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View Full Version : Biden Rises to 14 Point Lead in New CNN Poll!

06-08-2020, 10:06 AM

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden now holds a commanding 14-point lead over President Trump in his 2020 bid for the White House, according to a CNN poll released early Monday.

The survey found that 55 percent of voters would throw their support behind the former vice president if the election were held today, while 41 percent would favor Trump.

The findings come as the U.S. grapples with a coronavirus pandemic that has caused more than 110,000 deaths and protests sweep across the nation in response to the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Biden's new double-digit lead over Trump represents a significant improvement from a similar CNN survey conducted in May. That one showed Biden with 51 percent support and Trump with 46 percent support.

Trump's dip in in a head-to-head match-up against Biden in the new poll coincided with a drop in his approval rating. Just 38 percent of respondents said they approved of the way Trump is handling the presidency, a 7-point decrease from last month. Meanwhile, 57 percent said they disapproved Trump's job performance.

Trump's approval rating in the CNN poll is the lowest it's been since January 2019, the network noted.

In addition, the new poll shows that more than 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of race relations. Sixty-five percent also said that the president's response to the protests following Floyd's death was more harmful than helpful.

A 14 point lead??? Really, after the past 3 months, plus the Senate Obamagate hearings coming up this summer?

I think Mr. Limbaugh was correct when he said that polls that are published this far in advance of an election are really only what the media desperately HOPE people's presidential pick will be. It's the Allinsky tactic of repeating a lie often enough, and people will eventually believe it. Plus the other rule about going for The Big Lie (or was that Goebbels?). I think both apply here. These CNN people always use the same tactics, it's laughable after you've watched them doing it for a while.


You know damn well CNN has the real poll numbers, but they'd be fools to publish that kind of valuable information.

Black Diamond
06-08-2020, 10:11 AM
Michael Dukakis had an 18 point lead in August 1988. How would you rate his presidency?

Black Diamond
06-08-2020, 10:29 AM
Polls this far out in either direction in general have no meaning.

06-08-2020, 10:54 AM
I still haven't figured out what the goal is to put out skewed polls. Is it to pump up your base at the expense of rallying the opposition base?

It just doesn't seem like there's any advantage to doing so.

Maybe to lend the appearance of a legitimate shot at winning to woo over the Bernie Bros because Orange Man Bad?

We're 2 months away from being deluged by polls from everyone who can open an excel file. Not looking forward to that.

06-08-2020, 11:07 AM
All I can say is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

06-08-2020, 11:37 AM
I still haven't figured out what the goal is to put out skewed polls. Is it to pump up your base at the expense of rallying the opposition base?

It just doesn't seem like there's any advantage to doing so.

Maybe to lend the appearance of a legitimate shot at winning to woo over the Bernie Bros because Orange Man Bad?

We're 2 months away from being deluged by polls from everyone who can open an excel file. Not looking forward to that.

It's easier to see what they are doing, if you reverse the poll results. Imagine this headline:

"Donald Trump Surges to 14 Point Lead in CNN Poll"

If a Trump supporter see a headline like that, they'll think, "Wow! People are finally coming to their senses. I feel good about his chances in November, and the polls back that up. And if I work to support his campaign, there's a real chance of my efforts paying off." But if a Democrat sees that headline (and believes it) the result would be, "Wow, Biden has no chance of winning, I'm depressed. I think i will just tune out of politics for a while, what's the use?"

06-08-2020, 11:57 AM
It's easier to see what they are doing, if you reverse the poll results. Imagine this headline:

"Donald Trump Surges to 14 Point Lead in CNN Poll"

If a Trump supporter see a headline like that, they'll think, "Wow! People are finally coming to their senses. I feel good about his chances in November, and the polls back that up. And if I work to support his campaign, there's a real chance of my efforts paying off." But if a Democrat sees that headline (and believes it) the result would be, "Wow, Biden has no chance of winning, I'm depressed. I think i will just tune out of politics for a while, what's the use?"

That's one theory.

However, I think it's far more likely to have the effect of lighting a fire under the asses of the campaign and supporters to turn things around.

I suppose it's just a clickbait more than anything at this point, and Lord knows CNN needs every click they can get these days.

06-08-2020, 12:01 PM
But, it's truly like giving someone a shit sandwich, they take a big bite, they then know it's a shit sandwich and throw it away.

But then the very same person hands you another shit sandwich and wants you take a big bite, and you're STUPID enough to do it. "Gee, they wouldn't give me a shit sandwich twice, would they?"

Well we KNOW these sons bitches are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH with their fake poll results. How many times you have to see it to know it? How many examples of them LYING to you does it take to wake your ass up?

14 fuckin' point lead... I mean holy SHIT... they've gone from just trying to fake it a little to going FULL BLOWN LIE BIG.

06-08-2020, 12:11 PM
Polls this far out in either direction in general have no meaning.

Oh agree...and we know whats going on...Just like the "Hillary's gonna win" vs Trump election...

With all the insanity coming from Democrats...and their senile chosen one...all they have left is fake polls...Hey..its a "Feel Good" thing with "Them":laugh:

06-08-2020, 12:19 PM
This new poll, and others, are all over the map. The national average is supposedly a 7.8 lead for Biden, but I don't believe it. Hillary had many leads just like these numbers. Then it sat at about a 5 point lead the day before the election. How did those numbers work out for her?

With all of the lying that the media has been outright busted about, I simply don't trust much of what comes from them anymore. And especially if it's CNN, or polls solely based on their watchers/readers.

06-08-2020, 12:23 PM
Oh agree...and we know whats going on...Just like the "Hillary's gonna win" vs Trump election...

With all the insanity coming from Democrats...and their senile chosen one...all they have left is fake polls...Hey..its a "Feel Good" thing with "Them":laugh:

All this new enthusiasm for Biden now! 14 points!

Must've been that line he used where he called someone "A Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier". Where the hell did that one come from? I guess when you have a man who has had the top of his head sawed off like a Frankenstein monster so his brain could get worked on, then put back, that tends to affect what comes out of his mouth sometimes. :clap:

06-08-2020, 02:34 PM
Polls: Trump approval drops"

"Hillary! Do you think low polls for Trump mean anything?"


06-08-2020, 03:42 PM
An even stupider Biden story (if that's possible). Joe (through a spokesman, Joe couldn't be bothered to say the words himself) is showing what a common-sense guy he is, and bravely rejecting calls to de-fund all police.

Wow, what a guy, he's down with the protesters, but only to a certain point. Eliminating cops is a bridge too far for old Joe. Such clear-thinking on the spokesman. He's actually a sensible guy on the really important issues. Our country could sure use a practical middle of the roader like Joe. :laugh:


ATLANTA — Joe Biden diverged Monday from activists pushing to “defund the police” in the United States, arguing that an overhaul of policing in America can be accomplished within existing law enforcement agencies.

A Biden presidential campaign aide said the Democrat “hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change” after George Floyd’s death by police in Minneapolis refocused the nation’s attention on institutional racism. But spokesman Andrew Bates added that Biden “does not believe that police should be defunded,” as some Minneapolis authorities are pursuing locally and some activists are demanding nationally.

Abbey Marie
06-08-2020, 03:50 PM
I still haven't figured out what the goal is to put out skewed polls. Is it to pump up your base at the expense of rallying the opposition base?

It just doesn't seem like there's any advantage to doing so.

Maybe to lend the appearance of a legitimate shot at winning to woo over the Bernie Bros because Orange Man Bad?

We're 2 months away from being deluged by polls from everyone who can open an excel file. Not looking forward to that.

I think there are two reasons to do a poll with purportedly high Biden numbers right now:
1. To convince the country that people are ok with the protest violence, and that Trump is fumbling the whole thing.
2. They also want to poll when the economy is at its nadir. Once it starts going back up, they know he will rise in the polls again.

06-08-2020, 04:30 PM
I strongly suspect these "polls" are made to order.

CNN: "We need a poll that shows Biden 13, no 14 points ahead. How soon can you have it?"

Polling Company: "We can run some numbers on who we need to poll and get you within 1/2 a percentage point, by the end of the week. Will that work?"

CNN: "Sounds good."

It's tough to know what the real numbers are, plus events just before the election can increase or decrease turnout, which I don't think anyone can predict. It's a very inexact science, but I think if you can get a handle on who is trending up or down, that's probably more useful to know. And I certainly don't see Biden trending upward much lately. WTF has he done or even said lately that would get anyone's attention.