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View Full Version : Law and Order sheriff

06-27-2020, 08:49 AM
My latest hero. Love this man! Says it EXACTLY as it should be. Nothing racist about it and full support of the black community. Even they don't want the shit in their areas.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2020, 09:23 AM
My latest hero. Love this man! Says it EXACTLY as it should be. Nothing racist about it and full support of the black community. Even they don't want the shit in their areas.


Obviously the man is knowledgeable , courageous and absolutely fed up with the demands by dems/libs/leftists/socialists/anarchists to cater to these criminals, these violent protesters. I have no badge but I feel exactly as he does.
And I have felt that way for at least 48 years now.
I never felt sorry for assholes, bullies and the type of scum that the dems/libs demand that we kiss their asses and bow down to.
In my book, you ffing dems/libs are in the same pig pen as are the groups of worthless scum that you defend. nuff said..--Tyr

06-27-2020, 09:44 AM
Looks like a friendly group of men

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2020, 09:49 AM
Looks like a friendly group of men

Looks like an informed and a ""we will take no shit from filthy libs/dems/marxist/criminals"", group of men, to me.

Of course-- you'd not see any of that in your abject blindness, imho.-Tyr

06-27-2020, 10:13 AM
Looks like an informed and a ""we will take no shit from filthy libs/dems/marxist/criminals"", group of men, to me.

Of course-- you'd not see any of that in your abject blindness, imho.-Tyr

looks like a militant cult to me

06-27-2020, 10:29 AM
looks like a militant cult to meThat's all you got? Pretty weak. I don't see a thing wrong with anything he said. I DO see a lot right with it. We need a lot more people like not just the sheriff, but the community leaders supporting him.

I am a FIRM BELIEVER that the people who can stop this poison called BLM and/or Antifa are black community leaders. They appear to be as afraid of being called Uncle Tom as Republican't's are being called racist:rolleyes:

06-27-2020, 10:57 AM
looks like a militant cult to me

Bonafide and respected police with no criminal records, side by side with leaders of the black community, engaging and working together.

And you state CRICKETS about the scumbags destroying things, and the respected folks, black and white, that would prefer law and order, are a militant cult.

I always post trying to show folks the reality of what liberals truly are and what they truly believe. And then in comes you to give perfect examples for everyone. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2020, 02:11 PM
Bonafide and respected police with no criminal records, side by side with leaders of the black community, engaging and working together.

And you state CRICKETS about the scumbags destroying things, and the respected folks, black and white, that would prefer law and order, are a militant cult.

I always post trying to show folks the reality of what liberals truly are and what they truly believe. And then in comes you to give perfect examples for everyone. :rolleyes:

Always, give liberals enough rope and they will hang themselves because of their massive egotism and infantile arrogance in thinking themselves so superior to any person not riding in the same train of blithering assholes that they are.
Pete just proved that with what he thought to be a fabulous and magnificently clever retort. -Tyr

06-27-2020, 05:51 PM
looks like a militant cult to me

You can't see the diversity? Isn't that a liberal priority?

06-27-2020, 06:30 PM
You can't see the diversity? Isn't that a liberal priority?

Do you see a women in there?

06-27-2020, 06:48 PM
Do you see a women in there?Now you're being ridiculous. Again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2020, 09:28 PM
Do you see a women in there?

I myself am not shocked at all that you asked such a question.
It is well known that liberal men love to hide behind the insanity
spouted by liberal women
(same as muslim men hide behind their women-especially so in USA).
I also suspect so much so that they-liberal men - would gladly put liberal
women out in the front lines of actual engaging battle to be shot first,
so that their cowardly carcasses could be safer longer...
Such is the lack of honor so well known to exist within such
egotistical, arrogant low-life people(vermin).--Tyr

06-27-2020, 09:52 PM
looks like a militant cult to me


06-30-2020, 07:35 PM
Do you see a women in there?

Yeah, in the back, and I think she's a trans asian and has a hispanic surname. Anything else?

06-30-2020, 07:39 PM
Do you see a women in there?

Is that You petey (AOC)?????