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View Full Version : BLM leader: If America ‘Doesn’t Give Us What We Want, We Will Burn Down this System’

06-25-2020, 10:17 AM
I have for years been saying that this is an issue, HS kids, college students and lefties in general making demands of others. They demand tolerance, and then some. :rolleyes:

I support black lives mattering 1000%.

I do NOT support this anarchist group at all, nor their democrat roots.

One of the women in charge at "CHAZ" stated their intent that "they are not there for peace".


Black Lives Matter Leader: If America ‘Doesn’t Give Us What We Want, We Will Burn Down this System’

Appearing Wednesday on the Fox News Channel’s The Story with host Martha MacCallum, Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome warned that if the United States “doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”

A partial transcript is as follows:

MARTHA MACCALLUM: People watch what you say in that video, that you now want to show legislation down people’s throats now that you have everyone’s attention and you’ve also said violence is sometimes necessary in these situations. What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?

HAWK NEWSOME: Wow, it’s interesting that you would pose that question like that because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical.


MACCALLUM: The only reason why I posed that first question to you the way that I did is I watched you talking on a bunch of different interviews today and you said, “burn it down.” You said, “burn it down, it’s time.” That makes me think you want to burn it down.

HAWK NEWSOME: I said If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation. Let’s be very real and let’s observe the history of the 1960s. When black people were rioting, we have their highest growth and wealth, in property ownership. Think about the last few weeks. Since you started protesting there have been eight cops fired across the country. Remember you were telling us that there was Due Process?

That’s why the cop that choked Eric Gardner kept his job and kept receiving raises for five years. Anytime a cop hurt a woman, a child, our elders, there was always a call for due process. But the moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically. What is this country rewarding? What behavior is it listening to? Obviously not marching. But, when people get aggressive and they escalate their protests, cops get fired, now, you have police officers and Republican politicians talking about police reform. I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting but I’m just telling what I observed.


Seattle's CHOP Leader Says 'I'm Not Here for Peace' and Reveals 'What Comes Next'

Apparently Black Lives Matter has another chief at Seattle’s CHOP besides warlord Raz Simone.

Behind the scenes, pulling strings and raising money, is a young woman, a dyed-in-the-wool radical, who’s in charge of logistics, messaging and, apparently, fundraising.

Her name is Jaiden Grayson. She appears to be a part-time model and radical.

The Seattle CHOP chief admits that the takeover of public and private property on June 8 has never been about peaceful protest; it’s always been a show of force to frighten local officials “by any means necessary.”

Jaiden Grayson told independent journalist Ami Horowitz she’s there to disrupt.

“Every single day that I show up here. I’m not here to peacefully protest. I’m here to disrupt until my demands are met. You can not rebuild until you break it all the way down. Respond to the demands of the people or be ready to be met with any means necessary. By any means necessary. … It’s not a slogan. It’s not even a warning. I’m letting people know what comes next.”

Grayson said that violence done by Black Lives Matter, antifa and CHOP-istanis is no vice. It’s a “response to violence is not violence itself.” That’s nice if you can get law enforcement to see things your way.

Oh, she has a plan for that.

Black Lives Matter is going to abolish the entire corrections system, police and judicial proceedings and then figure out what to do about replacing the system of justice. She said this will be done by “the black minds and the black bodies that will recreate a new world.”

Ok, hon.

Grayson has been criticized by her own followers for not being at CHOP all the time. She says she’s busy buying weapons for her people.

“…when LRAD deploys and you see a 1000 + people with the materials they need to respond – that was me.”

Maybe that’s what she’s doing with all the money she’s raising on Instagram, supposedly for CHOP, but which is done in her own name?

Since she’s seen the writing on the wall and Mayor Jenny Durkan has said she’ll send in social workers to convince them to leave soon, Grayson is picking another target to take over.

The message says her next target is the “sister west precinct that needs our attention, time and occupation.”

And she gamely tried to put the best face on the possibility of getting booted out of the area on Seattle’s Capitol Hill.

“Chop isn’t the end game. Our demands are. We will mobilize from chop. But not today. Stay strong”

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2020/06/24/seattles-chop-leader-says-im-not-here-for-peace-and-reveals-what-comes-next-n549947

06-25-2020, 11:22 AM
I'm going to reverse, or modify, one of my opinions. One member stated sending in a SEAL Team and I contradicted him with a Marine battalion. My reasoning at the time being the battalion is better designed to take over and reoccupy territory than a team of assassins.

I'm for sending BOTH now. There ARE some people who do NOT need to come out of this alive.

06-25-2020, 12:47 PM
​Enough jive talking...Bring it were waiting........



06-25-2020, 01:25 PM
​Enough jive talking...Bring it were waiting........


https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Q-dyrjYd4z7Bay6ELyRl0gHaHc&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300Looks like he shoplifted those sunglasses out of the ladies department at WalMart:rolleyes:

And is that one of those lazy people's flossers sticking out of his mouth?

Black Diamond
06-25-2020, 01:28 PM
Looks like he shoplifted those sunglasses out of the ladies department at WalMart:rolleyes:

And is that one of those lazy people's flossers sticking out of his mouth?

Kojak does not approve


06-26-2020, 07:37 PM
I have a cure for black poverty... it’s a thing called “a job”.. amazing how your attitude improves when you have to produce something, meet a deadline, and answer to a boss

I have another cure but for black crime... it’s called “respect for the law”.... it’s amazing how the police act when you obey the law! When black people stop committing crimes, the police stop harassing black people, just amazing how that works!

I have another cure for black racism... it’s called taking responsibility.... like getting married and not fathering 20 kids with 20 different women, like not using drugs or being a member of a gang

Oh one more thing, stop voting for Democrats. The way they keep you in chains is to keep you dependent on them.

Why with just those four things, you’d be amazed at how well the police and white people start treating you

Because, you see, most people do these things and are doing quite well. They see you for what you are... animals who riot at the drop of a hat

I have another cure, but for white folks, it’s called refusing to take responsibility for other people’s failures. If there were such a thing as white privilege, then why did hundreds of thousands of white folks fight a war to free black people from slavery? It doesn’t makes sense. That’s because it doesn’t exist.

And white folks, stop believing BLM, they are incapable of telling the truth.

You know that bullshit about paying $14 Trillion in reparations to black folks? Well, the American taxpayer has paid over $15 Trillion on the war on poverty and social programs since 1965. So, the way I see it, blacks owe the American Taxpayer $1 Trillion.

And remember folks better to be called a racist than a stooge for a bunch of disgruntled bastards who never amounted to a pile of dog shit

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-26-2020, 07:46 PM
I have a cure for black poverty... it’s a thing called “a job”.. amazing how your attitude improves when you have produce something, meet a deadline, and answer to a boss

I have another cure but for black crime... it’s called “respect for the law”.... it’s amazing how the police act when you obey the law! When black people stop committing crimes, the police stop harassing black people

I have another cure for black racism... it’s called taking responsibility.... like getting married and not fathering 20 kids with 20 different women, like not using drugs or being a member of a gang

Why with just those three things, you’d be amazed at how well the police and white people start treating you

Because, you see, most people do these things and are doing quite well. They see you for what you are... animals who riot at the drop of a hat

I have another cure, but for white folks, it’s called refusing to take responsibility for other people’s failures.

You know that bullshit about paying $14 Trillion in reparations to black folks? Well, the American taxpayer has paid over $15 Trillion on the war on poverty and social programs since 1965. So, the way I see it, blacks owe the American Taxpayer $1 Trillion.

And remember folks better to be called a racist than a stooge for a bunch of disgruntled bastards who never amounted to a pile of dog shit

I vote this the very best post made on this site in at least 5 years now. Bravo!
So much cold, hard truth, so little time..
The piles of dog shit have been barking way too long for this man's taste.
I think soon they will step it in it big time and finally get what they have been needing for a couple decades now. Just a hunch.....
Best to be vigilant, armed, loaded for bear and not afraid to defend hearth, home and those you love against this growing evil, imho... -Tyr