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View Full Version : 57 Officers Resign From Buffalo’s Emergency Response Team In Support Of Two Suspended

06-06-2020, 10:11 AM
Surprised we haven't seen more of this. If you want to participate in a protest that everyone with a brain knows has a good chance of getting rowdy what with the pro agitators running around, and you're elderly (code for this guy was feeble), then suck it up. Same with all these protesters/rioters crying about getting hit with rubber bullets. Wah.

Stay the f- home under the porch where the World can't hurt your crybaby ass:rolleyes:

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:10 PM PT — Friday, June 5, 202057 officers resigned from the Buffalo Police Department’s Emergency Response Team on Friday. This came after officials suspended two officers for shoving a 75-year-old man during recent protests.
A video, which surfaced this week, appeared to show police officers pushing an elderly man to the floor, where his head to started bleeding.
he two officers involved in the incident were suspended without pay from the department. These actions sparked outrage from the rest of the riot task force, who claimed that these men were just doing what they were told to do.

When asked about the resignations, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said he was “exceptionally disappointed by it, because it indicates to me that they did not see anything wrong with the actions last night.”
“Being a police officer is a difficult task, there’s no doubt about it,” stated Poloncarz. “We as a community need to have officers who are working on our best behalf and honoring their pledge to serve and protect.”


06-06-2020, 01:16 PM
Good for the officers....One cant be a law-enforcement in Democrat run cites....no friggen way....They should all quit in Failed Democrat cities....They bump or shove a radical confronting them the wrong way...they get fired or written up...

Many good states are hiring...Let the Dem run cities burn....and when there is nothing left replace and oust the dems in power `with Americans`>> to run the cities...then and only then use tax payer money to rebuild...

06-06-2020, 01:27 PM
D.C Mayor...hates cops Trump and American Troops.....But loves BLM....
