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View Full Version : BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls for Independent Black Lives Matter Political Party

06-23-2020, 12:37 PM
Yep, the same one who called for $14 trillion in reparations.

So imagine they followed through on this. And had some success. And eventually, folks feel THEIR interests are being overlooked. And then comes the 'white political party', maybe Mexican, Spanish, maybe for middle eastern refugees? And all the others would likely be laughed at. And the white idea considered criminal.

All this would accomplish is creating more division.


BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls for Independent Black Lives Matter Political Party

Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Robert Johnson is calling on Black Lives Matter to break away from the Democrat Party to form an independent political party.

Joe Biden’s racist “you ain’t black” comment appears to have been what motivated Johnson to come up with this idea.

During a Tuesday morning appearance on CNBC, the billionaire explained, “I’ve been convinced for a long time that 40 millions African Americans who tend to vote as a bloc in one of the two parties limit their leverage in getting action from both parties.”

Last week, Johnson wrote a letter to Black Lives Matter urging them to do exactly that:

I am writing to you with a suggestion that Black Lives Matter (BLM) consider establishing a formal independent political party. The party could be founded on the principle articulated by the founding members of the Congressional Black Caucus in 1971. That formative principle stated, “Black people have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies.…just permanent interests.” The effort to create an independent Black party, created specifically to address Black issues, is not a new idea among Black people. There are many people, both Black and white who believe that independent parties can make a significant contribution to the current political system as to how this nation of 300 million diverse citizens can be governed in the best interest of all Americans. Many pundits will try to convince you that it is impossible for independent parties to exist in this country. They will argue that the American people seem to be satisfied with just two choices. To the contrary, I believe a politically astute and structured Black independent party, committed and engaged in the electoral process, can prove them wrong.

Earlier this month, Johnson argued for $14 trillion — with a “T” — in slavery reparations, which would be pretty difficult in a country that only has $1.5 trillion in cash floating around. Anyway…

On CNBC, Johnson expanded on his Black Lives Matter independent party idea: “I think it’s time African Americans to form an independent party, not be an appendage of one party or ignored by the other party.”

“Had African American interests been fully embraced by one of two of the dominant parties, we wouldn’t have the tremendous social and economic racial issues that we have now,” he continued.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/06/23/nolte-bet-founder-robert-johnson-calls-for-independent-black-lives-matter-political-party/

06-23-2020, 01:30 PM
Yep, the same one who called for $14 trillion in reparations.

So imagine they followed through on this. And had some success. And eventually, folks feel THEIR interests are being overlooked. And then comes the 'white political party', maybe Mexican, Spanish, maybe for middle eastern refugees? And all the others would likely be laughed at. And the white idea considered criminal.

All this would accomplish is creating more division.


BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls for Independent Black Lives Matter Political Party

Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Robert Johnson is calling on Black Lives Matter to break away from the Democrat Party to form an independent political party.

Joe Biden’s racist “you ain’t black” comment appears to have been what motivated Johnson to come up with this idea.

During a Tuesday morning appearance on CNBC, the billionaire explained, “I’ve been convinced for a long time that 40 millions African Americans who tend to vote as a bloc in one of the two parties limit their leverage in getting action from both parties.”

Last week, Johnson wrote a letter to Black Lives Matter urging them to do exactly that:

Earlier this month, Johnson argued for $14 trillion — with a “T” — in slavery reparations, which would be pretty difficult in a country that only has $1.5 trillion in cash floating around. Anyway…

On CNBC, Johnson expanded on his Black Lives Matter independent party idea: “I think it’s time African Americans to form an independent party, not be an appendage of one party or ignored by the other party.”

“Had African American interests been fully embraced by one of two of the dominant parties, we wouldn’t have the tremendous social and economic racial issues that we have now,” he continued.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/06/23/nolte-bet-founder-robert-johnson-calls-for-independent-black-lives-matter-political-party/

This is inline with what Tucker Carlson said last week about the power grab and that BLM was a political party, stronger currently than the others.

06-23-2020, 04:23 PM
I'm all for it. Take the black vote away from the Dems and deal with blacks as the 13% of the population they are. I agree with NONE of this BLM crap. I pretty much don't agree with any of this entitled, childish crap from the black community.

BUT IF I was black? I sure as Hell wouldn't want to be part of the Democratic Party nor associated with all this thugishness. Yes, blacks own some it, but not all.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2020, 05:03 PM
Yep, the same one who called for $14 trillion in reparations.

So imagine they followed through on this. And had some success. And eventually, folks feel THEIR interests are being overlooked. And then comes the 'white political party', maybe Mexican, Spanish, maybe for middle eastern refugees? And all the others would likely be laughed at. And the white idea considered criminal.

All this would accomplish is creating more division.


BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls for Independent Black Lives Matter Political Party

Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Robert Johnson is calling on Black Lives Matter to break away from the Democrat Party to form an independent political party.

Joe Biden’s racist “you ain’t black” comment appears to have been what motivated Johnson to come up with this idea.

During a Tuesday morning appearance on CNBC, the billionaire explained, “I’ve been convinced for a long time that 40 millions African Americans who tend to vote as a bloc in one of the two parties limit their leverage in getting action from both parties.”

Last week, Johnson wrote a letter to Black Lives Matter urging them to do exactly that:

Earlier this month, Johnson argued for $14 trillion — with a “T” — in slavery reparations, which would be pretty difficult in a country that only has $1.5 trillion in cash floating around. Anyway…

On CNBC, Johnson expanded on his Black Lives Matter independent party idea: “I think it’s time African Americans to form an independent party, not be an appendage of one party or ignored by the other party.”

“Had African American interests been fully embraced by one of two of the dominant parties, we wouldn’t have the tremendous social and economic racial issues that we have now,” he continued.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/06/23/nolte-bet-founder-robert-johnson-calls-for-independent-black-lives-matter-political-party/

Any such detachment will be organized and ran by black socialist/marxists .
End up being a pure communist party that will hide under the BLM banner until its solidified enough to have absolute control of the party and perhaps even use the New Black Panthers as its enforcement arm.
My guess is the bones of this was likely set with obama in charge and his meetings with such groups that hate america, hate white conservative America and want a new nation formed on insane fantasy of a liberal/socialist utopia!
Eight years of the ffing traitor obama set up much of what we are seeing today. A damn solid gold fact..-Tyr