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View Full Version : Portland Mayor latest to allow for anarchy

06-13-2020, 09:46 AM
Many, very many, democrat leaders are purposely standing back and allowing for illegal activities and supporting those activities. Outright reversing decisions to protect property and citizens. Not a one off, or just a couple, but as if it's all of them doing so, as if perhaps they want nation wide illegal acts.


Portland Really, Really Wants You to Know the Mayor Is Not Interested in Protecting City Hall

On Thursday, PJ Media reported on the decision to erect a plywood wall around City Hall in the city of Portland, Oregon. Other outlets, including this one, couldn’t help but notice the hypocrisy of this notoriously liberal city and its mayor, Ted Wheeler, a strong opponent of border walls, which, in his view are racist.

Soon after the story was published, PJ Media was contacted by Heather Hafer, the public information officer for the city of Portland’s Office of Management and Finance, requesting a retraction of the article.

I’m writing to confirm that Mayor Ted Wheeler was not aware that a wall was being erected around City Hall. This decision was made by the Office of Management and Finance’s Division of Asset Management. This decision was made to protect a City asset, the historic City Hall building, which had recently undergone a multimillion dollar renovation. As soon as both the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer, Tom Rinehart, found out about the wall they immediately directed staff to remove it. I would like to reiterate that we know putting up the wall was a mistake and it was not the message we want to send to our community members.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/06/12/portland-really-really-wants-you-to-know-the-mayor-is-not-interested-in-protecting-city-hall-n520673