View Full Version : The real racism problem

06-08-2020, 09:33 PM
I have been trying to look at the racism problem in our current political landscape, specifically white racism against blacks, through the eyes of lefties, blacks, or anybody who believes that there is such a problem. There is a red flag to me about focussing on white racism against blacks, since I already know that lefties are not willing to take an objective look at any other racism besides white on other races, but I still enjoy objective evaluation of topics that oppose my own ideology. On that note, I see something that cannot be quantified with statistics or MSM propaganda, something that is difficult for me to articulate. It is a type of discrimination that can't always be proven, but looks suspiciously like racial resentment when it happens. I suppose the closest thing that I could compare it to is a grudge. All of us can feel a grudge from family members, forum members, friends, or coworkers, but it is hard to document.

As far as I know, we all have been victims of grudge holders, but my objective take on why whites are the bad race against all others is that whites have made up a bigger part of the population, and there are advantages to being the biggest race. There is probably plenty of genuine unfair resentment and discrimination of other races that will never be documented or proven, and this is what I believe is a genuine racism thing that happens. I have no idea how to fix it, and I suspect the next race to become the biggest in the USA will become the new racists to be overthrown.

06-08-2020, 09:53 PM
I have been trying to look at the racism problem in our current political landscape, specifically white racism against blacks, through the eyes of lefties, blacks, or anybody who believes that there is such a problem. There is a red flag to me about focussing on white racism against blacks, since I already know that lefties are not willing to take an objective look at any other racism besides white on other races, but I still enjoy objective evaluation of topics that oppose my own ideology. On that note, I see something that cannot be quantified with statistics or MSM propaganda, something that is difficult for me to articulate. It is a type of discrimination that can't always be proven, but looks suspiciously like racial resentment when it happens. I suppose the closest thing that I could compare it to is a grudge. All of us can feel a grudge from family members, forum members, friends, or coworkers, but it is hard to document.

As far as I know, we all have been victims of grudge holders, but my objective take on why whites are the bad race against all others is that whites have made up a bigger part of the population, and there are advantages to being the biggest race. There is probably plenty of genuine unfair resentment and discrimination of other races that will never be documented or proven, and this is what I believe is a genuine racism thing that happens. I have no idea how to fix it, and I suspect the next race to become the biggest in the USA will become the new racists to be overthrown.

Who cares what kind of racist thoughts someone might have in their head, it's actual conduct that matters, not someone's "attitude" about this or that race. Short of totalitarianism, how can you control what other people think and feel, and why should you ever feel the need to control other people's opinions and attitudes anyway?

People can dislike you for all sorts of reasons, and it's everyone's prerogative to decide who they like and who they don't like, since there's no way to control people's attitudes about such personal things anyway, except through means so repressive as to be absurd.

06-08-2020, 10:08 PM
Who cares what kind of racist thoughts someone might have in their head, it's actual conduct that matters, not someone's "attitude" about this or that race. Short of totalitarianism, how can you control what other people think and feel, and why should you ever feel the need to control other people's opinions and attitudes anyway?

I feel the same way. We should be able to think what we want to, and we should be able to have whatever attitude we want. It is normal to have grudges against people, even if they aren't justified.

The statistics don't add up on racism as presented by the MSM, but I still like to attempt to find what our political opponents see. Most seem to just perpetuate what the MSM engineers and feeds to their base, but I'll still research it.

People can dislike you for all sorts of reasons, and it's everyone's prerogative to decide who they like and who they don't like, since there's no way to control people's attitudes about such personal things anyway, except through means so repressive as to be absurd.

Personally, I enjoy it when people are honest enough to tell me if they resent me or dislike me.

Good post.

06-09-2020, 07:02 AM
Common sense dictates that if you tell someone in no uncertain terms, that they are not allowed to hate a certain group of people, they just are gonna hate them that much more.

I had this experience in 6th grade, where we spent an entire year being propagandized about how terrible slavery was, how much black people suffered, why it was unfair, what we need to do to fix this unjust situation, etc. I knew a couple black kids in school, and they were fine. There was no need to bring up any of this kind of divisive shit. And I don't need to be told how I should feel about a given racial group, that's my business.

I guess my point is, no amount of "education" can stop someone from disliking someone else on account of race. And so-called training and sensitivity programs attempting to convince white people to join the pro-black pity movement are really counter-productive in most cases. Just leave people alone, is my position. Everyone has a right to be wrong in their beliefs.

06-09-2020, 07:13 AM
What do the following have in common?

1,. Chinese
2. Indians (from India)
3. Slavic people
4. Jews
5. Europeans
6. Brazilians
7. Indians - from the New World
8. Americans
9. British
10. Filipinos
11. North Africans
12. Arabs
13. Sudanese

Answer... members of all these groups have been enslaved

06-09-2020, 07:50 AM
If blacks truly think they have it so bad here, and it's all because of whitey, then if they want to be in nation where they are the majority so they can feel better, go back to Africa.

06-09-2020, 08:00 AM

Actually, it's a legitimate argument, but you always have some white liberal jumping in, on behalf of their beloved blacks who they believe are too stupid to come up with their own arguments. That person will inevitably say, "Well why don't YOU go back to Europe, you racist!" and place the entire topic off-limits to even consider.

I'm convinced that "well meaning" whites have screwed the pooch for blacks by giving them special allowances making it perfectly OK and expected that they will be dumb and unmotivated to improve their lives. Blacks, had they simply been left alone, never would have done this to themselves. They have become a tool of the left, and most don't seem to even realize it.

06-09-2020, 08:45 AM

Actually, it's a legitimate argument, but you always have some white liberal jumping in, on behalf of their beloved blacks who they believe are too stupid to come up with their own arguments. That person will inevitably say, "Well why don't YOU go back to Europe, you racist!" and place the entire topic off-limits to even consider.

I'm convinced that "well meaning" whites have screwed the pooch for blacks by giving them special allowances making it perfectly OK and expected that they will be dumb and unmotivated to improve their lives. Blacks, had they simply been left alone, never would have done this to themselves. They have become a tool of the left, and most don't seem to even realize it.
Well, no one forced white people to come to America. We did it because we're explorers. The blacks were forced to come here, so naturally it would make sense for them to want to go back to where they were forced to leave, but they don't, and there's a reason why. They'd rather stay here and bitch, whine, cry, AND RIOT AND LOOT AND BE VIOLENT, and demand MORE HAND OUTS and SPECIAL TREATMENT, since the democrats can't seem to miss an opportunity to WHORE THEMSELVES OUT to blacks for their votes.

Problem is, just like the sign you see in a national park that say's, DON'T FEED THE BEARS, because the bears will then become reliant on hand outs and won't hunt for food like they should. Same thing has happened to blacks. They've gotten so accustomed to hand outs, special treatment and pandering to them, and now it's on STEROIDS with people BOWING to them and WASHING THEIR FEET, that why in the hell should they go back to Africa where they get NOTHING? Hell they have it better here and they know it. They get a little dumber and a little more lazy with each generation. But they have learned one thing. Every time they see an opportunity to RIOT because some idiot white boy killed one of them, EVEN IF IT WAS JUSTIFIED, they know if they RIOT and CRY they'll GET SOME MORE FREE STUFF. The blacks know exactly what they're doing in that regard, and so do the DEMOCRATS. Apparently the majority of blacks don't mind living off table scraps from the democrats, just give them their hand outs and they're happy.

06-09-2020, 12:53 PM
I agree, in principle. And i would add that the real danger of this endless appeasement of black race hustlers, is that some day, it might become a crime to REFUSE to wash the feet of a black person. You can already get into trouble for calling them "colored" or "negro" or some other word that was okay a few decades back. If you wanna stay out of trouble, you gotta refer to them as "African Americans". That ground has been conquered, so now it's foot washing. I think eventually it might be the law that you have to call blacks "sir" or risk criminal prosecution.

So yeah, that whole foot-washing thing is a road best not taken, because a lot of people will be shocked and surprised to see where it really leads, It's the road to "black supremacy", where only blacks are considered to have the full rights of citizenship, such as in South Africa.