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06-08-2020, 12:40 PM
In one of the "demands" from protesters AND CELEBRITIES- the spoke of funding. They claim that while police funding has went up every year since 1973, that public health funding has went down every single year since.

WTF?? At least the right has clarified for the readers that medicare was 13.1 billion back then, while now it's up to 639 billion! And overall the lastest public health numbers showed we spent 1.6 trillion last year in public health. So make sure when you listen to anyone on the left at all - confirm facts afterwards, as it's possible to be plain out made up shit!


The extraordinary hypocrisy of public-health experts

If you can remember that long ago, there was a time when the only protesters defying the Covid-19 lockdowns in the United States were small crowds of roughnecks from flyover country, waving flags and brandishing placards at state capitals.

Nonetheless, small incidents like this still outraged politicians and public-health experts. Writing in PennLive, four experts, including the well-known bioethicist Arthur Caplan, argued that those protesters were freeloading on the sacrifices made by people who observed lockdown restrictions.

They had little sympathy for the protesters if they fell ill with the coronavirus, even arguing that they should be denied medical care: ‘If the protesters can’t be persuaded that they are wrong and their behaviour is dangerous, they should own up to their political commitment and sign and carry a pledge stating they decline all medical care to treat Covid-19, should they fall ill if resources are being rationed.’

That was then. Now, crowds of tens of thousands have gathered to protest the appalling killing of George Floyd in cities across the country. Most of them are ignoring social distancing. If the public-health advice is correct, hospitals could expect a spike in coronavirus cases.

So are these protesters freeloaders? According to an open letter signed by hundreds of health workers, they are heroes. Lockdown critics may deserve to die without ventilators, but protesters against racism should be encouraged, praised and supported. The public-health response ‘must be wholly different from the response to white protesters resisting stay-home orders’, says the letter. ‘White supremacy is a lethal public-health issue that predates and contributes to Covid-19’, it continues.

Rest - https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/06/08/the-extraordinary-hypocrisy-of-public-health-experts/

And this one. Do not get me wrong, I have no issue with these peaceful protests. I believe George Floyd was wrongfully killed and I hope the officer gets found guilty of murder. This isn't about that.

This is about the hypocrisy from the left, and what lengths they are willing to go to in order to help get rid of Trump. This is all harmful to Trump - so therefore as they all have their masks on while talking to America, they couldn't care less anymore should these people get sick or make things worse. Well, it's worth it now, if it harms Trump anyway. And when others protested not long ago at all on protesting the lockdowns, some called them terrorists for doing so. All that talk of fear and death and violations and we MUST stay home, the economy dying, millions of jobs lost and companies shut down... and now is all quickly forgotten, rules out the windows and those that thought the righties were terrorists, are now fully supporting.

Public Health Is Political

If you fret that experts might lose credibility with conservatives, remember that the medical system lost it long ago with black Americans.

An open letter from public health experts this week sparked a lot of news coverage and more than a few claims of hypocrisy. Drafted by infectious disease experts at the University of Washington in response to the many requests they were fielding from reporters about the safety of demonstrating right now, it argues that protests against police brutality and institutional racism are not a threat to public health but vital to it. More than a thousand colleagues in the field cosigned.

Soon, skeptics arrived. What about the outcry against protesters of stay-at-home orders just over a month ago? As a widely shared headline in Politico on Thursday put it, “Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance.” “For months, public health experts have urged Americans to take every precaution to stop the spread of COVID-19—stay at home, steer clear of friends and extended family, and absolutely avoid large gatherings,” the piece began, eyebrow raised. “Now some of those experts are broadcasting a new message: It’s time to get out of the house and join the mass protests against racism.”

Rest - https://slate.com/technology/2020/06/public-health-advice-protest-safety-political.html