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View Full Version : 33K Floridians who took COVID-19 test may have incorrect results, Advent Health says.

06-28-2020, 07:49 PM
TAMPA (WFLA) — Florida health care company Advent Health said it’s possible that as many as 33,000 Florida patients who took COVID-19 tests may have been told incorrect results, or received no results at all.

Advent Health said over the weekend that it terminated its contract with one of its third-party coronavirus testing labs because of the unreliable test results.

Eight thousand of the 33,000 patients with unreliable test results were administered in Advent Health’s West Florida Division, which includes the Tampa Bay area."

AdventHealth released the following statement:
“Unfortunately, one of these labs processing a significant number of our public tests has been unable to fulfill its obligation.

Advent Health has terminated its contract with this lab and we share in the disappointment and frustration this situation has created."



Wow!! who would of guessed?

"A Lab"....with an agenda!!!???

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-28-2020, 08:10 PM
TAMPA (WFLA) — Florida health care company Advent Health said it’s possible that as many as 33,000 Florida patients who took COVID-19 tests may have been told incorrect results, or received no results at all.

Advent Health said over the weekend that it terminated its contract with one of its third-party coronavirus testing labs because of the unreliable test results.

Eight thousand of the 33,000 patients with unreliable test results were administered in Advent Health’s West Florida Division, which includes the Tampa Bay area."

AdventHealth released the following statement:
“Unfortunately, one of these labs processing a significant number of our public tests has been unable to fulfill its obligation.

Advent Health has terminated its contract with this lab and we share in the disappointment and frustration this situation has created."



Wow!! who would of guessed?

"A Lab"....with an agenda!!!???

The virus was adopted and turned into a political weapon by the socialists, dems, liberals, anarchists and other groups that not only have their own agenda to pursue but also as a way to weaken this nation and thus attack Trump.
Politics is about lies, lies and more lies. That is a well known reality.
So why does it shock anybody that the --LYING-- doomsday scenario set forth has been ran and ran -- and even now is being ran all over again?

Remember that all saving promised Covid-19 vaccine that Bill Gates is pushing--ALL- people(read as -especially all Americans) is only going to be worth about 2 trillion dollars.
Myself, I feel sorry for anybody that would or does actually trust BILL GATES...
If you do not think Bill Gates has a hidden agenda with that -"we must vaccinate the entire world"-- well then you are clueless and very, very, very gullible to say the least, imho.-Tyr

06-29-2020, 09:13 AM
The virus was adopted and turned into a political weapon by the socialists, dems, liberals, anarchists and other groups that not only have their own agenda to pursue but also as a way to weaken this nation and thus attack Trump.
Politics is about lies, lies and more lies. That is a well known reality.
So why does it shock anybody that the --LYING-- doomsday scenario set forth has been ran and ran -- and even now is being ran all over again?

Remember that all saving promised Covid-19 vaccine that Bill Gates is pushing--ALL- people(read as -especially all Americans) is only going to be worth about 2 trillion dollars.
Myself, I feel sorry for anybody that would or does actually trust BILL GATES...
If you do not think Bill Gates has a hidden agenda with that -"we must vaccinate the entire world"-- well then you are clueless and very, very, very gullible to say the least, imho.-Tyr

Exactly. I am pretty sure I had this back in January. As did my husband and about 5 of my 30 coworkers. Stuff goes around every year. 800 million viruses fall from the sky every day in the world. Millions of bacteria play a part in our eco-system. What happens to the human immune system after a year of living in a sanitized ecosystem? When we sanitize for COVID, we are also removing millions of helpful viruses and bacteria from our bodies and our environment. I can't think of any previous time when humans have done such a thorough job of cleaning for so long.

So what will the long term effects of over-sanitization look like in a year or two?

I bet its worse than Covid.

06-29-2020, 01:19 PM
This is a dangerous virus, and it has traveled the world over, and danger still exists and all that jazz.....

BUT I still believe and have seen, that many different folks have been messing with numbers in various ways. From hospitals, to politicians, to newscasters and everyone in between. And take numbers being changed in different areas in combination with the non-stop fear tactics from the MSM and voila, you have panic and fear and chaos leading up to the election.

06-29-2020, 01:36 PM
Liberty does not take a break with illnesses and diseases of humans. There will always be something that threatens the health and even the very existence of the human race.

It is what nature does.

Nature keeps on living and evolving. It does not stop and that evolution will always contain some threat to human existence. While it may threaten our existence - it will never threaten our civil rights or guaranteed freedoms. So why should we stop living -or force others to- when nature does not?

Only humans can threaten the freedom and civil rights of other humans.

To quote Albert Camus
"The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants, giving the servants of that tyranny a good conscience."

Nature does not stop continuing on with life when a natural disease threatens the existence of a species. Such as Chronic Wasting Disease in deer. Brain worms in moose. West Nile Virus that affects more than just one species of animal as well as humans. Nature does not stop itself simply because disease is going through a species. This is a byproduct of evolution. Disease in humans is also a byproduct of evolution. The only exception is that only humans are arrogant enough to think we have any real control over any of it. We might be able to mitigate some of it, but we will never, ever have control. Nature will always find a way to show us the error of our arrogant ways.

Science is not a living entity. It is not a living being with a mind of its own. It does not say anything that humans don't make it say. Science is a human-invented concept. Not necessarily a bad one but also not a good one in many ways.

Humans use the science concepts we invented to help - and harm - other humans. No other living being on earth does this. Therefore, science does not say anything unless humans make it say something.

There is a difference between Dr. Scott Jensen (named Best Family Physician of 2016 and is a currently a MN state Senator) and Dr. Josef Mengele. Both are/were practicing physicians and studied science extensively. Both are/were well regarded in their field and both were also in politics and used "science" to back up their practice and treatments of patients.

Yet which one has said "science" is the reason Jews were inferior and needed to be eradicated? Which one made an entire religious population wear A PHYSICAL IDENTIFIER while telling them it was for their own safety? Be careful which ‘professionals’ you align yourself with. You may end up in a cattle car while being told it is for your own protection.