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06-29-2020, 02:38 PM
So why do I say idiots when they are only protecting their homes?

I think you should protect when necessary. Why the F go out there running with some sort of rifle, like you're Rambo and about to be under attack? Nobody was doing a damn thing to them, other than recording or then taunting them when they pulled this shit.

And look at the wife. Clueless it seems to me in how to hold and use a weapon. AND she is pointing it at them all walking by in a threatening manner.

And now I see they are both attorneys and they OWN a law firm, so doubtfully they get "canceled". Anything unlawful? I dunno, pointing the weapon for no reason? I dunno laws behind that.






06-29-2020, 04:06 PM
Way to give gun owners a bad name. There's no way you can possibly look at this and NOT call them idiots. ESPECIALLY if they are lawyers..

Once you leave your house and advance, you are no longer in defense of anything. I would be more afraid of these two morons that exude incompetence than I would a Navy SEAL. At least you know what he's going to do. These two fruitcakes?

I call that pic a win for the gun control bad guys.

06-29-2020, 07:08 PM
Love how they aren't wearing shoes

06-29-2020, 07:25 PM
They are related to Nancy Pelosi, and Micheal Moore is their Only Son...even though the Abortion failed. They have to protect their property from all of Pelosi's street people neighbors and prevent deposits of Liberal excrement from sliding down the hill from Nancy's place.:laugh:

06-29-2020, 07:55 PM
Not true. On Breitbart, the man, a lawyer, claimed that protesters broke down their gate and were threatening their lives


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06-29-2020, 09:10 PM
That couple was DEFENDING themselves, and their property from the MOB who threatened them.
TUCKER tells the whole story:


06-29-2020, 09:11 PM
Love how they aren't wearing shoes

You have a fetish for BARE FEET!

06-29-2020, 09:34 PM
That couple was DEFENDING themselves, and their property from the MOB who threatened them.
TUCKER tells the whole story:


Better to get out and WARN "them" and keep them moving...Than not to warn them and have them... "look at me"...get brave..and break into your house where you have to shoot them...and make a mess inside..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-29-2020, 09:57 PM
Better to get out and WARN "them" and keep them moving...Than not to warn them and have them... "look at me"...get brave..and break into your house where you have to shoot them...and make a mess inside..

Great, great, great video.
I have found that it is always best to get---ALL- the facts before forming an opinion and commenting.
And it is usually wise to disbelieve the lying spill that mainstream media so faithfully puts out.
That angry mob was on their property--after having broke into said property. They should have shot them in my opinion.
Most of these mobs are made up of cowardly, ignorant , mad-raving, misguided, misinformed and dangerous people.
Such are a threat....
Threaten a man and his family -you rightly deserve what you get from him, imho..
They are basically ffing scum and Id say that to -ANY- of them. -Tyr

06-29-2020, 10:10 PM
Not true. On Breitbart, the man, a lawyer, claimed that protesters broke down their gate and were threatening their lives


Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI don't care. NO WAY do I come out in a pastel polo shirt and white slip-on shoes to defend ANY damned thing:rolleyes:

And if one doesn't know how to handle weapons, nor deploy with any kind of tactical sense, one needs to use the front window as a rest for the rifle and go from there.

06-30-2020, 08:57 AM
I didn't get into the background too much today. But if what KarlMarx and icansayit is spot on, then I fully stand corrected.

Of course all the reports I read did in fact claim it was a peaceful protest just walking by and then this happened. They mentioned nothing about breaking a gate or threatening them.

If that much is true, then absolutely, they have a right to come out and defend their property. I STILL think they can use some refresher courses, but that changes things.

I think the guy is holding irresponsibly and should be facing his weapon upwards. He could have accidentally shot his wife or the crowd. Then don't get me started with her, finger on the trigger instead of alongside, and literally pointing it at anyone and everyone.

06-30-2020, 09:14 AM
That couple was awesome! I suspect that lefties will instinctively be against them. The husband standing there holding his firearm in front of a mob of commies in front of his home is the vision that millions of Americans had in mind when they purchased their guns. I hope the commie mobs store a mental image of this in their heads. Bravo!

06-30-2020, 09:38 AM
Police Considering ‘Fourth-Degree Assault By Intimidation’ Charges Against The ‘Protesters’ In Incident With Armed St. Louis Couple (https://www.weaselzippers.us/451482-police-considering-fourth-degree-assault-by-intimidation-charges-against-the-protesters-in-incident-with-armed-st-louis-couple/)

06-30-2020, 09:50 AM
I didn't get into the background too much today. But if what @KarlMarx (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=5) and @icansayit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3857) is spot on, then I fully stand corrected.

Of course all the reports I read did in fact claim it was a peaceful protest just walking by and then this happened. They mentioned nothing about breaking a gate or threatening them.

If that much is true, then absolutely, they have a right to come out and defend their property. I STILL think they can use some refresher courses, but that changes things.

I think the guy is holding irresponsibly and should be facing his weapon upwards. He could have accidentally shot his wife or the crowd. Then don't get me started with her, finger on the trigger instead of alongside, and literally pointing it at anyone and everyone.They're bunched together and skylined on the front porch.

VERY luck it was a "peaceful" protest. What was being protested, btw? Poor fashion sense by white lawyers?

06-30-2020, 10:00 AM
They're bunched together and skylined on the front porch.

VERY luck it was a "peaceful" protest. What was being protested, btw? Poor fashion sense by white lawyers?
If Trump loses in November, he can thank his core of supporters that supported the very worst on the right. These are folks that are every bit a emotion ruled as those on the left they call sheeple.

06-30-2020, 10:13 AM
If Trump loses in November, he can thank his core of supporters that supported the very worst on the right. These are folks that are every bit a emotion ruled as those on the left they call sheeple.

People like this do no favors. Too many acting out and speaking out inappropriately. But I think the amount comparison is no different than a couple acting like idiots in the face of many many acting like idiots. In other words, for every shithead on the far right giving us a bad name, I'm of the belief there are 100 equal to that equally doing the same to the far left and regular left.

Difference being - that one or 2 people get MSM coverage and national outrage and will be ostracized. Then out of those hundreds out there acting out for the left, very rarely if ever will you see the same about their actions. The MSM doesn't seem to ever want to cover much or condemn such actions. In fact, they actively support it. They lie and omit and will make actions by the far left sound like heroes. The left are too busy eating crickets.

So it's like you hear about that person on the right through the loudest megaphones on earth throughout the lands. And when the same or worse done by folks on the left - you have to search the internet to find out about it. The MSM rarely will ever cover things like that, or again they will lie about it.

IMO, the left outnumbers in idiots acting out, even illegally, by a 100 to 1 margin, but nation news coverage would make you think it's the opposite.

*** As an aside, and I have even seen a lot in just the past few months - notice members here condemning all kinds of actions by the right. People out there acting out, doing stupid shit... but you will rarely, you will never see the left doing the same.

06-30-2020, 10:20 AM
People like this do no favors. Too many acting out and speaking out inappropriately. But I think the amount comparison is no different than a couple acting like idiots in the face of many many acting like idiots. In other words, for every shithead on the far right giving us a bad name, I'm of the belief there are 100 equal to that equally doing the same to the far left and regular left.

Difference being - that one or 2 people get MSM coverage and national outrage and will be ostracized. Then out of those hundreds out there acting out for the left, very rarely if ever will you see the same about their actions. The MSM doesn't seem to ever want to cover much or condemn such actions. In fact, they actively support it. They lie and omit and will make actions by the far left sound like heroes. The left are too busy eating crickets.

So it's like you hear about that person on the right through the loudest megaphones on earth throughout the lands. And when the same or worse done by folks on the left - you have to search the internet to find out about it. The MSM rarely will ever cover things like that, or again they will lie about it.

IMO, the left outnumbers in idiots acting out, even illegally, by a 100 to 1 margin, but nation news coverage would make you think it's the opposite.

*** As an aside, and I have even seen a lot in just the past few months - notice members here condemning all kinds of actions by the right. People out there acting out, doing stupid shit... but you will rarely, you will never see the left doing the same.

That's because, imo, most on the right think for themselves and are not the sheeple the emotion loaded loudmouths are. The left has a problem with finding any that think for themselves.

Abbey Marie
06-30-2020, 10:29 AM
I have no idea about gun etiquette, but even I know you don’t wave it around.

Having said that, I’m glad those two had the fortitude to come out and make a statement. Property destroyers need to worry about their behavior. They currently do not seem to.

06-30-2020, 10:33 AM
That's because, imo, most on the right think for themselves and are not the sheeple the emotion loaded loudmouths are. The left has a problem with finding any that think for themselves.Back to basics. I live in Texas. We're (in)famous for our gunslinging ways :rolleyes:. If you come out of your house and shoot someone for breaking your fence you're going to jail.

Aiming a weapon at someone(s) is assault with a deadly weapon. Brandishing a weapon is not.

You have to be in fear for your LIFE, not your fence. I mean for real. WHo has a fence that's worth a human life?:rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2020, 10:41 AM
Police Considering ‘Fourth-Degree Assault By Intimidation’ Charges Against The ‘Protesters’ In Incident With Armed St. Louis Couple (https://www.weaselzippers.us/451482-police-considering-fourth-degree-assault-by-intimidation-charges-against-the-protesters-in-incident-with-armed-st-louis-couple/)

I must say this.
Any person that says that they would let an angry mob break down their iron gate, uninvited force their way onto their damn property, march down their private driveway to their home -with who knows what -INTENTIONS- AND then they would not come out armed to protect home and life-are by my standards either extremely dense, cowards or not very bright!
I would have came out shot rounds into the ground 20 feet in front that attacking mob and told then the next rounds will start hitting you ffkking rabble.
Now scat you ffking bastards.
When the angry ranting mob broke in -it was a damn attack..... It wasnt peaceful-- and who knows what their intentions were ?
To burn the home, to kill its occupants?
An angry large force calls for a strong action.
To me the attacked couple should not have taken time to argue with the filthy vermin.
Stand you ground, definitely applies in this case, imho.
Order them to leave premises immediately- if not obeyed- fire a few rounds into the ground-give a new command..
That couple being lawyers- you get the dumb arguing and the less forceful commands given , imho..
I can and will act with purpose and in fear of life and limb.
Any here, tell me that you would not do the same???--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2020, 10:55 AM
Back to basics. I live in Texas. We're (in)famous for our gunslinging ways :rolleyes:. If you come out of your house and shoot someone for breaking your fence you're going to jail.

Aiming a weapon at someone(s) is assault with a deadly weapon. Brandishing a weapon is not.

You have to be in fear for your LIFE, not your fence. I mean for real. WHo has a fence that's worth a human life?:rolleyes:

A mob breaking onto my property -charging up my driveway to my home and shouting angry threats are attacking.
Fear of life and limb has already occurred- the right to protect myself and my family has already been reached.
I would not wait to be surrounded and over powered. I would take very definitive and immediate forceful action.
Each person must decide how they would react to protect life and limb- to protect wife and children, as the situation
is no longer about a torn down gate, imho. The deadly threat level has already been made..
Superior numbers are a weapon.. Breaking onto private property threatening- is terrorist threatening.
Time for arguing with a large angry threatening force was gone when they forced past a gate and matched to the house, imho. -Tyr

Abbey Marie
06-30-2020, 11:19 AM
IIRC, the fear must be a “reasonable” fear for one’s life. Easily open to subjective interpretation. And in these ultra-PC times, what do you think a judge or jury is going to decide is reasonable for these two well-off white folks?

I think a mob coming at your home is very threatening, but then I am thinking like a normal person, not a malcontent looking to change the very nature of America.

06-30-2020, 12:11 PM
I must say this.
Any person that says that they would let an angry mob break down their iron gate, uninvited force their way onto their damn property, march down their private driveway to their home -with who knows what -INTENTIONS- AND then they would not come out armed to protect home and life-are by my standards either extremely dense, cowards or not very bright!
I would have came out shot rounds into the ground 20 feet in front that attacking mob and told then the next rounds will start hitting you ffkking rabble.
Now scat you ffking bastards.
When the angry ranting mob broke in -it was a damn attack..... It wasnt peaceful-- and who knows what their intentions were ?
To burn the home, to kill its occupants?
An angry large force calls for a strong action.
To me the attacked couple should not have taken time to argue with the filthy vermin.
Stand you ground, definitely applies in this case, imho.
Order them to leave premises immediately- if not obeyed- fire a few rounds into the ground-give a new command..
That couple being lawyers- you get the dumb arguing and the less forceful commands given , imho..
I can and will act with purpose and in fear of life and limb.
Any here, tell me that you would not do the same???--TyrLet's go back to the beginning. Look at the pic you posted. I can't speak for anyone else, but Laurel and and Hardy's positioning, stances, body language, the way they are holding their weapons wouldn't scare me for a second. I would probably laugh at them.

First, I'm not in the business of breaking people's gates. If I was after something on that property, that gate would be hit by a one ton truck, 20 feet in the air, and I'd be on their porch before these cheesedicks got out of the house.

Second, I'm not coming out the front door and bunching up. I'm coming out the back or the side, and emerging on the opposite side as my partner. The enemy cannot focus on one person that way. The way they are? And holding their weapons like that? If killing them was my objective they'd be dead before they got a word out, and standing right out there with no cover, together? Easy pickin's.

But, killing them was NOT the objective. Idiots thinking they have a right to destroy other people's stuff while they're protesting something probably beyond the comprehension level of most was. I doubt most of them were smart enough to be afraid of thee two clowns with firearms when as I stated before, they're incompetence is what makes them dangerous.

And the fact remains, had anyone been shot for tearing down a gate, the shooter would be in jail. THEN who is protecting your home? I'm all for making a stand. Wisely.

Black Diamond
06-30-2020, 12:16 PM
I am wondering if being cooped up so long is making us crazy.

06-30-2020, 12:18 PM
I am wondering if being cooped up so long is making us crazy.I don't know about the rest of you people I've been having my doubts about lately, but I was already this way :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2020, 01:02 PM
Let's go back to the beginning. Look at the pic you posted. I can't speak for anyone else, but Laurel and and Hardy's positioning, stances, body language, the way they are holding their weapons wouldn't scare me for a second. I would probably laugh at them.

First, I'm not in the business of breaking people's gates. If I was after something on that property, that gate would be hit by a one ton truck, 20 feet in the air, and I'd be on their porch before these cheesedicks got out of the house.

Second, I'm not coming out the front door and bunching up. I'm coming out the back or the side, and emerging on the opposite side as my partner. The enemy cannot focus on one person that way. The way they are? And holding their weapons like that? If killing them was my objective they'd be dead before they got a word out, and standing right out there with no cover, together? Easy pickin's.

But, killing them was NOT the objective. Idiots thinking they have a right to destroy other people's stuff while they're protesting something probably beyond the comprehension level of most was. I doubt most of them were smart enough to be afraid of thee two clowns with firearms when as I stated before, they're incompetence is what makes them dangerous.

And the fact remains, had anyone been shot for tearing down a gate, the shooter would be in jail. THEN who is protecting your home? I'm all for making a stand. Wisely.

The couple had no idea how to handle the situation.
Yet the one thing they did do correct was arming themselves.
As far as actually shooting any of the protesters that would be called for if and when they made a rush to lay hands on ...
At that point immediate life threatening can not be denied.
As my father told me back in 1968- if an unarmed man lays hands on you to fight- always consider it may end up as one of you being dead- fight accordingly because son I have seen that happen even over trivial stuff..
If you are alone and several men attack you- use any means available to start killing them.
For their superior numbers is oft worse than if one man had a weapon.
If a man is armed and gets the drop on you- you must decide immediately if fleeing is possible. If not, then do not fight unless absolutely forced to- as a bullet is always faster than you are. If able to talk it out and no fight occurs you must decide to either forget the incident or else later catch that man when he is unarmed and beat him unconscious. This is a general way to handle serious altercations.
When you are an adult, I advise you not to hang around bad places and bad men.
And wouldnt you know it--I later did just that for well over a decade. Kept company with bad people at wild, bad and dangerous places.
I am damn lucky to be alive(got the scars to prove it) and a damn lot of my friends never made it to 30...-Tyr

06-30-2020, 01:38 PM
The couple had no idea how to handle the situation.
Yet the one thing they did do correct was arming themselves.
As far as actually shooting any of the protesters that would be called for if and when they made a rush to lay hands on ...
At that point immediate life threatening can not be denied.
As my father told me back in 1968- if an unarmed man lays hands on you to fight- always consider it may end up as one of you being dead- fight accordingly because son I have seen that happen even over trivial stuff..
If you are alone and several men attack you- use any means available to start killing them.
For their superior numbers is oft worse than if one man had a weapon.
If a man is armed and gets the drop on you- you must decide immediately if fleeing is possible. If not, then do not fight unless absolutely forced to- as a bullet is always faster than you are. If able to talk it out and no fight occurs you must decide to either forget the incident or else later catch that man when he is unarmed and beat him unconscious. This is a general way to handle serious altercations.
When you are an adult, I advise you not to hang around bad places and bad men.
And wouldnt you know it--I later did just that for well over a decade. Kept company with bad people at wild, bad and dangerous places.
I am damn lucky to be alive(got the scars to prove it) and a damn lot of my friends never made it to 30...-TyrI don't disagree with defending themselves. I disagree with bumbling through not know how, and brandishing firearms like playground toddlers. Or black gang members.

If I walk out the door with an M-16 on my hip, barrel toward the sky, finger outside the trigger guard, thumb on the safety, staying near cover presenting as small a target as possible, and away from my partner, only a blind man would doubt I'm all business and know what I'm doing. THAT alone will stop a LOT of shit before it goes further.

Can you imagine if one of these two lily-white lawyers shot and hit an unarmed black person? Here we go again ...

I do not like irresponsible gun owners. That includes know how to use the weapon you choose. I'd rather they not have firearms. They give the rest of us a bad name and then among all the other fun things the left has lined up for us, we'll be defending the 2nd Amendment again. Last I checked, something has been caved on each time that has happened.

I'm not say don't own a gun, nor don't defend yourself. I'm saying know what you are doing.

06-30-2020, 01:51 PM
I believe the broken gate was to the community, not the individual residence.