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View Full Version : Black Lives Matter Plans Armed ‘Peace Officers’ In War On Police

06-07-2020, 12:42 PM
Defund the police. Take away much of their weaponry that they "don't need" (some say).

Replace them with black panther party types? THAT is going to fix the issue? No way. That will only make things worse. No issue with folks legally arming themselves, but patrolling the streets and acting as police officers is NOT a good idea.

The black lives matter movement is being lead astray IMO. Many of course support the idea, but seems as if it's been hijacked by others. Those folks only harm the cause, IMO.


Black Lives Matter Plans Armed ‘Peace Officers’ In War On Police

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is pushing a movement to “defund the police” — the group reportedly plans to develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to patrol cities.

BLM New York chapter Chairman Hawk Newsome said the group hopes to imitate the Black Panthers Party, The Daily Mail reported.

“We prepare to stop these murders by any means necessary,” Newsome said, echoing a call to violence first uttered by Malcolm X.

“We’re talking about self-defense. We’re talking about defending our communities,” Newsome said. “You know what it’s like to see a taser pointed at a 7-year-old, you know what it’s like to see a 67-year-old black woman … pepper sprayed and pushed to the ground?”

“We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities.”

Newsome said he attended a conference in Los Angeles in which BLM officials laid out a plan called “Black Opts.” “We have black Special Forces officers advising us, and we will teach and train people in our communities, the Black Opts department of Black Opportunities,” Newsome said.

“We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,” Newsome said. “We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.”

“When we start talking about black opportunities and building our war chest to defend ourselves from the war on the poor. .. to defend ourselves against the war that is anti-blackness in America, then people will have to meet a certain criteria.”

On Saturday, protesters painted “defund the police” on the street near the White House, next to an official city street mural reading, “Black Lives Matter.”

Washington Post reporter Samantha Schmidt, who says in her Twitter bio that she covers “gender and family issues,” said Black Lives Matter organizers painted the message.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Friday had “Black Lives Matter” painted on the street that leads to the White House, near the site where protesters have been demonstrating following George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer on Memorial Day.

“There are people who are craving to be heard and to be seen and to have their humanity recognized, and we had the opportunity to send that message loud and clear on a very important street in our city,” Bowser said at a press conference. “And it is that message, and that message is to the American people, that Black Lives Matter black humanity matters, and we as a city raise that up as part of our values as a city.”


06-07-2020, 04:26 PM
weaponize blacks to decide what color cops can arrest what color criminals. Why didn't I think of that?:rolleyes: This is the stuff the Twilight Zone is made of.

Black Diamond
06-07-2020, 04:29 PM
The more Biden and dems back this stuff the better it is for trump. They are going too far in a number of ways. They can't help themselves.

06-07-2020, 07:35 PM
DeBlasio caves on 'defunding' to a degree:

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/07/nyregion/deblasio-nypd-funding.html?fbclid=IwAR3ycWocqbejKCawdSTKbsXAWM7n 7bNIrCi_NbnBoXxOWwI8cIYmnT8u1aI

I wonder what would happen if all the police unions could convince their members to be out for 3 days? No matter what happened, just. stay. home.

Second thought, who would want their son or daughter to become an officer now? Who'd want to? My uncle was pretty high up in CPD and my brother assistant chief of police in major Chicago suburb. My youngest son and nephew both studied law enforcement. My nephew had to quit just out of training due to brain tumor. My son said, "I should have listened to Uncle Jim, it's nearly impossible to make a difference in these times." He does logistics now, making way more money.

De Blasio Vows for First Time to Cut Funding for the N.Y.P.D.
The mayor made his pledge following 10 nights of mass protests against police violence and mounting demands for an overhaul of the police department.

By Dana Rubinstein
June 7, 2020
Updated 7:49 p.m. ET

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday pledged for the first time to cut the city’s police funding, following 10 nights of mass protests against police violence and mounting demands that he overhaul a department whose tactics have caused widespread consternation.

The mayor on Sunday declined to say precisely how much funding he planned to divert to social services from the New York Police Department, which has an annual budget of $6 billion, representing more than 6 percent of Mr. de Blasio’s proposed $90 billion budget.

Mr. de Blasio said the details would be worked out with the City Council in advance of the July 1 budget deadline.


Black Diamond
06-07-2020, 07:42 PM
DeBlasio has to be an embarrassment. Going from Rudy to Bloomberg to this??

06-07-2020, 08:05 PM
DeBlasio has to be an embarrassment. Going from Rudy to Bloomberg to this??DeBlasio has to be a thousand year setback to Mayors in general.

06-07-2020, 08:07 PM
Meanwhile, where the spark was lit:


Defund and disband, veto proof city council.

06-07-2020, 08:43 PM
Meanwhile, where the spark was lit:


Defund and disband, veto proof city council.These people are actually THAT stupid? I don't even know what to say. My brain cannot grasp the level of stupid one has to reach to even consider such absurdity.

So, kathianne, you think the President is finally going to have to step in and stop all this nonsense from the leftard states? Or, do you think it'll fizzle out next time Trump tweets something "spiffy"?:laugh:

06-07-2020, 08:50 PM
These people are actually THAT stupid? I don't even know what to say. My brain cannot grasp the level of stupid one has to reach to even consider such absurdity.

So, kathianne, you think the President is finally going to have to step in and stop all this nonsense from the leftard states? Or, do you think it'll fizzle out next time Trump tweets something "spiffy"?:laugh:

I don't think he has any say in these types of matters.

I'm about at the point that I'm guessing we need the Visigoths, Huns, and Vandals go their way a bit. Maybe the serfs cries will be heard? Probably not.

Black Diamond
06-07-2020, 08:57 PM
Meanwhile, where the spark was lit:


Defund and disband, veto proof city council.

Unbelievable. Asinine.

06-07-2020, 09:01 PM
Yeah, thinking of getting a gun and lessons. Hey Sassy, can I come down to practice?

Black Diamond
06-07-2020, 09:06 PM
Yeah, thinking of getting a gun and lessons. Hey Sassy, can I come down to practice?

Good idea for everyone..

06-07-2020, 09:15 PM
I don't think he has any say in these types of matters.

I'm about at the point that I'm guessing we need the Visigoths, Huns, and Vandals go their way a bit. Maybe the serfs cries will be heard? Probably not.Depends on how you look at it. I'm looking beyond "dumbass Mayor and city" and getting to the part where the President of the United States is ultimately responsible for the safety and well-being of US citizens. When the chaos ensues, he CAN step in with Federal force. Unless the United States lost the Civil War.

End result? We already have several, Federal police agencies. Wouldn't they and the left (ultimately) love a Federalized National police force.

06-07-2020, 09:53 PM
Depends on how you look at it. I'm looking beyond "dumbass Mayor and city" and getting to the part where the President of the United States is ultimately responsible for the safety and well-being of US citizens. When the chaos ensues, he CAN step in with Federal force. Unless the United States lost the Civil War.

End result? We already have several, Federal police agencies. Wouldn't they and the left (ultimately) love a Federalized National police force.

I don't know enough about tactics and such. I do know that if it comes to the point that federal troops are needed across the country to 'keep the peace' the peace is already lost.

06-07-2020, 10:00 PM
Yeah, thinking of getting a gun and lessons. Hey Sassy, can I come down to practice?That should be easy. You'll know right away if owning a gun is right for you. All you have to do is hit the desert :)

06-07-2020, 10:05 PM
I don't know enough about tactics and such. I do know that if it comes to the point that federal troops are needed across the country to 'keep the peace' the peace is already lost.I didn't say it was okay. Definitely not optimal. I'm just looking at a situation.

Anytime you have to resort to force, you have technically lost. It's a means of last resort. Do note I said "force", not violence. The violence is what is creating the need. What little order and control there is will be gone should these dimwits defund the police. Somebody is going to have to step in, and only greater violence will stop mindless violence.

There are too many cars on the track at one time and this country's about to hit the wall if some clear heads don't do something real quick.

06-07-2020, 10:08 PM
I didn't say it was okay. Definitely not optimal. I'm just looking at a situation.

Anytime you have to resort to force, you have technically lost. It's a means of last resort. Do note I said "force", not violence. The violence is what is creating the need. What little order and control there is will be gone should these dimwits defund the police. Somebody is going to have to step in, and only greater violence will stop mindless violence.

There are too many cars on the track at one time and this country's about to hit the wall if some clear heads don't do something real quick.

It seems there is a very vocal minority that are bound and determined to try the Middle Ages. I really, really do not like 2020 or Level 6 of Jumanji!

Black Diamond
06-07-2020, 10:25 PM
Meanwhile, where the spark was lit:


Defund and disband, veto proof city council.

Here is an opinion I copied and pasted regarding what will happen as a result of defunding :

Citizens in poverty are going to live under the boots of gangs, drug dealers and corrupt politicians.

People with means are going to arm up and will protect themselves with lethal force when the criminals strip what little the poor have and invade the affluent sections of the city. When the criminals make their way to the suburbs, I can assure you there are enough veterans and hunters out there -- the criminals will be shredded.. The middle-class and affluent will then abandon Minneapolis is droves -- and the poor will suffer the most.

06-07-2020, 10:31 PM
Here is an opinion I copied and pasted regarding what will happen as a result of defunding :

Citizens in poverty are going to live under the boots of gangs, drug dealers and corrupt politicians.

People with means are going to arm up and will protect themselves with lethal force when the criminals strip what little the poor have and invade the affluent sections of the city. When the criminals make their way to the suburbs, I can assure you there are enough veterans and hunters out there -- the criminals will be shredded.. The middle-class and affluent will then abandon Minneapolis is droves -- and the poor will suffer the most.

The poor will always suffer the most. With the actions being take, I envision much more tax evasions and plain old failure to pay. The 'federal police' will be busy trying to keep the buildings standing.

The rich, (already have to a large measure), have their private armed security.

The middle class will go into defensive mode to the best of their ability. Accidents will happen, with sad results-though I'll bet that soon without much beating of the breast.

The poor, as you said, will be living in a desert without ready food, high prices, and danger around every corner.

06-07-2020, 10:32 PM
Here is an opinion I copied and pasted regarding what will happen as a result of defunding :

Citizens in poverty are going to live under the boots of gangs, drug dealers and corrupt politicians.

People with means are going to arm up and will protect themselves with lethal force when the criminals strip what little the poor have and invade the affluent sections of the city. When the criminals make their way to the suburbs, I can assure you there are enough veterans and hunters out there -- the criminals will be shredded.. The middle-class and affluent will then abandon Minneapolis is droves -- and the poor will suffer the most.Unfortunately, that makes sense.

06-07-2020, 10:33 PM
btw and not for nothing, but doesn't Minneapolis have a large raghead contingency?

06-07-2020, 10:39 PM
btw and not for nothing, but doesn't Minneapolis have a large raghead contingency?

yes, though they seemed to be targeted at time for arson and looting those first two nights.

06-07-2020, 10:41 PM
yes, though they seemed to be targeted at time for arson and looting those first two nights.Targeted by who? The police? The ones that are about to be defunded?

06-07-2020, 10:59 PM
Targeted by who? The police? The ones that are about to be defunded?

The rioters, looters, arsonists. It may not have been 50/50 racially, but close. Philly, as Abbey had noted was heavily black with the rioters.

Chicago was mostly black looters and such at night, though not true the first night on Mag Mile.

Hot Dogger
06-08-2020, 02:45 PM
Cops have been targeting Blacks for decades. Turnabout is fair play where I come from.

06-08-2020, 02:57 PM
It has already begun. Last week, i went to the California Highway Patrol website, and was greeted by a message saying that all of their offices were closed, and they apologized for any inconvenience. I should have taken a screenshot of it, it was jaw-dropping. I did not see the message this morning.

And during Xmas 2018, my local county Sheriff's Office closed down for 2 weeks, and only left a couple of patrolmen out, everyone else, the office workers, the detectives, and pretty much everyone simply went on an unannounced 2 week vacation. Who is gonna complain, and who would you even complain to about something like that.

I see this as a really disturbing trend myself, police (and other govt workers) flat out refusing to do their jobs, but still getting paid. It's an outrage to anyone who pays taxes and believes in accountability and the rule of law. Who's in charge here anyway?

06-09-2020, 08:26 PM
Yeah, thinking of getting a gun and lessons. Hey Sassy, can I come down to practice? Kathianne .... sure!

You could have tried to shoot rattler I found today. Picked up flower pot in front yard and it was under it. However, instead of wasting my ammo on it I picked up with snake catcher, put it in a bucket and walked about quarter mile south and released it in a packrat nest. It should be content down there for a few days.

Black Diamond
06-09-2020, 08:28 PM
Kathianne .... sure!

You could have tried to shoot rattler I found today. Picked up flower pot in front yard and it was under it. However, instead of wasting my ammo on it I picked up with snake catcher, put it in a bucket and walked about quarter mile south and released it in a packrat nest. It should be content down there for a few days.

Wow. I am sure the rattler was happy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-09-2020, 08:39 PM
These politicians, city councilmen,etc that are going along with the demand to defund or abolish the police are crazy.
Imagine this, during WW2, the insane cry goes out to defund/abolish the troops fighting Hitler and Nazi Germany!
And yes, that comparison applies.
These people organized groups are all anti-American traitors, imho.
These demands are not about righting a wrong- its about destroying what exists -so as to be able to install what-THEY- want.
Anarchy, chaos and a reforming of government, destroying of our Constitution, of our freedoms.
-Its political and it is spearheaded by the totally corrupt, treasonous socialist dem party.
Also much of this was planted by the seeds of the USA hating asshole obama and his cronies. A fact..-Tyr

Black Diamond
06-09-2020, 08:47 PM
These politicians, city councilmen,etc that are going along with the demand to defund or abolish the police are crazy.
Imagine this, during WW2, the insane cry goes out to defund/abolish the troops fighting Hitler and Nazi Germany!
And yes, that comparison applies.
These people organized groups are all anti-American traitors, imho.
These demands are not about righting a wrong- its about destroying what exists -so as to be able to install what-THEY- want.
Anarchy, chaos and a reforming of government, destroying of our Constitution, of our freedoms.
-Its political and it is spearheaded by the totally corrupt, treasonous socialist dem party.
Also much of this was planted by the seeds of the USA hating asshole obama and his cronies. A fact..-Tyr

WW2 would be America's fault because we terrorized them with the treaty of Versailles.

06-09-2020, 10:38 PM
WW2 would be America's fault because we terrorized them with the treaty of Versailles.
We never signed the damn thing!

Black Diamond
06-09-2020, 10:43 PM
We never signed the damn thing!

Minor details :cool:

06-09-2020, 10:48 PM
Minor details :cool:

Hot Dogger
06-09-2020, 10:59 PM
If you take the lives out of Black Lives Matter all that's left is a BM.

06-10-2020, 10:05 AM
Black lives DON'T matter... any more than ANY OTHER LIFE.

I wish the board was packed full of WOKE ASS CLOWNS so I could OFFEND the crap otta them saying that.

06-10-2020, 03:08 PM
#BLM Coalition Demanding Abolition of Police Previously Received $33 Million From Open Society Foundations

In 2016, organizations in the Black Lives Matter movement received $33 million in grants from the Open Society Foundations, founded by Hungarian hedge fund manager George Soros in 1993, and the Center for American Progress, founded by former White House chief of staff and Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta in 2003.

https://nationalfile.com/blm-coalition-demanding-abolition-of-police-previously-received-33-million-from-open-society-foundations/ (https://nationalfile.com/blm-coalition-demanding-abolition-of-police-previously-received-33-million-from-open-society-foundations/)