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06-18-2020, 12:38 PM
Nation wide the police are being hammered as one. All the good police, which are the majority of them, are under assault verbally and physically. Yes, the bad apples deserve the punishment they get. But the police as a whole are feeling attacked, and this is going to be the results. A shame, but as others stated below, I can understand why the good cops walk off the job.

Too lazy to take screenshots, so just the plain text of all the tweets about this:

‘Let it burn!’ It sounds like that walk-off by Atlanta police is a real thing; Georgia Bureau of Investigation not consulted on charges

As Twitchy reported earlier, an Atlanta cop who shot and killed a man who stole a Taser and seemingly threatened him with it will be charged with felony murder and 10 other counts, according to the Fulton County district attorney.

We’ve been hearing ever since that police in Atlanta are making their displeasure with that charge known:

Steve Deace

Just got this email from an Atlanta police officer:

"Atlanta police officers are refusing to answer the radio and walking off of the job. The county can go screw themselves. If you want a society without police we’ll give you one. Let it burn!"

6:04 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Rob O'Donnell
My contacts in the Atlanta Police Department inform me that members from evening shift Zone 4 walked off the job shortly followed by Officers in Zone 3 and 6. The good members of the ATLanta_Police will not stand for @FultonCountyDA’s activism in place of applying the law. https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1273355470850404354 …

Jack Posobiec

Good cops are going to walk off the job after this. The political class is pandering to the mob and trying to persecute officers for every issue in the world. Cultural revolution.

5:53 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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shon gables cbs46

Breaking: Sources confirm Atlanta Police officers in zone 6 have walked out. Sources say they drove back to their precinct, turned in their keys and went home. Officers in zone 3 are allegedly doing the same. @CBS46 #ContinuingCoverage #Atlanta #BlueFlu

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8:40 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Johnny (Joey) Jones

Text from APD officer:

“I can confirm the walk-off is real. Whole shifts have left and overnight shifts are refusing to come in”

8:21 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Fmr. Sheriff Mark Curran 🇺🇸


US Senate candidate, IL
Replying to @Johnny_Joey @EWErickson
And they won't be the last. 99% of LEOs are good ppl who uphold their oath & do a thankless job. Why would they continue to do it if they're receiving even more hate? While being shamed & smeared for the actions of a few bad apples? I mean would you do that job? #RayshardBrooks

8:23 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Steven Crowder

To all the GOOD Officers, THANK YOU for your service... but none of us would blame you if you walked. We understand.

6:20 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Carmine Sabia

Dear Atlanta PD we will start a GoFundMe to support your families. How many unreasonable restrictions do Democrats think they can place on you before you say f**k it?

8:43 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Replying to @Johnny_Joey
Good! Everyone has to stand up for the cops on this one. I am disgusted by what is going on. Am I still in the USA? WTF

8:24 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Nick S
Replying to @Johnny_Joey lisaMarieBoothe
This is how they're "defunding police" without actually doing it. They're gonna make it so bad that good cops retire and nobody will want to be one in the future.

8:26 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Mary Hoyt
Replying to @Johnny_Joey
Listening to scanner. Silence

8:41 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Corey Summers
Replying to @Johnny_Joey
It’s shame but I totally understand!!

8:25 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Replying to @Johnny_Joey
I don’t blame them at all. No one in their city government has their back.

8:38 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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See Cristin's other Tweets

Patricia Palardy
Replying to @Johnny_Joey
I don’t blame them. As much as that saddens and scares me I understand why they would. If I were a cop right now I would turn in my badge, go home, pull down the shades, lock the door and hug my family.

8:34 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Elaine Padovano
Replying to @Johnny_Joey
They are absolutely right to do this.

8:27 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Replying to @Johnny_Joey @noGMOsHollywood
I listen to the police scanners for a hobby and I have never seen as many listeners as there are right now it ATL, over 12k. Usually its under 100 listeners. Also, zero activity on the usually active ATL scanner. Did dispatchers walk off too??

8:50 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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See GirlTraderX's other Tweets

billy ragland.
Dispatch is still dispatching calls but there are no officers responding. Its the real life purge in Atlanta yall.

9:07 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Rick Lammers
Replying to @SteveDeaceShow
Yikes. I would leave the job if I were a police officer and get myself and my family out of the city as soon as possible.

6:11 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Celia Merryheart
Replying to @MersofLam @SteveDeaceShow
Yup. I would not try to ride it out at home.

6:19 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Jim Stone
Replying to @SteveDeaceShow
I’m sure police officers all over the country are furious about the charges levied against the Atlanta cops. They were not warranted, they’re an overreaction. Democrats will have a lot to answer for as more cops resign & recruiting has been destroyed.

7:24 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Reality Bites
Replying to @SteveDeaceShow
Christ, the amount of entitlement is just ludicrous. These people put their lives on the line to keep people safe and recieve nothing but contempt. Now, they refuse to risk their lives if they are going to be vilified for doing their job and people demand they get back to work...

7:45 PM - Jun 17, 2020
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Replying to @SteveDeaceShow
Yikes.....sigh...can’t necessarily blame them....you get what you ask for and I have a feeling the general population will be regretting this soon enough 😔

6:23 PM - Jun 17, 2020

More here - https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/06/17/let-it-burn-it-sounds-like-that-walk-off-by-atlanta-police-is-a-real-thing-georgia-bureau-of-investigation-not-consulted-on-charges/

Atlanta PD Seems to Suffer Outbreak of 'Blue Flu' After Charges Brought in Rayshard Brooks Case

Need a Cop, Atlanta? Shoulda Thought About That Earlier.
Police in the United States have been under siege for almost a month now because of one very bad cop in Minneapolis. Men and women who risk their lives every time they go to work are being painted with a broad brush, being portrayed as plagued by systemic racism and routinely abusing power. That, after all, is the justification for all the rioting and looting the last three weeks.

Yes, they are bad cops out there. There are bad people in every profession. Human beings are a messy bunch and some of us are just plain evil. Most of us aren’t though. This collective guilt nonsense that we’re being told we must believe in to be better people is absurd.

Some of the cops out there have been trying to appease the mob, kneeling with them and hoping that they would act a little less lunatic. Others have gone about doing their jobs under very trying circumstances, sometimes running afoul of their civilian overlords.
After charges were filed against the officers involved in the Rayshard Brooks shooting in Atlanta, several members of the police department didn’t seem to be up to coming into work. The exact number of cops who didn’t show has been difficult to determine as the police union won’t admit that it’s actually happening and the media is just hoping this will go away.

There were numerous people on Twitter monitoring police scanners and confirming that the walkout seemed to be extensive.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2020/06/18/the-morning-briefing-atlanta-pd-seems-to-suffer-outbreak-of-blue-flu-after-charges-brought-in-rayshard-brooks-case-n544165

Black Diamond
06-18-2020, 12:41 PM
Hmm let it burn. Is that a Sherman reference?

06-19-2020, 11:20 PM
If there is a support police protest I will attend.

06-20-2020, 12:03 AM
If there is a support police protest I will attend.

We had one here, I wished I'd known.

06-20-2020, 08:34 AM
If you were related to breonna taylor and found out the only punishment was the cop got fired, you might have a different perspective right about now.

06-20-2020, 09:44 AM
If you were related to breonna taylor and found out the only punishment was the cop got fired, you might have a different perspective right about now.If I was related to Breona Taylor I would probably have been indoctrinated from birth that regardless what the relative did, the cop would be at fault.

Why don't you ever get made at the people who perpetuate these myths/lies? Easier to hang the cop, right? Than actually think about something and see it for what it is?

There's no personal accountability on the left and especially with blacks. Black culture teaches it. Think they can do whatever the Hell they want and someone will let them off the hook. As has been pointed out time and again, what about all the white people killed by cops? They don't even get in the news. Don't hear about it. More whites are killed by cops than blacks.

And what does actual history have to say? Criminals get caught. Some get killed. The odds are against them. Or used to be, anyway. It still is that way with whites. You choose to be a criminal or commit a criminal act, you deserve the punishment that goes with it. If you exacerbate that punishment by fighting with cops you're just asking for it. THAT is not a black thing. It's a ops n robbers thing and those rules were set long before poor, pitiful, put-upon blacks stole it and made it their own.

06-20-2020, 09:56 AM
If I was related to Breona Taylor I would probably have been indoctrinated from birth that regardless what the relative did, the cop would be at fault.

Why don't you ever get made at the people who perpetuate these myths/lies? Easier to hang the cop, right? Than actually think about something and see it for what it is?

There's no personal accountability on the left and especially with blacks. Black culture teaches it. Think they can do whatever the Hell they want and someone will let them off the hook. As has been pointed out time and again, what about all the white people killed by cops? They don't even get in the news. Don't hear about it. More whites are killed by cops than blacks.

And what does actual history have to say? Criminals get caught. Some get killed. The odds are against them. Or used to be, anyway. It still is that way with whites. You choose to be a criminal or commit a criminal act, you deserve the punishment that goes with it. If you exacerbate that punishment by fighting with cops you're just asking for it. THAT is not a black thing. It's a ops n robbers thing and those rules were set long before poor, pitiful, put-upon blacks stole it and made it their own.

It's not about total numbers, it's about the ratio and the difference in punishments. This is proven that blacks go to jail more often and longer than whites for the same crime. There are racial reasons blacks have been pushed into inner cities. You think they enjoy themselves there? No. Ask yourself, would you trade your skin for a black man's? How many black friends do you have, how many in your neighborhood are black? How many blacks in your school district? If you were hiring and got two candidates, one with the name Shaquina Johnson and the other Henry Carlson, which do you instantly gravitate too? Systematic racism is very real. Implicit bias is very real. Blackness has been ingrained into whites as bad. We judge our schools and neighborhoods by the absence of blacks. Imagine one day, your neighborhood turns 75% black. What is your instinct. You'll prolly move. Blacks are only accepted when they assimilate into whiteness. The slave discrimination and racist laws didn't go away, they just changed into something more hidden. For example, I have friends who are in a interracial relationship. They went house hunting a few years ago. The black women did not go with my white male friend to look at homes because there are homes realtors won't show a black person. My white friend also went to the bank alone to get a loan. That is white privilege. I was also just reading about a black farmer in iowa who is basically going out of business because the banks in his area give him his loan 3-4 months later than the white farmers in the area. That means his crop is always lower. This kind of stuff happens all the time.

06-20-2020, 10:16 AM
It's not about total numbers, it's about the ratio and the difference in punishments. This is proven that blacks go to jail more often and longer than whites for the same crime. There are racial reasons blacks have been pushed into inner cities. You think they enjoy themselves there? No. Ask yourself, would you trade your skin for a black man's? How many black friends do you have, how many in your neighborhood are black? How many blacks in your school district? If you were hiring and got two candidates, one with the name Shaquina Johnson and the other Henry Carlson, which do you instantly gravitate too? Systematic racism is very real. Implicit bias is very real. Blackness has been ingrained into whites as bad. We judge our schools and neighborhoods by the absence of blacks. Imagine one day, your neighborhood turns 75% black. What is your instinct. You'll prolly move. Blacks are only accepted when they assimilate into whiteness. The slave discrimination and racist laws didn't go away, they just changed into something more hidden. For example, I have friends who are in a interracial relationship. They went house hunting a few years ago. The black women did not go with my white male friend to look at homes because there are homes realtors won't should black person. My white friend also went to the bank alone to get a loan. That is white privilege. I was also just reading about a black farmer in iowa who is basically going out of business because the banks in his area give him his loan 3-4 months later than the white farmers in the area. That means his crop is always lower. This kind of stuff happens all the time.I promise you, you're barking WAY up the wrong tree. This white privilege you lefties like to talk about? Haven't had it a day in my life.

There are more blacks in my neighborhood than whites. There are also more Hispanics. I've never lived in a "white neighborhood". Lived in some black ones though. So yeah, the law has changed. The slave mentality, and black culture have not. THAT is the problem.

But we all got along. One thing I can say about being poor, everybody around you is so nobody gives a shit.

I got news for you, Pete, poor whites don't grow up with any more privilege or "stuff" than poor blacks. We just don't get to blame it on skin color. We have to get out and work or not eat. Because if we want grants, loans, welfare, whatever ? We are WAY less likely to get any of that than a minority.

I had no more opportunity than anyone else regardless color. I got myself the f*ck out. I have very little patience for those who make excuses not to. Regardless reason, I've had to put my life back together from nothing so I have little patience for those who just make excuses.

And if it makes you feel any better, I never really thought about it, but I have more Hispanic and black acquaintances than white ones. Skin color is an excuse and I'm sick of hearing about it.

I'm more sick of the hate and destruction that such a superficial concept has created. And it ain't whites getting rich of keeping the label of "racism" alive. Think about THAT.

Black Diamond
06-20-2020, 10:32 AM
It's not about total numbers, it's about the ratio and the difference in punishments. This is proven that blacks go to jail more often and longer than whites for the same crime. There are racial reasons blacks have been pushed into inner cities. You think they enjoy themselves there? No. Ask yourself, would you trade your skin for a black man's? How many black friends do you have, how many in your neighborhood are black? How many blacks in your school district? If you were hiring and got two candidates, one with the name Shaquina Johnson and the other Henry Carlson, which do you instantly gravitate too? Systematic racism is very real. Implicit bias is very real. Blackness has been ingrained into whites as bad. We judge our schools and neighborhoods by the absence of blacks. Imagine one day, your neighborhood turns 75% black. What is your instinct. You'll prolly move. Blacks are only accepted when they assimilate into whiteness. The slave discrimination and racist laws didn't go away, they just changed into something more hidden. For example, I have friends who are in a interracial relationship. They went house hunting a few years ago. The black women did not go with my white male friend to look at homes because there are homes realtors won't show a black person. My white friend also went to the bank alone to get a loan. That is white privilege. I was also just reading about a black farmer in iowa who is basically going out of business because the banks in his area give him his loan 3-4 months later than the white farmers in the area. That means his crop is always lower. This kind of stuff happens all the time.

Sounds good. Let all the blacks out. Settle them in white liberal neighborhoods where the highest ratio of white guilt lies. You can atone for your white privledge in the most brutal way.