View Full Version : Police Kneeling with protesters and protesters respond by...

06-03-2020, 06:28 AM
Police Kneeling with protesters and
protesters respond by...



06-03-2020, 10:50 AM
THIS is what is needed to bring about peace and change within communities! I love it!

And those folks with the police are awesome too. They are NOT the idiots coming in to "join" in a protest so that they can loot or destroy things. Those folks don't care about the issues, IMO. I don't know if it's the same as any of those, but I saw this earlier:

This one was in North Carolina. First one is screenshot from Twitter, from the police in Fayetteville police, the 2nd a video of it.



Hot Dogger
06-03-2020, 10:59 AM
Those cops are only appeasing tyranny. They and the protesters remain blissfully unaware that the government via USAMRIID and the WHO have been poisoning the planet for decades, so the USA as it currently stands must fall, we've become Nazi Germany in our quest to become the Soviet Union. Also, COVID19 is an American Holodomor, a planned created pandemic the intent of which is to destroy our freedoms and lives in order to usher in global government. And we're going to see further "disease vector studies" along with nuclear war and World War 3.

Understand, the US Federal and 50 State Treasuries are empty, there's nothing left of the country compared to just 20 years ago, we've done little to nothing as a real society in that time, we've given it all to the Yinon Plan for Greater Israel and many foolish wars until there's nothing left. What remains for us is a kind of 'Logan's Run' society where we live for a specified length of time before being murdered by the state, although that's already here.

Abbey Marie
06-03-2020, 11:07 AM
A ray of hope?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2020, 12:06 PM
Sending the wrong message...
By kneeling they are saying we bow to you- to you that loot,steal, burn and raise unholy hell instead of peacefully protesting.
Now--they-- will be embolden to do worse in the future as by kneeling the cops are to them admitting -cops are all bad and their cries of white man is holding us down is valid.
Wake up- you are seeing it one way-- they the other.
I will never kneel to such barbaric and unjust actions as they have taken! Beating innocent people, stealing, burning property, using weapons/bomb on cops and others.
No real man should bow to that!!!!
Giving that to them is to them saying, we bow to you.. To me that is absolutely complete idiocy in my opinion.
They are being told that violence works and the Rule of law no longer applies.

It may appease the few of them but not the ones that want absolute control.
Basic human nature, I see some desperately urgently need a study course in it, imho.
Wake up... --Tyr

06-03-2020, 01:09 PM
Sending the wrong message...
By kneeling they are saying we bow to you- to you that loot,steal, burn and raise unholy hell instead of peacefully protesting.
Now--they-- will be embolden to do worse in the future as by kneeling the cops are to them admitting -cops are all bad and their cries of white man is holding us down is valid.
Wake up- you are seeing it one way-- they the other.
I will never kneel to such barbaric and unjust actions as they have taken! Beating innocent people, stealing, burning property, using weapons/bomb on cops and others.
No real man should bow to that!!!!
Giving that to them is to them saying, we bow to you.. To me that is absolutely complete idiocy in my opinion.
They are being told that violence works and the Rule of law no longer applies.

It may appease the few of them but not the ones that want absolute control.
Basic human nature, I see some desperately urgently need a study course in it, imho.
Wake up... --Tyr

The police were demonstrating empathy for the very real problems between law enforcement and 'the people.' Even if they have no solution, they know and condemn that the killing of Floyd is wrong; that the Minneapolis cops allowed the 'bad' cop kill, harms them all.

They were not walking or accepting the people that were looting and destroying. One certainly could argue that many politicians are de facto doing just this by their releasing thousands of prisoners to be freed; that new 'reform' laws are preventing the anarchists to not post bond and be freed to continue their mayhem.

The looters and rioters laugh at the idiocy. Meanwhile the protesters-those that truly mourn the loss of George Floyd could find some hope in the solidarity for a few moments, with the police expressions of condolences and understanding.

There is nothing the police can do regarding the destroyers, other than do what they can to get them off the street, they do not make the laws or the criminal system-they can only do what they are authorized to do.

06-03-2020, 01:15 PM
This came up on my FB page:

The writer's fb page:


I’m a black cop!

Hopefully that got your attention, because this is going to be a rather long post.

Let me first address that what happened to George Floyd is completely unacceptable. If anyone would like to privately message/text me and ask for my opinion in greater depth, I would be more than willing to have a civil conversation about it!

But that is not the point of this post, so I won’t harp on that here.

I have been a law enforcement officer for 6 years now. As most of you will probably notice, I NEVER post about my profession on social media, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never known.

Before I was an LEO, I spent some time at Officer Candidate School for the United States Marine Corps. Terril had just commissioned as an officer upon our graduation and I thought I’d follow suit, as all members in my immediate family have served this country in the Armed Forces.

But obviously I chose not to go that route, but I digress.

Before that, I was a pretty successful college athlete at FSU. Less than 2% of every high school student in the nation goes on to participate in Division I athletics, so obviously that is quite the accomplishment (not to toot my own horn).

Before that I graduated 23rd (I’m pretty sure) in my high school class of about 205 or so kids with a 5.0+ weighted GPA, and close to a 4.0 unweighted GPA.

But through all the cool things I’ve gotten to do in my life up to this point, one thing I have always been and always will be in my almost 29 years of life is a BLACK MAN.

I was black before I was a cop, I am black while being a cop, and I’ll be black if I’m fortunate enough to retire as a cop. All of those that are hurting, I promise you that I hurt with you.

Would it surprise you to know that within my 6 years of law enforcement, I get the most insults from people that look like me?

I am a black man, policing in a predominantly black community, and on a daily basis I hear that I’m “white”, I’m an “Uncle Tom”, I’m a “cracker”. I have been told that when I’m wearing my uniform I am a white man.

I had a gentleman today yell at me saying “this isn’t your job!”, when at the time I was blocking traffic with my patrol car to allow hundreds of peaceful protesters to walk in the roadway unabated without risk of being hit by vehicles we were forcing to go another way while he himself was exercising his right to protest.

I am the first person to admit that law enforcement as a whole needs a positive change. But I believe one of those changes comes in more of the people that look like me representing our law enforcement agencies.

It blows my mind that my people are demanding change, and then when they see a person that looks like them in uniform they become so enraged they hurl racial slurs at them and tell them they are on the wrong side of the fight for equality.

We can’t demand change, and not be willing to put the uniform on ourselves and be that change! My supervisors are a Hispanic male and a black female. The supervisor of my entire district is a black male, who was on foot in uniform walking with the leaders of the protest by the way! And we’ve had black males serving as the chief of police at my agency!

We can make a change together a lot more rapidly than waiting for legislature to do it for us! And I know it’s easier said than done, but as passionate as we are about change being necessary, you have to either be willing to join me in making the change from the inside, or you have to stop discouraging those who are willing to come out, put on this uniform, and be a part of the change from within! We hear that peaceful protests haven’t worked, kneeling didn’t work, and so on. You know what will work? Putting people that look like is in uniforms and into our own communities!

We need to teach our communities that being a law enforcement officer IS a part of that positive change. You should want people that share your background and upbringing policing your communities! Those are the people that will understand that community the most! That’s whether it’s Hispanic, Asian, black, white, blue, green, indigo!

We can’t vilify ALL police officers because the majority of us are coming to work everyday willing to die for these same people that hate us with every fiber of their being!

I work with white officers, black officers, Asian officers, officers that are LGBT https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t57/2/16/1f3f3_200d_1f308.png, officers that speak multiple languages, officers with their doctorates, officers who are bar certified lawyers, etc!

And I can assure you, we too are fed up with the “bad apples” severing the trust between us and the communities we serve! Our safety, and “going home safe every night” greatly depends on those in our communities not turning on us. You all far outnumber us, as was very evident across this country in the last few days.

My final point, I hope the result of George Floyd’s death will show that we as officers NEED to police our own and hold our own accountable! If we say the “bad apples” can’t sit with us, well it’s time to show it! If you see something, say something! That’s my idea of the Thin Blue Line, it’s not being afraid to let our brothers and sisters know when it’s time to reassess and step it back. At the end of the day, we’re all humans, and reciting an oath doesn’t innately remove the human element from us, meaning that we are also prone to making mistakes. But when we make mistakes, it costs lives. And we should find that highly unacceptable.

Thank you for reading!

06-03-2020, 01:55 PM
Those cops are only appeasing tyranny. They and the protesters remain blissfully unaware that the government via USAMRIID and the WHO have been poisoning the planet for decades, so the USA as it currently stands must fall, we've become Nazi Germany in our quest to become the Soviet Union. Also, COVID19 is an American Holodomor, a planned created pandemic the intent of which is to destroy our freedoms and lives in order to usher in global government. And we're going to see further "disease vector studies" along with nuclear war and World War 3.

Understand, the US Federal and 50 State Treasuries are empty, there's nothing left of the country compared to just 20 years ago, we've done little to nothing as a real society in that time, we've given it all to the Yinon Plan for Greater Israel and many foolish wars until there's nothing left. What remains for us is a kind of 'Logan's Run' society where we live for a specified length of time before being murdered by the state, although that's already here.

Somewhere in your past. Somebody made you mad at everybody, and everything. I learned many years ago, while still in uniform. If you hang around with, or have friends who are always NEGATIVE. You soon become as negative as they are for the rest of your life.
The old adage...You see everything as Half Empty, while everyone else who avoids Negative people...see everything as Half Full. If you can dwell on being negative. You feel good bringing everybody else....DOWN WITH YOU.

06-03-2020, 04:39 PM
Sending the wrong message...
By kneeling they are saying we bow to you- to you that loot,steal, burn and raise unholy hell instead of peacefully protesting.
Now--they-- will be embolden to do worse in the future as by kneeling the cops are to them admitting -cops are all bad and their cries of white man is holding us down is valid.
Wake up- you are seeing it one way-- they the other.
I will never kneel to such barbaric and unjust actions as they have taken! Beating innocent people, stealing, burning property, using weapons/bomb on cops and others.
No real man should bow to that!!!!
Giving that to them is to them saying, we bow to you.. To me that is absolutely complete idiocy in my opinion.
They are being told that violence works and the Rule of law no longer applies.

It may appease the few of them but not the ones that want absolute control.
Basic human nature, I see some desperately urgently need a study course in it, imho.
Wake up... --Tyr
Spot on.

06-03-2020, 09:11 PM
Sending the wrong message...
By kneeling they are saying we bow to you- to you that loot,steal, burn and raise unholy hell instead of peacefully protesting.
Now--they-- will be embolden to do worse in the future as by kneeling the cops are to them admitting -cops are all bad and their cries of white man is holding us down is valid.
Wake up- you are seeing it one way-- they the other.
I will never kneel to such barbaric and unjust actions as they have taken! Beating innocent people, stealing, burning property, using weapons/bomb on cops and others.
No real man should bow to that!!!!
Giving that to them is to them saying, we bow to you.. To me that is absolutely complete idiocy in my opinion.
They are being told that violence works and the Rule of law no longer applies.

It may appease the few of them but not the ones that want absolute control.
Basic human nature, I see some desperately urgently need a study course in it, imho.
Wake up... --Tyr
When Trump began his campaign, it was like a giant spotlight was aimed into the political landscape. It exposed Republicans and self proclaimed righties and conservatives who were not our friends. We call them anti Trumpers, commies, rhinos, traitors, and more. The divide between real conservatives and those "other" conservatives had been manifesting for some time and was already there, but Trump flipped on the lights and exposed them for what they are. Our ranks are still being infiltrated by these "conservatives" and they will do us great harm when we aren't prepared. Whoever suggested that cops surrender to the criminals is absolutely not our friend. You are so right in your post, those cops are not there to support crime, they are there to stop crime.

06-04-2020, 05:51 PM
When Trump began his campaign, it was like a giant spotlight was aimed into the political landscape. It exposed Republicans and self proclaimed righties and conservatives who were not our friends. We call them anti Trumpers, commies, rhinos, traitors, and more. The divide between real conservatives and those "other" conservatives had been manifesting for some time and was already there, but Trump flipped on the lights and exposed them for what they are. Our ranks are still being infiltrated by these "conservatives" and they will do us great harm when we aren't prepared. Whoever suggested that cops surrender to the criminals is absolutely not our friend. You are so right in your post, those cops are not there to support crime, they are there to stop crime.Another left wing, "my way or the highway" message from Ev.

Intolerance is a trait of the left, not the right.

06-04-2020, 06:18 PM
Sending the wrong message...
By kneeling they are saying we bow to you- to you that loot,steal, burn and raise unholy hell instead of peacefully protesting.
Now--they-- will be embolden to do worse in the future as by kneeling the cops are to them admitting -cops are all bad and their cries of white man is holding us down is valid.
Wake up- you are seeing it one way-- they the other.
I will never kneel to such barbaric and unjust actions as they have taken! Beating innocent people, stealing, burning property, using weapons/bomb on cops and others.
No real man should bow to that!!!!
Giving that to them is to them saying, we bow to you.. To me that is absolutely complete idiocy in my opinion.
They are being told that violence works and the Rule of law no longer applies.

It may appease the few of them but not the ones that want absolute control.
Basic human nature, I see some desperately urgently need a study course in it, imho.
Wake up... --Tyr

Tyr, I've only got a comment/question here.

why would you assume the worse motives of the cops knelling? Assume the worse take on the action?
People also assumed the worse motives for Kapernick and all the others who knelt at various events as well.

I just don't understand why, when someone says they are Kneeling for "X", that some people dismiss them out of hand and ASSUME that it's not REALLY for "X" it's for "Y" and was meant in the worse way and they should never do it again and possibly be forced to stop.

I don't get it.

If a southerner (or northerner) says they Fly, Wear, Post the Confederate flag for reasons having to do with "heritage" and not hate, should i assume it's a LIE and assume the very worse of them?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2020, 06:49 PM
Tyr, I've only got a comment/question here.

why would you assume the worse motives of the cops knelling? Assume the worse take on the action?
People also assumed the worse motives for Kapernick and all the others who knelt at various events as well.

I just don't understand why, when someone says they are Kneeling for "X", that some people dismiss them out of hand and ASSUME that it's not REALLY for "X" it's for "Y" and was meant in the worse way and they should never do it again and possibly be forced to stop.

I don't get it.

If a southerner (or northerner) says they Fly, Wear, Post the Confederate flag for reasons having to do with "heritage" and not hate, should i assume it's a LIE and assume the very worse of them?

You mean why did I assume the way you just assumed. Your interpretation does not fit my message as it was intended.
But hey, this is America- so you have that right.

your words-- quote -- "" was meant in the worse way and they should never do it again and possibly be forced to stop.""

Really so where in m y post did I say they should be forced to stop?
I said that they should not do it, but I never said to force them to stop.
And this will be my last reply on this -as I do not intend to get drawn into a long . lengthy type post battle with you.
You assumed too much it seemed to me. But as I said before-that is your right..

Why would it not be mine as well if I wanted it to be?-Tyr

06-04-2020, 07:57 PM
I will draw a line between peaceful protesters (which were a majority) and the thugs who caused trouble by rioting and looting. One thing I noticed is that both groups were mixed races. I saw black and white protesters and black and white looters.
Police were too restrained with the looters. These are the people who should have been gassed and clubbed, not the peaceful protesters.
I noticed several cities were police marched with protesters. Like in Houston on Tuesday with George Floyd's family.
I think President Trump would have released a lot of tension earlier this week if he had addressed the protesters instead of having them beaten and gassed. You don't have to be militant to be a strong leader.

06-04-2020, 09:29 PM
I will draw a line between peaceful protesters (which were a majority) and the thugs who caused trouble by rioting and looting. One thing I noticed is that both groups were mixed races. I saw black and white protesters and black and white looters.
Police were too restrained with the looters. These are the people who should have been gassed and clubbed, not the peaceful protesters.
I noticed several cities were police marched with protesters. Like in Houston on Tuesday with George Floyd's family.
I think President Trump would have released a lot of tension earlier this week if he had addressed the protesters instead of having them beaten and gassed. You don't have to be militant to be a strong leader.

If the peaceful ones protested the violent ones with signs and stuff, I'd take their other agenda more seriously. Right now, the peaceful ones look more like accomplices.

06-05-2020, 11:27 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyezyOrBEXk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyezyOrBEXk)