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View Full Version : Can you support the flag, the police AND stand against police brutality?

06-15-2020, 01:07 PM
Of course you can, but it's being made into a one or the other agenda.

I've always said "case by case basis" on many things, and it applies here in a major way. Now of course, there needs to be reform from within like I said. Perhaps some rule changes about the types of choke holds that are allowable, the style that kills if applied incorrectly. Clarify and education about when the weapon comes out and deadly force is allowable. Many programs to try and bring the police and the community together, and respect one another.

There doesn't need to be 'abolish the police' or 'f*** 12' and other things to boldly state in various ways that all police are bad and need to go. That's simply not true by a longshot.

So why can't someone kneel respectfully and call out for reforms to fix police brutality within the black community - and support the cops that are simply out there doing their jobs to help the community and do no wrong? The times I have seen the most change is when black and white stood together, whether that be citizen next to citizen, or citizen next to police officer. The outright hatred of all or abolish of all only leads to animosity and negativity and then illegal actions on the streets.


An aside when it comes to kneeling and professional sports.

I like to think that the majority of sports players love America as much as you and I. And even those kneeling may feel exactly the same, but use the time to make a point and get a message across.

Why not work out a way that your TV time still gets your message and kneeling across, just not during the national anthem? Say maybe everyone gather arm in arm in unity, kneel for 2-3 minutes, and then the anthem begins. ---- Or do the usual and everyone stands and does the usual for the flag and the anthem, but as soon as it completes everyone kneel in unity? Of course this gets worked out in a manner with the NFL and the TV networks for maximum exposure. They can even plan short events and visuals all around it. The only difference being is that there is no anger, hopefully all positive & hopefully all players getting involved. And I believe the message gets across even better with more players involved, and the fact that they evolved and don't do it during the anthem.

Just my thoughts, and that whole 2 cents thing is usually overpriced when it comes to my rants. So I dunno, maybe like 1/4 of a penny or so? :dunno:

06-15-2020, 01:33 PM
I am amassing enough American Flag stuff to be seen from the Moon. I'm about tired of all this disrespectful bullshit.

I've always mistrusted police and the system. At the same time, I don't have problems with police because I say yessir, nossir and good day, sir, don't act like an ass, make any sudden/dumbass moves, go for their weapons, run, nor anything else that would otherwise have them treat me in any manner other than respectful. I don't consider that being because I am white. I consider it being because I'm not stupid.

Other side of the coin, I can remember staring at Iraqi's just waiting for them to twitch the wrong way. I wanted to make chow just as I suspect that cop wants to go home to dinner. Not giving them a reason to do anything but be on their way sounds smart to me.

None of the above excuses bad people. Some manage to get cop uniforms. Some where Marine uniforms. They're everywhere. Can't blame the entire lot for the actions of the few. Except the left has made a living out of doing just that.

Hot Dogger
06-15-2020, 07:09 PM
No, because it's neither my job nor am I obligated to "support" the flag and cops. In other words, in legal contractual terms regarding offer and consideration, the question that was asked means the flag and cops have to support me; but I don't seek codependancy. This idea that the flag and cops "deserve our respect" is nothing but infantile nonsense. Support and respect are earned commodities where I come from, Missouri. So show me the money first, then I'll try to think of cops and the flag in glowing terms. And I don't have to praise or condemn cops and flags to know that police brutality and systemic racism are serious problems in the USA.

06-15-2020, 07:18 PM
No, because it's neither my job nor am I obligated to "support" the flag and cops. In other words, in legal contractual terms regarding offer and consideration, the question that was asked means the flag and cops have to support me; but I don't seek codependancy. This idea that the flag and cops "deserve our respect" is nothing but infantile nonsense. Support and respect are earned commodities where I come from, Missouri. So show me the money first, then I'll try to think of cops and the flag in glowing terms. And I don't have to praise or condemn cops and flags to know that police brutality and systemic racism are serious problems in the USA.Wasn't the question. You're just part of the problem.

06-15-2020, 07:19 PM
What is it with these stupid protests, anyway?

Virtually no one is for police brutality. Virtually no one is for racism. Who do these need-to-get-a-job protesters think they are demonstrating against? Or is it just that they're having too much fun protesting, rioting, looting, and lighting other people property on fire, and they just can't stop now?

06-15-2020, 07:22 PM
What is it with these stupid protests, anyway?

Virtually no one if for police brutality. Virtually no one is for racism. Who do these need-to-get-a-job protesters think they are demonstrating against? Or is it just that they're having too much fun protesting, rioting, looting, and lighting other people property on fire, and they just can't stop now?They are waiting for the handout they are entitled to for gracing the rest of us by being born :rolleyes:

06-15-2020, 09:41 PM
They are waiting for the handout they are entitled to for gracing the rest of us by being born :rolleyes:

Ever heard of ROE V. WADE? And if so. Why didn't they save us all then?

06-15-2020, 10:47 PM
What is it with these stupid protests, anyway?

Virtually no one is for police brutality. Virtually no one is for racism. Who do these need-to-get-a-job protesters think they are demonstrating against? Or is it just that they're having too much fun protesting, rioting, looting, and lighting other people property on fire, and they just can't stop now?

Maybe you should start researching black history and you'll understand the answers to your questions. The system was made by the white man, benefits the white man and the white man will hold on with their cold dead hands. Ask yourself this question. Would you trade your skin for a black man's skin? There is your answer to inequality and 400 years of oppression and murder.

06-15-2020, 11:28 PM
Maybe you should start researching black history and you'll understand the answers to your questions. The system was made by the white man, benefits the white man and the white man will hold on with their cold dead hands. Ask yourself this question. Would you trade your skin for a black man's skin? There is your answer to inequality and 400 years of oppression and murder.

Your continued racist bigotry is as plain as Nancy Pelosi's Big Red Clown Nose. Say hi to your best friend and dummy Nancy for us.

By the way. How long do you expect to stay there in Seatle in the ZONE?

Black Diamond
06-15-2020, 11:57 PM
What is it with these stupid protests, anyway?

Virtually no one is for police brutality. Virtually no one is for racism. Who do these need-to-get-a-job protesters think they are demonstrating against? Or is it just that they're having too much fun protesting, rioting, looting, and lighting other people property on fire, and they just can't stop now?

And spreading covid 19..

Black Diamond
06-16-2020, 12:17 AM

Hot Dogger
06-16-2020, 02:47 AM
Wasn't the question. You're just part of the problem.

I'm glad to be a problem because something needs to be done about all the nonsense going on in the country. USAMRIID and the WHO attack us with COVID, our state governors respond by doing all they can to destroy our liberties and freedoms, while President Orange Haired Orangutan stands around like he's got bubblegum on his shoes.

06-16-2020, 07:07 AM
And spreading covid 19..

We're not the one's selling 1 million tickets for a dumb rally. We are protesting for justice. Bit of a difference there.

06-16-2020, 07:21 AM
Maybe you should start researching black history and you'll understand the answers to your questions. The system was made by the white man, benefits the white man and the white man will hold on with their cold dead hands. Ask yourself this question. Would you trade your skin for a black man's skin? There is your answer to inequality and 400 years of oppression and murder.

Lol, your prattling sounds like you read 15 cardboard signs at one of these protest-riots, and just strung the words together into a sentence.

I'm as aware of black history as you are. The racism that black people face is not the result of an evil "system" that some white bad guys concocted to persecute black people. It is the evolution of two different cultures that have lived next to each other for hundreds of years but have not mixed well. It makes for a more energetic protests to pretend it is an evil scheme of white people, though.

06-16-2020, 01:27 PM
We're not the one's selling 1 million tickets for a dumb rally. We are protesting for justice. Bit of a difference there.

Somebody had to tell you how to spell the word JUSTICE because you used it as a cover of your ignorance to convince all of us just how dumb you really are. But...we were convinced a long time ago. By the way. You don't need tickets to attend a BIDEN rally, there's no room in his basement for more than 10 people...IF HE LET'S YOU IN!

06-16-2020, 01:29 PM
We're not the one's selling 1 million tickets for a dumb rally. We are protesting for justice. Bit of a difference there.

What is that difference, specifically? Can the thousands around the nation involved in any protesting, violence or looting - can they get the virus if they breath it in? Are they immune since it's for an underlying good cause?

And we'll also see, if Biden can get out there and get straight sentences complete, and if he holds any type of rally - if you come back and talk about how dumb it is for him to do so....

You're a hypocrite. Not a peep on here at all in the past 2-3 weeks about the likely millions in total that were out there protesting or getting violent around the entire nation. But now the peeping starts, because it's Trump. And why? Because that is EXACTLY what the MSM has been doing. Those protesting just a few weeks ago - and there was a difference then, then it was domestic terrorism and they will spread the virus. A week later, since you agree with a "cause", it's suddenly ok. Then another week later, and now folks wanting to go out to a rally are back to being dumb or whatever.

Pure idiocy, again. :rolleyes:

06-16-2020, 01:31 PM
No one wants to address the question specifically, whether or not one can support the flag AND stand against any police brutality? Or the alternate ideas for when to kneel, to maybe have folks meet in the middle and all on the same page.

Black Diamond
06-16-2020, 02:11 PM
We're not the one's selling 1 million tickets for a dumb rally. We are protesting for justice. Bit of a difference there.

People the last 3 months were not trying to protest the deaths of black criminals. They were wanting/needing to make a living. Bit of a difference there.

Black Diamond
06-16-2020, 02:14 PM
No one wants to address the question specifically, whether or not one can support the flag AND stand against any police brutality? Or the alternate ideas for when to kneel, to maybe have folks meet in the middle and all on the same page.

Meeting in the middle is impossible in this environment. You can support the lives of blacks, but not the organization called black lives matter. You can support the flag and stand for it and be against the few cops who are brutal and racist. If the left calls you racist for feeling the way *you *well they can go fuck themselves. Simple really.

06-16-2020, 06:20 PM
Maybe you should start researching black history and you'll understand the answers to your questions. The system was made by the white man, benefits the white man and the white man will hold on with their cold dead hands. Ask yourself this question. Would you trade your skin for a black man's skin? There is your answer to inequality and 400 years of oppression and murder.This is a stupid, racist comment. Not surprising coming from a leftbot.

06-16-2020, 06:23 PM
I'm glad to be a problem because something needs to be done about all the nonsense going on in the country. USAMRIID and the WHO attack us with COVID, our state governors respond by doing all they can to destroy our liberties and freedoms, while President Orange Haired Orangutan stands around like he's got bubblegum on his shoes.Let me rephrase then. You aren't much more than a nuisance. If and when anyone pays attention to your ramblings. Alas, I DO get bored and sucked in sometimes :rolleyes:

06-16-2020, 06:24 PM
We're not the one's selling 1 million tickets for a dumb rally. We are protesting for justice. Bit of a difference there.Don't look now, but criminals are running the other way with your football. Get a clue.:rolleyes:

Black Diamond
06-16-2020, 06:29 PM
Don't look now, but criminals are running the other way with your football. Get a clue.:rolleyes:

Be funny watching it cost Pete and his ilk in November.

06-16-2020, 06:30 PM
[QUOTE=jimnyc;962747]No one wants to address the question specifically, whether or not one can support the flag AND stand against any police brutality? Or the alternate ideas for when to kneel, to maybe have folks meet in the middle and all on the same page.[/QUOTE jimnyc I did. Were you looking for a controversial response or something?

I am sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States (the law) against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I despise scumbag cops for the same reason I despise scumbag Marines. Takes one shithead to make us ALL go through this kind of crap.

Now if you want me to get all "decorative" with my answer, just say so :)

06-16-2020, 06:37 PM
I am amassing enough American Flag stuff to be seen from the Moon. I'm about tired of all this disrespectful bullshit.

I've always mistrusted police and the system. At the same time, I don't have problems with police because I say yessir, nossir and good day, sir, don't act like an ass, make any sudden/dumbass moves, go for their weapons, run, nor anything else that would otherwise have them treat me in any manner other than respectful. I don't consider that being because I am white. I consider it being because I'm not stupid.

Other side of the coin, I can remember staring at Iraqi's just waiting for them to twitch the wrong way. I wanted to make chow just as I suspect that cop wants to go home to dinner. Not giving them a reason to do anything but be on their way sounds smart to me.

None of the above excuses bad people. Some manage to get cop uniforms. Some where Marine uniforms. They're everywhere. Can't blame the entire lot for the actions of the few. Except the left has made a living out of doing just that.

Exactly. If people would just comply, there wouldn't be all these problems. No executive orders or new laws will help anything if the compliance problem isnt reconciled first.

06-16-2020, 06:46 PM
We're not the one's selling 1 million tickets for a dumb rally. We are protesting for justice. Bit of a difference there.

You worded your post so that it sounds like somebody actually IS selling a million tickets to a dumb rally. Is this true, or did you hear it on CNN? Who is selling the 1 million tickets?

06-16-2020, 07:00 PM
Of course you can, but it's being made into a one or the other agenda.

I've always said "case by case basis" on many things, and it applies here in a major way. Now of course, there needs to be reform from within like I said. Perhaps some rule changes about the types of choke holds that are allowable, the style that kills if applied incorrectly. Clarify and education about when the weapon comes out and deadly force is allowable. Many programs to try and bring the police and the community together, and respect one another.

There doesn't need to be 'abolish the police' or 'f*** 12' and other things to boldly state in various ways that all police are bad and need to go. That's simply not true by a longshot.

So why can't someone kneel respectfully and call out for reforms to fix police brutality within the black community - and support the cops that are simply out there doing their jobs to help the community and do no wrong? The times I have seen the most change is when black and white stood together, whether that be citizen next to citizen, or citizen next to police officer. The outright hatred of all or abolish of all only leads to animosity and negativity and then illegal actions on the streets.


An aside when it comes to kneeling and professional sports.

I like to think that the majority of sports players love America as much as you and I. And even those kneeling may feel exactly the same, but use the time to make a point and get a message across.

Why not work out a way that your TV time still gets your message and kneeling across, just not during the national anthem? Say maybe everyone gather arm in arm in unity, kneel for 2-3 minutes, and then the anthem begins. ---- Or do the usual and everyone stands and does the usual for the flag and the anthem, but as soon as it completes everyone kneel in unity? Of course this gets worked out in a manner with the NFL and the TV networks for maximum exposure. They can even plan short events and visuals all around it. The only difference being is that there is no anger, hopefully all positive & hopefully all players getting involved. And I believe the message gets across even better with more players involved, and the fact that they evolved and don't do it during the anthem.

Just my thoughts, and that whole 2 cents thing is usually overpriced when it comes to my rants. So I dunno, maybe like 1/4 of a penny or so? :dunno:
Police brutality can't be dealt with until the compliance problem is. If people do not fear police brutality, they will not comply. I can support the flag and the police while standing against police brutality, but only of police brutality is being used for corrupt purposes. Police brutality used against a rapist or murderer in the act might not be so bad, right? We need to know the circumstances for police brutality to know if it is bad or not.