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06-07-2020, 11:22 AM
This is the very very good news from last week that the MSM seems to have buried. Is Fox News talking about this at all? (don't have cable, thankfully)

On Thursday, Senator Ron Johnson's Homeland Security Committee was granted the power to subpoena, without needing any additional authority, 35 people including Comey, and everyone else who matters:

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted on Thursday to grant Chairman Ron Johnson (https://thehill.com/people/ron-johnson) (R-Wis.) broad subpoena authority as part of a probe stemming from the Obama administration.

In a party-line vote, Republicans on the panel gave Johnson the power to issue subpoenas for more than 35 individuals and a swath of documents, which will allow him to skip having to come back to the committee for a vote on each individual subpoena.
Johnson is conducting a wide-ranging investigation that includes reviewing "Crossfire Hurricane," the name for the FBI's investigation into election interference and the Trump campaign, the probe of former national security adviser Michael Flynn and leaks stemming from the early days of the Trump administration.

Johnson defended the investigation on Thursday, saying that "evidence is mounting" that there was not a "peaceful and cooperative" transition between the Obama and Trump administrations.

"The conduct we know that occurred during the transition should concern everyone and absolutely warrants further investigation. ... The subpoena authority I am requesting today will help us gather the necessary information. Hopefully, the agencies and individuals will fully cooperate, and the number of subpoenas required will be limited," he added.

The subpoena authorization vote allows Johnson to subpoena former FBI Director James Comey (https://thehill.com/people/james-comey), former national security adviser Susan Rice and former CIA Director John Brennan (https://thehill.com/people/john-brennan), among others.


Somehow or other, all the MSM is talking about, is how Lindsay Graham's Senate Judiciary Committee WANTS to subpoena all these people, but is delaying the decision (big surprise) until later this week. Who cares, the Homeland Security Committee already has the power to subpoena them, unless I am missing something here.

Us CSPAN junkies will hopefully have an interesting summer. :)

06-07-2020, 12:09 PM
This is the very very good news from last week that the MSM seems to have buried. Is Fox News talking about this at all? (don't have cable, thankfully)

On Thursday, Senator Ron Johnson's Homeland Security Committee was granted the power to subpoena, without needing any additional authority, 35 people including Comey, and everyone else who matters:


Somehow or other, all the MSM is talking about, is how Lindsay Graham's Senate Judiciary Committee WANTS to subpoena all these people, but is delaying the decision (big surprise) until later this week. Who cares, the Homeland Security Committee already has the power to subpoena them, unless I am missing something here.

Us CSPAN junkies will hopefully have an interesting summer. :)

Sen. Johnson is a good, serious man with a good grasp of the evidence already known in this whole sordid affair. I'm so over Sen. Grahamnesty's schtick. Mr. All Talk and No Action needs to step down from the Chair of the Judiciary Committee.

06-07-2020, 12:44 PM
(forum ate original long post, said i was "throttling")

Whether anyone famous says so or not, I think last week was really the beginning of the end for the Dems.

The Covid-19 narrative collapsed when the MSM refused to criticise protestors for openly violating distancing and mask bs. At that point, a second grader could have seen the hypocrisy. Apparently when a protest comes along that you agree with, that's worth millions of people (agreeing with the official narrative for argument's sake) getting infected and dying of this horrible disease? No, they didn't even give us the courtesy of trying to lie, they just dropped the whole story like it was nothing. Reasonable people are quite rightly rolling their eyes at the sheer epic stupidity of all of this we have been put through in the last 3 months, only to have it evaporate when a sexier narrative came along.

And we have the Durham report coming along, Ginsburg on her death bed, everyone who pays taxes for police protection and basic govt services hopping mad at blue state leaders. And the "protests' (AKA riots) being revealed as pre-staged. These are not good times to be a Democrat, regardless of how much they try to pretend that everything is just smashing for them.

06-07-2020, 12:59 PM
Things are indeed looking bleak for the dems. Let's hope it continues to devolve into a full blown catastrophe for them. They deserve it.

Graham is hit and miss. He's been a real fireball for conservatives at times, and very limp others. He really lit up the dems a couple months ago. If he kept up the energy he'd be great, but he only displays fire occasionally.

06-07-2020, 01:17 PM
I think at the end of the day, Graham is likely a deep stater, who's been holding the process up for the last three years, stringing people along. If he was for real, he would have actually DONE something by now. Which he of course hasn't.

06-07-2020, 02:11 PM
Until he gets folks prosecuted and fully does these investigations will I trust him again. Too many promises of action in the past 4 years, and then did nothing. I hope he proves me wrong but his track record isn't great with me.

06-11-2020, 05:10 PM
Lindsay Graham's Senate Judiciary Committee now has the power to subpoena more than 50 people involved in the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation against President Trump.


The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to authorize subpoenas for more than 50 individuals as Republicans ramp up their investigation into the 2016 Russia probe.

In a 12-10 party-line vote, Republicans on the panel gave Chairman Lindsey Graham (https://thehill.com/people/lindsey-graham) (R-S.C.) broad authority to subpoena the individuals, who include high-profile Obama administration officials, for interviews or documents tied to his investigation.

Graham, who has aligned himself closely with Trump in a year both are seeking reelection, has defended the probe, despite deep frustrations among members of the committee.

"I find myself in a position where I think we need to look long and hard about how the Mueller investigation got off the rails," he said on Thursday. “This committee is not going to sit on the sidelines and move on.”

Graham is doing a broad investigation that includes probing "Crossfire Hurricane," the name of the FBI's investigation into Russia's election interference and the Trump campaign.

Thursday's vote gives Graham the power to subpoena officials including former FBI Director James Comey (https://thehill.com/people/james-comey), former national security adviser Susan Rice and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (https://thehill.com/people/james-clapper).

He was also granted subpoena power to compel documents and records referenced in Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's review of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant applications related to former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, as well as testimony from anyone named in the report.

Even if nothing happens to anyone as a result is these hearings, (I'm assuming they will televise them) it will be some great entertainment, and some great anti-Democrat advertising. I suspect this is why Graham may have dragged his feet so long, so that the hearings would take place just before the November elections. Devin Nunes seems to have done something similar with the Beghazi hearings, and using them to tar and feather Hillary Clinton (and rightfully so) he kept those hearings going throughout 2016, winding them up a month after the elections in December 2016.

06-11-2020, 05:35 PM
Here is the Senate Committee hearing from today, in case anyone needs a sleep aid tonight. I actually like boring stuff like this.


06-13-2020, 10:51 AM
Sen. Johnson is a good, serious man with a good grasp of the evidence already known in this whole sordid affair. I'm so over Sen. Grahamnesty's schtick. Mr. All Talk and No Action needs to step down from the Chair of the Judiciary Committee.

Like that time he went to Russia?

06-13-2020, 11:27 PM
Like that time he went to Russia?

You're thinking of that time Hillary was taking sniper fire in Iraq.

Black Diamond
06-13-2020, 11:29 PM
You're thinking of that time Hillary was taking sniper fire in Iraq.

With Brian Williams

06-13-2020, 11:32 PM
With Brian Williams

And Corn Pop was manning the twin .50s

Black Diamond
06-13-2020, 11:41 PM
And Corn Pop was manning the twin .50s