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View Full Version : Antifa Seeks Armed Volunteers to Hold Seized Ground in Seattle

06-10-2020, 12:54 PM
Anyone else notice the media left and right claiming there is no evidence at all showing antifa involved in any of this? Even thought their plans are all over the internet? Even though they announce their planned events? Even though I've seen hundreds of videos myself with them roaming the streets causing chaos? MSM is complicit.

And now this. WTF????

Will they deny they exist here too? Are our eyes and ears deceiving us here? Of course not.

This must end and should end immediately. But due to all the lashback, if they do, then the police get blamed for doing the wrong thing. But where the Eff do these scumbags think they have the right to do shit like this? Only a matter of time before a pack of disagreeing folks, armed themselves, show up to places like this and shit breaks out. :rolleyes:

They take the streets over, and sit there and blame the police. :rolleyes:


Antifa Seeks Armed Volunteers to Hold Seized Ground in Seattle

Antifa is reportedly seeking armed volunteers to take turns manning barricades and holding ground that protesters have seized within Seattle city limits.

The Gateway Pundit reports Antifa set up an “autonomous zone” that includes six square blocks they seized in Seattle. They are reportedly “advocating for ‘folks with firearms’ to take shifts defending the barricades” around the six blocks.


Medium reports the alleged seizure of the city blocks was followed by a list of 30 demands for the City Council and Seattle Mayor.

The first two center on abolishing the Seattle Police Deparment.

Demand one states:

The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.

The second demand is “no guns, no batons, no riot shields, [and] no chemical weapons,” be used against protesters during the “transitory period” in which the police department is being dismantled.

The list of demands are followed by a statement: “Although we have liberated Free Capitol Hill in the name of the people of Seattle, we must not forget that we stand on land already once stolen from the Duwamish People, the first people of Seattle, and whose brother, John T. Williams of the Nuu-chah-nulth tribe up north was murdered by the Seattle Police Department 10 years ago.”


Black Diamond
06-10-2020, 12:57 PM
America is not going to stand for this crap. The law and candidate will win the election. And to be in favor of or even mealy-mouthed about defunding the cops is a suicidal stance politically. Again, the dems are Going too far

06-10-2020, 01:27 PM
America is not going to stand for this crap. The law and candidate will win the election. And to be in favor of or even mealy-mouthed about defunding the cops is a suicidal stance politically. Again, the dems are Going too far

There have been a lot of positive strides for the black community over all of this. I think a lot of good can come out of this horrible event. But violence and destruction and looting from the antifa type is only doing harm to any cause they have.

06-10-2020, 01:28 PM
Imagine if some right wing militia was doing this. My God the democrat propaganda wing would be openly SHITTING THEMSELVES right on air.

Far as I'm concerned, these shit stains and their demands are absolutely nothing short of SEDITION and TREASON, and I think it's about time to arrest the damn lot and try them for it. Trump already declared them a domestic terrorist organization so what's the hold up?

If anyone denies the blatant double standard hypocrisy of the democrat propaganda wing, you're nothing but a bald faced liar.

06-10-2020, 02:11 PM
A good point - this could potentially be what the future looks like in some areas if the police are pushed out. :rolleyes:


Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle – Set Up Security Watch – Call for Armed Volunteers

Free Capitol Hill zone in Seattle, Washington.

This is your future with no police.

Democrats want to defund the police.
But don’t worry Antifa will defend you — for a price.

Antifa domestic terrorists set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle.

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/antifa-domestic-terrorists-take-police-precinct-6-square-blocks-seattle-set-armed-guard-watch/

06-10-2020, 02:23 PM
After everyone leaves the cities, bastions of Democratic voters, will the Dems be able to win elections like they used to?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-11-2020, 08:52 AM
I wonder at which point all these genius cavers and enablers are going to realize they are going to have to take back EVERYTHING they have given away without a struggle by force and it's going to cost a LOT more in lives and infrastructure than if they would just call bullshit now and do it now.

I'm trying real hard to understand what part of the US Constitution is a suicide pact, and who these idiot airheads giving away portions of a governed society to criminals are. I just can't wrap my head around people being that stupid.

This is to appease 13% of the total population. So where do the Pelosi's see themselves once these thugs are in charge of the Government of South Africa? Knowing that condescending bitch, probably as some revered benefactor and not the just another disenfranchised cracker:rolleyes:

06-11-2020, 08:57 AM
I wonder at which point all these genius cavers and enablers are going to realize they are going to have to take back EVERYTHING they have given away without a struggle by force and it's going to cost a LOT more in lives and infrastructure than if they would just call bullshit now and do it now.

I'm trying real hard to understand what part of the US Constitution is a suicide pact, and who these idiot airheads giving away portions of a governed society to criminals are. I just can't wrap my head around people being that stupid.

This is to appease 13% of the total population. So where do the Pelosi's see themselves once these thugs are in charge of the Government of South Africa? Knowing that condescending bitch, probably as some revered benefactor and not the just another disenfranchised cracker:rolleyes:
Antifa is not primarily black, not by a long shot. Indeed, they (antifa) are now using extortion on the business owners within the 7 blocks-if they don't want to see them burn.


06-11-2020, 09:02 AM
Antifa is not primarily black, not by a long shot. Indeed, they (antifa) are now using extortion on the business owners within the 7 blocks-if they don't want to see them burn.

https://mynorthwest.com/1935411/seattle-demontrators-checkpoint-chaz/I am aware antifa is not primarily black. The smokescreen is though. It has to be dealt with and sheered away leaving the real, malicious vermin in the light of way with nowhere to hide.

06-11-2020, 09:18 AM
I wonder at which point all these genius cavers and enablers are going to realize they are going to have to take back EVERYTHING they have given away without a struggle by force and it's going to cost a LOT more in lives and infrastructure than if they would just call bullshit now and do it now.

I'm trying real hard to understand what part of the US Constitution is a suicide pact, and who these idiot airheads giving away portions of a governed society to criminals are. I just can't wrap my head around people being that stupid.

This is to appease 13% of the total population. So where do the Pelosi's see themselves once these thugs are in charge of the Government of South Africa? Knowing that condescending bitch, probably as some revered benefactor and not the just another disenfranchised cracker:rolleyes:
I can tell you right now why they allow this... they KNOW the filth will have to be cleared out... they're hoping TRUMP DOES IT, so they can bash him and say, "see, we're still on your side, we didn't touch you."

That's one theory. Course it could be just as you presume. I wouldn't totally discount that the leftists running these cities are just that STUPID. But then again, they ARE the democrat party. The ones that took over downtown, are the same ones that got elected. They're one and the same. That IS your modern day DEMOCRAT PARTY.

I've said it a million times now... "DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH."

06-11-2020, 10:08 AM
I would not overestimate the strength of the radical red revolutionaries. They are doing what they are doing now, out of sheer desperation, following defeat after defeat.

Obamagate, "Russia Russia", and an extremely weak case for impeachment that flopped. Then Corona hoax, the shutdowns, and now the riots. If this desperate attempt to steal power fails, and it looks likely to if Trump pushes back (and he will have to at some point) they have nothing left.

They will be like Japan after the Battle of Midway. No path to victory possible. So their next move might be what Japan did. Kamakaze attacks by the true believers. But fortunately, the left has very few of those actually willing to die for their tired old red cause. These people are cowards, hiding behind their masks. Many of them will try to blend in when this is all over, but we should never let them. And never forget what they put our country though, over a silly power grab.

06-11-2020, 10:21 AM
I would not overestimate the strength of the radical red revolutionaries. They are doing what they are doing now, out of sheer desperation, following defeat after defeat.

Obamagate, "Russia Russia", and an extremely weak case for impeachment that flopped. Then Corona hoax, the shutdowns, and now the riots. If this desperate attempt to steal power fails, and it looks likely to if Trump pushes back (and he will have to at some point) they have nothing left.

They will be like Japan after the Battle of Midway. No path to victory possible. So their next move might be what Japan did. Kamakaze attacks by the true believers. But fortunately, the left has very few of those actually willing to die for their tired old red cause. These people are cowards, hiding behind their masks. Many of them will try to blend in when this is all over, but we should never let them. And never forget what they put our country though, over a silly power grab.

Perhaps. I, on the other hand, am not going to underestimate them. Here's an example for you. I underestimated the power of a virus to turn the United States of America into a quivering mass of Jell-o. It is my opinion that our reaction, as a Nation, to that virus did nothing but embolden all our enemies, both foreign and domestic. And we have done absolutely nothing, as Nation, to dampen their spirits; rather, our behavior/(lack of) reaction to this BS can do nothing but encourage them.

They had nothing to lose to begin with, so ANY gain is a win for them and a loss for us.

Don't confuse this anarchist crap with the Dems. The Dems, as usual, are just convenient stooges for the anarchists to hide behind, even as they are hiding among black protesters. They are too stupid to figure out something as simple as "the anarchists are just using you too". Perhaps if they'd quit changing history and read it?

Who were the first people Hitler got rid of once he was established and needed international recognition and legitimacy? Ernst Rohm and the SA. His enablers. So too will it be with the Dems should it come to pass they enable these anarchists to move into power.

06-11-2020, 10:38 AM
That was media propaganda, coming from the very top, that did us in, not a virus. IMO. Enabled by people believing that what they see on TV and read in the NYT is put out there in good faith by people who have everyone's best interests at heart. But I think the MSM's credibility has really taken it in the shorts after this one.

If you LIKE what the Dems and media are doing, and profit from it in any way, it all seems perfectly believable. But apply the tiniest bit of critical thinking, and the whole massive narrative comes crashing down. And when that happens, there' no going back to ignorance and stupidity. We don't know how many people this is happening to, but I suspect it might be quite a few.

I pray that it's millions, including a lot of fair-minded reasonable blacks.

06-11-2020, 10:45 AM
That was media propaganda, coming from the very top, that did us in, not a virus. IMO. Enabled by people believing that what they see on TV and read in the NYT is put out there in good faith by people who have everyone's best interests at heart. But I think the MSM's credibility has really taken it in the shorts after this one.

If you LIKE what the Dems and media are doing, and profit from it in any way, it all seems perfectly believable. But apply the tiniest bit of critical thinking, and the whole massive narrative comes crashing down. And when that happens, there' no going back to ignorance and stupidity. We don't know how many people this is happening to, but I suspect it might be quite a few.

I pray that it's millions, including a lot of fair-minded reasonable blacks.I thought I said that. It was our reaction, not the virus. Yes, the MSM was driving the train full throttle. As far as the rest of the World is concerned, our reaction, as presented by the MSM, IS our reaction. The "other person" perceives what they see and hear through THEIR filters, not the writer's. The writer's intent is to lead the reader to the conclusion the writer wants.

And boy, can the sheeple in THIS country, and World for that matter, be led.

06-11-2020, 11:31 AM
I thought I said that. It was our reaction, not the virus. Yes, the MSM was driving the train full throttle. As far as the rest of the World is concerned, our reaction, as presented by the MSM, IS our reaction. The "other person" perceives what they see and hear through THEIR filters, not the writer's. The writer's intent is to lead the reader to the conclusion the writer wants.

And boy, can the sheeple in THIS country, and World for that matter, be led.

You have to remember that one of the left's primary tactics is "astroturfing", where they try to make their rather small numbers appear much larger than they really are. This, combined with the ability they still have, to set a narrative with their media reporting (by having 2 dozen different new hosts all use the same word or phrase) is the real source of their power. If we ignore their narrative, they have no power over us.

I see that narrative slipping a lot lately do to the many very serious unforced errors the media left have been making in the past year or so. I would like to see more people cancel their cable subscriptions. This is the MSM's lifeline, because if you buy a cable TV subscription, you're supporting all the shitty commie networks too, even if you only watch Fox. That's why they don't let people order channels individually.

06-11-2020, 11:56 AM
You have to remember that one of the left's primary tactics is "astroturfing", where they try to make their rather small numbers appear much larger than they really are. This, combined with the ability they still have, to set a narrative with their media reporting (by having 2 dozen different new hosts all use the same word or phrase) is the real source of their power. If we ignore their narrative, they have no power over us.

I see that narrative slipping a lot lately do to the many very serious unforced errors the media left have been making in the past year or so. I would like to see more people cancel their cable subscriptions. This is the MSM's lifeline, because if you buy a cable TV subscription, you're supporting all the shitty commie networks too, even if you only watch Fox. That's why they don't let people order channels individually.

SO here's MY conspiracy theory: I would be not at all surprised if the group that backs AOC was behind this. They have stated their entire goal is to disrupt and create anarchy by any means, the end result being taking down the "status quo" (I read: "US Government". Anyone heard a word from her since all this crap started? Not saying she hasn't graced anyone with her puppet stupidity. I just figured as outspoken as she is, I haven't heard a peep for awhile. SO, maybe her group or another or maybe they're combined.

They're using the dems as a front, and a means to get the toehold. They have no intention of sharing power.

I see one possible outcome in this is the end of the dem party as we know it. I do not however see reason to cheer since what's coming behind them is worse. We know it won't be true anarchy. No such thing except on paper. It will just be replacing current elites that control everything with different elites that will control even more.

Just a thought.

Black Diamond
06-11-2020, 05:49 PM
There have been a lot of positive strides for the black community over all of this. I think a lot of good can come out of this horrible event. But violence and destruction and looting from the antifa type is only doing harm to any cause they have.

Yes but what concerns me is that somehow people are turning this on Trump and also they want the entire system turned on its ear.

I don't see how the incident is trumps fault. And why would anyone think it was?

06-11-2020, 06:29 PM
SO here's MY conspiracy theory: I would be not at all surprised if the group that backs AOC was behind this. They have stated their entire goal is to disrupt and create anarchy by any means, the end result being taking down the "status quo" (I read: "US Government". Anyone heard a word from her since all this crap started? Not saying she hasn't graced anyone with her puppet stupidity. I just figured as outspoken as she is, I haven't heard a peep for awhile. SO, maybe her group or another or maybe they're combined.

They're using the dems as a front, and a means to get the toehold. They have no intention of sharing power.

I see one possible outcome in this is the end of the dem party as we know it. I do not however see reason to cheer since what's coming behind them is worse. We know it won't be true anarchy. No such thing except on paper. It will just be replacing current elites that control everything with different elites that will control even more.

Just a thought.

I consider the Dems like Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer, to be inseparable from Antifa and all the various communist, neo-racist, and anarchist groups. The street thugs are merely the armed wing of the Democratic party, like Hitler had his SS. Both groups want power, and the differences as to what either group would do once in power seem pretty inconsequential. Pelosi and the Democrats want to try to present a respectable front, and might go a little slower than the anarchists, but they are both trying to take the US to the same destination. A communist utopia like Cuba, Veneuela, or maybe a totalitarian one like China or North Korea.

Maybe the two groups have differences, but I have not seen any Democrats advising that the BLM and Antifa groups exercise any sort of restraint or caution. Maybe what you are saying is, the Democrats no longer control the radicals, and that may be correct. But until I see one Democrat try to disavow any of this violence, i will assume they are on the same side and working toward the same goals.

06-11-2020, 06:58 PM
I consider the Dems like Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer, to be inseparable from Antifa and all the various communist, neo-racist, and anarchist groups. The street thugs are merely the armed wing of the Democratic party, like Hitler had his SS. Both groups want power, and the differences as to what either group would do once in power seem pretty inconsequential. Pelosi and the Democrats want to try to present a respectable front, and might go a little slower than the anarchists, but they are both trying to take the US to the same destination. A communist utopia like Cuba, Veneuela, or maybe a totalitarian one like China or North Korea.

Maybe the two groups have differences, but I have not seen any Democrats advising that the BLM and Antifa groups exercise any sort of restraint or caution. Maybe what you are saying is, the Democrats no longer control the radicals, and that may be correct. But until I see one Democrat try to disavow any of this violence, i will assume they are on the same side and working toward the same goals.What I am saying is pretty much what you said, just differently except who is controlling who. I thin the established Dems are of course embracing anything, to include destroying the Nation, to bring down Trump because he's Trump. A stupid reason. They want to stay in power and envision themselves as benefactors to a segment of society that will show its gratitude for being "freed from the oppressive right" by reelecting them to power.

That could be with BLM. It's just another minority special interest group that believes it is entitled because it was born and deserves more Rights, privileges and handouts than everyone else. They have singled whites and/or Republicans/conservatives out as the enemy.

I don't believe antifa and/or other groups of its ilk -- anarchists -- have any plans whatsoever for the Democratic Party in the future any further than it can use it to rise to power.

A correction to your history: Hitler was a member of the SA -- "brown shirts --, led by Ernst Rohm. Hitler rode the SA all the way to power and the Chancellorship. He THEN established the SS as his personal bodyguard. The SA then became a political burden because they were just thugs. When Hitler and Rohm disagreed on where the party was supposed to be going, and for political expediency -- to distance himself from the thugs -- Hitler and Himmler orchestrated the Night of the Long Knives where Rohm and the upper echelon of the SA were assassinated by the SS, along with any other political opposition to Hitler.

I consider the Democratic Party the SA to the anarchists. Enablers who can't see history's writing on the wall.

06-11-2020, 07:13 PM
I think see your point. If Antifa and BLM ever did ever somehow topple the US govt (kind of a ridiculous idea, but I will run with it) "moderate" Democrats would probably be the first to be taken out and shot, just for not being quite as "down with the struggle" as the hard core revolutionaries. Or maybe Nancy, Bernie and Chuckie Schumer would get sent to a nice communist rest home, where they could draw in coloring books with red crayons, and make really crude clay busts of famous communist leaders. :laugh:

But in any event, they would definitely no longer be in power.

06-11-2020, 08:25 PM
I think see your point. If Antifa and BLM ever did ever somehow topple the US govt (kind of a ridiculous idea, but I will run with it) "moderate" Democrats would probably be the first to be taken out and shot, just for not being quite as "down with the struggle" as the hard core revolutionaries. Or maybe Nancy, Bernie and Chuckie Schumer would get sent to a nice communist rest home, where they could draw in coloring books with red crayons, and make really crude clay busts of famous communist leaders. :laugh:

Three months ago, I would have thought it ridiculous as well. To clarify, I don't think BLM is jack nothing. Just another leftwingnut handout group that thinks they were born entitled because they were born. They're goal is reparations and unequal Rights and more handouts.

The anarchists, antifa or whoever are getting their wet dream come true. They had nothing. Now they have a city. Always starts with one. And don't kid yourself, today's dumbasses have no idea what communism is,nor how it actually worked, and probably can't even spell it. They just don't want to work and don't believe they should have to, being entitled by birth n all, and I think they're the ones buying this crap.

Nothing is going to work the way these non-thinkers believe. Unfortunately, empires have fallen for this very reason. The builders are gone. Our youth haven't had to fight for jack shit. We're whats left of the builders, thinkers and realists. The takers are what is coming next. It willbe THEN they come to realization that without us, they don't know what to do with what they have taken.

There IS still time to stop this shit. So far I see nothing.

Your last sentence made me laugh. What I wouldn't give for a pic of THAT:laugh:

06-11-2020, 09:18 PM
Why Antifa needs armed volunteers when they could just have kept the COPS there to do the job??? It should be funny soon, when they realize they are out of public services like NO more portable potties, food they stole is ALL GONE, can't forget the Toilet paper shortage, and who is going to CLEAN UP THEIR OWN TRASH AND TAKE IT AWAY?

Sounds like they had a really Good...THOUGHT OUT Plan...Huh?

Let them have their way. Eventually they will be asking for 3 HOTS and a COT in the local jails.

06-11-2020, 09:27 PM
Their parents will bail them out and send money, as usual.

Too bad R. Lee Ermey isn't still alive. We could send him in there to straighten them kids out. :)

Somebody needs to send in the grownups. Or maybe some slaves, to help out BLM, LOL.

Black Diamond
06-12-2020, 10:54 AM