View Full Version : Responsibility

06-02-2020, 12:46 AM
This is from an ongoing discussion at Chicks On The Right between a liberal poster and one of the founders. It's a leadin to another article but I found this part interesting.

Conservatives tend to strongly believe that they alone are personally responsible for everything that happens to them. Those who fail are personally responsible – regardless of the circumstances of poverty, abuse, racism, being raped, etc.

Liberals tend to strongly believe in the interconnection of circumstances and how failed systems, poverty, slavery, racism, lack of opportunities, being raped, inform our decisions, actions and opportunities to overcome adversity.

Response From Mockarena

The more I think about it, her definition of how conservatives and liberals differ is sort of right and so telling, isn’t it? Everyone, every last human, suffers in some way during their lifetime. The REASONS they suffer can vastly differ, and some of those reasons may be indeed be due to completely systemically unfair systems. But while liberals seem to want to blame those circumstances and use them as rationale for why they’re victims, conservatives are more likely to expect people to make the best of the hand they’re dealt. It doesn’t mean conservatives don’t want progress or change when it’s clearly necessary. It simply means that each of us has a personal responsibility for how we choose to react to our circumstances. We can understand why we’ve been dealt the hand, but we also ALL have the choice to determine how we play it.
There are a whole lot of bleeding heart white liberals who are lamenting over and feeling desperate guilt about their white privilege right now, and they earnestly believe that recognition of said privilege is a necessary antidote to systemic racism.
