away days before arguing with someone. You can provide proof and facts and video, and one would deny deny deny, or ignore and whistle in the wind. OR, do both AND ask others to prove it or take silly challenges.

Abbey Marie
06-04-2020, 02:45 PM
His admission about making believe he's left or right depending on the site, goes beyond arguing both sides or playing Devil's Advocate, IMO. I'm not in love with those either, but I can respect them if done well.
It's a deliberate ruse designed to troll a site. Why, I have no idea.

06-04-2020, 05:02 PM
Playing devils advocate is cool sometimes and can add to a conversation. Playing games doesn't add much but circular talking. Prove this, prove that, take my challenge.... and like others before him, anyone that has the ability to read, would see that proof and facts have already been provided & proven.

Kinda reminds me of Chris Cuomo emerging from his basement for the 1st time after quarantine, even though the whole world saw video of him miles away days before arguing with someone. You can provide proof and facts and video, and one would deny deny deny, or ignore and whistle in the wind. OR, do both AND ask others to prove it or take silly challenges.I agree completely. I don't see him playing Devil's Advocate. Black Diamond IS the Devil's Advocate :). There's a BIG difference.

My point is there is a difference between fraudulently presenting oneself by innuendo, choosing a topic where current emotions are high, then trying to prey on those emotions knowing people are more likely to respond, then running in circles like a leftwingnut, ignoring posts that bury his argument, pretending they didn't happen and continuing on with same wrong, intellectually dishonest circle jerk just to be doing so; and, arguing the unpopular and/or left side of an argument.

I have ZERO respect for a person of obvious intelligence misusing/abusing such a gift. All that intellect and the best he can do where the rubber meets the road is play toddler fuck-fuck games. What a waste.

06-04-2020, 05:15 PM
His admission about making believe he's left or right depending on the site goes beyond arguing both sides or playing Devil's Advocate, IMO. I'm not in love with those either, but I can respect them if done well.
It's a deliberate ruse designed to troll a site. Why, I have no idea.Yes and no :). He's not playing Devil's Advocate. He IS trolling. Best way I can come up to explain it is, it's hardly a secret I will take the unpopular stance and or the "lefty" stance if it's something I believe in. I used to could before they became so damned unhinged play a lefty. I was raised by them. I knew all their arguments. These people on the left now I can't even fathom, much less pretend to be one.

And on every board I've been on except the one where my name is banned :) my name is Gunny and you don't have to guess what I'm thinking nor where I stand.

On THIS board, regardless his other wanderings, he's not playing anything but a troll. He's taken no real stance. He hasn't pretended to be much of anything. He's just screwing with people's heads and is so arrogant he outed his own damned self.

He will be treated as such by me. I was done with this thread except to look and make sure it wasn't blowing up until you made it interesting with your comment :)

06-04-2020, 08:12 PM
Yes and no :). He's not playing Devil's Advocate. He IS trolling. Best way I can come up to explain it is, it's hardly a secret I will take the unpopular stance and or the "lefty" stance if it's something I believe in. I used to could before they became so damned unhinged play a lefty. I was raised by them. I knew all their arguments. These people on the left now I can't even fathom, much less pretend to be one.

And on every board I've been on except the one where my name is banned :) my name is Gunny and you don't have to guess what I'm thinking nor where I stand.

On THIS board, regardless his other wanderings, he's not playing anything but a troll. He's taken no real stance. He hasn't pretended to be much of anything. He's just screwing with people's heads and is so arrogant he outed his own damned self.

He will be treated as such by me. I was done with this thread except to look and make sure it wasn't blowing up until you made it interesting with your comment :)

Nobody knows the circumstances for how or why I post as a lefty on some sites. It has been the ultimate learning experience for how I debate, and it has taught me how to become truly objective. When I argue positions from a lefty position, I end up looking into things that I would never even dream of researching, and I have even learned to see the merit in a lot of lefty agenda. When I argue a lefty position, I have to step completely away from my genuine conservative ideology and actually gain an understanding of the topic as a lefty sees it. This skill is priceless when I want to objectively break down a subject, and it allows me to become more objective than the typical "subjectively objective" level of trying to be objective. I have lefty friends on lefty sites who I have come to genuinely respect over years of knowing them, and nobody here knows enough about my lefty profiles to draw conclusions about them.

What is very important about this thread as it winds down, is that there is a lot of unsettled ugly agenda that has probably been the real reason for all the ugly arguing and bickering. The allegations against me by a few individuals who insist that I called them commies are still here and unresolved, as well as some ugly allegations about my character. I try to avoid calling people names or making ugly allegations about people if I cannot substantiate my claims. Anyway, if the specific allegations go unresolved as the thread dies, the allegations still happened and may surface as resentment and friction at other weird times, and maybe poison another thread with subjective agenda.

I have read some spectacular posts on this site from some high functioning people, so I am interested in spending more time here. I can deal with the ugly rhetoric from those who resent me so much, since it really is just a recreational political board, but if anybody wants to resolve the unsubstantiated allegation problems, it could probably happen.

06-04-2020, 08:20 PM

06-04-2020, 08:25 PM
https://miro.medium.com/max/900/1*4p2BH-BYxNeOO3D1G1jFxw.gifYour image didn't post. You at work?

06-04-2020, 08:29 PM
Your image didn't post. You at work?

I had a problem, left, and forgot to fix. Did you?

06-04-2020, 08:32 PM
Your image didn't post. You at work?

fixed, of a sort. ;)

06-04-2020, 08:43 PM
fixed, of a sort. ;)Got it :)