View Full Version : Monument destruction continues, no matter the statue, just crime now

06-24-2020, 02:01 PM
That's my thinking.

Well hell, whether voted on or taken down voluntarily - then all of them that these leftists have been tearing down have been done illegally. And almost every last bit of it is supported by the left and the media.

It started with confederate statues. Then onto anyone they considered racist or may have owned a slave during their time. Then former presidents they may not like. Then fuck it, any statue or monument we come across will be violated and taken down.

I read another article and talk of Mount Rushmore!! This shit has to stop too.

Ignorant Leftists Tear Down Statue, Behead It and Throw It In Wisconsin Lake – Statue Was of Civil War Abolitionist and Hero Who Died In Effort to End Slavery

A statue of a Norwegian-born Civil War hero was torn down yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin. The hero, Hans Christian Heg, was an abolitionist who gave his life to end slavery.

Isabel Togoh at Forbes reported this morning on actions in Madison, Wisconsin on Tuesday:

Protesters in Wisconsin drew condemnation late on Tuesday after tearing down the statue of abolitionist Hans Christian Heg, smashing windows at the state house and assaulting a state senator, marking a departure from previous demonstrations targeting symbols of colonizers and Confederate figures.

Heg’s statute was reportedly beheaded and rolled through the streets before being thrown in the lake.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/ignorant-leftists-tear-statute-behead-throw-wisconsin-lake-statue-civil-war-abolitionist-hero-died-effort-end-slavery/

06-24-2020, 02:19 PM
Unbelievable idiocy.


Idiot Criminals Announce They Will Tear Down Lincoln Statue in DC on Thursday at 7 p.m.

Idiot criminal vandals have announced their intent to tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Washington, DC, on Thursday at 7 p.m.

The statue was paid for and erected by freed slaves to honor the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.

“Protesters” and potential vandals gathered by the statue in Capitol Hill’s Lincoln Park on Tuesday evening to discuss the “problematic” art. The statue depicts President Lincoln with a freed slave and is nearly 150 years old. It was unveiled 11 years after the president’s assassination.

On Tuesday, radical D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton announced that she intends to introduce legislation to remove the statue.

“Although formerly enslaved Americans paid for this statue to be built in 1876, the design and sculpting process was done without their input, and it shows,” Norton said in a statement earlier in the day.

“This statue has been controversial from the start,” she said. “It is time it was placed in a museum.”


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/idiot-criminals-announce-will-tear-lincoln-statue-dc-thursday-7-p-m/

06-24-2020, 03:06 PM
None of this is about statues, thus no problem how illogical their choices. It's totally about power and their hatred of America.

It's sort of like rape, it's not about sex. It's about violence and to cause fear and humiliation.

It's pure power and to change the culture of America.