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View Full Version : Sammy Hagar not afraid of coronavirus

05-25-2020, 10:13 AM
Sammy is 72 now, and has no fear of coronavirus. He isnt going to live in fear.


Good to see so many people are not surrendering or submitting to the covid fear mongering.

05-26-2020, 09:06 AM
Well there you have it. Sammy Hagar has spoken. Wonder what Vince McMahon thinks?:rolleyes:

05-26-2020, 09:11 AM
Well there you have it. Sammy Hagar has spoken :rolleyes:

He is in a higher risk group, but he also knows he has lived a long and great life.

05-26-2020, 11:27 AM
He is in a higher risk group, but he also knows he has lived a long and great life.I'm fine with that. It's HIS choice and HIS decision. That has been my theme all along whether it be with you or someone pro-lockdown like drummond. You are both trying to tell others what to think. His I believe it out of fear of mortality and yours is politically based. It's STILL the same crap when you get rid of all the decorative fluff.

So here's a real problem for you to work on. By design, conservatives/rightwingers are independent, like to think for themselves and make their own decisions. It sets us apart from the left, and fuels the resentment. I admit, I have a habit of having looking at people who don't think for themselves with disdain.

My first question is why are you using the same tactic the left uses to try and influence others when it's only going to cause resentment? Hardly a way to win your "war".

If I was going to work on something I'm thinking it would be trying to get as many on the right on some kind of common ground at least long enough to win said "war". Instead, you have the previously mentioned, what I call attributes of the right that lead to inherent divisiveness causing nothing but squabbles among themselves while the marching in lockstep lefties are stealing the keys to the kingdom. They at least all agree on stealing the keys to the kingdom. Conservatives all demand they be stolen their (respectively) ways and refuse to support anyone doing it differently.

Point: You're on here pissing off some pretty staunch conservatives just because you don't agree with their decisions. This issue (masks or no) is not a dealbreaker to me.

Another point: Let's face facts. All of us are socialist to degrees. There wouldn't be so much as a community without it. People need to quit flipping their lids over words. IMO, one of the reasons some are most angry is the realization that they ARE dependent on the Government at all levels more than they cared to admit and this corona crap has put a spotlight on it because people on the right are trained to knee jerk at the word "socialist".

You can't win a war without first being honest with yourself about who and what you are and who and what the enemy is.

05-27-2020, 01:46 AM
I'm fine with that. It's HIS choice and HIS decision. That has been my theme all along whether it be with you or someone pro-lockdown like drummond. You are both trying to tell others what to think. His I believe it out of fear of mortality and yours is politically based. It's STILL the same crap when you get rid of all the decorative fluff.

So here's a real problem for you to work on. By design, conservatives/rightwingers are independent, like to think for themselves and make their own decisions. It sets us apart from the left, and fuels the resentment. I admit, I have a habit of having looking at people who don't think for themselves with disdain.

My first question is why are you using the same tactic the left uses to try and influence others when it's only going to cause resentment? Hardly a way to win your "war".

If I was going to work on something I'm thinking it would be trying to get as many on the right on some kind of common ground at least long enough to win said "war". Instead, you have the previously mentioned, what I call attributes of the right that lead to inherent divisiveness causing nothing but squabbles among themselves while the marching in lockstep lefties are stealing the keys to the kingdom. They at least all agree on stealing the keys to the kingdom. Conservatives all demand they be stolen their (respectively) ways and refuse to support anyone doing it differently.

Point: You're on here pissing off some pretty staunch conservatives just because you don't agree with their decisions. This issue (masks or no) is not a dealbreaker to me.

Another point: Let's face facts. All of us are socialist to degrees. There wouldn't be so much as a community without it. People need to quit flipping their lids over words. IMO, one of the reasons some are most angry is the realization that they ARE dependent on the Government at all levels more than they cared to admit and this corona crap has put a spotlight on it because people on the right are trained to knee jerk at the word "socialist".

You can't win a war without first being honest with yourself about who and what you are and who and what the enemy is.
The mask thing is all political. Those who wear masks where masks aren't needed do it out of fear of what they learned from political propaganda. Society wasn't wearing masks for similar infection and death counts of years of the flu since the msm wasn't fear mongering the same way, but they wear them now because of political propaganda. I dont mind being resented for what I say, and I respect those who make a good effort to post superior logic. The right split when Trump came into the picture, and now the right may be splitting again over covid.

I am certainly interested in all of your opposition to my mask posts, and my eyes are open to any logic that can lead me to believe that wearing masks where they aren't needed is anything but political. I welcome and invite any and all members here to show me how mask people got there fear from anything besides political propaganda. I dont mind being insulted or mocked, and I dont get my feelings hurt.

05-27-2020, 02:07 AM
The mask thing is all political. Those who wear masks where masks aren't needed do it out of fear of what they learned from political propaganda. Society wasn't wearing masks for similar infection and death counts of years of the flu since the msm wasn't fear mongering the same way, but they wear them now because of political propaganda. I dont mind being resented for what I say, and I respect those who make a good effort to post superior logic. The right split when Trump came into the picture, and now the right may be splitting again over covid.

I am certainly interested in all of your opposition to my mask posts, and my eyes are open to any logic that can lead me to believe that wearing masks where they aren't needed is anything but political. I welcome and invite any and all members here to show me how mask people got there fear from anything besides political propaganda. I dont mind being insulted or mocked, and I dont get my feelings hurt.

I don't wear a mask because I'm afraid. I wear to establishments that require them because it is their right to set the rules of their business. If I go to an establishment that doesn't have rules posted I ask if they want me to wear a mask and then I wear if they say yes to show respect for their request. Wearing the mask doesn't hurt me but it might make others feel better.

For you imply that wearing a mask is entirely political is incorrect. Maybe somewhat political but mostly common courtesy for others.

05-27-2020, 08:12 AM
I don't wear a mask because I'm afraid. I wear to establishments that require them because it is their right to set the rules of their business.

This is a legitimate reason to wear a mask. I have one in my car standing by for the same reason. When I do end up at a business that requires one though, I am confident that they require the mask because of fear that is rooted in political propaganda. I still end up having to wear a mask in that establishment because of fear that is rooted in political propaganda, even though it is not my own fear. Excellent point, and thanks for a great post.

If I go to an establishment that doesn't have rules posted I ask if they want me to wear a mask and then I wear if they say yes to show respect for their request. Wearing the mask doesn't hurt me but it might make others feel better.

That is very nice of you. I have recently shared some of my mask inventory with co workers who were unable to purchase masks, and everybody where I work resents people who buy masks to wear where they aren't needed. I resent mask wearing because it is political propaganda generated by my political opponents who want control. I wish you were on my side fighting the mask political agenda, but at least you are on my side in November.

For you imply that wearing a mask is entirely political is incorrect. Maybe somewhat political but mostly common courtesy for others.

That common courtesy is courteous indeed, but i believe the courtesy is to accommodate the fear that somebody else has that is rooted in political propaganda.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2020, 10:29 AM
I'm fine with that. It's HIS choice and HIS decision. That has been my theme all along whether it be with you or someone pro-lockdown like drummond. You are both trying to tell others what to think. His I believe it out of fear of mortality and yours is politically based. It's STILL the same crap when you get rid of all the decorative fluff.

So here's a real problem for you to work on. By design, conservatives/rightwingers are independent, like to think for themselves and make their own decisions. It sets us apart from the left, and fuels the resentment. I admit, I have a habit of having looking at people who don't think for themselves with disdain.

My first question is why are you using the same tactic the left uses to try and influence others when it's only going to cause resentment? Hardly a way to win your "war".

If I was going to work on something I'm thinking it would be trying to get as many on the right on some kind of common ground at least long enough to win said "war". Instead, you have the previously mentioned, what I call attributes of the right that lead to inherent divisiveness causing nothing but squabbles among themselves while the marching in lockstep lefties are stealing the keys to the kingdom. They at least all agree on stealing the keys to the kingdom. Conservatives all demand they be stolen their (respectively) ways and refuse to support anyone doing it differently.

Point: You're on here pissing off some pretty staunch conservatives just because you don't agree with their decisions. This issue (masks or no) is not a dealbreaker to me.

Another point: Let's face facts. All of us are socialist to degrees. There wouldn't be so much as a community without it. People need to quit flipping their lids over words. IMO, one of the reasons some are most angry is the realization that they ARE dependent on the Government at all levels more than they cared to admit and this corona crap has put a spotlight on it because people on the right are trained to knee jerk at the word "socialist".

You can't win a war without first being honest with yourself about who and what you are and who and what the enemy is.


Incisive post, Gunny. You’ve boiled this issue down very well.

Abbey Marie
05-27-2020, 10:32 AM
The mask thing is all political. Those who wear masks where masks aren't needed do it out of fear of what they learned from political propaganda. Society wasn't wearing masks for similar infection and death counts of years of the flu since the msm wasn't fear mongering the same way, but they wear them now because of political propaganda. I dont mind being resented for what I say, and I respect those who make a good effort to post superior logic. The right split when Trump came into the picture, and now the right may be splitting again over covid.

I am certainly interested in all of your opposition to my mask posts, and my eyes are open to any logic that can lead me to believe that wearing masks where they aren't needed is anything but political. I welcome and invite any and all members here to show me how mask people got there fear from anything besides political propaganda. I dont mind being insulted or mocked, and I dont get my feelings hurt.

Did you see my pic of guys wearing masks here decades ago?

Black Diamond
05-27-2020, 10:33 AM
Did you see my pic of guys wearing masks here decades ago?

They were all communists too.

05-27-2020, 10:49 AM
Did you see my pic of guys wearing masks here decades ago?

Lol. I saw that. Being hazmat trained and respirator qualified, I thought it was cute how they wore such things. I guess its the thought that counts though. Right?

I also got a sense that you were cautiously defending the use of the masks that people are wearing because of all the political propaganda from the left. It appeared that you were saying that you are for doing what the political propaganda calls for, but that you aren't really sure why. Just my perception though...

05-27-2020, 10:52 AM
They were all communists too.

I see you are setting up a defense for commies by attempting to marginalize my anti commie comments. Are you worried about something? Do my comments about commies rub you the wrong way?

Abbey Marie
05-27-2020, 10:53 AM
Lol. I saw that. Being hazmat trained and respirator qualified, I thought it was cute how they wore such things. I guess its the thought that counts though. Right?

I also got a sense that you were cautiously defending the use of the masks that people are wearing because of all the political propaganda from the left. It appeared that you were saying that you are for doing what the political propaganda calls for, but that you aren't really sure why. Just my perception though...

You don’t give a girl much, do you?


05-27-2020, 10:55 AM
The mask thing is all political. Those who wear masks where masks aren't needed do it out of fear of what they learned from political propaganda. Society wasn't wearing masks for similar infection and death counts of years of the flu since the msm wasn't fear mongering the same way, but they wear them now because of political propaganda. I dont mind being resented for what I say, and I respect those who make a good effort to post superior logic. The right split when Trump came into the picture, and now the right may be splitting again over covid.

I am certainly interested in all of your opposition to my mask posts, and my eyes are open to any logic that can lead me to believe that wearing masks where they aren't needed is anything but political. I welcome and invite any and all members here to show me how mask people got there fear from anything besides political propaganda. I dont mind being insulted or mocked, and I dont get my feelings hurt.

First, just who establishes "where masks aren't needed"? You?

Second, you don't wear a mask out of fear of what you learned from political propaganda. See how THAT works?

It is not my intent to insult nor mock you. You make it kind of hard when all you are doing is attacking others.

05-27-2020, 11:31 AM
First, just who establishes "where masks aren't needed"? You?

Second, you don't wear a mask out of fear of what you learned from political propaganda. See how THAT works?

It is not my intent to insult nor mock you. You make it kind of hard when all you are doing is attacking others.

It was already established throughout world history that masks are not needed. The notion that there is a need to walk about society and supermarkets with masks on is political. When lefties put a saddle and reins on the coronavirus, they learned how to implant doubt and fear into the minds of freedom loving patriots and conservatives who love to protect themselves, family, and loved ones. The beltway for this weaponized political propaganda is the media.

The reason why I don't wear masks outside of work is that I have years of hazmat training like what you got in the Army, and some. My commitment to those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom is strong as well, so there needs to be something more than political propaganda to get me to wear the colors of my political opponents who I perceive to be the enemy of freedom. Freedom ain't cheap.

05-27-2020, 11:33 AM
You don’t give a girl much, do you?


Enough to become a proud father.

I dish it out, but I assure you that I welcome return fire.

05-27-2020, 11:45 AM
It was already established throughout world history that masks are not needed. The notion that there is a need to walk about society and supermarkets with masks on is political. When lefties put a saddle and reins on the coronavirus, they learned how to implant doubt and fear into the minds of freedom loving patriots and conservatives who love to protect themselves, family, and loved ones. The beltway for this weaponized political propaganda is the media.

The reason why I don't wear masks outside of work is that I have years of hazmat training like what you got in the Army, and some. My commitment to those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom is strong as well, so there needs to be something more than political propaganda to get me to wear the colors of my political opponents who I perceive to be the enemy of freedom. Freedom ain't cheap.

It is not established through anything but your and others' opinions.

Please. Enlighten us as to how exactly the left "put a saddle and reins" on and control a virus. All ears.

You are not the only one trained in Nuclear, Bio and Chem Warfare. Oh. You call it HazMat. Civilian term.

What clothes you wear is back seat to what is coming out of your mouth. The tactics used by the left. You're not going to win any allies using them. You are one of the few people I can agree with on quite a few things but end up arguing with simply for your lack of ability to sell the product. Rather, you turn people off who might otherwise agree with you.

Black Diamond
05-27-2020, 11:46 AM
I see you are setting up a defense for commies by attempting to marginalize my anti commie comments. Are you worried about something? Do my comments about commies rub you the wrong way?

I am as worried about you as I am about the virus. And to take a page out of your playbook, you can read my posts and figure out how scared I am of the virus.

05-27-2020, 11:51 AM
I saw in a few threads about masks not being used in history and prior pandemics. This is incorrect. Sure, I'm confident some can be found not wearing them during such times. But stories and pictures are there to prove that it's been a long used method.

05-27-2020, 11:53 AM
I saw in a few threads about masks not being used in history and prior pandemics. This is incorrect. Sure, I'm confident some can be found not wearing them during such times. But stories and pictures are there to prove that it's been a long used method.

Btw, it was also illegal to NOT wear a mask during the 1918 pandemic.

Black Diamond
05-27-2020, 11:54 AM
Btw, it was also illegal to NOT wear a mask during the 1918 pandemic.

Double commies.

05-27-2020, 11:59 AM
It is not established through anything but your and others' opinions.

Please. Enlighten us as to how exactly the left "put a saddle and reins" on and control a virus. All ears.

You are not the only one trained in Nuclear, Bio and Chem Warfare. Oh. You call it HazMat. Civilian term.

What clothes you wear is back seat to what is coming out of your mouth. The tactics used by the left. You're not going to win any allies using them. You are one of the few people I can agree with on quite a few things but end up arguing with simply for your lack of ability to sell the product. Rather, you turn people off who might otherwise agree with you.

I have been a civilian since the 90s, so my military hazmat and cbr training is pretty dated. I have stayed up to date on hazmat training though, since I wear respirators and ppe every day for work.

I'd be interested in being convinced that the mask culture is based on something besides political propaganda. I believe i can objectively step away from my stance for long enough to process information that shows the mask culture of our current political landscape being based on something besides political propaganda. Can you post something that shows the mask culture as being based on something besides political propaganda? I am open and ready to take an objective look.

05-27-2020, 12:14 PM
I saw in a few threads about masks not being used in history and prior pandemics. This is incorrect. Sure, I'm confident some can be found not wearing them during such times. But stories and pictures are there to prove that it's been a long used method.

I kinda go along with this, since I have in fact spotted a few masks in use over the years. Those seemed too isolated for me to identify as a political movement, but I have seen masks out there for whatever reason. I too have seen and perhaps posted that masks have not been used in previous pandemics, so I will clarify my thoughts on this. I have read that there was a mask culture that existed during the Spanish flu, and my hypothesis is that the mask culture of that pandemic was based upon more altruistic and more ignorant intentions from back in those days, but i do not know. I certainly do not see the mask culture from back then as something conclusive that the mask culture of today should base mask use today on, but I very open to info that shows otherwise.

I am very interested in being convinced that the mask culture of today is not based on political propaganda, but i don't think it is because a few isolated people have worn masks over the years, or because there was a mask culture during the Spanish flu.

05-27-2020, 12:16 PM
I have been a civilian since the 90s, so my military hazmat and car training is pretty dated. I have stayed up to date on hazmat training though, since I wear respirators and ppe every day for work.

I'd be interested in being convinced that the mask culture is based on something besides political propaganda. I believe i can objectively step away from my stance for long enough to process information that shows the mask culture of our current political landscape being based on something besides political propaganda. Can you post something that shows the mask culture as being based on something besides political propaganda? I am open and ready to take an objective look.

Someone can carry it and not know it. If they breathe near me, I can breath it in quite easily. More so if they cough or sneeze. Me wearing a mask severely minimizes those chances. If wearing nitrile gloves and a mask lowered my chances by 5% I would wear them. But IF there is a virus near where I'm going - then those gloves and mask lower the chances of me getting it by a huge margin. And worst case? I wear either for no reason, but I have peace of mind and my family feels better, and that makes it worth it as well.

With a virus, there is literally no way to know if it's somewhere around you in enclosed areas. This lowers my chances, and by a lot more than 5%.

The ONLY thing that could guarantee that a mask isn't necessary is factual knowledge that the virus isn't present. And at this time, no on can truly say that, especially so here in NY.

05-27-2020, 12:25 PM
I have been a civilian since the 90s, so my military hazmat and car training is pretty dated. I have stayed up to date on hazmat training though, since I wear respirators and ppe every day for work.

I'd be interested in being convinced that the mask culture is based on something besides political propaganda. I believe i can objectively step away from my stance for long enough to process information that shows the mask culture of our current political landscape being based on something besides political propaganda. Can you post something that shows the mask culture as being based on something besides political propaganda? I am open and ready to take an objective look.The only one standing between you and being convinced masks are based on something other than political propaganda is YOU. Your powers of observation must need a tune up. There are as many leftwingnuts running around refusing to wear masks under any circumstances because "this is a Trump-driven bunch of BS".

Meanwhile, while they and you are getting on line for battle, the vast majority is concerned with dealing with a very real biological attack. Neither your nor the left's politics matter worth a damn if you're dead. Don't know how many times I have to point that out to you while you insist on keeping the cart before the horse.

05-27-2020, 12:29 PM
This is a legitimate reason to wear a mask. I have one in my car standing by for the same reason. When I do end up at a business that requires one though, I am confident that they require the mask because of fear that is rooted in political propaganda. I still end up having to wear a mask in that establishment because of fear that is rooted in political propaganda, even though it is not my own fear. Excellent point, and thanks for a great post.

That is very nice of you. I have recently shared some of my mask inventory with co workers who were unable to purchase masks, and everybody where I work resents people who buy masks to wear where they aren't needed. I resent mask wearing because it is political propaganda generated by my political opponents who want control. I wish you were on my side fighting the mask political agenda, but at least you are on my side in November.

That common courtesy is courteous indeed, but i believe the courtesy is to accommodate the fear that somebody else has that is rooted in political propaganda.

I also wear seat belts even though I've never been in accident. Some things are common sense.

I have 2 hand made masks so I'm not affecting your supply.

What I don't understand is why you haven't accepted that the lockdown is bi-partisan and so is recommendation to wear masks.