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View Full Version : The new panic lie: Increased coronavirus.... fear tactics

06-14-2020, 04:52 PM
All this talk of panicking again and the virus is spiking in many cases again, and of course rallies shouldn't happen again. :rolleyes:

They wouldn't ever not tell the wholes story, would they? Tell a story in a way to purposely panic people, when the numbers are truly minimal?

MSM is useless anymore, nothing more than political mouthpieces.


Horowitz: The new panic lie: Increased coronavirus hospitalizations and cases in the southwest

The health “experts” and the media propagating viral panic porn think people like us don’t understand arithmetic. They think they can manipulate headline stories warning of increased cases of COVID-19 in order to push more lockdowns, ignoring all the ways that more cases are being discovered, while the percentage of positive tests, new hospitalizations and deaths, and the lethality of the virus are all waning significantly.

“Arizona’s COVID-19 spread is ‘alarming’ and action is needed, experts warn,” read the title of an Arizona Republic article on Wednesday. Yahoo News breathlessly warned about a “spike” in all the southwestern states.

As is always the case, there is a grain of truth that is hugely distorted by numerous obfuscations of important facts and context. The truth is that new hospitalizations of people coming in for serious coronavirus infections are actually extremely low. What they are actually counting are the extra people coming in for all of the delayed health care caused by the lockdown. But thanks to universal testing in hospitals, they are discovering more asymptomatic cases than ever before, which had nothing to do with the original purpose of the hospital stay. Thus, they are blaming the fallout of the lockdown on the easing of the lockdown!

This chart from Arizona’s coronavirus dashboard says it all.



As you can see, if you break down the new admissions by date of admission, as this chart does, the numbers are actually near zero over the past week. There was only one new admission on Wednesday, the last day of reporting. What the media is focusing on is the cumulative total of beds in use, reflected in this chart.


The total number of “positive” COVID-19 patients currently using beds in the hospital system is high. Now you might wonder how cumulative numbers could be so high if the new daily intake is so low? It’s quite obvious that the first chart is only counting those who actually come in with new serious cases of COVID-19, for example those who have trouble breathing because the virus attacked their lungs. Those cases are extremely low relative to April.

The cumulative number chart, on the other hand, counts any “positive or suspected inpatient COVID-19 patients.” Now that the number of people coming into hospitals in general, for any reason, is much higher than during the peak of the epidemic and also testing has become standard, they are likely counting anyone who tests positive as a COVID-19 patient in that chart, even if they came in for chest pains or trauma. Which is why there is a note at the bottom of the chart observing that the numbers are very volatile. Obviously, if the same number of patients of all conditions had come in to hospitals six weeks ago and we had had the rapid testing capabilities, the number of positive cases would have been recorded as even higher than they are today.

This dichotomy is likely reflected in the following chart of COVID-positive patients admitted to the emergency rooms.


The same trend we see in Arizona is playing out in Texas and likely in other states that had both low COVID-19 numbers and very few general patients in hospitals during the peak of the epidemic.

This is from Texas 2036. Notice that the number of people admitted *for* COVID19 is flat. It's the number *with* COVID19 is rising.

That could be a consequence of more testing and the hospitals opening back up. pic.twitter.com/ZrazzlCX5H

— 𝐉𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐭 (@JayCostTWS) June 10, 2020


Thus, the dichotomy between patients who are actually being driven to the hospital by the virus vs. those who are there for other purposes and just test positive is huge and did not exist during the peak.

It’s not that the virus doesn’t exist any more, it’s that it has either become less potent, has already attacked those who would otherwise get seriously ill from it, or a mixture of both. This is why Dr. Donald Yealy, the chair of emergency medicine at UPMC, who’s been responsible for 30,000 tests in Pennsylvania, recently observed that those with the virus appear to be carrying lower viral loads and aren’t getting as sick from it as they did in March and April.

This is why in Wisconsin, where thanks to the state supreme court ruling, citizens have been free from lockdown for nearly a month, not a single COVID-19 death was reported on Tuesday. Even though the number of positive cases has not gone down that much, deaths have plummeted.


Likewise, among the states the media is flagging for a spike in cases is California, which had a long and strict lockdown. Of course, there is zero correlation in outcomes. Overall, even that “spike” was reversed yesterday:


Rest - https://www.conservativereview.com/news/horowitz-new-panic-lie-increased-coronavirus-hospitalizations-cases-southwest/

06-14-2020, 06:11 PM
I posted a thread about the "spike", but it certainly wasn't about panicking. As I stated in that thread, life goes on for most of us.

I have taken note of this thread specifically because of the title. Looks like some are catching on. Not enough, IMO, but some is better than none.

We (the US) has been in one MSM-driven "panic" after another since 2016. Most blame the Dems, but I'm not so sure. Of course they are part and parcel and willing accomplices, but one has to look at the facts and wonder just WHO is driving WHO? The Dems? Or the MSM?

The MSM has collectively lost it's damned mind over Trump. It has done nothing but report controversy advantageous to itself/the left, or disadvantageous to the the Right/Trump. In several instances, I firmly believe it has created the controversy for lack of anything real.

I also believe the mass panic over the coronavirus was not necessary. The excessive and unnecessary outrage and destruction following the death of Floyd I believe is a result of being bottled up as long as we were over the virus. In either case, this chaos plays into the hands of the left over-all and not the right. Because once again, NOTHING is being accomplished by Government.

06-14-2020, 06:28 PM
With the help of the Democrats in Cooperation with the Blessed Chinese. The Pelosi, AOC, Schiff, Nadler, Obama, Clinton Cartel paid for by George Soros who supports BLM, and ANTIFA.

IMO...They are taking advantage of the PERFECT STORM of panic, lies, and extortion. As predicted, and originated by Saul Alinski long ago.

If you check...you will see how the Dems are following his orders to create Socialism.


Found the ANTIFA Fascist Handbook: https://libcom.org/library/antifa-anti-fascist-handbook

They are following Saul Alinski's rules...by the way Alinski is one of Hillary's Idol's.

06-14-2020, 07:54 PM
Anyone here remember "PRARIE FIRE" from the 70's????


We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years. We are deeply affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle against U.S. imperialism.

Our intention is to disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody functioning against the people of the world, to join the world struggle, to attack from the inside.

Our intention is to engage the enemy, to wear away at him, to isolate him, to expose every weakness, to pounce, to reveal his vulnerability.

Our intention is to encourage the people, to provoke leaps in confidence and consciousness, to stir the imagination, to popularize power, to agitate, to organize, to join in every possible way the people's day to day struggles.