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View Full Version : As the Cities Burn -- COVID-19?

06-14-2020, 10:17 AM
Y'all can believe in coincidences all you want. I'm not big on them. Especially when the math works.

Here in the State of Texas, we have had a spike in COVID-19 cases. Now the left/GoebbelsNN is telling us that it is a result of "re-opening". We were never really shut down.

This "spike" also conveniently (for the purposes of my argument) comes at the same time as all the protesting, rioting/crime. The spike appears to be mostly in the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex and Houston.

Dallas/Ft Worth and Houston are 2 of the largest blue cities in the country, never mind the State. Those two cities harbor the largest numbers of Dumbo-crats, and the largest number of blacks in this State.

I could be wrong, but if you're going to run around shoulder to shoulder in mobs -- protesters OR criminals -- you're just asking for it. While I do not wish particular harm on any of the people protesting; although, I think they're stupid, I'm not going to lose a bit of sleep over them dropping in droves. Dead or alive, if they're Dems they'll STILL vote:rolleyes:

The criminals? Drop dead, MFers. You reap what you sow.

Black Diamond
06-14-2020, 11:31 AM
Yes this is going to be true all over the country. Wherever there were protests there will be spikes. What were we supposed to believe? That the virus decides not to attack you if you're protesting white privilege?

06-14-2020, 11:53 AM
Yes this is going to be true all over the country. Wherever there were protests there will be spikes. What were we supposed to believe? That the virus decides not to attack you if you're protesting white privilege?I consider it deserved. It isn't like the virus went away. Just in the MSM. Re-opening was going to be bad enough, and the MSM couldn't say enough about it until one black guy got murdered. After that? Nothing. The virus is on Page 3.

For those of us not burning down our own houses and local businesses, we have to deal with going back to work. Rather, exposing ourselves to the public again. My daughter has to teach school and my granddaughters have to go to school. Whatever they bring home the little guy and I get stuck with.

In other words, life just goes on for those of us not stuck on stupid. Assess the damage and move on. In this case, if theis country doesn't watch out, 13% of the population is going to be running the whole damned show. NOTHING would please me more right now than some good old fashioned BACKLASH. Barring that? The collective "them" running out and catching COVID by their own actions works pretty good too :)