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View Full Version : Pelosi Calls George Floyd by the Wrong Name During Presser

06-27-2020, 12:40 PM
This woman cares about George Floyd and his death SO much, that she had members wear african garments scarves and knelt in the capitol, whoring for votes and pandering to the cause of the day.

This woman cares SO much about George Floyd that she can't bear to say his name, so she changed it. :rolleyes:


Pelosi Calls George Floyd by the Wrong Name During Presser

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Friday called George Floyd by the wrong name during a press conference less than 24 hours after House Democrats passed police reform legislation.

80-year-old Pelosi referred to George Floyd, the black man who was killed by a Minnesota police officer, as “George Kirby.”

I only will do that if you tell me that this legislation is worthy of George KIRBY’s name.” said Pelosi.

Either Pelosi hit the bottle early on Friday or age is catching up to her.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/pelosi-calls-george-floyd-wrong-name-presser-video/

06-27-2020, 12:52 PM
Should have put this in humor. Sad, sick humor :) Imagine had some Republican done this ...