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View Full Version : LIES by leading Dems as in vice president and attorney general

06-24-2020, 01:46 PM
Anyone surprised by these developments?

So we're finding out that Obama and Biden were both aware of the shitty investigation into Mike Flynn. Of course that means Biden lied, and now we have proof. And one after another, we're finding out that all of the characters that gave evidence and were used as the primary witnesses in trying to bringing people down we're involved in scandals. Almost ALL of them!

So Biden lied. Then the list of folks proven to have been involved in various wrongdoings:

Biden, and don't forget Ukraine and China
Hunter Biden

Just a quick list off top of my head, I'm sure I'm missing one or two or 50.


“Biden Lied!” – House Republicans Accuse Biden of Lying to the American People About His Knowledge of the Flynn Case

House Judiciary Republicans on Wednesday accused Joe Biden of lying to the American people about his knowledge of the Flynn case.

The Justice Department on Wednesday released Peter Strzok notes from 1/4/2017 regarding the Flynn-Kislyak calls.

Strzok’s notes reveal that Obama and Biden were directly involved in the sham Flynn investigation.

The handwritten notes show then-Vice President Joe Biden wanted to invoke the Logan Act against General Mike Flynn.

Strzok also noted that Obama DIRECTLY ordered an investigation into Flynn, saying “Have the right people on the case.”

Last month, Biden claimed he knew “nothing” about the plot to target General Flynn during his appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“So, what did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, and was anything improper done?” Stephanopoulos asked Biden.

“I knew nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one. Number two, this is all about diversion!” Biden said as he himself diverted from the issue and went on a bizarre rant about the Coronavirus.

Stephanopoulos pressed Biden about the issue and reminded him that he was in the secret Oval Office meeting on January 5, 2017 when Barack Obama discussed Flynn and his calls with Kislyak.

“You were reported to be in a January 5th, 2017 meeting where you and the president were briefed on the FBI’s plan to question Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak,” Stephanopoulos said.

Biden tried to act stupid and said he was only aware the FBI asked for an investigation of Flynn: “That’s all I know about it” Biden said changing the subject once again to the Coronavirus.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/biden-lied-house-republicans-accuse-biden-lying-american-people-knowledge-flynn-case/

Not Just Biden – Obama DAG Sally Yates Likely Lied As Well About Her Knowledge of General Flynn Set Up

Former Obama Vice President Joe Biden may not be the only person who lied about knowledge of the General Flynn set up. It looks like Sally Yates may have known as well and lied about it under oath.

We reported earlier today that the Justice Department released Peter Strzok notes from January 4th, 2017 regarding the Flynn-Kislyak calls.

Now we know that Obama and Biden were directly involved in the sham Flynn investigation.

Strzok’s newly released notes also suggest a secret meeting in January at that time was the reason the Flynn investigation was not closed.

The Strzok notes show then-Vice President Joe Biden wanted to invoke the Logan Act against General Mike Flynn.

Strzok also noted that Obama DIRECTLY ordered an investigation into Flynn, saying “Have the right people on the case.”

Then-FBI Director James Comey said the calls between Flynn and Kislyak “appear legit” but they went ahead with the hit job against Flynn.

“Strzok’s notes believed to be of January 4, 2017, reveal that former President Obama, James Comey, Sally Yates, Joe Biden and apparently Susan Rice discussed the transcripts of Flynn’s calls and how to proceed against him.”

“Mr. Obama himself directed that “the right people” investigate General Flynn.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/not-just-biden-obama-dag-sally-yates-likely-lied-knowledge-general-flynn-set/