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09-13-2007, 06:15 AM
Ukrainian channel, whom does it cause troubles?
Cr. Galindo
The Danube is an important transport artery of Europe, the Pan-European Transport Corridor VII with the intense cargo traffic, the major part of which falls at lower reaches of the river. Today there is a prospective that this waterway may be lengthened in the direction of the industrial regions of Russia and Central Asian countries across the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, the Volga-Don Ship Canal and the Caspian Sea. Access to the Black Sea from the Danube is literally a real treasure which brings to its owner wealth and honor. And suppose there are two owners? If they are good neighbors and respect each other, neither of them will try to benefit at the expense of another, because eventually both will for sure come off losers. Some time ago such neighbors were the Soviet Union and its vassal – the communistic Romania. They got on well somehow, since Chaushesku's regime never thought of encroaching on the order established by Moscow, and the Romanian communists considered the income from their own channels quite good.

Nowadays everything is vice versa. Romania is a member of the European Union and NATO, and its neighbor is a non-member country – Ukraine, which for more than 10 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union had no time for channels in the Danube delta. During that time Ukraine had lost the maritime traffic possibilities on its own territory due to silting of the river mouth, and Bucharest enjoyed a monopoly in providing navigation between the Danube and the Black Sea. So, Kiev’s decision to restore its own channel in the Bystre mouth has seriously troubled the neighboring state because it destructed its monopolistic paradise. And how to prevent the neighbor from building what he wants in its own yard? Especially, as the monopolism is out of favor in the West, to which Bucharest appeals. Thus Bucharest officials have concocted the myth about ostensible damage, which the Ukrainian channel causes for really unique ecological system of the Danube delta. It has been 3 years that Romania has no more serious trouble, than thorough concern for flora and fauna in the Danube bayous on the Ukrainian territory, regardless of the fact that on its own territory the situation is not better. They say the channel in the Bystre mouth negatively influences the Romanian part of the reserve because if in the unified system the Ukrainian birds are feeling sad the Romanian ones would also be sad.

Heaps of paper have already been wasted for different appeals to all possible international institutions: both to the Committee of the Bern Convention and the Arhus Convention, and to the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention! Let alone creation of the International Challenge Commission within the limits of the Espoo Convention, when accusations against Ukraine concerning negative anthropogenic effect on the environment in the Danube delta were fantasized in Bucharest on as many as 24 counts. The Commission consisting of world-known authoritative hydrologists and ecologists has checked up all the facts and has noted the existence of certain probability of influence on the ecosystem only on 6 counts, but this still requires scientific confirmation. Eventually, the waste of paper has come to nothing: international institutions has acknowledged Kiev’s sovereign right to develop its own transportation routes, and the International Challenge Commission has adjourned its next session for March, 2008 and has decided that this question should be considered at the bilateral level.

However, the Romanian campaign with participation of some European mass-media brings Bucharest, as "a defender of ecology of the Danube delta", a number of political dividends and financial benefits. Namely, the North European Bank allocated Bucharest € 32 million credit for implementation of projects on management and restoration of ecological balance of the Romanian part of the reserve. Such advantages of obtaining cheap credits compensate somehow irritation with failures in struggle against the competitor. And the competition is fierce: channel dues in the Bystre are twice lower and idle time is considerably reduced due to round-the-clock two-way traffic, whereas the Romanian channel has one-way traffic and only during daylight hours. Anyway, one cannot but spite a competitor! So, the petty mercantile dirty tricks, such as 50% reduction of channel dues for ships with deadweight up to 4000 tons passing through the Sulina, are used. It is done to draw over small craft from the Bystre. Behaving probably like "dog in the manger", Romania first of all is cutting its own throat: in this case big vessels will have to stand in queue to pass the Sulina for a longer time. Consequently, this will affect the revenues of the Romanian channel. The interests of cargo owners can also be neglected: it doesn’t matter that they are waiting, as the channel owner is eager to fight with Ukraine.

So, the attempt of overall blockade of the Ukrainian project has failed. Nevertheless, Romania should recognize that the charges against Ukraine of non-observance of the international ecological standards did not withstand criticisms and did not cause desirable reaction of the European institutions. None of the international participants involved in the absurd "confrontation" has a priori spoken against the Ukrainian project of deep-water fairway and supported only the Romanian side. And it is quite right, because it is clear that if one doesn’t like anything belonging to his neighbor, who does nothing wrong, the former has to offer something to the latter that would satisfy both. And entangling in a quarrel of someone else is unworthy of respect. But it’s so desirable! And then we hear Bucharest frightening even NATO: squadrons of Russian military ships will allegedly reach the heart of Europe through the Ukrainian channel! If Kiev has prorussian government. Well, Romania has luxuriant imagination. So, Bucharest could also imagine submarines from Mongolia, and then the Martians, if the government is promongolian or promartian.

Meanwhile, the government’s initiative has been taken up by the Romanian mass media, probably, free from government’s influence. Hoping for psychological effect of regular dissemination of false statements about allegedly destructive consequences for the Danube delta of oil transportation from the Black Sea shelf to Europe through new Ukrainian channel the Romanian mass-media try to create a mistaken opinion about the situation in reality. The farther in, the deeper. "Through its channel Ukraine will be able to freely transport smuggled weapons, poach and sell illegally caught fish to Russia". And to gain final victory over mind of a reader the Romanian mass media make assumptions about possible bilateral territorial disputes because of works in Ukrainian Kiliysky branch.

As saying goes, "the devil rebuking sin!": really environmentally harmful activities are carried out near the Izmail Chatal cape where the main Danube riverbed divides into two channels: Ukrainian Kiliysky and Romanian Tulchinsky branches. But it is Romania, not Ukraine that conducts these activities and methodically attempts to redistribute the flow on its own benefit to fill the navigable channels at the expense of shallowing of the Ukrainian part of the delta. Nowadays numerous dams alongside the Kiliysky branch do not create mythical "ecological threat" but real health threat for the population of major part of the Odessa region, the water supply system of which depends on the Kyslytske and Stepove Danube branches. Each year the water level in these branches decreases, and eventually, the Bucharest hydrostrategists hope, probably, that Ukrainians will buy Romanian water not to drink from a bog!

Because of such water engineering the Romanian bay Musura is also shallowing but Bucharest blames for it the Ukrainian channel. Of course, it is very easy to pass fault for the harm they’ve done to themselves to Ukraine. Meanwhile, "unbiased" ecologists and nongovernmental organizations, turning blind eye to cyanides from gold-mines at Roshia Montana, which float down the Tisza to the Danube, work tensely to create new assumption concerning what kind of poison for flora and fauna will probably be transported through the Bystre mouth and undoubtedly split on the Romanian part of the reserve. It is necessary to make any public assumption in time - before oil spillages from the terminal near Moldavian Dzhurdzhuleshty will spread over mirror-like surface of the Danube. The inventive experts can be prompted: weakened by the “poison” and frightened to death the whole population of birds from canes near the Bystre will rush to the Bird's Island (Ptashyny Island), which, as it can be seen even from Bucharest, “grows promptly in the direction of the Sulina estuary”. And it doesn’t matter that for more than one hundred years of hydrological supervision this island has been enlarging in the direction of the sea.
But if to speak about the ecosystem of the Danube delta without irony it should be obvious for those, who really cares of the reserve, that intense amelioration on the Romanian territory has left no choice for local fauna: in order to survive animals and birds will live in the Ukrainian part of the delta. In this case, it is Ukraine that will receive credits for maintenance of environmental balance from the European banks.

It is clear, that the volume of Romanian freight traffic will be partially decreased. However, the anticipated growth of economic activity in the region as well as increase in volumes of transportation across the Danube will allow in future to load channels and ports of both countries. Creation of appropriate competitive environment corresponds to the transport strategy of the European Union, and Bucharest will not cope with the future freight traffic on its own. The EU plans concerning development of “sea highways” are also worth mentioning: coasting navigation can become the most important part of the international intermodal navigation according to the scheme "river-sea" for cargo deliveries to Central Europe.

In the context of ongoing formation of “new Europe” it is more relevant to develop joint strategy for using river transit potential of both countries and to maintain balance in exploitation of the Bystre and Sulina channels. Besides, development of cooperation in vessels maintenance and identification sphere, creation of navigation systems and electronic maps of the biggest main waterway of Europe brings much more positive results, than futile disputes.


09-13-2007, 09:19 AM
It's all Bush's fault.

09-13-2007, 10:23 AM
Are you aware that Bush supported the theroy of vote fraud in the Urikrane after the 2004 elelction there base solely on Exit polling not matching the elelction results?

It is one of the few times I agreed with Bush.
He at the very same time called the exit polls in our own country not matching the election results meaningless.

09-13-2007, 10:27 AM
Are you aware that Bush supported the theroy of vote fraud in the Urikrane after the 2004 elelction there base solely on Exit polling not matching the elelction results?

It is one of the few times I agreed with Bush.
He at the very same time called the exit polls in our own country not matching the election results meaningless.

Are you aware that things could be different in the Ukraine than America ?

09-13-2007, 10:36 AM

Here is a breakdown of what happened.

Exit polling has always been a first line of defense against vote fraud.

Are you suggesting the Ukraine is better at exit polling that the US?

09-13-2007, 10:37 AM

Here is a breakdown of what happened.

Exit polling has always been a first line of defense against vote fraud.

Are you suggesting the Ukraine is better at exit polling that the US?

after someone has voted is hardly the time say "hey--we gotta stop this"

09-13-2007, 11:07 AM

Here is a study which finds voter IDs to inhibit legal voter turn out.

Please someone provide a study that prooves Illegals vote in the US?

Originally Posted by Dilloduck
after someone has voted is hardly the time say "hey--we gotta stop this"

Any time is a good time to protect real elections from real fraud.

09-13-2007, 11:08 AM
ooppss, sorry

09-13-2007, 11:28 AM

Here is a study which finds voter IDs to inhibit legal voter turn out.

Please someone provide a study that prooves Illegals vote in the US?

Originally Posted by Dilloduck
after someone has voted is hardly the time say "hey--we gotta stop this"

Any time is a good time to protect real elections from real fraud.

You mean there are fake elections and fake fraud ? :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
09-13-2007, 11:52 AM
To the OP: Try smaller paragraphs next time. Readers need occasional breaks in the text. It's like we now have chesswarsnow's polar opposite. The demise of the paragraph!


09-13-2007, 11:56 AM
You mean there are fake elections and fake fraud ? :laugh2:

Yes they would be ones where say there is no way to check the validity of the elelction. For example one with no paper trail?

09-13-2007, 01:26 PM
And here I thought this thread was about rivers and canals in Ukraine and Romania. Silly me. And remember all votes are null and void unless certified by carter.

09-13-2007, 01:41 PM
Vote fraud can happen anywhere

09-13-2007, 02:14 PM
Vote fraud can happen anywhere

it only happens where dems don't win.

09-13-2007, 05:38 PM
Yes they would be ones where say there is no way to check the validity of the elelction. For example one with no paper trail?

An election with no paper trail is a fraud ? Amazing

09-13-2007, 05:51 PM
An election with no paper trail is a fraud ? Amazing

Why would anyone design a voting system you could not recount?

09-13-2007, 05:59 PM
Why would anyone design a voting system you could not recount?

Can you at least answer a question ?

09-17-2007, 06:43 AM
The Ukrainian fairway Danube-Black Sea started experimental operation in April 2007. Repair operations for vessel traffic support by Ukraine had been performing since November 2006. Further implementation of the Project (channel dredging directly over the Danube bed) will be continued after a set of procedures is fulfilled, which are provided by national legislation and international conventions, аnd the international agreement does not forbid to Ukraine to develop the transport corridor

09-17-2007, 07:08 AM
The Ukrainian fairway Danube-Black Sea started experimental operation in April 2007. Repair operations for vessel traffic support by Ukraine had been performing since November 2006. Further implementation of the Project (channel dredging directly over the Danube bed) will be continued after a set of procedures is fulfilled, which are provided by national legislation and international conventions, аnd the international agreement does not forbid to Ukraine to develop the transport corridor

Are you being a plagiarist, or did you forget to quote your source?

Here's one:


09-18-2007, 03:46 AM
Romania not only wants the Denube channel, but also expects to be offered Zmeiniy island.:laugh2: