View Full Version : Waco, The Rules of Engagement (1994)

06-11-2020, 02:40 PM
I have to watch this every few years, to remind myself, what an agency of the federal govt will do to avoid having its budget cut. And how much the news media will lie, demonize, and cover up for them, if they happen to agree with the cause.

Since it was Bill Clinton's administration in power then, they of course agreed with everything done to the "innocent" Branch Davidians. Innocent of murder, at least, according to a Texas criminal court that tried the survivors, due the fact that they acted in self-defense:

Eleven Branch Davidians faced trial in January and February of 1994, charged with conspiracy to murder federal agents, murder of federal agents, and various weapons charges. All eleven were found innocent of conspiracy to murder and murder. However, five were convicted of aiding and abetting voluntary manslaughter and eight of weapons charges. (One Davidian cooperated with federal authorities, pled guilty to impeding federal agents and received a three year sentence.)

The below link details the post-fire criminal procedural history.


I thought it was an exceptionally well-made documentary, and Roger Ebert of all people, voted it best documentary of the year. FWIW. There are lots of familiar faces, Feinstein, Schumer, Tom Lantos (remember him?).


Hot Dogger
06-13-2020, 06:10 AM
The reason they were mass murdered is because the Branch Davidians were getting like a million dollars a year in various welfare. That's exactly why they were targeted and murdered, they were not killed, they were mass murdered by Janet Reno's Department of Injustice.