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View Full Version : Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrested for $6 million bribe

06-13-2020, 10:20 AM
Biden and his team, and democrats & the MSM all wish to hide the scandal and corruption behind all the Burisma dealings. And it's not just them, but folks in Ukraine would also like to see charges and investigations disappear. With this arrest hopefully they will gain more information. And of course Trump and company shouldn't ignore this and should not only investigate, but also make this known throughout the election and campaigning. Along with Biden's son and China as well.


Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrest Individual Allegedly Attempting to End Investigation Into Burisma and Hunter Biden with $6 Million Bribe

An individual was reportedly arrested by Ukrainian Law Enforcement who was attempting to bribe government officials with $6 million to end an investigation into Burisma and Hunter Biden.

It was first reported yesterday that:

This evening Ukrainian investigators seized $6 million in cash and arrests were made in an alleged bribe to Ukrainian prosecutors to halt investigations into the Burisma group of companies and involvement with Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, CDMedia has learned. The bribes were allegedly to the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Office of the Special Prosecutor (SAP). This information was posted on official NABU social media. We are told the operation had been under way for 2 weeks and is still ongoing.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/breaking-report-ukrainian-law-enforcement-arrest-individual-allegedly-attempting-end-investigation-burisma-hunter-biden-6-million-bribe/

06-13-2020, 10:47 AM
Looks like some Ukranians used their heads for once. $6M is a LOT. Obviously even the dumbest banana in the bunch can see where taking that bribe would go just as soon as the investigation into why the investigation was stopped got going. Prison for accepting a bribe. No way that's going to not be noticed and found out.